Top 38 Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness

#1. Conscience represents a fetich to which good people sacrifice their own happiness, bad people their neighbors'.

Ellen Glasgow

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #884358
#2. He decided that for an ounce of that laughter, he could sacrifice an entire lifetime of happiness.

Faraaz Kazi

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #587558
#3. We have to work at decolonizing our mentality and achieving happiness within the limits of sacrifice we should be willing to make. We have to recondition our people to accept themselves as they are, to not be ashamed of their real situation, to be satisfied with it, to glory in it, even

Thomas Sankara

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #615169
#4. Intellectually, he knew he wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice himself or his happiness to save everyone else. But that didn't stop the tiny voice at the back of his head that said, Fuck everyone else, I want my girlfriend back.

James S.A. Corey

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #702268
#5. Art is a kind of innate drive that seizes a human being and makes him its instrument. To perform this difficult office it is sometimes necessary for him to sacrifice happiness and everything that makes life worth living for the ordinary human being.

C. G. Jung

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #722197
#6. To be able to throw one's self away for the sake of a moment, to be able to sacrifice years for a woman's smile - that is happiness.

Hermann Hesse

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #815935
#7. Seven Deadly Sins Wealth without work Pleasure without conscience Science without humanity Knowledge without character Politics without principle Commerce without morality Worship without sacrifice.

Mahatma Gandhi

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #841679
#8. I love you and sometimes that means you have to sacrifice your own happiness to be selfless.

Joanne McClean

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #848312
#9. Friendship is the greatest of worldly goods. Certainly to me it is the chief happiness of life. If I had to give a piece of advice to a young man about a place to live, I think I should say, 'sacrifice almost everything to live where you can be near your friends.

C.S. Lewis

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #857777
#10. You have sacrificed justice to mercy. You have sacrificed independence to unity. You have sacrificed reason to faith. You have sacrificed wealth to need. You have sacrificed self-esteem to self-denial. You have sacrificed happiness to duty.

Ayn Rand

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #867160
#11. In every man, there were two beings: one the spiritual, seeking only that kind of happiness for him self which should tend towards the happiness of all; the other, the animal man, seeking only his own happiness, and ready to sacrifice to it the happiness of the rest of the world.

Leo Tolstoy

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #581917
#12. Let us never be afraid of innocent joy; God is good and what he does is well done; resign yourself to everything, even happiness; ask for the spirit of sacrifice, of detachment, of renunciation, and above all, for the spirit of joy and gratitude.

Henri Frederic Amiel

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #941561
#13. There is no such thing as static happiness. Happiness is a mixed thing, a thing compounded of sacrifices, and losses, and betrayals.

John Updike

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #952227
#14. In every relationship one must sacrifice to show thy love. Are you willing to make sacrifices for someone you love?

Jonathan Anthony Burkett

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #1064536
#15. Love is not a feeling of happiness. Love is a willingness to sacrifice.

Michael Novak

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #1091073
#16. Happiness can be defined, in part at least, as the fruit of the desire and ability to sacrifice what we want now for what we want eventually.

Stephen Covey

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #1113717
#17. My parents mean well," Grace said. "They want me to succeed."
"Well of course," Mallory said. "They love you. But I'm thinking success and happiness don't get along. Sometimes you have to sacrifice one for the other.

Jill Shalvis

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #1123445
#18. You have the potential to become anything to which you set your mind. You have a mind and a body and a spirit. With these three working together, you can walk the high road that leads to achievement and happiness. But this will require effort and sacrifice and faith.

Gordon B. Hinckley

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #1195630
#19. The Church and the world and women are crying for men, men who are developing their capacity and talents, who are willing to work and make sacrifices, who will help others achieve happiness and salvation.

D. Todd Christofferson

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #1569624
#20. Love gives us happiness, peace then it gives us a lot of pain and you also have to sacrifice your happiness, then you began to hate that person, so fall for friendships. Respect each other's space and styles, then hangout and enjoy

Shaikh Ashraf

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #350970
#21. After or before any happiness, someone must cry.

Michael Bassey Johnson

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #93853
#22. men will not cease to desire the impossible and will not lose their longing to destroy - so long as self-destruction and self-sacrifice are preached to them as the practical means of achieving the happiness of the recipients.

Ayn Rand

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #166313
#23. Kindness isn't sacrifice so much as it is being considerate for the feelings of others, sharing happiness, the unselfish thought, the spontaneous and friendly act, forgetfulness of our own present interests.

Carl Holmes

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #166566
#24. The utilitarian morality does recognise in human beings the power of sacrificing their own greatest good for the good of others. It only refuses to admit that the sacrifice is itself a good. A sacrifice which does not increase, or tend to increase, the sum total of happiness, it considers as wasted.

John Stuart Mill

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #188320
#25. The cannon thunders ... limbs fly in all directions ... one can hear the groans of victims and the howling of those performing the sacrifice ... it's Humanity in search of happiness.

Charles Baudelaire

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #202280
#26. Enlightenment requires discipline, balance, knowledge, power, happiness and a sense of responsibility and sacrifice, being able to do things with your life that you would not have done otherwise.

Frederick Lenz

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #250144
#27. The greatest of follies is to sacrifice health for any other kind of happiness.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #310041
#28. Happiness - in part at least - the fruit of the desire and ability to sacrifice waht we want for what we want eventually

Stephen R. Covey

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #318730
#29. Never sacrifice happiness for the sake of achievement. The real key to life is to happily achieve

Robin Sharma

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #344472
#30. The happiness of love is in action; its test is what one is willing to do for others.

Lew Wallace

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #71238
#31. One little second of pleasure, a whole life of pain ... my mother knew nothing of the pleasures of a good roll in the hay ... she missed out on all that ... like me, her son ... a lifetime of sacrifice! ... the woman who can grunt and rave in the throes of a deep fuck can die happy ...

Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #379836
#32. Life is life, and one has experiences that are painful and some that are very pleasant, and one has reward and sacrifice and more reward and disappointment and joy and happiness, and it's always going to be the same.

Mel Gibson

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #399704
#33. Kiss the hand of him who can renounce what he has publicly taught, when convicted of his error; and who, with heartfelt joy, embraces the truth, though with the sacrifice of favorite opinions.

Johann Kaspar Lavater

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #473394
#34. The sacrifice of pleasures is of course itself a pleasure.

Muriel Spark

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #482875
#35. Huge difference between being happy at will, and chasing euphoric moments as an escape. One doesn't cost a dime, the other will tax your soul.

T.F. Hodge

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #508422
#36. I love him wholly and unconditionally and without reservation. I love him enough to sacrifice a friendship. I love him enough to accept my own happiness and use it, in turn, to make him happy back.

Emily Giffin

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #512219
#37. This is the secret of life: the self lives only by dying, finds its identity (and its happiness) only by self-forgetfulness, self-giving, self-sacrifice, and agape love.

Peter Kreeft

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #513613
#38. Sometimes we believe that happiness is not possible in the here and now, that we need a few more conditions to be happy. So we run toward the future to get the conditions we think are missing. But by doing so we sacrifice the present moment; we sacrifice true life.

Nhat Hanh

Quotes On Sacrifice For Others Happiness #576494

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