Top 87 Sayings About A Hater
#1. If you could do what I do then you wouldn't be a hater/writer critiquing me, you would be my opponent facing me on the court.
Behdad Sami
#3. He's an Old Testament guy. He believes in punishment, a God of vengeance and hatred. He's a hater himself.
Phil Harvey
#4. My brother taught me that there is a difference between being a hater and being ignorant. Being a hater implies you understand the principle in question, while being ignorant implies that you do not understand the principle in question, and therefore, have no right to critique.
Lionel Suggs
#5. It is Easy to be a Hater. Go for the difficult Task: be a Lover!
Paulo Coelho
#6. I never been a hater of these other cats, who never really had nothing, being successful. That's not my problem.
#7. The best way to counter-attack a hater is to make it blatantly obvious that their attack has had no impact on you.
Timothy Ferriss
#8. I'm glad that young black people are successful with the music. I'm not a hater.
#10. Haters ... are all failures. It's 100% across the board. No one who is truly brilliant at anything is a hater.
Joe Rogan
#11. Jealousy is a normal human emotion. When people act on that emotion, they then become a hater.
Ron Baratono
#12. My trust is solely in God. And I trust men only because I trust God. If I had no God to rely upon, I should be like Timon, a hater of my species.
Mahatma Gandhi
#13. Trying to save a hater is like trying to teach astrophysics to a wino!
Nick Cannon
#14. Amazed how I get so much paper? I'm more amazed how you could be such a hater!
Wiz Khalifa
#16. We spend so much time condemning, critiquing, and copying culture we miss on actually changing it. Be a creator not a hater.
#18. The savior who wants to turn men into angels is as much a hater of human nature as the totalitarian despot who wants to turn them into puppets.
Eric Hoffer
#19. I love all men and women. I am a lover of humanity, not a hater. ... I have been immoral, drunk, high. I ran with the wicked people for 28 years and I have run with the Jesus people since and the contrast is astounding.
Phil Robertson
#21. He gave her a goofy grin. "Not everyone can be hip to the lingo. Don't be a hater, Blair.
Denise Grover Swank
#22. I'm like a waiter and you something like a hater with trays in both hands, place an order I can cater.
#24. I never give a f-ck about a hater; got money on my radar.
Lil' Wayne
#25. If you are weak ... . It is ok. Because you can get variety of opportunities to strengthen yourself ... ... you can have several chances to become a stronger individual. But if you are a hater you only have one opportunity to keep being weaker day after day.
Sameh Elsayed
#26. Lennox Lewis is a hater of Tyson Fury.
Tyson Fury
#27. A hater is a person with a complete understanding of your destiny but assigns him or her self as a representative to work tirelessly on your misery.
Johnnie Dent Jr.
#29. Love produces peace and harmony whereas hate causes distress and disharmony ... So be a lover and not a hater!
Timothy Pina
#30. There are some truths, however, that we should never forget: Superstition has always been the relentless enemy of science; faith has been a hater of demonstration; hypocrisy has been sincere only in its dread of truth, and all religions are inconsistent with mental freedom.
Robert Green Ingersoll
#31. If you're a hater we make you scared to show your face. It's called success.
Rick Ross
#32. There is no way to convince someone that you don't hate him or her. You can convince him or her, however, that your opposition is a liar and a hater. When
Ben Shapiro
#33. All of them fans in love with me 'cause I say what's real. So I could never give a f-ck how a hater feel.
Wiz Khalifa
#34. I don't mean to step on anyone's toes, and I don't mean to seem arrogant, but if you want to be foreverly remembered as anything great you have to live your life alone, hated, ignored, and character assassinated, and if you believe this to be true than you truely are a hater.
B.L. Kennison
#35. INSECURITY breeds JEALOUSY / JEALOUSY creates ENVY / ENVY causes self-destruction / a hater is made up of all three. Just remember you are an opportunity away from being hated on yourself!
Carlos Wallace
#36. Not everybody that says that you suck is a hater. There are people who suck.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
#37. Wanna know something?
Each position has on the other side a hater...
Deyth Banger
#38. I'm not against anybody. I'm really not. I'm not a hater. I'm not homophobic. I honestly don't care what people do personally in their individual lives.
Mike Huckabee
#39. I have learnt to be a congratulator and not a hater!
Vivica Fox
#40. Tell 'em the truth and they call you a traitor,
Talk to 'em honestly and they call you a hater.
Immortal Technique
#41. Ignorance is an enemy, even to its owner.
Knowledge is a friend, even to its hater.
Ignorance hates knowledge because it is too pure.
Knowledge fears ignorance because it is too sure.
Sri Chinmoy
#42. Some men think that if you're empowered and sure of yourself then you're a man-hater, but it's like, 'No, I'm just the same as you are, but maybe just a tiny bit more confident.'
Paloma Faith
#43. "Ok you're a goon but what's a goon to a goblin"
Lil' Wayne
#44. Your hater is your future fan in a way. Cause when it's different they don't really take to it at first, but after you look back on it you get a chance to reflect on it.
#45. Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.
Coretta Scott King
#47. Life feels like a game of Snakes and Ladders, but without any ladders.
David Moody
#48. Politically, I call it rape whenever a woman has sex and feels violated.
Catharine MacKinnon
#49. I could tell Marco was a woman-hater, because in spite of all the models and TV starlets in the room that night he paid attention to nobody but me. Not out of kindness or even curiosity, but because I'd happened to be dealt to him, like a playing card in a pack of identical cards.
Sylvia Plath
#50. If you're not a tree hugger, then you're a what, a tree hater?
Douglas Coupland
#51. Hating hurts the hater the most. Hating is not a salve for the wounded soul, it is an abrasive that keeps the soul wounded and raw and oversensitive.
Jack R. Rose
#52. I'm not a nazis or fascist, I'm just normal guy who have a lot of curios about a lot of stuff in other words I have curiosity for information.
Deyth Banger
#53. While he was president, it was popular to be a Nixon hater.
Earl Butz
#54. I think that we're our own worst enemies in a lot of ways, especially when it comes to doing work where you're criticized a lot or doing work where there's a lot of hater directed at you; and to not constantly second-guess yourself.
Jessica Valenti
#55. So please take a seat if you really can't stand it, got success in my pocket and these rappers in a panic
#57. Sometimes people aren't hating on you. Because they feel a certain way about themselves, they just don't know how to be happy for you.
Yvonne Pierre
#58. I was the adoring son of a Welsh-Irish father, a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat, a Catholic Knight of Columbus who was a blue-collar, trade union organizer and, not surprisingly, a fervid Nixon-hater.
Bob Gunton
#59. At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you c***!
John McCain
#60. Nature, reason, and Christianity recognize no other. Pride may say Nay; but Pride was always a liar, and a great hater of the truth.
Susanna Moodie
#61. From one end to the other I have identified with various forms of spirituality. I was a Jew, then a God-hater. I was an atheist, then a Christian, for which I was called a traitor.
April Voytko Kempler
#62. I would always be a better hater of things and institutions than a lover of them.
Pat Conroy
#63. Hate Sits on a Stool
Hate sits on a 3-legged stool of
suspicion, jealousy and fear.
Kick away any one of these legs
and the hater will fall flat on his ass.
Beryl Dov
#64. A writer once asked what I'd say if i ever met my biggest hater. I paused, thought deeply and said, probably 'suk a dog dik, motherfuker
Ezra Koenig
#66. I hate the bigotry you believe in. But I'll try not to hate you."
"Why?" he asked. His voice was cold, as she remembered it.
"Hate eats the hater," she quoted from a familiar text of the Telling.
Ursula K. Le Guin
#67. And the price for being a homo-hater should be as high as anyone can pay.
Aidan Chambers
#68. "Haters only hate things they can't have and the people they can't be. It's just a little thing called jealousy."
Lil' Wayne
#69. My name is Asher Lev ... I am a traitor, an apostate, a self-hater, an inflicter of shame upon my family, my friends, my people; also, I am a mocker of ideas sacred to Christians, a blasphemous manipulator of modes and forms revered by Gentiles for two thousand years.
Chaim Potok
#70. Pooh hater,' I muttered under my breath.
'Winnie-the-Pooh was not a koala
why am I even arguing about this with you?
Rob Thurman
#71. Hate is just as injurious to the hater as it is to the hated. Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Many of our inner conflicts are rooted in hate. This is why the psychiatrists say, "Love or perish." Hate is too great a burden to bear.
Martin Luther King Jr.
#72. As a matter of fact, the person who loves everybody and feels at home everywhere is the true hater of mankind. He expects nothing of men, so no form of depravity can outrage him.
Ayn Rand
#73. I don't know if I am a very good politician ... I'm not a good hater.
Nick Xenophon
#74. "I'm a new song and you're just a remix."
Lil' Wayne
#75. New York is not like London, a now-and-then place to many people. You can either not live in New York or not live anyplace else. One is either a lover or hater.
Carolyn Heilbrun
#76. Hatred has a way of destroying the hater more surely than the hated'. Trite, but true in a most terrible way.
Valerie Fitzgerald
#77. Hate was a lie that in feeding fills the hater with the bliss of satiation, even as his spirit starves. No, Pearl did not hate. Life was a negotiation between the expected and the unexpected. One made do. Draconus
Steven Erikson
#78. Grace...you don't understand...kissing is not just principle thing with Ryker. It's not a macho...Heman woman hater thing to him...or a way to avoid commitment. It's a defense or him.
Sarah Brocious
#79. No man has ever been born a Negro hater,
a Jew hater, or any other kind of hater.
Nature refuses to be involved in such
suicidal practices.
Harry Bridges
#80. A lot of people get a misconception
And start drifting in the wrong direction
Miss Goody Two Shoes see you later
I ain't got time and you ain't nuthin but a playa hater.
Rappin' 4-Tay
#81. No one starts as a self-hater. But rack up all of your mistakes and take a large enough number of wrong turns in life and soon you stop trying to forgive yourself. Everywhere you look you find shame or failure staring back.
Andre Aciman
#83. Still, somehow, inexplicably, "man-hater" is a word tossed around with insouciance as if this was a real thing that did harm. Meanwhile we have no real word for men who kill women. Is the word just "men"?
Jessica Valenti
#84. A choleric, red-faced, pudgy hater of everything, who could turn on the warmest and most charming smile in the world when real life confronted him sweetly in the night.
Jack Kerouac
#85. This is a very tough business, politics. It's easy to get resentful or full of bitterness ... (but) I think hatred hurts the hater more than the hated. So I'm looking back on my time positively.
Malcolm Turnbull
#87. I've never been a cop hater. You know, when I was breaking the law, the cops were the opponent. I just thought I could outsmart them.
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