Top 100 Silverman Quotes

#1. People are always introducing me as Sarah Silverman, Jewish comedienne. I hate that! I wish people would see me for who I really am - I'm white!

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #213108
#2. I had written for Jimmy Kimmel and Sarah Silverman in the past. Jimmy had a different voice, and different priorities. He couldn't be the bad guy in the joke; he couldn't upset people, really.

Anthony Jeselnik

Silverman Quotes #274802
#3. We're all idealists," said Lord Silverman, smoothing over the conflict like a good host. "That's why we're in politics. People without ideals don't bother. But we have to confront the realities of elections and public opinion.

Ken Follett

Silverman Quotes #442528
#4. One thing about writing 'The Sarah Silverman Program' was the concern that I don't give myself the best story, you know what I mean?

Brian Posehn

Silverman Quotes #535557
#5. I've had more people come up to me about 'Saving Silverman' than anything else. That and 'That Thing You Do!' But 'Saving Silverman' is the one I get most often. And I love that.

Steve Zahn

Silverman Quotes #663175
#6. Although once when we were talking after class, Herr Silverman told me that when someone rises up and holds himself to a higher standard, even when doing so benefits others, average people resent it, mostly because they're not strong enough to do the same.

Matthew Quick

Silverman Quotes #707651
#7. That's basically the mantra of Herr Silverman's teaching - think for yourself and do what's right for you, but let others do the same.

Matthew Quick

Silverman Quotes #1468085
#8. Put me up against Sarah Silverman and I could take her.

Joan Rivers

Silverman Quotes #1832073
#9. I'm wildly different than Maria Bamford or Sarah Silverman, and might be more similar to some male comics.

Jen Kirkman

Silverman Quotes #1877120
#10. I dress normal because I want people to treat me regular. And their brains explode. It's really fun.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #1175
#11. I like to think of myself as 'hot-larious' I'm cute, but I'm totally approachable.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #1875
#12. The morning, when I need to have opinions and answers across the board very quickly, is a constant fight between ease and inspiration, what will make our lives easier versus what will make us excited because we were ambitious.

Allison Silverman

Silverman Quotes #11951
#13. I'm sympathetic to the nuns' violent impulses. I mean, if I'd given up sex to devote myself to a man who I had to just trust loved me, despite never being physically around to prove it, I'd probably be smacking little children too.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #12189
#14. I will always try to be happy. I don't think people really understand the value of happiness until they know what it's like to be in that very, very dark place. It's not romantic. Not even a little.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #16415
#15. In high school, I was performing "forensics." You take a section of a play and portray all the characters. I even went to camp for forensics.

Allison Silverman

Silverman Quotes #16739
#16. I talk to friends who get their feelings hurt when they read Twitter mentions. I have an amazing solution - don't read Twitter mentions.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #17800
#17. She loved dogs, New York, television, children, friendship, sex, laughing, heartbreaking songs, marijuana, farts, and cuddling.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #34013
#18. I do not believe that the way paint is applied should be more important than what is portrayed.

Burton Silverman

Silverman Quotes #39933
#19. People who call themselves divas ... you are not a diva. I'm pretty sure you're a cunt.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #44326
#20. When you're a bed wetter there's only one group of people you can feel better than, bed shitters, and unfortunately they're hard to come by.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #44434
#21. Comics who grew up surviving their childhood by being able to be the first one to make the joke about their weight or their hairy arms - like me - whatever they're insecure about, whatever they're apologizing for, that becomes their strength.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #45929
#22. Look at the people who are kind of the funniest cultures, they're the cultures of the people who have been the most oppressed, black people and Jews. Not that they're the only funny people, but culturally, it comes from the pain, you know?

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #46803
#23. The audience works as such a mob. They either all laugh or all don't laugh, and, you know, changes from audience to audience.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #55484
#24. I happen to think that there are already tons of perfectly good babies out there already born.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #62210
#25. When I came out to L. A., I got a part in an episode of 'Star Trek: Voyager,' and I hired an acting coach.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #65068
#26. Men like to squash you. I just want someone who's happy with himself, happy with his life. He doesn't have to squash mine.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #67390
#27. I remember my first standup act when I was seventeen; I did a really lame song about being flat chested. I was doing it in New York, and I remember Kevin Brennan, the guy I lost my virginity to, was like "That song doesn't make sense, you have tits."

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #84865
#28. I thought how unpleasant it is to be locked out; and I thought how it is worse, perhaps, to be locked in.

Virginia Woolf

Silverman Quotes #85361
#29. I am not your victim because you are not a predator any more than a bottle of scotch stalks an alcoholic.

Sue William Silverman

Silverman Quotes #98011
#30. But I think you can make fun of anything as long as it's funny enough.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #100878
#31. There's something satisfying about going faster than you can on the legs you were born with.

Laura Silverman

Silverman Quotes #103633
#32. I don't want to make any judgments, and I don't want to preach, but I'm hoping that marriage can work: that when people do fall in love, when people do find their soul mate, everyone sticks to it. It has the potential to be a very powerful thing, marriage.

Jonathan Silverman

Silverman Quotes #105579
#33. Jews are the most liberal, scrappy, civil-rightsy people there are.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #108979
#34. I was a bedwetter until I was about 15, and it was humiliating.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #113133
#35. The thing about depression is that, if you're not the one who's actually suffering from it, there's very little you can do to be proactive. If someone in your family is depressed, all you can really do is send them to the shrink, get them their meds, be gentle, and wait.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #126516
#36. If you decide to do comedy that involves risk, risk means risk, and you can't complain of flesh wounds if you sit down at the table to play.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #131432
#37. A lot of gifted kids are angels who are on this earth with responsibilities to help others.

Linda Kreger Silverman

Silverman Quotes #133171
#38. When you're a comic, it's like being born gay. It's what you want to do every night when your other friends are out at night going to parties.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #134605
#39. This is AIDS. AIDS is as real as an egg.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #151523
#40. Atheism is an effect of that knowledge [a poll showed atheists knew more about religion than anyone else], not a lack of knowledge. I gave a bible to my daughter. That is how you make atheists.

David Silverman

Silverman Quotes #156940
#41. I am stuck with my passion for the objective world, for the constantly shifting shades of meaning to the events of my life, to the states of being of the people I paint, and to the persistent need to get it right.

Burton Silverman

Silverman Quotes #183985
#42. Alas, it is just a single image - an extended moment perhaps. Unlike a biography, a portrait cannot present the many differing moments that make up a personality.

Burton Silverman

Silverman Quotes #184374
#43. I started out in clubs, and I've always liked clubs. I like theaters because people are there for the show.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #186069
#44. Making my family laugh when I was little - it became an addiction. It was a kind of survival.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #188074
#45. When I was three, my dad thought it would be hilarious to teach me swear words, then have me say them to his friends. They would laugh and laugh. I realize now the laugh was pure shock value, but it felt really good, and I've been chasing it ever since.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #206999
#46. If you are truly offended by an 80-year-old man saying you're not funny, then you're probably not funny.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #228989
#47. What are the chances there is a God, really?

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #229852
#48. In the big picture, life has a gap in it. It just does. You don't go crazy trying to fill it.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #229866
#49. I think Jews tend to hold me in fairly high regard.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #241362
#50. The original 'Caddyshack' with Chevy Chase and Bill Murray is one of the best comedies ever made.

Jonathan Silverman

Silverman Quotes #243598
#51. There are so many great comedies, right now. I like how comedies are really mixing. They're not just one thing. It can be very moving and dramatic, and yet hilarious.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #250843
#52. Growing up, I always loved Disney movies, but the first movie I remember seeing is 'Sleepers,' so I wasn't really taken to children's movies.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #253284
#53. I am wedded to who I am.

Burton Silverman

Silverman Quotes #253582
#54. I can see myself adopting. I'm not in a rush to do it. I'm 39, I know, but I do love kids, and I'm very good - I've got a lot of really good moves.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #259635
#55. The anxiety of being in Heather's stuff was stress-gravy on an already terror-filled plate.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #277810
#56. If you take a shower with your boyfriend, I guarantee by the time you step out of that shower, your breasts will be sparkling clean.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #278911
#57. They've got great parents; I'm just trying to be the fun uncle.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #305199
#58. I looked up at this train car full of strangers, and my heart soared. In New Hampshire, I'd always felt like a goat among sheep; until I got to New York it had never occurred to me that there could be a place filled with other goats.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #313927
#59. I'm very lucky in that I still experience highs and lows and I think those lows are important, but I am not totally paralyzed and it keeps me from just complete state of paralysis emotionally and almost physically.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #315872
#60. I like my life alone. I mean, I love being with friends, and I love kissing and loving someone to pieces. But it's hard to find someone who doesn't ultimately start judging you and your choices.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #317021
#61. I don't set out to offend or shock, but I also don't do anything to avoid it.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #333232
#62. Drew Friedman isn't just a brilliant artist. He takes you to a place. He takes you back in time. He makes you smell the stale cigarettes and cold brisket and you say, thank you for the pleasure.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #333611
#63. I'm all sentimental. I've probably been ruined by romantic movies, but I really do believe in love. I've experienced it, I've had it, so I know it's real.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #336522
#64. I mean, I talk about being Jewish a lot. It's funny because I do think of myself as Jewish ethnically, but I'm not religious at all. I have no religion.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #336738
#65. The real reason people oppose marriage equality is religious in nature. Marriage equality is therefore not only a civil rights issue, but also a separation-of-church-and-state issue.

David Silverman

Silverman Quotes #348433
#66. I just look like a transvestite when I try to dress up. There's no place to hide my balls.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #363960
#67. I have a ton of Holocaust stuff, and some of it is really hard core.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #365397
#68. Unvisited tombstones, unread diaries, and erased video game high-score rankings are three of the most potent symbols of mankind's pathetic and fruitless attempts at immortality.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #378994
#69. I was paralyzed with fear. It was unbearable to be among other kids who were just standing around being fine. It was one of the many inconveniences of this paradox I lived with -the more people I was surrounded by, the more frighteningly alone I felt.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #385731
#70. If I were somebody else looking at my character, I'd be like, "She's beautiful." I'm practicing. I'm not succeeding.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #387063
#71. I don't really care for, like, fat jokes about women, specifically.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #387929
#72. We do not see everything in the environment in the complete, totally resolved, explicit character of the photograph. We, in fact, prioritize our seeing.

Burton Silverman

Silverman Quotes #395254
#73. Also, I learned whether you are gay, bisexual, it doesn't matter, you know ... because, at the end of the day, they're both gross. But mostly, I learned that elderly black women are wise beyond their years ... but younger black women are prostitutes.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #401075
#74. Strippers should be role-models for little girls. If only for the fact that they wax their assholes.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #404746
#75. I gave him a compliment! All right, I told him he probably would've made, like, a really expensive slave in the, like, in the olden-timey days.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #410187
#76. If you sell the Vatican and you take that money and you use it to feed every single human being on the planet, you will get cah-azy pussy. All the pussy. I don't mean literally. That might not be your cup of tea. I don't know what your version of 'all the pussy' is. But you'll get all the pussy.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #418974
#77. My dad loves to be talked about, good or bad. He just loves it. He's not even hearing the content, he's just hearing him. When I'm onstage, he's looking at the audience members and can't believe that there are strangers listening to me, and he's just delighted by the whole thing.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #421811
#78. I learned that people in wheelchairs are allowed to have marathons ... which, to me, seems like cheating, but what are you gonna say?

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #429561
#79. It fills me with a weird rage to wear shoes that make me not able to walk easily or run if I had to. It feeds into this whole 'war on women' thing in my head.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #431262
#80. I don't wanna be labeled as straight or labeled as gay. I just want people to look at me and see me as white.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #439336
#81. My dad was a bedwetter; I think his dad was a bedwetter. I like to talk about it because it's something that I thought would be my deepest, darkest secret my whole life, and then you become an adult, and it's not.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #442504
#82. I enjoy the last quarter of all basketball games.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #445423
#83. I'm a native of L.A. I've seen the city change and develop over time, and I still believe there's no place like home.

Jonathan Silverman

Silverman Quotes #448274
#84. I'm a very ritualistic person. I have to wash my face twice, and on the second wash before I rinse, I brush my teeth, then I rinse, then I floss, then I put on moisturizer. I'm ritualistic. Jewishness is very ritualistic.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #455332
#85. Nothing seems crazy when you're used to it.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #456147
#86. I can't cater to everyone's needs and what they're going to be offended by; that's one freedom I have.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #466569
#87. I can only speak from my own experience, and I would say that the depression I experienced feels like a chemical change. When it came over me, when it comes over me, it feels like it's coming over me like a flu.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #478478
#88. I am Jewish and proud of this culturally and ethnically - the ways in which I was born this way and am happy with whom I am.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #484921
#89. Writing is just my first love. And I still have some issues with telling people what to do.

Allison Silverman

Silverman Quotes #487199
#90. Mommy is one of the chosen people ... and daddy believes that Jesus is magic!

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #497414
#91. I am diagnosed with not having enough insanely-addictive drugs coursing through my body.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #497518
#92. I commend you on all you've done for PETA, wrestling the one-eyed trouser snake with your bare hands, gently cuddling it in your arms, and nurturing it back to health.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #501058
#93. If she did bitch-slap me, I'd bitch-slap her right back, but I resented the word bitch and all its familiar forms, as it was degrading to women and dogs everywhere.

G.G. Silverman

Silverman Quotes #511062
#94. People can't help what topics cut them deep. It all depends on who's inferring - and what the contexts of their lives are at the time.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #512229
#95. This is what my high school life had become - a horror show of epic, mind-fuck proportions.

G.G. Silverman

Silverman Quotes #519232
#96. I think I've been called edgy - but in all honesty, there is a safety in what I do because I'm always the idiot. Unless you're just listening to buzz words and not taking into account the context of the situation, you see I'm always the ignoramus.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #530188
#97. Independent labels take nothing and make something out of it. Major labels buy that something, and try to make more out of it.

Tom Silverman

Silverman Quotes #554660
#98. I never want to be in a position where I have to defend my material. It's too subjective. It's for other people to defend or not defend.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #563296
#99. I think fake boobs have done great things for real boobs. I think people finally appreciate real boobs. People like real boobs. I do. I also enjoy the fact that they are life-nourishers.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #564102
#100. We don't live in a democracy; we live in a hypocrisy.

Sarah Silverman

Silverman Quotes #566325

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