Top 65 Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time

#1. It's awfully hard to convey a sense of credibility to allies when you [the Congress] voted for the war and then you declared: Wrong war, wrong place, wrong time.

Dick Cheney

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #287677
#2. How can you say that so casually? You're talking about the possible death of hundreds of people, yourself included."
He gave a negligent shrug. "Wrong place, wrong time. Life sucks.

Shannon K. Butcher

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1813386
#3. Will had been ruined by fluke circumstances - wrong place, wrong time. And he wasn't only being robbed of his future, but also his past; all of his hard work, the respect of his family, his fiancee, career, and friends ...

Shane Stadler

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #167128
#4. It's not about being in the right place at the right time; it's about being the right person, even if you find yourself in the wrong circumstances.

Mark Batterson

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1314568
#5. Miracle workers learn to keep their own counsel. Something that's important to know about spiritual wisdom is that, when spoken at the wrong time, in the wrong place, or to the wrong person, the one who speaks sounds more like a fool than a wise one.

Marianne Williamson

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #872340
#6. He who acquired all his wealth by *being at the right place at the right time* is hypocritical by being angry for losing all his wealth because of his *being at the wrong place at the wrong time.*

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1268082
#7. I'd be unbelievably wrong to say there isn't such a thing as the right place, right time-luck.

Charlize Theron

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1206422
#8. To move to a new place
that's the greatest excitement. For a while you believe you carry nothing with you
all is canceled from before, or cauterized, and you begin again and nothing will go wrong this time.

Margaret Laurence

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1183683
#9. We know that hockey is where we live, where we can best meet and overcome pain and wrong and death. Life is just a place where we spend time between games.

Fred Shero

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1135434
#10. It was the wrong place at the wrong time kind of shit that had quickly turned into a catastrophe of epic proportions

Madeline Sheehan

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1125988
#11. All the fossils that we have ever found have always been found in the appropriate place in the time sequence. There are no fossils in the wrong place.

Richard Dawkins

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1074563
#12. I earned my place,
With the tidal waves.
I can't escape this feeling,
That something ain't right.
I called my name
As I crashed the gates,
Still I can't escape this feeling
That something ain't right.

All Time Low

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1073576
#13. If people believe they can be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and they have no control over outside circumstances, those thoughts of fear, separation, and powerlessness, if persistent, can attract them to being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Rhonda Byrne

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1038996
#14. Unleash in the right time and place before you explode at the wrong time and

Oli Anderson

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1004726
#15. I think anybody can take a good picture. My idea of a good picture is one that's in focus and of a famous person doing something unfamous. It's being in the right place at the wrong time.

Andy Warhol

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #947494
#16. And I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I was in the right place-okay," I amended when he raised his eyebrows. "The wrong place at the right time." More head shaking.

Myra McEntire

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #923094
#17. To the family of a victim of a fatal accident, the deceased was at the wrong place at the wrong time. To the family of the morgue owner, the deceased was at the right place at the right time.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #919193
#18. When a dead man knocks on the car window, I think fainting is a reasonable response.

Marjorie F. Baldwin

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #913959
#19. In the first place you can be so absolutely honest and so absolutely wrong at the same time that I think it is better to be a combination of cautious and polite

Flannery O'Connor

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1841746
#20. I always seemed to be in the right place at the wrong time.

Dr. John

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1467323
#21. When introduced at the wrong time or place, good logic may be the worst enemy of good teaching.

George Polya

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1487263
#22. Like so many other kids gone wrong from my time, place, and class, I thought it glamorous to be self-destructive. Unfortunately, I had also always known that this was a stupid and callow way to think.

Emily Carter

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1497698
#23. I thought it was a good question. I mean I didn't lock myself in the Chaos Compound. I didn't do a drive-by on my house. I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and unfortunately that place was my own house.

Kristen Ashley

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1519681
#24. Certain money is not always good money. It could be just being at the wrong place at the wrong time. I mean, if you have your priorities in check then for the most part it's easy.

LeBron James

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1570266
#25. Why do you need street smarts? Shrewdness? Toughness? It's to protect something soft that is going to be in danger if it's exposed at the wrong time and place. It's to protect a soul. But to protect your soul, you have to have one to start with.

Peter Schjeldahl

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1570386
#26. I finally meet a guy who's interesting and who seems to have a half-interest in me and it is TOTALLY the wrong time and place.

Lisa Tawn Bergren

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1666897
#27. I grew up weird - very sensitive and highly inhibited. I felt like I was born in the wrong time zone to the wrong people at the wrong place.

Marla Gibbs

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1668927
#28. Should I become President ... I will not risk American lives ... by permitting any other nation to drag us into the wrong war at the wrong place at the wrong time through an unwise commitment that is unwise militarily, unnecessary to our security and unsupported by our allies.

John F. Kennedy

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1682613
#29. Get it wrong, and we call it a cult. Get it right, in the right time and the right place, and maybe, for the next few millennia, people won't have to go to work on your birthday.

Robert M. Sapolsky

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1734123
#30. My grandmother really liked virgins. There's nothing wrong with virgins, there's a time and a place for that. I had other things on my mind ... like Robert Plant.

Tori Amos

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1738013
#31. There ain't a wrong time or a wrong place to flaunt. If you feel good, then go on and show it off!


Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1775385
#32. Every place is a good place, only time goes wrong.

Yiyun Li

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1809648
#33. It wasn't merely fatigue. although it continued to worry me how tired i was all the time. I had a strange sense of missing something, of being in the wrong place - no matter where I was.

Josh Lanyon

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1840185
#34. But the past has a way of taking you to the right place at the wrong time, and that can be a storm inside.

Gregory David Roberts

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #1840894
#35. Falling in love often happens at the wrong time, in the wrong place, with the wrong person.

J.C. Reed

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #408925
#36. Love is a piano dropped from a four story window and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
-Two Little Girls (Little Plastic Castle)

Ani DiFranco

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #43601
#37. Written truth is four-dimensional. If we consult it at the wrong time, or read it at the wrong place, it is as empty and shapeless as a dress on a hook.

Robert Grudin

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #87366
#38. In 1986, I was attacked in the street as I helped Neil Mullarkey from the Comedy Store Players to put up posters. We were in the wrong place at the wrong time - midnight - and we were English. I got kicked in the head.

Paul Merton

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #89206
#39. Some people think prayer stops bullets or rockets or land mines. It doesn't. That's magic, that's not God. Sometimes, you're just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

John Shelby Spong

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #89755
#40. Surely these victims of the sea ... had rushed willingly down the hills to the water, only to find themselves caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Who should judge whether they were there for the wrong reason?

John Rousmaniere

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #115988
#41. The thing with love is, you cannot choose who you fall for. Falling in love often happens at the wrong time, in the wrong place, with the wrong person. Just as much as you cannot stop growing feelings for a certain man, there's no switch to turn off your heart.

J.C. Reed

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #144239
#42. It is good to be busy. Being busy takes our mind off being in love at the wrong time, in the wrong place and with the wrong guy.

Melissa De La Cruz

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #166832
#43. I do not believe I ever would have the courage to fight a duel. If any man should wrong me to the extent of my being willing to kill him, I would not be willing to give him the choice of weapons with which it should be done, and of the time, place and distance separating us, when I executed him.

Ulysses S. Grant

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #175776
#44. Right time, right place, right people equals success.
Wrong time, wrong place, wrong people equals most of the real human history.

Idries Shah

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #179116
#45. It's because you're looking in the wrong place," Lassiter said.
"You can go now."
"Every time you say that, it brings a tear to my eye."
"Funny, mine too."

-Lassiter & Tohr

J.R. Ward

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #209898
#46. You are yet another nincompoop, who, by being at the wrong place at the wrong time," he said, "was able to set humanitarianism back a full century! Begone!" Strong stuff.

Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #245059
#47. Somentimes you're in the wrong place at the wrong time and what happens is nobody's fault.You just want to feel bad so you'll feel better.

Rick Yancey

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #259461
#48. Do not, brethren, put your trust in man though he be a bishop, an apostle, or a president. If you do, they will fail you at some time or place; they will do wrong or seem to, and your support be gone;

George Q. Cannon

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #276986
#49. Making an effort at the wrong time or place dissipates our energy.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #349462
#50. They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally they became heroes." Leia Organa of Alderaan, Senator

George Lucas

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #389641
#51. Empty space eventually fills up with something. A void, cultivated in the aftermath of misfortune, begins to attract the wrong kind of attention. Marco knew it was time to leave when disagreeable spirits started roaming freely through the house, as if they owned the place.

Rahma Krambo

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #847856
#52. Don't get me wrong, I love watching episodes of my favorite shows on Hulu and reading the daily trash on PageSix, but I also embrace the opportunity to settle down with a good book and let my mind travel to another place and time.

Rachel Nichols

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #426159
#53. No plan can prevent a stupid person from doing the wrong thing in the wrong place at the wrong time - but a good plan should keep a concentration from forming.

Charles E. Wilson

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #484977
#54. Like accidents, marriages result because those involved happen to arrive at what might be the wrong place, at the same time.

Margaret Yorke

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #555636
#55. Even those who die in terrorist attacks, and have thus had the bad luck to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, are described as "heroes", though given a choice most of them would no doubt have preferred to be somewhere else when the blow was struck.

Michael Korda

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #572116
#56. Like the Earth, the Web is a less appealing place than it used to be. If I want attitude and arguing and meanness and profanity and wrong information screamed at me as gospel, I'll get in a time machine and spend Christmas with my family in 1977.

J.R. Moehringer

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #590085
#57. Love is a piano dropped from a fourth story window, and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Ani DiFranco

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #640864
#58. It's maddening in my travels to watch children dying simply because they were born in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Nicholas Kristof

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #651775
#59. War at this time and in this place is unwelcome, unwise, and simply wrong.

Martin Sheen

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #687706
#60. It was frustrating because I didn't do anything, ... I was at the wrong place at the wrong time, and he decided to punish me. I couldn't do anything about it.

Eddie Griffin

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #715777
#61. They were at the wrong place at the wrong time naturally they became heroes

George Lucas

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #716860
#62. There is not a thing as the wrong place, or the wrong time. We are where we are at the only time we have. Perhaps it's where we're meant to be.

Shashi Tharoor

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #754784
#63. Victims, he thought, were birds and animals and people who arrived at the wrong place at the wrong time, usually in too big a hurry.

John D. MacDonald

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #757040
#64. To comfort me is like the wrong memory at the wrong place or time: if one is lonely one prefers discomfort.

Graham Greene

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #801224
#65. The wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and with the wrong enemy ... Red China is not the powerful nation seeking to dominate the world.

Omar N. Bradley

Quotes About Wrong Place Wrong Time #824773

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