Top 100 Search'd Quotes

#1. The dances ended, all the fairy train For pinks and daisies search'd the flow'ry plain.

Alexander Pope

Search'd Quotes #1448858
#2. I'd be like, alright, I don't know anything about sales. So I would search for sales on Amazon, get the three top-rated books and just go at it. I did that for marketing, finance, product, engineering. If there was one thing that was really important for me, that was it.

Drew Houston

Search'd Quotes #1326157
#3. Looking back, I now realize that I left home in search of all the things that were right in the very place I left.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Search'd Quotes #1333161
#4. I've been religiously reading the O. Henry Prize anthologies every year since college, when I first began trying to write stories. Many of the authors whose work I cherish the most were people I first learned about through The O. Henry Prize Stories - and then I'd go search for their books.

Molly Antopol

Search'd Quotes #1319015
#5. You are my Fantasy in D minor, my ending from my search of happiness

Novellina A.

Search'd Quotes #1308549
#6. I had just turned 28 and sold my first book, a travel guide for vegetarians, but I'd tell people about the day job that I didn't care about instead - I placed banner advertisements on the web for a search engine company.

James Bernard Frost

Search'd Quotes #1301531
#7. I have diligently disciplined my life to search out life's gifts in the very places where society mistakenly says life stores its scraps. And I am constantly amazed that in the treasure trove that surrounds me, I stand in the company of so few.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Search'd Quotes #1299795
#8. If we'd never met, I think I would have known my life wasn't complete. And I would have wandered the world in search of you, even if I didn't know who I was looking for.

Nicholas Sparks

Search'd Quotes #1250181
#9. In other words, I'd say the whole story of Bob Dylan is one man's search for God. The turns and the steps he takes to find God are his business. I think he went to a study group at the Vineyard, and it created a lot of excitement.

T Bone Burnett

Search'd Quotes #1230172
#10. The search for power is not made for the achievement of moral values; moral values are used to facilitate the attainment of power.

Robert D. Kaplan

Search'd Quotes #1142658
#11. The internet was supposed to make this whole business of job searching rational and simple. You could post your resume and companies would search them and they'd find you. It doesn't seem to work that way. There aren't enough jobs for experienced, college educated managers and professionals.

Barbara Ehrenreich

Search'd Quotes #1140411
#12. I'd been staring at the search term for at least five minutes. One
word. Necromancer.

Kelley Armstrong

Search'd Quotes #1120742
#13. I helped with customers who raced through the front door in a mad search for the perfect gift. One that looked as if they'd put hours of thought into their choice. And yes, you're right. They were mostly men.
Abby Shaw, Sucker Punched

Sammi Carter

Search'd Quotes #1119497
#14. Safety is not a destination that we reach for, rather it is a retreat that we escape to. And if our lives are marked by the incessant search for safety, we will live the whole of it going in reverse.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Search'd Quotes #1083077
#15. If my ex-husband could move on, I could, too. I would search for my gardener, someone who would help me to grow and bloom, but who would recognize the fragility of a new flower just starting to poke out of the ground.
If I was lucky, he'd have a long cultivator.

Tracy H. Tucker

Search'd Quotes #1073512
#16. As I turned to leave, I looked down. Beside my foot, a sprout of greenery was clawing its way through the pristine nothingness to begin anew. It was later that I realized my haven had sent me a message, and it had shown me that nothing is ever completely lost, unless you cease searching.

J.D. Stroube

Search'd Quotes #1045006
#17. I'd rather have a search engine or a compiler on a deserted island than a game.

John Carmack

Search'd Quotes #1041739
#18. Stability of heart - commitment to the life of the soul, faithfulness to the community, perseverance in the search for God - is the mooring that holds us fast when the night of the soul is at its deepest dark, and the noontime sun sears the spirit. When

Joan D. Chittister

Search'd Quotes #1037429
#19. The sacred, I shall say, is that which acts as your partner in the search for the highest and deepest things: the real, the true, the good, and the beautiful. The name I'd like to give to the kind of relationship that gives us a chance to find such things is a 'circle of meaning.'

Brendan Myers

Search'd Quotes #1035510
#20. Don't let the sun go down on me
Although I search myself, it's always someone else I see
I'd just allow a fragment of your life to wander free
But losing everything is like the sun going down on me

George Michael

Search'd Quotes #1017788
#21. My vision when we started Google 15 years ago was that eventually you wouldn't have to have a search query at all. You'd just have information come to you as you needed it. And [Google Glass] is now, 15 years later, sort of the first form factor that I think can deliver that vision.

Sergey Brin

Search'd Quotes #994515
#22. I'm predicting that we'll finally have a computer will search my e-mail automatically and delete every message that begins with 'thought you'd be interested,' and then give an electrical shock to the sender to remind him or her to stop send that kind of message.

Scott Adams

Search'd Quotes #993678
#23. Come right out and say you want it: It's been great hearing you talk about the position. I'd love to work here, and I think I could do a terrific job for you.

Kate White

Search'd Quotes #936760
#24. I'd rather have a good food - lots and lots of different varieties of good foods - than search for something perfect.

Bee Wilson

Search'd Quotes #932883
#25. When I escape from my cage of conformity, I grow wings to fly in search of truth and beauty.

Debasish Mridha

Search'd Quotes #928836
#26. The search for truth takes you where the evidence leads you, even if, at first, you don't want to go there.

Bart D. Ehrman

Search'd Quotes #885443
#27. I'd rather go to a flea market than just about anything. It's the process I like - the same with getting dressed. If I've got someplace to be, I'll spend more time getting dressed than I spent at the actual event. Sometimes. Even in my own closet, I love to dig and search and find.

Iris Apfel

Search'd Quotes #1493874
#28. It didn't matter what we did or where we did it as long as we were together. We knew we'd found what most people either pursue in years of futile search or dismiss as a fantasy at the outset: the missing half of ourselves. The real thing.

John Perry Barlow

Search'd Quotes #1879267
#29. much of our rhetoric is less about persuading unbelievers, or maintaining the faith of believers, than about, as Thomas Merton put it a generation ago, our search for "an argument strong enough to prove us 'right.'"9

Russell D. Moore

Search'd Quotes #1823895
#30. What you are looking for is not out there. It is inside of you. You just have to reveal it.

Debasish Mridha

Search'd Quotes #1821918
#31. If I had the choice of knowing the truth or searching for the truth, I'd take the search.

Walker Percy

Search'd Quotes #1808481
#32. It's funny the way things work out. You go in search of one thing and end up finding something else. If I didn't know better, I'd think it was the Force at work.
-Han Solo

James Luceno

Search'd Quotes #1788386
#33. The search for the truth is not for the faint hearted.

Vincent D'Onofrio

Search'd Quotes #1728690
#34. (L)ong term fundamental change can only come when we search our selves, our souls, our spirits, for an inner peace that can then reflect outwards in our actions.

Joyce D'Silva

Search'd Quotes #1713536
#35. I felt that on a basis of a "search for the miraculous" it would be possible to unite together a very large number of people who were no longer able to swallow the customary forms of lying and living in lying.

P.D. Ouspensky

Search'd Quotes #1667957
#36. Let us search the old highways.


Search'd Quotes #1615918
#37. If we're missing life it's probably because we're expecting it to reveal itself to us, rather than realizing that life is revealed by us looking for it.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Search'd Quotes #1575771
#38. I dream of a love in which two people share a passion to search together for some higher truth. Perhaps I should not call it love. Perhaps it's real name is friendship.

Irvin D. Yalom

Search'd Quotes #1548209
#39. You will search the world over and not find a nonsuperstitious community. As long as there is ignorance, there will be adherence to superstition. Dispelling ignorance is the only solution. That is why I teach.

Irvin D. Yalom

Search'd Quotes #1514851
#40. After digging a thousand wells of my own and stumbling upon a thousand others dug by the hands of thirsty men, I have yet to realize that the only well that can satiate every thirst is the one that men will never dig.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Search'd Quotes #863897
#41. He kissed her slowly. Everything went slowly so he could follow her temper, and search into her eyes. When they joined, her scent was brave and strong and certain. Perry took it into himself, breathing her breath, feeling what she felt. He'd never known anything as right.

Veronica Rossi

Search'd Quotes #1488588
#42. With God, being lost is nothing more than an idea that never has and never will be anything more than an idea.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Search'd Quotes #1457379
#43. I'd like to take a walk far back in the flinty hills and search for a souvenir, an old double-bitted ax stuck deep in the side of a white oak tree. I know the handle has long since rotted away with time. Perhaps the rusty frame of a coal-oil lantern still hangs there on the blade.

Wilson Rawls

Search'd Quotes #1454366
#44. My bookstore obsession grew to the point where I'd search for new shops during family trips, as though that were the reason for our travel.

Lewis Buzbee

Search'd Quotes #1454120
#45. Life is an adventure of passion, risk, danger, laughter, beauty, love; a burning curiosity to go with the action to see what it is all about, to go search for a pattern of meaning, to burn one's bridges because you're never going to go back anyway, and to live to the end.

Saul D. Alinsky

Search'd Quotes #1442593
#46. By wit we search divine aspect above,
By wit we learn what secrets science yields,
By wit we speak, by wit the mind is rul'd,
By wit we govern all our actions;
Wit is the loadstar of each human thought,
Wit is the tool by which all things are wrought.

Robert Greene

Search'd Quotes #1413892
#47. I don't think I'm qualified to answer questions about happiness. But I guess I'd say that I don't think you ever get to put to bed something like a search for order, or any other element of your sensibility, however much you'd like to.

Garth Greenwell

Search'd Quotes #1411040
#48. Imagination is a roller coaster ride in search of ideas and beauty into the wonderland of subconscious and conscious mind.

Debasish Mridha

Search'd Quotes #1363584
#49. The contemporary Planned Parenthood movement was started by a woman named Margaret Sanger, who defended abortion rights on the basis of eugenics, the search for "good genes" based on the racist and evolutionary notions of "social Darwinism" prevalent in her day.

Russell D. Moore

Search'd Quotes #1362711
#50. If you don't know why you'd hire you, neither will they.

Frank Sonnenberg

Search'd Quotes #1362445
#51. The best philanthropy is constantly in search of the finalities-a search for a cause, an attempt to cure evils at their source.

John D. Rockefeller

Search'd Quotes #1358559
#52. Parental wealth is especially important for social mobility, because it can provide informal insurance that allows kids to take more risks in search of more reward.

Robert D. Putnam

Search'd Quotes #75362
#53. If a UFO did land, and invite me onboard, I'd love to have the balls to go in. So, I search the skies for extra testicles.

Kelli Jae Baeli

Search'd Quotes #377281
#54. I have laughter and amazement, not search results. I have unexpected longings, not hierarchical ratings.

D. Travers Scott

Search'd Quotes #327077
#55. (In the real world, you'd want to use a custom search system of some sort. Search the Web for open-source full-text search to get an idea of the possibilities.)

Nigel George

Search'd Quotes #311634
#56. What we're searching for will determine where we arrive, or if we arrive. And right in the middle of such risky choices, Christmas is God perfectly solving the problem by showing us what to search for and then bringing it to us.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Search'd Quotes #308352
#57. It's being reported that Google spent over $5 million on lobbying just during the first quarter of this year. You'd think Google wouldn't really need to lobby politicians. All they have to say is, 'We have your search history. Do what we tell you.'

Jimmy Fallon

Search'd Quotes #270682
#58. The search for meaning, much like the search for pleasure, must be conducted obliquely.

Irvin D. Yalom

Search'd Quotes #234842
#59. Next to our search for God, our search for our purpose is an adventure that leaves all other adventures as largely adventure-less.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Search'd Quotes #215773
#60. If anyone bothered to search through the laurel bordering the asphalt he'd surely find handfuls of teeth that were said to give the laurel its odd milky color, ivory with a pale pink edge, each blossom forming the shape of a bitter man's mouth.

Alice Hoffman

Search'd Quotes #187065
#61. Question: What is something you sometimes want so badly you'd search for it your whole life? Answer: Your past Warning: Never look for your past. It always comes looking for you.

John Nuck

Search'd Quotes #184453
#62. When we want to speak to God, we pray. And when we want Him to speak to us, we search the scriptures.

Robert D. Hales

Search'd Quotes #144720
#63. The search for a scapegoat is the easiest of all hunting expeditions.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Search'd Quotes #82767
#64. I'd like a stocking made for a giant, And a meeting house full of toys, Then I'd go out in a happy hunt For the poor little girls and boys; Up the street and down the street, And across and over the town, I'd search and find them everyone, Before the sun went down.

Eugene Field

Search'd Quotes #82661
#65. The way to ascend unto God is to descend into one's self";
these are Hugo's words. "If thou wishest to search out the deep things of God, search out the depths of thine own spirit";

D.T. Suzuki

Search'd Quotes #394957
#66. Why in the world have we never found what we're really looking for? Because what we need is often the very thing we won't accept. And sadly, in turning away the God we need, we need to understand that we have chosen to live without everything we need.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Search'd Quotes #64485
#67. Through the window of my soul and the mirror of my mind, I was looking for the beauty of my life. I could not find it, but I found it in the glint of a dew drop at the edge of a dancing leaf.

Debasish Mridha

Search'd Quotes #31295
#68. The search for happiness ... always ends in the ghastly sense of the bottomless nothingness into which you will inevitably fall if you strain any further.

D.H. Lawrence

Search'd Quotes #24395
#69. To find yourself, get lost for others.

Debasish Mridha

Search'd Quotes #10342
#70. If you would find gold, you must search where gold is.

William Juneau

Search'd Quotes #6289
#71. Peter was lost. More than lost, really. Spectacularly, hopelessly, "tell the search party not to get their hopes up" lost. If there was a contest for getting lost being held at that moment, Peter wouldn't win because he wouldn't be able to find it. That's how lost he was.

Mark Hill

Search'd Quotes #6088
#72. The nature of life on Earth and the search for life elsewhere are two sides of the same question - the search for who we are.

Carl Sagan

Search'd Quotes #5648
#73. I'm like my mother, she thought, I search my joy for signs of sorrow ahead.

Soheir Khashoggi

Search'd Quotes #4400
#74. My focus on silence is to be understood as an intrinsic part of the body's search for meaning amongst the noisy assaults of everyday life ... What quilts have brought to the viewing of art generally is this intervening layer of silence, of collected thought and concerted attention.

Radka Donnell

Search'd Quotes #2783
#75. If you are looking for a whale you cannot search for a whale in a pond. You must go to deep waters.

Prashant Iyengar

Search'd Quotes #1135
#76. I had no idea what I was doing when I wrote 'Search.' There was no carefully designed work plan. There was no theory that I was out to prove.

Tom Peters

Search'd Quotes #1091
#77. Her head practically swiveled, and her laser-beam stare honed in on Ryan, thoroughly scrutinizing him. He'd felt less violated after a TSA strip search.

Tracy Brogan

Search'd Quotes #560444
#78. I have ridden with death, and walked beside it. Some say I have sought it. The search would not have been difficult, but I look for the death of my enemies first. That is much harder to find.

N.D. Wilson

Search'd Quotes #845498
#79. Homer tucks in his unwritten words for the night as ocean muses seduce his dreams with swelling songs heard in search of undiscovered paladins.

J.D. Tulloch

Search'd Quotes #805006
#80. So I had to figure out for myself what was right and true. It was a search. It was a process. It drew on the moral sense that I'd learned from my parents, and in church, and in my own heart, and led me on my own journey of discovery.

Tim Cook

Search'd Quotes #795712
#81. I'd like to think life has improved since 1850, despite the long hours we all seem to spend slaving over hot computers, but the psychological journeys remain the same - the search for love, identity, a meaningful place in the world.

Meg Rosoff

Search'd Quotes #788557
#82. I think as more people use the phones to access the Internet, they have a lot less patience for trying to find things on the search engines. That is because you need to figure a lot of things out for search to work.

Adam D'Angelo

Search'd Quotes #787338
#83. Like a pianist runs her fingers over the keys, I'll search my mind for what to say. Now, the poem may want you to write it. And then sometimes you see a situation and think, 'I'd like to write about that.' Those are two different ways of being approached by a poem, or approaching a poem.

Maya Angelou

Search'd Quotes #758710
#84. It may be that we're not seeing the wonder in life because all we're doing is wondering how we're going to survive life.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Search'd Quotes #720355
#85. Tonight
Since I'd forgotten for a moment where you are,
I search for you with hope in my bones.

Hester Knibbe

Search'd Quotes #673886
#86. She had gone to the library in search of hope, but what she'd found instead was a child. It would take her many years to realize that the two were not so different.

Melissa Grey

Search'd Quotes #655199
#87. We will bankrupt ourselves in the vain search for absolute security.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Search'd Quotes #608435
#88. Like Blue, not the ley line, was the missing piece that he'd been needing all these years, like the search for Glendower wasn't truly underway until she was part of it.

Maggie Stiefvater

Search'd Quotes #589569
#89. What terrifies you?"
"That the person I thought I'd have to search the world and a lifetime for might be standing in front of me right now.

Nicole Williams

Search'd Quotes #846234
#90. The search for truth is long and tortuous. In fact, you wouldn't find it at all if you didn't know where it was in the first place.

Jerry D. Ward

Search'd Quotes #555175
#91. If you lived in the wild, you'd need to know how to make fire to survive. But you live in an urban world, and you need to make money. That means you need a job, and the only way to get a job is by turning a job interview into a job offer.

Martin Yate

Search'd Quotes #540762
#92. I'd considered therapy, but the never-ending search for mental stability would cut into my couch potato time. That couch was not going to sprout roots itself.

Darynda Jones

Search'd Quotes #540348
#93. We search for life on others planets and in other regions of our galaxy. Meanwhile we destroy and ignore the other life on this planet.

Anthony D. Williams

Search'd Quotes #477838
#94. To find your self, get lost is the search of knowledge and wisdom.

Debasish Mridha

Search'd Quotes #470715
#95. Why do I go outside at one a.m.
and search the stars as though I'd numbered them?

Gail White

Search'd Quotes #470580
#96. The sadness was I'd lost a father I had never fully found. It's like a tune that ends before you've heard it out. Your whole life through you search to catch the strain, and seek the face you've lost in strangers' faces.

Frederick Buechner

Search'd Quotes #464822
#97. I'm thinking in my head I'd like to have five minutes alone with this guy to get some payback. But you got to keep a level head. You just got to get to the house, search, find anything you can to put these guys away and bring some justice and get some revenge for our brothers who were lost.

Justin Miller

Search'd Quotes #424599
#98. I would go on the iTunes chart and see the hottest songs, then I'd cover them. People would go on YouTube and search for those songs. That's how I got my views. I'd post two or three songs a week.

Austin Mahone

Search'd Quotes #422093
#99. They would probably search for him all over the zoo - the last place he'd been seen. He wondered if any evidence would implicate the hippo.

Brandon Mull

Search'd Quotes #408382
#100. A life worth living is a life search for joy.

Debasish Mridha

Search'd Quotes #398269

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