Top 41 Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong

#1. I don't like compliments. No. I prefer criticisms; prefer to prove them wrong

Paul Scholes

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #1399057
#2. The caricature of science is that we hold tight to the theories we have, and shun challenges to them. That's just not true. In fact, we hold our highest rewards for those scientists who can prove others wrong. And by the way, they are famous in their own lifetimes. We don't wait until they're dead.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #979947
#3. If you can't pick a book without judging it's cover, don't pick it up. Let someone else who will appreciate what's inside the cover pick it up and prove you wrong.


Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #1012320
#4. In every position that I've been in, there have been naysayers who don't believe I'm qualified or who don't believe I can do the work. And I feel a special responsibility to prove them wrong.

Sonia Sotomayor

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #1041635
#5. I don't see you making it to the top; nobody's going to help you get there. You have to do it all on your own. But if you want it so bad, prove me wrong.

Nabil N. Jamal

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #1045777
#6. You don't want to miss out on people. If you assume everyone is out to get you, then you're going to shut them down before they have a chance to prove you wrong.

Jessica Park

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #1059488
#7. No matter what... don't give up. Don't stop believing in yourself and in what you can do, because you are strong and you are capable. Prove them wrong! Don't let them win! Remember when you are at your lowest low - there's only one way to go now... and that is UP!

Steven Wolff

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #1074493
#8. If you decide to tell a kid that looks don't matter, she can prove you wrong every day. Because they see it everywhere. That is age-old, going back to the Greeks, but now we're bombarded nonstop.

Catherine Hardwicke

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #1210449
#9. I am pushed by my critics. I don't want to say I want to prove them wrong, but it pushes me on the field to play with a chip on my shoulder, and I play best when I have a chip on my shoulder.

Hope Solo

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #1297873
#10. Just because someone tells you that you will never amount to anything doesn't mean you have to prove them right. Prove them wrong by succeeding. There is no sweeter revenge than making someone eat their words. Even if they don't admit they're wrong about you, you will know.

Blaque Diamond

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #1304905
#11. I certainly don't know if you could claim that every theft is wrong, but I'll prove to you that every theft is forbidden, by simply locking you up.

Karel Capek

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #1339711
#12. I don't listen to people who say my dreams are impossible; I just work to prove them wrong.

Liya Kebede

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #960542
#13. To believe in your choice you don't need to prove that other people's choices are wrong.

Paulo Coelho

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #1421268
#14. The people who put you down don't have to stop you from chasing your dreams. Stand up, and prove them wrong.

Selena Gomez

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #1683235
#15. Whatever we decide we don't want in life (whether it's dating, houses, neighborhoods, jobs, partners, or dogs), the fates usually intervene to open our eyes and prove us wrong.

Danielle Steel

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #1726283
#16. I wanted to prove people wrong who didn't think I could play at this level. I also wanted to take care of my family. It was a chance to play against the best players in the world. Mentally and physically I don't think I was ready, but I was ready to take on the challenge.

Jermaine O'Neal

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #1729391
#17. When I go out to play, I still believe I'm as good as anyone out there. I don't have to prove anyone wrong. I know what I've done and how well I can play.

Lleyton Hewitt

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #1826580
#18. If something is wrong, it'll prove to be wrong in the wash, and if it's right, you don't want to not expose yourself to it - so I read everything, no matter how horrible it gets. You listen and take it in and if it doesn't sway you, you'll know you considered it.

Roberto Orci

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #1840010
#19. Don't respond to negativity with more negativity. Just put your head down and prove your critics wrong.

Frank Sinatra

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #1864899
#20. Think about this some of us actively fighting to remove Saddam Hussein don't agree with the cause themselves, but they're doing their duty. And it is our duty as loyal Americans to shut up once the fighting begins, unless unless facts prove the operation wrong, as was the case in Vietnam.

Bill O'Reilly

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #1875628
#21. Don't underestimate your tears. They have the power to strengthen your commitment to your life's purpose and to direct you towards your goal. So, when you cry because of the people who mock or taunt you, be positive and make promises with yourself that you will prove them wrong.

Saad Salman

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #1878748
#22. I will be dictated to by nobody. I'm the man. And if anyone can prove me wrong, their chance is inside a boxing ring. You don't like it, change the station.

Tyson Fury

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #291054
#23. "Faith is what's wrong with the world, Aidan. Or don't you follow the news?"
"That's not faith," he says. "That's the complete lack of it. If any one of those mass-genocidal idiots had faith, they wouldn't have the insane need to prove it to others."

Cyma Rizwaan Khan

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #52281
#24. I've been fighting my whole career to show a different side and prove naysayers - not prove them wrong, because I don't think you should get your energy from negative people.

Ice Cube

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #137370
#25. Then why?"
"Because you expect me to fail. You expect me to do wrong. To be reckless. To ruin myself."
"Why not work to prove me wrong?"
"But don't you see? I am proving you wrong. If I choose recklessness, where is the failure? If I choose it for myself, you cannot force it upon me.

Sarah MacLean

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #140341
#26. Do what you love. Live fearlessly and take risks. Don't take no for an answer from anyone - go ahead and prove the naysayers wrong. Believe that anything can be possible.

Caroline Leavitt

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #153395
#27. The right people love you and they will prove it by supporting you, the wrong people don't care about you and they will prove it by hurting you. Don't be with the wrong people, be smart?

Werley Nortreus

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #202854
#28. When that time come, nobody will care for each other.
You don't have to prove me wrong, you'll need that energy.

Toba Beta

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #212234
#29. Don't let negativity affect your vision. A lot of people have said harsh things, but I don't let it affect me. If anything it gives me more enthusiasm and pushes me to do better in my career so I can prove them wrong.

Nicole Polizzi

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #216007
#30. If you cannot prove a man wrong, don't panic. You can always call him names.

Oscar Wilde

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #236672
#31. I don't think I was bullied. If I was bullied, I fought back or turned the other cheek. I have been put in a box, I guess: "Oh you're blonde, you can't play brunette." And I'm always like: "You know what? I'm going to prove you wrong, I'm going to make my hair brown."

Laura Bell Bundy

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #276202
#32. You either trust someone day one until they prove you wrong, or you say, 'I don't trust you until you show me I can trust you.' I'm the latter.

Charlie Ergen

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #23094
#33. Have confidence in yourself and don't let people put you down or make you feel weak or worthless, because the more they put you down, the more you need to get back up and prove how wrong they are.

Layne Beachley

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #304509
#34. Aunt Joan broke her hip a few years back. Don't get me wrong, she's still pretty damn fierce. Lightning fast with her cane, in fact. I've got the scars to prove it.

Victoria Schwab

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #403744
#35. I don't play to prove people right or wrong. I just want to win.

Mark Teixeira

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #462669
#36. I don't make music to prove all the critics wrong. I do it to prove all my fans right.

Kid Rock

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #550465
#37. Everyone thinks I'm a coward. This is my chance to prove them wrong." "Don't throw your life away because of a few jokes made at your expense," said Hugh. "Who gives a whit what anyone else thinks?

Ransom Riggs

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #565375
#38. Because you don't think I'm a bad person," he said. "And I don't want to prove you wrong.

Victoria Schwab

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #571942
#39. The great thing about writing about the ancient Spartans or Athenians is that so much knowledge is no longer extant that no one, except maybe a Cambridge or Oxford don, can call you out and prove you wrong.

Steven Pressfield

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #851221
#40. If you feel ignorant and stupid, then find a way to learn. don't curse those who calling you ignorant and stupid. find ways to prove them wrong. that, is satisfaction. much more satisfying than cursing them all the way to hell and back


Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #865646
#41. But you don't know how to read anymore! When you open a book, you do it in the faith and assurances that you are already master of what it contains and that the author has written only so you may prove him wrong!

Philip Wylie

Quotes On Don't Prove Me Wrong #903130

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