Top 100 Quotes About Word Choice
#1. I'm still learning so much with every play I write. So I wrestle with word choice, rhythm in final drafts. I think you have to be ruthless.
Stephen Karam
#2. If you find yourself imitating another writer, that doesn't have to be a bad thing, especially if you are a young or a new writer. However, you should be conscious of exactly how you are imitating him - word choice, sentence structure, motifs? - and think about why you're doing it.
Poppy Z. Brite
#3. People from the most horrendous of childhoods can have good lives, but it comes down to a very seemingly simple word. 'Choice.'
Laura Schlessinger
#4. for those to whom Lynne Truss is a hero, everything from spelling convention to word choice to logic is, somehow, "grammar." And
Robert Lane Greene
#5. what say you?" "Fuck," came the reply. "Appropriate word choice, my lord, but not really an answer." Wrath
J.R. Ward
#6. As a rule, Americans are big on that word "choice" and some souls can be captured simply by dangling before the creature a continual, lifelong supply of things from which to choose.
Geoffrey Wood
#7. One of the most powerful devices is to distort time, to go from human time to atomic time, geologic time. Sometimes you can actually accomplish that, with one unexpected word choice.
Robert Morgan
#8. A girl can dream."
His eyebrows rose. "Is that what you dream about? Being a monster?"
"Not exactly," I said, frowning at his word choice. Monster, indeed. "Mostly I dream about being with you forever.
Stephenie Meyer
#9. The word 'choice' is a fraud while people choose only what they have been taught to choose.
Idries Shah
#10. In an idealized world, we would all be able to do what our English teachers told us to do, which is to write beautiful prose where enthusiasm is conveyed by word choice and grammar.
Will Schwalbe
#11. C'mon, Alec," Damien said. "Sung just wants us to win." "No," I said. "Sung only wants us to win. There's a difference." Damien and the others looked at me blankly. This was not, I remembered, a word-choice crowd.
Holly Black
#12. Wrath what do you say"
"Fuck' came the reply
"Appropriate word choice, my lord, but not really an answer".
J.R. Ward
#13. Nonfiction ties your hands a bit, and just like writing poetry in rhyme, it can force you to make more brutal decisions in terms of word choice, plot, etc.
Emily Susan Rapp
#14. You want the greatest trick for writing a novel? Here it is: imagine urgently whispering your story into one person's ear - and only one. This one visualization will clarify every word choice you make.
Julianna Baggott
#15. I'm not going to lose you, Kaylee. No matter what I have to do, or whom I have to fight. Even if that means quashing your vexing tendencies toward self-sacrifice." Tod said.
"Did you just say 'vexing'?" Nash asked.
Tod scowled. "Nothing else seemed to fit. I stand by my word choice.
Rachel Vincent
#17. Did you face the bitch yourself or did you get it from Narian?"
I smiled at his word choice. "I approached Rava myself. I've been known to face down a bitch or two.
Cayla Kluver
#18. Opportunity is another word for moving on. And it is a word choice, which is often the wiser. If the well gets poisoned, move to a meadow of merriment, where your hearts will echo the more.
Tom Althouse
#19. Language itself is so value-laden as to render value-neutrality almost impossible. Growing up in England I was introduced to the American Revolution by a 'footnote' to colonial history about the 'revolt' of the American colonies. Word choice and the organization of material gave the game away.
Arthur F. Holmes
#20. All the specific word choice does is act as a simple frame that impacts our line of reasoning and even our memory
#21. When we settled in to eat, Susan said, "So, tell me about it." "You shrinks are always so cocksure," I said. "Nice word choice," Susan said. "In the current context.
Robert B. Parker
#22. Mistake is act happen unknowingly,Repetition of Mistake is no more mistake but its act of your choice which you try to hide behind the word "Mistake
Mohammed Zaki Ansari
#23. Emily Dickinson sublimely unnames even the blanks.
Harold Bloom
#24. Only a writer "with Bennett's craft and brass could manage to praise and insult his readers at the same time.
Harold Holzer
#25. A brane is a distinct region of spacetime that extends through only a (possibly multidimensional) slice of space. The word "membrane" motivated the choice of the word "brane" because membranes, like branes, are layers that either surround or run through a substance.
Lisa Randall
#26. You are at a choice-point in every moment of each circumstance, each activity, spoken word and thought.
Michael Beckwith
#27. Greeley knew no language but his, but of that, he possessed a most extraordinary mastery. An employee
Harold Holzer
#28. Now I know from this very word and deed of yours what free choice is and is capable of, namely, madness.
Martin Luther
#29. Words are catch-basins of experience, fingerprints and footprints of the past that the literary detective may scrutinize in order to sleuth out the history of human consciousness.
Philip Zaleski
#30. Free will? Either you follow the word of God, or you'll be punished with eternal hellfire. That's the same kind of "choice" an abuse boyfriend gives you: 'Either you do exactly what I say, or I'll beat the shit out of you.
Oliver Gaspirtz
#31. A screenplay is really an instruction manual, and it can be interpreted in any number of ways. The casting, the choice of location, the costumes and make-up, the actors' reading of a line or emphasis of a word, the choice of lens and the pace of the cutting - these are all part of the translation.
David Nicholls
#32. Vocabulary for aggravation is large. Vocabulary for transcendence is elusive.
Jennifer Senior
#33. Some things are in our control, while others are not. We control our opinion, choice, desire, aversion, and, in a word, everything of our own doing. We don't control our body, property, reputation, position, and, in a word, everything not of our own doing.
Ryan Holiday
#34. A good ruler has to learn his world's language, and that's different for every world, the language you don't hear just with your ears.
Frank Herbert
#35. Lucy: Yes, as usual I bought so many books that my food budget ran out. I was left with no choice but to eat bread crusts. But! On the other hand, this means that I was able to feed my word addiction! I feel no shame whatsoever about eating bread crusts!
Hasebe: Have a little shame.
Karino Takatsu
#36. You can use the power of words to bury meaning or to excavate it.
Rebecca Solnit
#37. Desire, if it is to be trusted, is to be inspired by a holy vocabulary.
Jen Pollock Michel
#38. At times, said the founder of the Chicago Tribune, Lincoln seemed to reach into the clouds and take out the thunderbolts.
Harold Holzer
#39. Being offended is a choice. I believe that. You don't have - you don't hear a word and you have to be offended.
John Bartlett
#40. Cable is not bound because people pay for it. It's literally a choice, that's the operative word. If you don't like the language, if cocksucker offends you, then turn it off.
Robin Williams
#41. I choose not to serve the Conglomerate as an ambassador, but that doesn't mean I've given up on humanity. Surrender isn't a word in my personal lexicon; there are other ways and means. If nothing else, Ithiss-Tor taught me there's always a choice.
Ann Aguirre
#42. House Speaker Thomas Reed could destroy an argument or expose a fallacy in fewer words than anyone else. His language was vivid and picturesque. He had a way of phrasing things which was peculiarly apt and peculiarly his own.
Barbara W. Tuchman
#43. According to the Word of the Lord, we are called but we have the choice of determining our destiny
Sunday Adelaja
#44. The term faith-based is nothing more than an attempt to slip religion past you when you're not thinking; which is the way religion is always slipped past you. It deprives you of choice; choice being another word the political-speech manipulators find extremely useful.
George Carlin
#45. Language construction will BREED a mythology. J.R.R. Tolkien
Philip Zaleski
#46. He said it twice because he had never said it before, and it sounded funny.
A.A. Milne
#47. The choice word, the correct phrase, are instruments that may reach the heart, and awake the soul if they fall upon the ear in melodious cadence; but if the utterance be harsh and discordant they fail to interest, fall upon deaf ears, and are as barren as seed sown on fallow ground.
Grenville Kleiser
#48. A word of advice: If you get the choice between the upper and lower bunks in a cell, choose the lower. Prisons do not turn off their lights at night, and I spent a sleepless night, without a mattress, with a five-hundred-watt bulb shining directly into my eyes.
William Powell
#49. No one will be forced to take the public option. The word option means choice.
Valerie Jarrett
#50. Writing has been sewn into my soul and I'm afraid my thoughts have no choice but to be the truth to the story and my hand the connection between the pen and paper. With every word written, my heart finds its beat and inspiration fuels the desire to fulfill this need.
Amber M. Royse
#51. And he who wields white, wild magic gold is a paradox
For he is everything and nothing
Hero and fool
Potent, helpless
And with one word of truth or treachery
He will save or damn the earth
Because he is mad and sane
Cold and passionate
Lost and found
Stephen R. Donaldson
#52. The one and only choice by which you can be converted is your choice to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Lord and Savior. The word "conversion" means simply "turning.
Billy Graham
#53. Lincoln on a desire to hear Horace Greeley speak: "In print, every one of his words seems to weigh about a ton.
Harold Holzer
#54. Samuel Johnson said Alexander Pope's translation of the Iliad, tuned the English tongue.
Harold Bloom
#55. Fly-in, fly-out curating nearly always produces superficial results; it's a practice that goes hand in hand with the fashion for applying the word 'curating' to everything that involves simply making a choice - radio playlists, hotel decor, even the food stalls in New York's High Line Park.
Hans Ulrich Obrist
#56. The word of God directs us in our work and way, and a dark place indeed the world would be without it. The commandment is a lamp kept burning with the oil of the Spirit, as a light to direct us in the choice of our way, and the steps we take in that way.
Matthew Henry
#57. CS Lewis's humor supported his exposition but never dominated or diminished it.
Greg Cootsona
#58. While I don't often use the word, the technically precise term for my orientation is bisexual. I believe bisexuality is not a choice, it is a fact. What I have 'chosen' is to be in a gay relationship.
Cynthia Nixon
#59. I needed to see you. He repeats himself.
I smile. I like that word, need. It's not want. He had no choice because it was a need to see me. I like that.
Tara Brown
#60. There is not a day that we do not have a chance to choose between the devil's clever promises and God's sure Word.
Billy Graham
#61. To speak much is one thing; to speak to the point another!
#62. The American Standard translation orders men to triumph over sin, and you can call sin ignorance. The King James translation makes a promise in 'Thou shalt,' meaning that men will surely triumph over sin. But the Hebrew word, the word timshel - 'Thou mayest' - that gives a choice. It
John Steinbeck
#63. This morning, you have a choice. You can lay in the dark replaying the awful events of the week, or you can turn the light on and read God's Word-His truth-which is the best thing to do when lies are swarming and painful thoughts are attacking like a bunch of bloodthirsty mosquitoes.
Lysa TerKeurst
#64. A word out of place or an interesting choice of vocabulary can spawn a whole character.
Sara Sheridan
#65. With regards to my views on protecting a woman's right to choose, I've been very clear on that. I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose. And I'm devoted and dedicated to honoring my word in that regard. I am pro-choice.
Mitt Romney
#66. When God speaks about equity, that choice of word, makes us understand that God is not referring to the leaders of the land or the elite this time around. He is actually talking about how ordinary citizens of the land relate to each other in fairness and impartiality.
Sunday Adelaja
#67. Knowing before ever seeing it that her ass was like a stationary drop of water on a flower stem
Brian McGreevy
#68. Peter's privatemost circuitry a sudden and confusing crossfiring at how arousing and simultaneously dick-shriveling this apparition was.
Brian McGreevy
#69. One breaks into the canon only by aesthetic strength.
Harold Bloom
#70. Lewis is like a gateway, making the riches of Deep Church more accessible.
Alister E. McGrath
#71. Why are you doing this?" Amanvah whispered, her accent thick like her mother's, but every word clear. "My mother would not be so kind to one who tried to poison her."
"Nor would mine, but we are not our mothers, Amanvah," Leesha said.
Peter V. Brett
#72. Your choice. Cunt or pussy, but so help me God, if you say some lame ass word like flower or lady garden you'll pay for it later, because I don't fuck gardens or flowers any more than I have a love sword attached to my groin.
Elizabeth Finn
#73. You are nothing but wilderness. No constraint. No mind.
You shout the word - mind, mind, mind - over and over and then you laugh, saying as I live and breathe, a slave by choice.
Toni Morrison
#74. ELECTION (Gk. eklog, "choice," a "picking out"). Bible Meaning. This word in the Scriptures has three distinct applications. (1) To the divine choice of nations or communities for the possession of special
Merrill F. Unger
#75. Ledisi means to come here, to bring forth. It's a Nigerian word and it's from the Yorubu culture, I believe, and my parents named me, my dad and my mom, and really my dad, and I had no choice in that. That's my real name and that's what it means.
#76. But the Hebrew word, the word timshel - 'Thou mayest' - that gives a choice. It might be the most important word in the world. That says the way is open. That throws it right back on a man. For if 'Thou mayest' - it is also true that 'Thou mayest not.
John Steinbeck
#77. By such literalism, fundamentalism, religions betrayed the best intentions of their founders. Reducing thought to formula, replacing choice by obedience, these preachers turned the living word into dead law.
Ursula K. Le Guin
#78. He uses the nice old words so rich in tradition to be sure I know he means it.
Frank Herbert
#79. Pause and remember
Every moment is a choice. Every thought, word and deed is creating your future. Choose wisely and positively!
Jennifer Young
#80. It is interesting to note that poetry, a literary device whose very construct involves the use of words, is itself the word of choice by persons grasping to describe something so beautiful it is marvelously ineffable.
Vanna Bonta
#81. What is destiny more than an end result? If there is such thing as destiny it must change. With every thought we think, every word we utter, every choice we make our destiny adjusts to fit the consequences of that choice.
Eve S. Nicholson
#82. The key word for transportation in the 21st is 'choice.'
Anthony Foxx
#83. Holy [Insert your choice of a swear word here], said Fang stunned.
James Patterson
#84. I have not done enough for effect." Horace Greeley
Harold Holzer
#85. Perhaps defining a self begins with simply making the first choice, simply rising up and deciding what you desire, and then methodically, like writing, putting one word after the other until you have created a whole self and a whole life in the process.
Michele Rosenthal
#87. Charity, if you have the means, is a personal choice, but charity which is expected or compelled is simply a polite word for slavery.
Terry Goodkind
#88. I never knew what was meant by choice of words. It was one word or none.
Robert Frost
#89. His only weakness was the habit of prophesying war within the next fortnight. George Bernard Shaw
Barbara W. Tuchman
#90. Whether the vessel is a legal document or a rap song, language is often chosen ot exclude. To use a scholarly phrase, "discourse communities" are often gated,so it's the good writer's job to offer readers a set of keys.
Roy Peter Clark
#91. Every word Martone sets down, finally, a choice that limits the universe, their trail across the page a fossil record of some life's life-story.
Michael Martone
#92. The letter is too belligerent. If I were you, I would state the facts as they were, without the pepper and salt. Abraham Lincoln
Harold Holzer
#93. Every human thought, word, or deed is based on fear or love. Fear is the energy which contracts, closes down, draws in, hides, hoards, harms. Love is the energy which expands, opens up, sends out, reveals, shares, heals. You have free choice about which of these to select.
Neale Donald Walsch
#95. Ro winks. "I forgive you, Dol-face."
Then, without a word, he takes off running and I have no choice but to follow.
Margaret Stohl
#96. Offstage, I couldn't put things into words, and that was the one thing I'd always been able to rely on. Putting my feelings into words and praying they wouldn't be able to get out again.
Carrie Fisher
#97. The written word is the basic of everything. Most important, the idea, and after that, the dialogue. You can rehash the dialogue as you go along, it 's disgraceful to have to do this, but now and again you have no choice.
Terence Fisher
#98. No one is asking, let alone demanding, that you write. The world is not waiting with bated breath for your article or book. Whether or not you get a single word on paper, the sun will rise, the earth will spin, the universe will expand. Writing is forever and always a choice - your choice.
Beth Mende Conny
#99. SO when I got word from three different sets of people who all said Manson had cancer, I knew I couldn't get straight info from his staff and had no choice but to go over the fence for it.
Lynette Fromme
#100. He was telling an interesting anecdote full of exciting words like "encyclopedia" and "rhododendron".
A.A. Milne
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