Top 88 Soft Night Quotes

#1. He combed his milk-white hair and crooned a tune to himself, clipped on his yellow chamois shoulder holster and stepped out into the soft night and his smooth car.
As he drove, he considered the stars. It would all be over in a flash.

Michael Moorcock

Soft Night Quotes #585659
#2. This was what was wonderful, standing alone in the big, soft night rewriting the past to make myself miss what had never been. Now that it was over, I could turn the past into anything I wanted.

Susanna Kaysen

Soft Night Quotes #243160
#3. I love cleansing my face in the mornings and at night using Bliss Foaming Facial Wash. It makes my skin feel soft, and the refreshing smell always wakes me up.

Bethany Mota

Soft Night Quotes #1409655
#4. There was a tiny silence, only the soft hum of the fluorescence. I thought of her in the cold ruined house, with night birds keening above her and rain gentle all around, dying of breathing

Tana French

Soft Night Quotes #879388
#5. Above me soft footsteps, the sound through the ceiling of a teenager haunted by a door to the night. My cousin Maybonne lights up a Salem, blows ghosts to the darkness, be it ever so humble, there's no place like home.

Lynda Barry

Soft Night Quotes #1373459
#6. but on this night
the universe is crawling
on skin soft with expectation
and I have untied silk rhymes
lifting the bluebird's cleavage
you might as well have caged it
between your colored doubts

Silva Zanoyan Merjanian

Soft Night Quotes #1320513
#7. All night, this soft rain from The distant past. No wonder I sometimes Waken as a child.

Ted Kooser

Soft Night Quotes #1314990
#8. Yet here, this night, you might repose with me, On green leaves pillowed: apples ripe have I, Soft chestnuts, and of curdled milk enow. And, see, the farm-roof chimneys smoke afar, And from the hills the shadows lengthening fall!


Soft Night Quotes #1314232
#9. An oil massage, a hot bath, a good night's sleep, soft smells and music and clothes with soft textures denote sensuality to me.

Padma Lakshmi

Soft Night Quotes #1306548
#10. The dusk had arrived on the wings of a night moth, silent and soft. The sky above me darkened to a deep, beautiful purple. Stars glowed high above, and below them, as if inspired by their light, tiny fireflies awoke and crawled from their shelter in the leaves.

Ilona Andrews

Soft Night Quotes #1272250
#11. We watch'd her breathing through the night, Her breathing soft and low, As in her breast the wave of life Kept heaving to and fro.

Thomas Hood

Soft Night Quotes #1216597
#12. Fading light means more than just the end of another day. Night is when terrible things emerge from their sleep and seek soft flesh and hot blood.

Jim Butcher

Soft Night Quotes #1136671
#13. After a moment I pushed my chair back and went over to the french windows. I opened the screens and stepped out on to the porch. The night was all around, soft and quiet. The white moonlight was cold and clear, like the justice we dream of but don't find.

Raymond Chandler

Soft Night Quotes #1129839
#14. The voice is deep and soft, not a sound so much as a feeling. It is storm and wind and leaves twisting in the night. It is roots sucking deep at the earth, and the pale, sightless creatures that live below the ground. But there's something wrong with this voice, something diseased at its core.

Sabaa Tahir

Soft Night Quotes #1106770
#15. Look,I'll pay you for a cup of coffee and the use of this-" she thumped a hand on the sofa and a soft plume of dust rose up "-thing for the night."
"I don't take in lodgers."
"And you'd probably kick a sick dog if he got in your way," she added evenly.

Nora Roberts

Soft Night Quotes #1083228
#16. Our first kiss was soft, sweet. A question on my lips. He tasted like the watermelon bubble gum he was always chewing, and the stolen summer night.

Jessi Kirby

Soft Night Quotes #1054014
#17. Then, as I stood in that English garden on the soft early summer night, I felt a surge of pure well-being engulf my whole body. I felt a shivering current of happiness and benevolence flow through me.

William Boyd

Soft Night Quotes #1047483
#18. Directly in front of him, holding on by a low branch, stood a naked brown baby who could just walk - as soft and as dimpled a little atom as ever came to a wolf's cave at night. He looked up into Father Wolf's face, and laughed.

Rudyard Kipling

Soft Night Quotes #1038429
#19. He walks the soft grass, wet with fresh rain, jeans slung low on his hips and shirt hanging open, still dripping from the fevered maelstrom that set fire to the night sky. Fury in his step and passion furrowing his brow...He is my perfect storm...

Virginia Alison

Soft Night Quotes #952361
#20. Nothing like a night of whoring to turn a man soft.

Mark Lawrence

Soft Night Quotes #920983
#21. Mandy loved the smell of a sunny day after a night of rain. The sun hit the orange puddles, the overgrown, soft, green grass on her lawn, and it beamed down through the orange steel mill smog, sending otherworldly, bizarre shadows across the concrete sidewalk.

Rebecca McNutt

Soft Night Quotes #906861
#22. It is worth noting that at this time, I had been doing Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live for two full seasons. I am not recognized by anyone. Well, I am recognized by the guy who refills the soft-serve ice cream machine by the pool, but not for being on TV, just for lingering.

Tina Fey

Soft Night Quotes #903842
#23. Loneliness is black coffee and late-night television; solitude is herb tea and soft music. Solitude, quality solitude, is an assertion of self-worth, because only in the stillness can we hear the truth of our own unique voices.

Pearl Cleage

Soft Night Quotes #900848
#24. And we, from within the sigh of the trees, and the soft moss underfoot, and the calling of night birds, watched him as he watched, gazing where he should not.

Emmanuelle De Maupassant

Soft Night Quotes #1878750
#25. Once upon a perfect night, unclouded and still, there came the face of a pale and beautiful lady. The tresses of her hair reached out to make the constellations, and the dewy vapours of her gown fell soft upon the land.

Kit Williams

Soft Night Quotes #1665864
#26. To stutter through it with you or even stop stuttering and say nothing, was so lucky and soft, better talk than mile-a-minute with anyone. After a few minutes we'd stop rattling, we'd adjust, we'd settle in, and the conversation would speed into the night.

Daniel Handler

Soft Night Quotes #1868502
#27. Inner guidance is heard like soft music in the night by those who have learned to listen.

Vernon Howard

Soft Night Quotes #1845018
#28. Could've come like a mighty storm. With all the strength of a hurricane. You could've come like a forest fire with the power of Heaven in Your flame. But You came like a winter snow, quiet and soft and slow. Falling from the sky in the night to the earth below.

Chris Tomlin

Soft Night Quotes #1838747
#29. Listen, my dear-- with soft step the night hears.

Charles Baudelaire

Soft Night Quotes #1836065
#30. Heavens, how charming it is! There is now in the sky only the soft vaporous color of pale citron - the last reflection of the sun which plunges into the dark blue of the night, going from green tones to a pale turquoise of an unheard-of fineness and a fluid delicacy quite indescribable ...

Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot

Soft Night Quotes #1801502
#31. And then, at night, the lit lamp and the drawn curtain, with the flutter of the turned page and soft scrape of pen on paper the only sounds to break the silence between quarter- and quarter-chime.

Dorothy L. Sayers

Soft Night Quotes #1796524
#32. There is a special charm to journeys undertaken before daybreak in hot lands: the air is soft and cool and the coming of dawn reveals a landscape fresh from the night dew.

Aung San Suu Kyi

Soft Night Quotes #1793981
#33. Now winter downs the dying of the year,
And night is all a settlement of snow;
From the soft street the rooms of houses show
A gathered light, a shapen atmosphere,
Like frozen-over lakes whose ice is thin
And still allows some stirring down within.

Richard Wilbur

Soft Night Quotes #1784444
#34. When night comes, something speaks
from that soft, fragrant wilderness.
It says, the heart is not a door. But it opens.
We feel in the dark for the hinge.

Carole Glasser Langille

Soft Night Quotes #1698239
#35. Sheets, towels and blankets surrounded Travis. He had fashioned a soft pallet to sleep on while I expelled the fifteen shots of tequila I'd consumed the night before. Travis had held my hair out of the toilet, and sat with me all night.

Jamie McGuire

Soft Night Quotes #1688110
#36. And the night was comfortably warm as the soft filtered light continued to push the darkness into the shadows as they held each other and kissed and pushed each others darkness into the corner, believing in each others light, each others dream.

Hubert Selby Jr.

Soft Night Quotes #1424426
#37. There was a warm breeze blowing in the car as they passed the mansions in the Garden District and they could smell the sweet aroma of the night-blooming jasmine. Soft light fell on the neutral ground along the streetcar tracks.

Hunter Murphy

Soft Night Quotes #1617835
#38. I know that some night
in some bedroom
my fingers will
soft clean

songs such as no radio

all sadness, grinning
into flow.

Charles Bukowski

Soft Night Quotes #1598330
#39. And there shall be for thee all soft delight
That shadowy thought can win,
A bright torch, and a casement ope at night,
To let the warm Love in!

John Keats

Soft Night Quotes #1583968
#40. When Hamid dropped Lata off at her house at nine that night, he felt hollow. The touch of her soft body was sheared from him like bark from a tree, and he spent the entire night tossing and turning.

Saadat Hasan Manto

Soft Night Quotes #1564719
#41. Under the harvest moon,
When the soft silver
Drips shimmering
Over the garden nights,
Death, the gray mocker,
Comes and whispers to you
As a beautiful friend
Who remembers.

Carl Sandburg

Soft Night Quotes #1564335
#42. She glanced upwards for a second at the soft blue vault of the midsummer night sky. Not a cloud misted its solemn depths. Tomorrow would be a beautiful day.

Stella Gibbons

Soft Night Quotes #1550932
#43. The world was held in a savage gloom - cold and intolerable. Outside, all was quiet - quiet! From the dark room behind me, came the occasional, soft thud of falling matter - fragments of rotting stone. So time passed, and night grasped the world, wrapping it in wrappings of impenetrable blackness.

William Hope Hodgson

Soft Night Quotes #1543659
#44. How is it you've never married?" A soft splash. "It's an easy enough thing. Every morning I wake up, go about my day, and return to bed at night without having recited marriage vows. After several years, I have the trick of it down.

Tessa Dare

Soft Night Quotes #1532358
#45. What is this thing called a kiss? French, tongue, soul, chaste, motherly, fatherly, brotherly, sisterly, ass, genital, Judas, trembling, rough, hesitant, sweet, soft, wet, dying, fevered, good-night, farewell, burning, and chocolate.

Gilbert Sorrentino

Soft Night Quotes #1463296
#46. She saw night lights in the rooms of the babies who dreamed soft seersucker dreams, drugged happy with the heat, their pink baby bodies curled against worn out cotton, not fearing Hitler yet, their strong, tiny hearts beating in unison with the trees and the creeks and the bayou

Rebecca Wells

Soft Night Quotes #267753
#47. Three o'clock in the morning. The soft April night is looking at my windows and caressingly winking at me with its stars. I can't sleep, I am so happy.

Anton Chekhov

Soft Night Quotes #549929
#48. (The raindrops) played across the coast all through the night, until the soft new day shrugged itself awake, tried on amethyst and lavender for a while, and finally decided on pale yellow.

Gary D. Schmidt

Soft Night Quotes #538000
#49. I don't even remember what happy felt like. I think it probably felt like that night I got really drunk with James. Soft and fuzzy, everything spinning and out of focus.

Kiersten White

Soft Night Quotes #499701
#50. When night falls over Washington, D.C., memorials, public buildings, and broad avenues become ethereal shapes in soft light and shadow. Floodlights, piercing the darkness, etch familiar landmarks in silver against a velvet sky. Unsuspected definition of form and contour is revealed.

Volkmar Wentzel

Soft Night Quotes #460873
#51. Poetry is like an unexpected noise in the night: the creak of a door, a footstep on the porch, the soft scuffle of a moth against the screen, which rouses every sense to an instant alert. So comes poetry to the drowsy mind, which startles a moment, wonders, and returns to sleep.

Christopher Morley

Soft Night Quotes #455671
#52. Come to me in the silence of the night,
Come to me in the speaking silence of a dream.
Come with soft rounded cheeks and eyes as bright as sunlight on a stream.
Come back in tears,
O memory, hope, love of finished years.

Christina Rossetti

Soft Night Quotes #389517
#53. I am lost in the embrace of a soft summer night, surrendering to its ecstasy while the voyeuristic fireflies wink knowingly.

Patricia Robin Woodruff

Soft Night Quotes #319370
#54. The boy may wrestle, when Night
working Fancy steals him to the arms Of nymph oft wish'd awake, and, 'mid the rage Of the soft tumult, ev'ry turgid cell Spontaneous disembogues its lucid store, Bland and of azure tinct.

John Armstrong

Soft Night Quotes #311342
#55. The summer day was spoiled with fitful storm; At night the wind died and the soft rain dropped; With lulling murmur, and the air was warm, And all the tumult and the trouble stopped.

Celia Thaxter

Soft Night Quotes #302310
#56. Night calls to the sandhills and gathers them under her. She pushes away cities because their sharp lights hurt her soft breast. Even candles make a sore place when they stick in the night.

Lola Ridge

Soft Night Quotes #270559
#57. The goblins want girls who dream so hard about being pretty their yearning leaves a palpable trail, a scent goblins can follow like sharks on a soft bloom of blood. The girls with hungry eyes who pray each night to wake up as someone else. Urgent, unkissed, wishful girls. Like Kizzy.

Laini Taylor

Soft Night Quotes #550785
#58. Love, unconquerable, Waster of rich men, keeper Of warm lights and all-night vigil In the soft face of a girl: Sea-wanderer, forest-visitor! Even the pure immortals cannot escape you, And mortal man, in his one day's dusk, Trembles before your glory.


Soft Night Quotes #255089
#59. Was this perhaps life, then? - to have loved one summer in youth and not to have been aware of it until it was over, some sea-wet footprints on the floor and sand in the prints, the fragrance of a woman, soft loving lips in the dusk of a summer night, sea birds; and then nothing more; gone.

Halldor Laxness

Soft Night Quotes #230151
#60. And I watered it in fears,
Night and morning with my tears;
And I sunned it with smiles,
And with soft deceitful wiles.

William Blake

Soft Night Quotes #224191
#61. A city sparkles in the night
How can it glow so bright?
The neighborhoods surround the soft florescent light
Designer skyline in my head
Abstract and still well-read
You went from numbered lines to buildings overhead

Owl City

Soft Night Quotes #165993
#62. I came from a Halloween-friendly home. My dad, Spencer, was a U.S. Marine captain. But when it came to Halloween, my dad had a soft spot. He would take his three sons and friends on escapades on Halloween night.

Bill Moseley

Soft Night Quotes #161527
#63. The night is dark, the waters deep,
Yet soft the billows roll;
Alas! at every breeze I weep
The storm is in my soul.

Helen Maria Williams

Soft Night Quotes #133329
#64. Go for a short walk in a soft rain - lovely - so many wild flowers startling me through the woods and a lawn sprinkled with dandelions, like a night with stars. And through it all the sound of soft rain like the sound of innumerable earthworms stirring in the ground.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Soft Night Quotes #80440
#65. So I woke, I listened, and I heard the small sounds of a wood at night, the things moving, the claws in the dead leaves, the wind's soft sighs.

Bernard Cornwell

Soft Night Quotes #37253
#66. My room was in one of those turrets and at night I could hear the sea and the faint rustle of eelgrass in the soft wind. The weather was perfect that summer. No storms. Blue skies and just the right amount of wind every day. The sailors were in heaven.

Katherine Hall Page

Soft Night Quotes #20266
#67. The thundering line of battle stands, And in the air Death moans and sings: But Day shall clasp him with strong hands, And Night shall fold him in soft wings.

Julian Grenfell

Soft Night Quotes #14358
#68. I want to soothe him, want to stroke his cheek and run my fingers through his hair. I want to pull his head to my breast and whisper soft words, and I want to make love to him slowly and sweetly until the shadows of the night are gone and the morning light bathes us in color.

J. Kenner

Soft Night Quotes #698014
#69. As he'd slept one night, suffering from some nightmare, she'd gazed down at him with tenderness. Her chest had ached with feeling for him - as his continued to do for her. She'd smoothed hair from his brow, soothing him with soft words.

Kresley Cole

Soft Night Quotes #874575
#70. I wait until her breathing is soft and even against me before I let myself drift off to sleep, like I've been doing every night for the past few weeks. Slowly, everything in my life is turning into putting her first, and I'm not going to fight it.

Carian Cole

Soft Night Quotes #840137
#71. It was always late at night, when everything and everyone else was quiet, that those voices would rise like ghosts, soft and haunting, filling your mind until sleep finally came.

Sarah Dessen

Soft Night Quotes #830069
#72. The soft wool blend of his sweater felt itchy compared to his skin.
Even though we'd been together all night, I couldn't get over the
feel of him, his taste, that potent, delicious smell of his neck. I was
higher than a fan at a Bob Marley concert.

Ophelia London

Soft Night Quotes #778782
#73. And the images vanish
like soft clouds up high,
transforming the colors of my rainbow
into the dark loneliness of my night.

Andrea Barbosa

Soft Night Quotes #768880
#74. As a kid, I was only allowed to watch a certain amount of television. But once I was old enough to own my own TV, I would stay up until 4:00 A.M. watching Home Shopping Network night after night. Soft-spoken women talked about the jewelry in very detailed, intricate, precious ways, and I loved it.

Andrea Seigel

Soft Night Quotes #756801
#75. Night from a railroad car window
is a great, dark, soft thing
Broken across with slashes of light.

Carl Sandburg

Soft Night Quotes #751173
#76. The night you gave me my birthday party ... you were a young Lieutenant and I was a fragrant phantom, wasn't I? And it was a radiant night, a night of soft conspiracy and the trees agreed that it was all going to be for the best.

Zelda Fitzgerald

Soft Night Quotes #744498
#77. And all the while the burning lime Eats flesh and bone away, It eats the brittle bone by night, And the soft flesh by day, It eats the flesh and bone by turns, But it eats the heart alway.

Oscar Wilde

Soft Night Quotes #742898
#78. The setting sun had turned the blue sky a brilliant orange, then soft pink merging to pearl; the plum velvet of night had come out of the east, spangled with stars.

Paul Gallico

Soft Night Quotes #737869
#79. And for the rest of the night, he couldn't quite forget the smell of her perfume. Or maybe it was the soft sound of her chuckle. Or maybe it was neither of those things. Maybe it was just her.

Julia Quinn

Soft Night Quotes #876130
#80. That night she dreamed of the deer. Strangely, the animal was holding her. She cuddled close into the soft fur and touched and kissed it gently. In the morning her pillow was wet with tears.

Julie Andrews Edwards

Soft Night Quotes #660557
#81. I will spend anything on the best sheets in the world because I am going to be in them every night. I like them white and crazy soft.

Amy Landecker

Soft Night Quotes #657254
#82. It's hard to believe she's the same girl from Taco Bell. Beth was hard and shut down that night. The girl on my bed is open and soft.

Katie McGarry

Soft Night Quotes #640716
#83. In soft deluding lies let fools delight. A shadow marks our days, which end in Night.

Hilaire Belloc

Soft Night Quotes #618209
#84. How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank
Here we will sit, and let the sounds of music
Creep in our ears; soft stillness, and the night
Become the touches of sweet harmony

William Shakespeare

Soft Night Quotes #616256
#85. Diego thought about the night before, about the first breaths of morning chasing them from that old abandoned building, his arms twisted around her waist, finger's trembling against the soft skin of her hip as they stood within the ruins of a war Liliana would never understand.

Laekan Zea Kemp

Soft Night Quotes #587585
#86. The sound of her laughter was sticky as sap, the smell of night-blooming jasmine soft as a milk bath.

Janet Fitch

Soft Night Quotes #585894
#87. There were fireworks the very first night, things that you should be afraid of perhaps, for they might remind you of other more horrible things, but these were beautiful, rockets that ascended into the ancient soft air of Mexico and shook the stars apart in blue and white fragments.

Ray Bradbury

Soft Night Quotes #585038
#88. Success is meaningless if you can't sleep at night because of harsh things said, petty secrets sharpened against hard and stony regret, just waiting to be plunged into the soft underbelly of a 'friendship.'

Margaret Cho

Soft Night Quotes #554746

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