Top 66 Soften Up Quotes

#1. No relationship is perfect, but if you soften up and allow yourselves to mold into one person, instead of two separate people sharing a home, you will find it much easier and more beautiful.
Be one and let no one tear you apart.

Marilyn Grey

Soften Up Quotes #663979
#2. I've been a tomboy my whole life. But then you get older, you get married, you soften up.

Mary J. Blige

Soften Up Quotes #1749227
#3. Scholl Velvet Smooth Express Pedi is just great. You get yourself in a hot bath to soften up your skin and then use this, and it really works. Plus, it's so easy to do, and you don't have to leave the house, so whenever you want to put sandals on, you don't have to worry about going to the salon.

Abbey Clancy

Soften Up Quotes #547023
#4. An acquaintance with the muses, in the education of youth, contributes not a little to soften manners. It gives a delicate turn to the imagination and a polish to the mind.

Samuel Richardson

Soften Up Quotes #404270
#5. They say compassion is the only voice; a gift which can help mend the broken, lift the fallen and soften the hardened.

Aisha Mirza

Soften Up Quotes #283842
#6. Poor Georgia O'Keeffe. Death didn't soften the opinions of the art world toward her paintings.

Jerry Saltz

Soften Up Quotes #401353
#7. Her profession did not fascinate him in the least, and he had no boyhood memories of tenderness or embarrassment to soften him toward the subtleties of her trade; when he looked at her, he saw only a catalogue of indiscretions.

Eleanor Catton

Soften Up Quotes #386807
#8. I'm not a traditional politician, and I have a sense of humor. I'll try to soften it and become boring, maybe even very boring, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to.

Silvio Berlusconi

Soften Up Quotes #361587
#9. Something amazing happens when we surrender and just love. We melt into another world, a realm of power already within us. The world changes when we change. the world softens when we soften. The world loves us when we choose to love the world.

Marianne Williamson

Soften Up Quotes #358065
#10. All great leaders find a sense of balance through their levels of reception. For instance, those who support a leader may soften him, those who ignore him may challenge him, and those who oppose him may stroke his ego.

Criss Jami

Soften Up Quotes #355082
#11. If it's painful, you become willing not just to endure it but also to let it awaken your heart and soften you. You learn to embrace it.

Pema Chodron

Soften Up Quotes #333690
#12. We all feel a separateness; we wish that a drop of water would soften our ego; the world needs a common conscience: agreement ... we must concentrate outside ourselves.

Mark Tobey

Soften Up Quotes #325263
#13. Jake had blond hair with a slight curl, smooth skin pulled loose across a square jaw, and the perfect amount of baby fat left on his 19-year old face to soften the cheeks beneath his kind green eyes.

Lexi Maxxwell

Soften Up Quotes #324053
#14. His ascent was slow - the blow to the head must have disoriented him worse than he let on - so I went behind, ready to catch him should he lose his balance. Well, I could soften his landing when he hit the floor. Maybe.

Jodi Meadows

Soften Up Quotes #322510
#15. Our friends don't see our faults, or conceal them, or soften them.

Joseph Addison

Soften Up Quotes #304479
#16. If daughters couldn't soften a man, then nothing would.

Linda Weaver Clarke

Soften Up Quotes #302673
#17. And the way it felt?" I whisper, as if that might soften the blow of embarrassment I'm about to deal. "Is that how you were feeling - how you feel - about me?"
A breeze comes off the ocean, and my skin feels strangely empty and open as he gives an almost imperceptible nod.

Elizabeth Norris

Soften Up Quotes #290261
#18. Soften my hard self-opinionatedness, which time has hardened so exceedingly!

Gertrude The Great

Soften Up Quotes #288389
#19. Soon, she and the rest of them would be ironic much of the time, unable to answer an innocent question without giving their words a snide little adjustment. Fairly soon after that, the snideness would soften, the irony would be mixed in with seriousness, and the years would shorten and fly.

Meg Wolitzer

Soften Up Quotes #1868815
#20. If Jesus is the heart of the church, people are the lifeblood. There is a reason He created community and told us to practice grace and love and camaraderie and presence. People soften the edges and fill in the gaps. Friends make up some of the best parts of the whole story.

Jen Hatmaker

Soften Up Quotes #418806
#21. I had to soften him up because, for whatever reason, all the Rock Chicks had an alternate Hot Bunch guy, Indy's was Eddie. Roxie's was Vance. Jules was Luke. Ava's was Lee. Mine was Mace.

Kristen Ashley

Soften Up Quotes #514515
#22. Let me tell you something: Never give up. God can soften the hardest heart. If you have been praying for a loved one for twenty years, do not stop! God will save people from sin; He will deliver them from bondage to drugs or alcohol. His love can melt a heart of stone - so, again, never give up!

Surprise Sithole

Soften Up Quotes #638937
#23. All memories soften with age, and the good ones are also the most perishable ( ... ) conjured up till they faded to nothing. Like cave paintings by candlelight, she could only glimpse them now in the dark from the corner of her eye.

Ann-Marie MacDonald

Soften Up Quotes #713866
#24. Ken has three kids. I have three kids. The first movie was basically the story of our lives. Every man is kind of a villain until he then has kids. And then, they soften us up.

Cinco Paul

Soften Up Quotes #781291
#25. Time doesn't really soften anything. Memories heave up, you know. Still sharp."
"Forgetting takes practice," says Enid. "You have to work at it.

Helen Humphreys

Soften Up Quotes #829865
#26. Ramming it up the middle only works if you soften the defenses up a little first, the coach said.

Constance Daley

Soften Up Quotes #982892
#27. Anna's eyes soften, and the stubborn tears begin to recede. The way she stands, the way she breathes, I know she wants to come closer. New knowledge fills up the air between us and neither of us wants to breathe it in.

Kendare Blake

Soften Up Quotes #1001131
#28. Writing can give you what having a baby can give you: it can get you to start paying attention, can help you to soften, can wake you up.

Anne Lamott

Soften Up Quotes #1194531
#29. Any commodity that sees its price going higher will see new mines opening up. When the supply increases, the prices soften. When prices fall, some mines with higher production costs will shut down as they become unviable.

Gautam Adani

Soften Up Quotes #1297287
#30. 'I'm sorry' won't fix what's been broken. It can't reverse time or undo the damage or change anything that happened. But a sincere, humble apology can serve to soften the sting and sometimes do a pretty good patch up job.

Richelle E. Goodrich

Soften Up Quotes #1367737
#31. Given to air alone, the cuts of this world burn. But when we dare to enter what is deep, the bruises we carry soften and glow. In truth, the more we accept our limitations and surrender to the depths below our woundedness, the more the vastness holds us up. There is no way to know this but to dive.

Mark Nepo

Soften Up Quotes #1389296
#32. Writers sometimes give up what is most strange and wonderful about their writing - soften their roughest edges - to accommodate themselves toward a group response.

Mary Oliver

Soften Up Quotes #1549298
#33. Love can soften people, I believe that. But in me, now, love riles up an anger, a red-hot rage that crawls on my skin, seeps into my blood and brings out the worst in me. That's why everyone I love is better off loving me from afar.

Cecelia Ahern

Soften Up Quotes #1672908
#34. Am I forgiven yet?" he asked, kissing her back. She snorted. "That wasn't you making it up to me. That was you using orgasms to soften me up so I'd more easily forgive you. Sometimes I wonder how you live with yourself." He

Suzanne Wright

Soften Up Quotes #1847880
#35. May you allow fear to soften and melt away.
May you release all regrets and resentments.

Charlene Costanzo

Soften Up Quotes #128980
#36. We 'can't' always 'cushion' our views..
'Soften' the stance..
'Straight Talk' involves least effort..
No 'beating about the bush'..
Say it as it is..
Ofcourse, stay ready to be unpopular!

Abha Maryada Banerjee

Soften Up Quotes #430
#37. Sometimes friendships go bad, she tells herself. Relationships soften and rot like old fruit. They have their time, and then they shrivel and grow putrid. She

Jennie Fields

Soften Up Quotes #22040
#38. Time does not act on memory to soften the edges, blur the details; if anything, it sharpens them. Emotions may lose their acid outlines, but not places and people, not if you wish to retain them.

Susan Moody

Soften Up Quotes #25097
#39. The world is full of tragedy; and sympathy, a little common sympathy, can do so much to soften the worst of grief. It is for the lack of that, that people despair and go down.

Mona Caird

Soften Up Quotes #48577
#40. If we can soften our hearts, and if we can access the pure and simple aspect of our nature, then we can regain the realization that everything we need is already inside us and anything is attainable.

Yehuda Berg

Soften Up Quotes #48710
#41. The true way to soften one's troubles is to solace those of others.

Francoise D'Aubigne, Marquise De Maintenon

Soften Up Quotes #61473
#42. I have so many priceless memories to embrace at that final moment that it will soften the blow. I know my friends will continue the fight, and they will ensure victory.

Karen Swart

Soften Up Quotes #63219
#43. Affliction hardens those whom it does not soften.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Soften Up Quotes #77834
#44. Even the word depression itself was the terminological product of an effort to soften the connotation of deep trouble. In the last century, the term crisis was normally employed. With time, however, this acquired the connotation of the misfortune it described.

John Kenneth Galbraith

Soften Up Quotes #80015
#45. Surely there is no road of effort so steep but a loving deed may soften its hardshness.

Helen Keller

Soften Up Quotes #88558
#46. when we sit with discomfort without trying to fix it, when we stay present to the pain of disapproval or betrayal and let it soften us, these are the times that we connect with bodhichitta. Tapping

Pema Chodron

Soften Up Quotes #96231
#47. We need to call sin what the Bible calls it and not soften it with modern expressions borrowed from our culture.

Jerry Bridges

Soften Up Quotes #109007
#48. Do not let your bachelor ways crystallize so that you can't soften them when you come to have a wife and a family of your own.

Rutherford B. Hayes

Soften Up Quotes #109288
#49. You're kind of blind, you know?" Puck whispered, smiling to soften his words. "I wouldn't defy Oberon for just anyone. But, for you ... " He leaned forward, touching his forehead to mine. "I'd come back from the dead for you.

Julie Kagawa

Soften Up Quotes #117083
#50. Now that everyone's shooting digital they want the anamorphic to soften the look. You know, to make it more filmic.

Jaume Collet-Serra

Soften Up Quotes #120628
#51. the liquor aiding the shorthand of my loneliness. It was strange that I could feel differently so easily, that there was a sure way to soften the crud of my own sadness.

Emma Cline

Soften Up Quotes #266383
#52. His slow smile didn't soften his hawkish features. You'll come to my bed. And you won't think it a waste of time.

Meljean Brook

Soften Up Quotes #135462
#53. Memories have ways of becoming independent of the reality they evoke. They can soften us against those we were deeply hurt by or they can make us resent those we once accepted and loved unconditionally.

Azar Nafisi

Soften Up Quotes #146336
#54. Stannis had never learned to soften his speech, to dissemble or flatter; he said what he thought, and those that did not like it could be damned.

George R R Martin

Soften Up Quotes #149240
#55. History was full of the bones of good men who'd followed bad orders in the hope that they could soften the blow. Oh, yes, there were worse things they could do, but most of them began right where they started following bad orders.

Terry Pratchett

Soften Up Quotes #157598
#56. The simple record of these three short years of active life has done more to regenerate and soften mankind than all the discourses of philosophers and all the exhortations of moralists.

William Edward Hartpole Lecky

Soften Up Quotes #162275
#57. Never throw away squeezed lemon, but keep them for the day by the sink. Then you can use them to remove fish, onion or garlic smells from your fingers. Or you can stick them on your elbows while you are reading a book, to soften and whiten your skin.

Jennifer Paterson

Soften Up Quotes #163812
#58. His discomfort seemed to soften her, for when he met her eyes again, they were kind.

Kim Edwards

Soften Up Quotes #164001
#59. In general, it is the people who are left behind stationary, who give way to low spirits at any parting; the travellers, however bitterly they may feel the separation, find something in the change of scene to soften regret in the very first hour of separation.

Elizabeth Gaskell

Soften Up Quotes #171499
#60. How can a man slap his wife 'in the name of Jesus'? You instructed him to do so! You think I didn't see your e-mail to him a week ago? 'Break her with your hands, then soften her with flowers.

Nnedi Okorafor

Soften Up Quotes #172977
#61. If you turn the heat down on the relationship, she will soften, the tension will lessen, and she will eventually inch closer to you. Don't go in for the hug until you achieve a handshake.

Amy Dickinson

Soften Up Quotes #180895
#62. Hardship is the hardest moment to soften the soul.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Soften Up Quotes #195340
#63. Blessed are you, who faced many adversities. You will be strengthen and soften.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Soften Up Quotes #229366
#64. Compassion practice is daring. It involves learning to relax and allow ourselves to move gently toward what scares us. The trick to doing this is to stay with emotional distress without tightening into aversion, to let fear soften us rather than harden into resistance.

Pema Chodron

Soften Up Quotes #243707
#65. Let go of the battle. Breathe quietly and let it be. Let your body relax and your heart soften. Open to whatever you experience without fighting.

Jack Kornfield

Soften Up Quotes #252791
#66. As long as I retain my feeling and my passion for Nature, I can partly soften or subdue my other passions and resist or endure those of others.

Lord Byron

Soften Up Quotes #258945

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