Top 100 Melissa De La Cruz Quotes

#1. I can't think of anything I'm not grateful for.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #29958
#2. She had chosen him; she had made him hers. She had done it out of love and duty. -Deming

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #41879
#3. As long as she could remember who she was, she was okay. She wouldn't go crazy. At least not today.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #65466
#4. I used to write my books at night when I was a freelancer with no children. I used to really work in huge spurts - I could turn around a revision in two weeks, I used to be able to write 10,000 words a day. It's like, 'Wow, what happened to that?' That's just gone.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #76291
#5. It wasn't a lie, not at all like one of those lies she told herself all the time, like This is the last drink of the evening, or I'm not going to set the bitch's house on fire.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #84370
#6. White for light. White for love. White for forever.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #100618
#7. They did it for love, and sometimes love makes us do the irrational .. even the inexcusable.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #130856
#8. You are healed." Allegra nodded. "You are no longer a Silver Blood." She paused. "But you are no longer a vampire either."
Bliss started. No longer a vampire-but what did that mean? Did it mean she was just human?

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #174685
#9. I think kindness, out of all virtues, is the best quality to have.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #192557
#10. As Jack slung an arm around his sister's shoulders in an intimate and affectionate way, something in her heart broke.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #219988
#11. She could not trust herself to hope - but without hope, she realized, she had no reason to go on.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #223715
#12. You made a sacrifice. And heaven rewarded you.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #245783
#13. I love her because she has become something more to me. She become my life.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #249530
#14. For Schuyler who doesn't like love stories

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #251399
#15. Instead of fearing the future, I should live and enjoy the present, she told herself.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #262514
#16. This is the only part of myself that is truly mine, and now yours.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #281348
#17. I take it back! she'd wanted to say . I take everything back. I love you. Let's go away. Just the two of us together.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #320533
#18. Schuyler grasped it tightly. She would never let go. Not in this lifetime.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #325823
#19. Don't," she said to her brother.
"Don't act like I'm dead already. I, for one, am not giving up.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #346675
#20. I will love you, my English rose, and you will fill my French dreams

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #355893
#21. That was the problem these days
everything was considered disposable
clothes, cell phones, relationships.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #356608
#22. It was hopeless. Their journey was ended before it had truly begun.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #387849
#23. I meant does it hurt when you hide every last shred of your individuality and self worth behind acres of silk and cups of powder and smiles that never, no matter how hard you try, reach your eyes?

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #416586
#24. Boys. Drau or mortal, they were all the same.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #467708
#25. But if you do love him, leave him, Schuyler. Release him. Tell him you don't want him anymore. Its the only way he'll let go. -Mimi

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #474593
#26. Looking for Narnia? You're in the wrong universe

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #482966
#27. It was maddening how your best friend could twist the knobs inside of you so much that it hurt.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #501207
#28. The world in your mind is as real as the world outside of it.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #517030
#29. I don't know who you are. But I do know that every time I see you, I feel better. -Dylan

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #523976
#30. Witch. A goddess. Someone not of this earth but not apart from it either. A woman to be loved and feared and adored.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #561774
#31. I want to be with you. We will be together. I believe I will have less to live for, if I am not with you.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #579184
#32. Being an adult comes with a whole new set of issues.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #608022
#33. He knew what it was like to love one who did not
or could not
love you back. But he'd had no choice. None of them did.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #608758
#34. In other words, time was a kind of palimpsest, traces of the past peeking through the present, only to be written over in the future again.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #613322
#35. And Kingsley being Kingsley, he smiled as he pretended to pull the trigger.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #622599
#36. Goodness works in mysterious ways. Even in the deepest dark, you'll find a light to shine your way through.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #626190
#37. Who knew that the path to a womans heart was through the soul of an honest man?

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #666333
#38. You have punished me long enough, you have punished yourself long enough. Return to me. I beg.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #667530
#39. On the eve of the shadow crescent ...
Watch the Vampire burn.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #718815
#40. If she loved him the way she said she did, she wanted him whole. Maybe this was what love meant after all: sacrifice and selflessness. It did not mean hearts and flowers and a happy ending, but the knowledge that another's well-being is more important than one's own.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #761352
#41. I will wait forever," she promised. "However long it takes.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #761668
#42. When you meet the right person, it's like nothing else - nobody else. No one in your past ever mattered.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #791410
#43. Sometimes she was even sure that she had ever really existed.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #801558
#44. In a flash, they disappeared. The path, the gate, the demon, and the Silver Blood.
Kingsley was gone. Trapped in Hell for eternity.

Mimi collapsed to the ground, as if her heart had imploded in her chest.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #804308
#45. I can't let you take the risk. I love you too much." -Schuyler
"Then you would rather see me bonded to a women I do not love?"

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #817142
#46. Love. It's so close to hate, it's almost indistinguishable. But this is how it was for the two of them. Love and hate. Life and death. Joy and anguish.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #892954
#47. It hurt because he knew she loved him; she had told him as much. It just-just not enough...

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #918921
#48. As an author you hope your characters have sparks but truly in the end they have minds of their own!

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #935858
#49. But even if we're together, it will only kill Jack." -Sky
"If he will take the risk to be with you, who are you to tell him what to do with his life?" -Allegra

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #936240
#50. Marriage was like the surface of an ocean, seemingly placid and serene above; yet if you weren't careful, seething and raging with underground earthquakes below.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #985525
#51. You said we would never be separated, ever again.
And we will not. Not ever. There is a way to be together always.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #997635
#52. Schuyler kept count, thinking that maybe once she hit a magical number, it would stop hurting.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1018367
#53. But aren't all stories about love in some way?

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1019853
#54. If you think we'll get in, we'll get in. It's all about confidence, trust me.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1032775
#55. He was like a shooting star you tried to catch with your hands. She would only get burned.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1064050
#56. We're the villains you root for in the story.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1093818
#57. I thought I was going to lose you, she sent.
Never. We shall never be separated.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1110922
#58. Bonds are made to be broken," he said. "Just like rules.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1111731
#59. Sometimes the only way to win is to cheat,' Aelwyn said stubbornly.
The sisters turned to see what the Sister Superior would do, but Sister Mallory only sighed. 'You are young still, Sister Myrddyn, but one day you will learn that a false victory is a hollow one.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1118999
#60. Memories were moving pictures in which meaning was constantly in flux. They were stories people told themselves.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1136027
#61. You may be able to call up an entire
encyclopedia, but nothing is more meaningless than a brain
with no heart and no reasoning

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1166207
#62. Magic is an honor, until it's a shackle.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1180339
#63. I don't write that much horror. People tell me my books are scary, but they're not really; I don't go there.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1193054
#64. I always thought of vampires, especially the young-adult ones, as a metaphor for sex - sucking blood, forbidden, taboo. I think they just ooze sex. Vampires are all the big themes in life in one attractive, bloodsucking package.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1233005
#65. She was wrong. She was not strong. Her heart was breaking, she could feel it ...

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1290225
#66. If you are sorry, you will leave him. Jack will never be yours, Schuyler. Not like I am yours.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1334272
#67. And Schuyler hoped with all her heart that he would never find out the truth.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1338092
#68. No one's happy here, you know that. But I am content, and maybe that's enough for me.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1363734
#69. When she reached the shallow end, Kingsley held out his hand and pulled her up, but she lost her step and fell into his arms, her body crushing momentarily against his.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1369532
#70. Kingsley, ever the joker, had his Venator mark tattooed near his unmentionables

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1414426
#71. It's a birthday party," sniffed Mal. "And I wasn't invited.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1433405
#72. And at last, the lonely young man who belonged to no one finally belonged to someone, forever, and the practical girl who would not settle for less then a love story for the ages found the life long romance she had yearned for all her life.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1458918
#73. Stop your doubting, my love. I knew you would find me. ~Jack

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1463890
#74. Who wanted to make lemonade from lemons, when you could make perfectly good lemon grenades?

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1489521
#75. I don't love you anymore... I love someone else. I always have." -Schuyler

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1495447
#76. Daughters. They could cut you with a look.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1500034
#77. Joanna looked down at

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1512048
#78. I was always a sci-fi and fantasy geek. I was in the 'Lord of the Rings' club and all my cool friends made fun of me.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1513248
#79. Do not cry for me, Azrael. Do not waste your tears. You made your decision. And this is mine. Sacrifice seems to be my destiny. A funny thing for a selfish man, isn't it? They always called me weak back then ...

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1525282
#80. She really did trust Eliza. People made mistakes. She understood that now. And as Happy as she was to be with Ryan again, her friendship with Eliza was just as important. You only met a few kindred spirits in your life, and you had to hold on to the ones you were lucky enough to find.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1534316
#81. Villains don't have friends, and neither do their children. Not when you get right down to it.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1534383
#82. That was the thing about pictures
they were worth a thousand words, but sometimes they weren't the right ones.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1543192
#83. Bonds are like rules, they're meant to be broken.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1633575
#84. Dylan leaned down, and she could feel his lips, soft and inviting, gently kissing hers. Then Dylan was gone.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1641225
#85. Yet even though they were together, she could not stop worrying about how much time they would have-

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1642432
#86. The Council!" Ingrid yelped.
"The oracle doesn't knock," Freya scoffed.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1663610
#87. All his gentleness, all his kindness, all the bright shining gorgeousness of his love, he had always given to someone else.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1684139
#88. You cannot let the darkness overcome the light.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1692189
#89. A mind is like a puzzle; you must unlock it to read its hidden secrets.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1692444
#90. You're late," she said, tapping her watch.
"No, you're just early.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1722694
#91. It's not fair. It's not our fault. We have no say in our own lives. We're living a fairy tale someone else wrote.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1727573
#92. She still loved him, she would always love him, but it was the kind of love that was muted, safely seen through the rear-view window, like a place you used to call home but no longer visited. There would always be a wound there, but the healing had begun.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1731796
#93. Schuyler knew that one day it would come to this. That she would have to lose one to have the other one. That this game would have consequences.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1747291
#94. A bad boy can be very good for a girl.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1750605
#95. That morning, she had found an envelope stuffed into her locker. It was from the Mercer Hotel, and held a plastic door key for their suite. "See you there tonight," Oliver had written. "Chomp! Chomp!

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1764648
#96. He wasn't perfect, but he was perfect for her.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1809853
#97. I give myself to you." she whispered.
"No. Not yet," he sighed.
"If not now, when?" ... "Time might be running out for me. For us.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1813327
#98. Popularity was fickle and elusive, like trying to catch fireflies in a jar. You were either born with it or relegated to wallflower status according to your mysterious and unknowable workings of the universe.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1815896
#99. Prove that you are my daughter, prove that you are mine. Prove to me that you are the blood of the dragon. Prove you are worthy of that mark on your skin.

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1856124
#100. Hey you." She smiled and traced a finger on his cheek. "Where have you been?"
"Right here, always," Jack murmured, kissing her all over her face, her neck. But there was little time for tenderness

Melissa De La Cruz

Melissa De La Cruz Quotes #1860014

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