Top 100 Saved By The Quotes

#1. Look at the limes in this drink, how they float. That's good news. Next time I'm on a boat, and it capsizes, I will reach for a lime. I'm saved by the buoyancy of citrus.

Mitch Hedberg

Saved By The Quotes #44253
#2. [Jesus is] saying that we could be aware of, filled with, and saved by the presence of holy beauty, rather than worship golden calves.

Anne Lamott

Saved By The Quotes #258697
#3. Theoretically, pickling can be accomplished without salt, but the carbohydrates and proteins in the vegetables tend to putrefy too quickly to be saved by the emerging lactic acid. Without salt, yeast forms, and the fermentation process leads to alcohol rather than pickles.

Mark Kurlansky

Saved By The Quotes #282182
#4. The sinner is saved by the Saviour.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Saved By The Quotes #309793
#5. As always, I am saved by the inability of living creatures to believe anything that might cause the walls of their little mental assumptions to crumble.

Muriel Barbery

Saved By The Quotes #313160
#6. At this point, I will make like Zack Morris from Saved by the Bell and call a time out...

Camille Perri

Saved By The Quotes #327252
#7. This great question of predestination and free will, of free moral agency and accountability, and being saved by the grace of God, and damned for the glory of God, have occupied the mind of what we call the civilized world for many centuries.

Robert Green Ingersoll

Saved By The Quotes #346631
#8. Many a bum show has been saved by the flag.

George M. Cohan

Saved By The Quotes #347243
#9. When I lost the sight of my eye and faced the prospect of going blind, my sight was saved by the NHS.

Gordon Brown

Saved By The Quotes #365903
#10. Saved by the grandma"

Janet Evanovich

Saved By The Quotes #453053
#11. I remember I'd come home from fifth, sixth grade, and I'd watch 'Saved by the Bell' and be like, 'I hope my high school experience is like that.' And it totally wasn't. It sucked.

Cory Monteith

Saved By The Quotes #485802
#12. You are not saved by the plan of salvation. You are saved by the man of salvation.

Adrian Rogers

Saved By The Quotes #526826
#13. The world will be saved by the western woman" - The Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama XIV

Saved By The Quotes #546533
#14. But, while a man can be restrained by strict law and order, he cannot be changed by law; he cannot be saved by law. Man can only be saved by the grace of God through Jesus Christ.

Rousas John Rushdoony

Saved By The Quotes #593702
#15. If Islam was to be saved, it would be saved by the crazy ones.

Michael Muhammad Knight

Saved By The Quotes #698126
#16. Saved by the Sith.

Ilona Andrews

Saved By The Quotes #783049
#17. How happy you are, Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by the Lord? Deuteronomy 33:29

Beth Moore

Saved By The Quotes #788134
#18. Next! The taller of the guys at the door called. Saved by the yell.

Magan Vernon

Saved By The Quotes #794098
#19. Acceptance speeches can make or break presidential candidacies. It was Al Gore's 2000 acceptance speech that relaunched his candidacy and nearly saved him. John Kerry's speech and overall ineffective convention nearly sank him in 2004 (though he was almost saved by the debates).

Chuck Todd

Saved By The Quotes #854529
#20. Saved by the Blood. Damned by the Flesh.

John Hawks

Saved By The Quotes #917732
#21. I don't know why liberals want to disarm the law-abiding population, but I do know that not a single argument proffered stands the light of facts. Armed citizens deter far more crimes than the police, and far more lives are saved by the intended victim being armed than are lost in firearm accidents.

Paul Craig Roberts

Saved By The Quotes #1019940
#22. There is no king saved by the multitude of an host; a mighty man is not delivered by much strength. Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy. (Psalm 33:16-18)

John Calvin

Saved By The Quotes #1020381
#23. Who will excuse us before God for the loss of such a great number of people, who could be saved by the slight assistance we could give them?

Vincent De Paul

Saved By The Quotes #1134983
#24. Do you know what the world will be saved by? I'll tell you. It'll be saved by the human spirit. And by the human spirit, I don't mean anything divine, I don't mean anything supernatural - certainly not coming from this skeptic.

Sherwin B. Nuland

Saved By The Quotes #1156365
#25. Thank goodness there are women in our lives
that's all I can say. We get saved by the women in our lives.

William P. Young

Saved By The Quotes #1175944
#26. We did get to keep a few choice items. I kept a few pairs of slacks and power suits that stood out. I still have a few outstanding pieces from 'Saved by the Bell' simply because they were from 'Saved by the Bell.' They're vaulted in my storage space.

Lark Voorhies

Saved By The Quotes #1219766
#27. [The Constitution] will not be saved in Washington. It will be saved by the citizens of this nation who love and cherish freedom ... men and women who will subscribe to and abide the principles of the Constitution.

Ezra Taft Benson

Saved By The Quotes #1239247
#28. I got saved by poetry and I got saved by the beauty of the world.

Mary Oliver

Saved By The Quotes #1321365
#29. Sometimes it doesn't matter how dark the world gets. You can be saved by the smallest thing.

Brenna Yovanoff

Saved By The Quotes #1437606
#30. I believe that we are saved by the grace of God because he loves us provided that we have faith in Jesus Christ.

Jimmy Carter

Saved By The Quotes #1508517
#31. I visualized high school as being like 'Saved By the Bell.'

Vanessa Ray

Saved By The Quotes #1619385
#32. My mother had raised me on a thousand stories of girls who were saved by the Djinn, princesses rescued from towers, peasant girls rescued from poverty.
Turned out, stories were just stories.
I was on my own.

Alwyn Hamilton

Saved By The Quotes #1622400
#33. Yo, dude. That shit might be cool on Saved By The Bell but not in real life.

Jason Myers

Saved By The Quotes #1730197
#34. It is impossible to be saved without the help of the Most Blessed Virgin, because those who are not saved by the justice of God are saved by the intercession of Mary.

Saint John Chrysostom

Saved By The Quotes #1767686
#35. After high school, I drove out to L.A. with a friend of mine who had just graduated also, and I started auditioning. I got an agent, but it was all 'Saved By the Bell' auditions.

Casey Affleck

Saved By The Quotes #1817533
#36. Yo! Cam!" Beer Guy jumped off the porch and jogged down the sidewalk, passing me a quick look. "What you up to, man?"
Saved by the frat boy.
Cam's gaze didn't veer from me, but his grin started to slip. "Nothing, Kevin, just trying to have a conversation.

J. Lynn

Saved By The Quotes #1826784
#37. It is a wonderful fact that men and women saved by the blood of Jesus rarely remain subjects of charity, but rise at once to comfort and respectability ... I never saw a man who put Christ first in his life that wasn't successful.

Dwight L. Moody

Saved By The Quotes #1843075
#38. Only God can set the soul in bondage free.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Saved By The Quotes #4098
#39. We shall say without hesitation that the atheist who is moved by love is moved by the Spirit of God; an atheist who lives by love is saved by his faith in the God whose existence (under that name) he denies.

William Temple

Saved By The Quotes #10890
#40. I was rescued by librarians. It was librarians who said 'maybe you would like to read The Hardy Boys as well as Nancy Drew.' It is true for me, as for so many countless others, that librarians saved my life, my internal life.

Gloria Steinem

Saved By The Quotes #13323
#41. True perception is the means by which the world is saved from sin, for sin does not exist. And it is this that true perception sees.

Foundation For Inner Peace

Saved By The Quotes #16958
#42. This is the biggest mistake I could think would save me. I wanted to give up the idea that I had any control. Shake things up. To be saved by chaos. To see if I could cope, I wanted to force myself to grow again. To explode my comfort zone.

Chuck Palahniuk

Saved By The Quotes #39047
#43. In fact cycling has always been 'saved' by judicial investigations and not by the anti-doping controls we put in place. That's the harsh truth. We have relied on them to clean the sport up.

David Millar

Saved By The Quotes #44656
#44. It is a well-known fact that very often, putting the period of boyhood out of the argument, the older we grow the more cynical and hardened we become; indeed, many of us are only saved by timely death from moral petrification, if not from moral corruption.

H. Rider Haggard

Saved By The Quotes #45501
#45. My face on every coin engraved, the anarchists are all enslaved. My flag is forever waved, by the grateful people I have saved.

Don McLean

Saved By The Quotes #57296
#46. For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved. ROMANS 10:9-10

Francine Rivers

Saved By The Quotes #63473
#47. You are a new creation by the blood of Jesus.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Saved By The Quotes #64020
#48. How many thousands of lives would be saved if we enforced our immigration laws, our guns laws, and our drug laws? Public safety is not being held hostage by the 'gun lobby,' but by the open borders lobby and the anti-law enforcement lobby.

Jeff Sessions

Saved By The Quotes #76734
#49. And so what moved him onward and down the office building's stairway was not any sort of foolish hope that he could actually be saved, but competitive fury at the fact that he had been outdone by the suicidal improvisations of this fanatic.

Neal Stephenson

Saved By The Quotes #80056
#50. We are a new creation by God's grace.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Saved By The Quotes #81158
#51. We therefore need to know the gifts given us by God, so that we may use them, for by these we shall be saved.

Walter Hilton

Saved By The Quotes #85867
#52. Ever since the millennial crash, the United States has been buffeted by currency shocks, interest-rate gyrations, and financial device bubbles. Government fashions move "investment" from real estate consumption to climate distractions. It was technology alone that saved the world economy.

George Gilder

Saved By The Quotes #87630
#53. Bishop Hostettler explained that baptism was not the means by which one is saved, but simply an outward sign of salvation. Just as an Amishman's beard is an indication of his marriage and commitment to his wife, so baptism symbolizes our covenant with Christ.

J.E.B. Spredemann

Saved By The Quotes #92908
#54. Judging by the lopsided way she was hunched, with one hand buried deep under the lapel of her coat, Strike deduced that he had saved her by grabbing a substantial part of her left breast.

Robert Galbraith

Saved By The Quotes #94029
#55. None of the family had passed the 11-Plus exam, and henceforth cannot be saved, our futures doomed by an undotted i.


Saved By The Quotes #98981
#56. Never water down the Word of God, but preach it in its undiluted sternness. There must be unflinching faithfulness to the Word of God, but when you come to personal dealings with others, remember who you are - you are not some special being created in heaven, but a sinner saved by grace.

Oswald Chambers

Saved By The Quotes #106697
#57. When I got 'Lost,' I was about to not be able to live, so it was a fall-to-the-knees, burst-into-tears, 'I'm saved by this great role' moment.

Rebecca Mader

Saved By The Quotes #113322
#58. In the Affairs of this World Men are saved, not by Faith,
but by the Lack of it.

Benjamin Franklin

Saved By The Quotes #114132
#59. We are saved by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone.

Martin Luther

Saved By The Quotes #115681
#60. No marketing plan is ever going to bring in one soul that was not ordained by the Lord to be saved in the first place.

Monica Johnson

Saved By The Quotes #120940
#61. I believe becoming healthy and working out saved my life by giving me the confidence and self worth to achieve my goals.

Kim Lyons

Saved By The Quotes #134435
#62. Everyone, no matter what their cultural background, has a right to discover the sacred in nature; to heal and be redeemed spiritually by nature; and to revere the ancestors. We are all haunted and saved by our memories.

Martha Brooks

Saved By The Quotes #134472
#63. If, then, this civilization is to be saved, if it is not to be submerged by centuries of barbarism, but to secure the treasures ofits inheritance on new and more stable foundations, there is indeed need for those now living fully to realize how far the decay has already progressed.

Johan Huizinga

Saved By The Quotes #139454
#64. The sacred souls are saved by grace.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Saved By The Quotes #145705
#65. Knowing we're saved by grace but still living under the law makes for a spiritually neurotic person.

Beth Moore

Saved By The Quotes #172820
#66. As life draws nearer to its end, I feel more and more clearly that it will not matter in the least, at the last day, what form of religion a man has professed-nay, that many who have never even heard of Christ, will in that day find themselves saved by His blood.

Lewis Carroll

Saved By The Quotes #175756
#67. Wherever there is abuse there is also corruption. Politics, philosophy, theology, science, industry, any field with the potential to affect the well-being of others can be destroyed by abuse and saved by good will.

Criss Jami

Saved By The Quotes #180412
#68. We are not saved by feelings of sorrow over Jesus' death. We are saved when the Word of God 'pierces' our hearts (Hebrews 4:12), when we are convicted of our sins and trust Christ by faith.

R. L. Hymers Jr.

Saved By The Quotes #196401
#69. In engineering, that only is great which achieves. It matters not what the intention is, he who in the day of battle is not victorious is not saved by his intention.

Henry Ward Beecher

Saved By The Quotes #196800
#70. Many new believers stay immature because they never progress beyond the revelation that they are sinners saved by grace.

Bill Johnson

Saved By The Quotes #211937
#71. Surely the earth can be saved by all the people who insist on love.

Alice Walker

Saved By The Quotes #217475
#72. the brilliant balance of the gospel that Luther so persistently expounded - "We are saved by faith alone, but not by faith which is alone.

Eric Metaxas

Saved By The Quotes #219663
#73. By the way, I saved Moiraine. Chew on that as you try to decide which of the two of us is winning.

Robert Jordan

Saved By The Quotes #227318
#74. I came to know Christ when I was 13 years old at a youth camp I attended. I may not have known much about Him, but I knew I was saved by grace and that, because of the cross, I had a hope like no other. I cannot imagine life without Him.

Bart Millard

Saved By The Quotes #229803
#75. You may think it's a wonderful thing to be saved by Lord Frith in his power. How many rabbits has that happened to, I wonder? But I tell you, it was far more frightening than being chased by the Efrafans.

Richard Adams

Saved By The Quotes #235521
#76. The old saying is true: "We are saved by faith alone, but saving faith is never alone." If you belong to God, you will persevere in doing good. You will not be perfect, but you will persevere with patience.

James Johnston

Saved By The Quotes #240962
#77. The Google algorithm was a significant development. I've had thank-you emails from people whose lives have been saved by information on a medical website or who have found the love of their life on a dating website.

Tim Berners-Lee

Saved By The Quotes #269022
#78. God works by contraries so that a man feels himself to be lost in the very moment when he is on the point of being saved.

Martin Luther

Saved By The Quotes #295086
#79. A man who knows that he is saved by believing in Christ does not, when he is baptized, lift his baptism into a saving ordinance. In fact, he is the very best protester against that mistake, because he holds that he has no right to be baptized until he is saved.

Charles Spurgeon

Saved By The Quotes #309443
#80. The treachery of the Inhumane society was controlled by one man. As a brilliant scientist, he could have saved the town, but instead he fed on the loneliness and discontent of the fading town, and pushed people in the direction hw thought was right.

Lemony Snicket

Saved By The Quotes #317448
#81. But as the girl timidly accosted him, he gave a convulsive movement and saved his
respectability by a vigorous side-step. He did not risk it to save a soul. For how was he to
know that there was a soul before him that needed saving?

Stephen Crane

Saved By The Quotes #324571
#82. At this point, with a financial crisis looming, Lord Revelstoke saved the day by suddenly dropping dead.

Liaquat Ahamed

Saved By The Quotes #326229
#83. Peace is the ultimate weapon of mankind to save the future generations from extinction!

Avijeet Das

Saved By The Quotes #330453
#84. To tell a man who has no realization that he is lost, that he may be saved by faith in Christ, means nothing to him, however true and blessed the fact is in itself.

Henry Allen Ironside

Saved By The Quotes #332377
#85. We are not saved by sound church order and discipline but we are served by it.

Michael Horton

Saved By The Quotes #333936
#86. The divine thoughts comes from God, we are only vessel for its transmission.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Saved By The Quotes #334310
#87. He carried that obsession with him always. And in the end, by its very wrongness, it saved his life.

Ford Madox Ford

Saved By The Quotes #341261
#88. What if the very reason we have breath is because we have been saved for a global mission? And what if anything less than passionate involvement in global mission is actually selling God short by frustrating the very purpose for which he created us?

David Platt

Saved By The Quotes #341333
#89. A hero is not measured by the lives that he has saved. A hero is measured by the number of the dead that he did not join.

Robert J.A. Gilbert

Saved By The Quotes #352088
#90. I think the world is going to be saved by millions of small things.

Pete Seeger

Saved By The Quotes #352177
#91. If the world is saved, it will not be saved by old minds with new programs but by new minds with no programs at all.

Daniel Quinn

Saved By The Quotes #359227
#92. My mother saved our home with a minimum wage job. But in the 1960s, a minimum wage job would support a family of three above the poverty line. Not today. Not even close. I understood right then that people can work hard, they can play by the rules, and they can still take a hard smack.

Elizabeth Warren

Saved By The Quotes #361147
#93. One man by delaying saved the state for us.

Quintus Ennius

Saved By The Quotes #371371
#94. With every new day come the Lord's great love, grace and mercies.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Saved By The Quotes #376924
#95. We are not saved by good works; we are saved for good works. The Christian lifestyle is to be a lifestyle of goodness.

Rick Warren

Saved By The Quotes #404996
#96. All the evils of France have been produced less by the perversity of the wicked and the violence of fools than by the hesitation of the weak, the compromises of conscience, and the tardiness of patriotism. Let every deputy, every Frenchman show what he feels, what he thinks, and we are saved!

Marquis De Lafayette

Saved By The Quotes #413738
#97. In this deed is my hope, not in the mere timeless fact that God is love. I am saved not by the beautiful Trinitarian life of God but by the gory death of God. I am saved not by the touching of the three Persons in Heaven but by the touching of this love on the Cross to my life.

Peter Kreeft

Saved By The Quotes #428389
#98. The world will be saved by one or two people.

Andre Gide

Saved By The Quotes #433376
#99. There's a little rack along the front of the counter bearing religious tracts, free for the taking, donation requested. Several slots on the rack are occupied by the Reverend Wayne's famous bestseller. How America Was Saved from Communism: ELVIS SHOT JFK.

Neal Stephenson

Saved By The Quotes #440622
#100. There is no beauty unaided, no excellence that does not sink to the barbarous, unless saved by art.

Baltasar Gracian

Saved By The Quotes #441262

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