Top 91 Quotes About Upset Life
#1. You may think you've hit rock bottom in your life but guess what - there's more crud underneath those rocks.
Richelle E. Goodrich
#2. The negativity took some getting used to, but at the end of the day, life's too short. It's too short to get upset about what other people think . . . too short not to do what makes you happy . . . too short to not call that person back, to stay angry, to hold a grudge.
Elizabeth Meyer
#3. She said that that was the disadvantage of bringing creatures into the house: one grew used to them, and then, one had the upset of their loss.
Sarah Waters
#4. Sometimes in life you'll notice things that you think should upset the people around you, but you stay quiet about it. Being the one who makes your friends uncomfortable is an awful feeling.
Mike Maguire
#5. It's hard when I get to the end of the movie and am held hostage and am supposed to be very upset and the funniest things I've ever heard in my life are coming out. All I can do is pretend there's something really important behind me to hide my face from it.
Brie Larson
#6. I've spent my life navigating through sensitive issues. Not wanting to upset people.
Barry McGuigan
#7. There is a sense of oneness that from time to time I'm aware of in my life. Certainly not all the time, and there are times when I get frightened and when I get upset. But at the best of times, it's a personal oneness.
Richard Bach
#8. And he likes to torment me, and laughs when I get upset when he does. No, of course not. I do not love Jack Elliot. He is low and coarse and a soldier, and not the kind of man I want to spend my life with.
Nancy E. Turner
#9. Violence is very much with us, and we like to see it. I doubt if you can change that, and I'm not sure you should want to. I have occasionally been very upset by something I was writing, but it's quite rare: I keep my writing very separate from my life.
Ruth Rendell
#10. She upset Billy simply by being his mother. She made him feel embarrassed and ungrateful and weak because she had gone to so much trouble to give him life, and to keep that life going, and Billy didn't really like life at all.
Kurt Vonnegut
#11. When you write about real life, there's always a chance that somebody involved is going to see it and get upset.
Denis Leary
#12. If you lead a sloppy life, if you indulge in your emotions, if you're always upset, freaked out, stressful, and not happy, you are wasting power and your power level will get very low.
Frederick Lenz
#13. Sometimes we are so upset about our meaningless worries that we keep losing focus of the goal all the time
Sunday Adelaja
#14. Next time you're tempted to be upset, frustrated, offended, remind yourself, it's a part of that ten percent of things in life that you can't control - but you can control how you respond.
Joel Osteen
#15. Never do something permanently foolish just because you are temporarily upset.
John Spence
#16. Your sense of who you are determines what you perceive as you needs and what matters to you in life - and whatever matters to you will have the power to upset and disturb you.
Eckhart Tolle
#17. Would an evil man show this much concern for me when I'm upset? Stand up for me? Rescue me in the middle of a concert? That's who you are now. Not the man who almost killed Colin Westwood. But one who's sorry for what he did and wants to move on with his life.
Jessica Lauryn
#18. [Asked whether he would like to see an experimental demonstration of conical refraction] No. I have been teaching it all my life, and I do not want to have my ideas upset.
Isaac Todhunter
#19. I'm here, Dr. Fein, because it upsets my mom that I'm having an impossible time with my life." "Should it upset her?" "Not really. Life is impossible.
Jonathan Safran Foer
#20. Let's not allow ourselves to be upset by small things we should despise and forget. Remember "Life is too short to be little".
Dale Carnegie
#21. Ah, today is not really a good day, but my afterthought suggests it is, since I have had the chance to learn that life cannot be exemplary all the time. It is good to be taken aback once in a while because only then, would I value the state of being nonchalant.
Aishah Madadiy
#22. Leave me with my life of the imagination. Your petty pestering, your details of real life, which all upset me to some degree, would drag me down from heaven. Each person dies as best he may; my wish is not to think of death except in my own way.
#23. What upset her most was the cold-blooded way he'd dismissed her from his life. It seemed so easy for him, so ... simple. She was gone for him, as if she meant nothing. That hurt, and it didn't stop hurting.
Debbie Macomber
#24. What I can't be is monogamous. That tends to upset people. I just don't like domestic life.
Fran Lebowitz
#25. I would rather not have upset him, but I couldn't see any reason to change my life. Looking back on it, I wasn't unhappy. When I was a student, I had lots of ambitions like that. But when I had to give up my studies I learned very quickly that none of it really mattered.
Albert Camus
#26. If you wish to upset the law that all crows are black, you mustn't seek to show that no crows are; it is enough if you prove one single crow to be white.
William James
#27. There are things in this book, as in life, that might upset you. There is death and pain in here, tears and discomfort, violence of all kinds, cruelty, even abuse. There is kindness, too, I hope, sometimes. Even a handful of happy endings. (Few
Neil Gaiman
#28. This is what people are talking about when they use words like grace.
That moment, that morning, came vividly back to him whenever he thought of it. But soon suspicion set in. He understood well enough that life by very definition is upset, movement, agitation.
James Sallis
#29. When you observe yourself reacting to what are minor things in your life, you will find that the mechanism is the same as when major things seem to go wrong in your life and there is upset.
Eckhart Tolle
#30. There isn't anyone in my life who is going to get upset about how much travelling I have to do or whether or not I'm available for drinks that night.
Brie Larson
#31. How upset is she?"
"Let me put it this way," his brother began, "All the shit you've shoveled from stalls in your life is nothing compared to how deep you're in it now.
Lindsey Brookes
#32. When the gravity of death first touched me, I'd found preoccupation with the minutiae of daily life meaningless. If we ultimately die, and turn to dust in the ground, should it ever truly upset us if the floor hasn't been swept quite recently enough.
Shirin Ebadi
#33. I am touched by her life, how it moves forward, pulses and springs. There is no fragmentation, nothing stunted or wedged. I circle back, I regress, the past doesn't let go. It might as well be a malfunction, a scene repeating itself, a scratched vinl record, a stutter.
Leila Aboulela
#34. The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you.
Stephanie Perkins
#35. In life, no matter what, never let your enemies or frenemies get you upset. You are in charge of your feelings.
Krystal Volney
#36. In my childhood, America was like a religion. Then, real-life Americans abruptly entered my life - in jeeps - and upset all my dreams.
Sergio Leone
#37. Women upset everything. When you let them into your life, you find that the woman is driving at one thing and you're driving at another.
George Bernard Shaw
#38. Having someone to share not only the joy of life, but the pain of life ... that's been sort of the biggest lesson of marriage. I can never get angry or upset with my partner because they're just a part of me.
Ashton Kutcher
#39. When you're young your reality is accepted by most. When you're older, your reality changes and that seems to upset most people.
Solange Nicole
#40. I remember when my aunt died, the thing that pissed me off the most was going to get groceries the next day and seeing all those people who didn't care ... didn't understand why I was so upset when I saw her brand of cigarettes behind the counter.
Robert Kirkman
#41. My mum still says the biggest mistake I ever made was not being Benedict Lloyd-Hughes. She's very upset. But the only one who calls me Benedict in real life is my granny.
Ben Lloyd-Hughes
#42. I'm sure it's very obvious ... how upset I am with incompetence and the lack of common sense in life. If I can sum up the reason ... it's that these characteristics are not benign. They are responsible for much, if not most, of the great problems, misery, and injustice in the world.
Vincent Bugliosi
#43. I'd probably try to stop the rain forests from being cut down.
I'd probably join the revolution down south somewhere and try to save my life on the planet Earth.
I might go to Libya. I might go see the Ayatollah. I might go to France, catch somebody in France I'm upset with.
Charles Manson
#44. I'm an atheist, and I don't have any belief in an afterlife. You could say that I'm resigned to the fact that this wonderful life that we get here is it. And having hit 60, it's a good time to get resigned to these things and not be too nervous or upset - and enjoy what great times one can have.
David Gilmour
#45. The world's equilibrium hath been upset through the vibrating influence of this most great, this new World Order. Mankind's ordered life hath been revolutionized through the agency of this unique, this wondrous System - the like of which mortal eyes have never witnessed.
#46. When the tides of life turn against you
And the current upsets your boat,
Don't waste those tears on what might have been,
Just lie on your back and float.
Edward Norton
#47. It would't be easy. Max was too hurt and her parents too upset for a cry session to fix everything, but it was the beginning, and that's all we can ask for in life - for a beginning to follow every end.
Cora Carmack
#48. Once in awhile, you do encounter bad acquaintance, mean people, toxic aura. Don't let them rent space in your heart and mind. Don't let anyone make you so upset that you become someone you don't even recognise.
Rita Zahara
#49. Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come as a surprise That I dance like I've got diamonds At the meeting of my thighs?
Maya Angelou
#50. I don't even know how to use a semicolon to this day; I use a comma every time. And you know what? If I email somebody and they get upset about me using a comma instead of a semicolon, that's not a person I want to work with anyway. And that's how you weed people out of your life.
Hannibal Buress
#51. I'm not going to let fear rule my life. I'd rather be able to know that I've made a choice that's right for me, than saying yes because I don't want my agents to be upset with me.
Heather Matarazzo
#52. Quite Franc-ly, I think I am an asset to this world we live in. I know that if I didn't exist, there would be some truly upset people just waiting for me. A life without Franco is like a kitten without fur. That's what my reflection told me.
James Franco
#53. Life happens. There is no point in being upset or down about things we can't control or change.
Amy Winehouse
#54. It was like someone had died- like I had died. Because it had been more than just losing the truest of true loves, as if that were not enough to kill anyone. It was also losing a whole future, a whole family- the whole life that I'd chosen ...
Stephenie Meyer
#55. Maybe the theatre isn't any place for a reasonable human being after all. It keeps your emotions in such a constant state of upheaval. It's really terribly wearing. I wonder if I could stand it, one emotional upset after the other just going on and on for the rest of my life.
Madeleine L'Engle
#56. I don't mean to upset you, but reflective men often find themselves at a certain remove from the realities of life.
Cormac McCarthy
#57. But good girls dont do that, dont make a fuss, dont upset parents. and i was a good girl so i curled up on the floor and sobbed silently instead
Laura Jarratt
#58. Life goes by fast. Enjoy it. Calm down. It's all funny. Next. Everyone gets so upset about the wrong things.
Joan Rivers
#59. The white race is the cancer of human history, it is the white race, and it aloneits ideologies and inventionswhich eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself.
Susan Sontag
#60. What's wrong? Has Francis been rude? Then you must try to overlook it. I know you wouldn't think so, but he is thoroughly upset by Tom Erskine's death; and when Francis is troubled he doesn't show it, he just goes and makes life wretched for somebody.
Dorothy Dunnett
#61. I use everything. Turning life into stories is how I make sense of my experience. No matter how weird or disturbing or upsetting to me personally, it all finds its way in there.
Grant Morrison
#62. In the past I've tended to overreact. I was sure I'd be a superstar by the time I was twenty-one. Baseball messed up my plan of life. When I fail I get upset. Sometimes I get upset too quickly, without thinking of consequences.
Albert Belle
#63. I get irritated, I get upset. Especially when I'm in a hurry. But I see it all as part of our training. To get irritated is to lose our way in life.
Haruki Murakami
#64. I get really upset seeing my friends who are mums crying because they feel like they're not good enough. Clever, confident, kind young women all going, 'I'm ruining my child's life.'
Daisy Donovan
#65. First of all, I find everything funny, which is upsetting to my children sometimes, and to people in my life, in general.
Jenji Kohan
#66. Upset The Established Order Of Your Life And Everything Becomes Chaos ... To A Degree That You Wont Be Able To Differentiate Between Mere Illusions And Solid Reality
Sherif A. El-Mawardy
#67. I am not upset that you don't love me, I am very happy to know that you are still living in my heart, in my love.
Debasish Mridha
#68. Don't be upset and caught up with things or people you cannot change. Instead, move on, let go and concentrate on what you CAN change. Things that enhance your life. You deserve to be happy.
#69. People are going to be upset in life no matter what we do, Bexley. Might as well go big or go home. (Jude)
Frankie Love
#70. The whole course of the life is upset by failure to put God where He belongs. We exalt ourselves instead of God and the curse follows.
A.W. Tozer
#71. What was life worth, anyway, if you had to sit around remembering not to mention this, that, and the other thing because someone else might be upset?
Fritz Leiber
#72. Swallowing your pride isn't lethal. It might upset your stomach for a few minutes, but the ultimate result may be the life of your dreams. And that's a result that's worth every rejection you encounter.
Georgette Mosbacher
#73. However, there is no retirement in the spiritual life, and God intervened to upset what appeared to be Jacob's retirement.
Witness Lee
#74. There is always something to upset the most careful of human calculations.
Saikaku Ihara
#75. It is essential to consider as a constant point of reference in this essay the regular hiatus between what we fancy we know and what we really know, practical assent and simulated ignorance which allows us to live with ideas which, if we truly put them to the test, ought to upset our whole life.
Albert Camus
#76. Essentially, he taught that it doesn't make sense to upset ourselves about what is beyond our control. We don't get a choice about what hand we are dealt in this life. The only choice we have is our attitude about the cards we hold and the finesse with which we play our hand.
Sylvia Boorstein
#77. It's ok to be mad at god when your life is miserable. It's alright to ask for his help and to be upset when he does not answer you
Bangambiki Habyarimana
#78. To upset everything every 3 or 4 years is my notion of a happy life.
Virginia Woolf
#79. I don't know why people were so upset with me. Prince got his own symbol. I just wanted to adopt the handicap symbol as my own so I could park in handicap spots. Deformed people should be honored to park so close to me. Meeting a celebrity like me may give them hope in their mistake of a life.
Zach Braff
#80. Life is a well of joy; but for those out of whom an upset stomach speaks, which is the father of melancholy, all wells are poisoned.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#81. Becoming a child again is what is impossible. That's what you have a legitimate reason to be upset over. Childhood is the most valuable thing that's taken away from you in life, if you think about it.
Heather O'Neill
#82. I was single for a long time and felt very much alone in the world, and talk of family values upset me very much at that phase in my life, because I used to think: 'What about people like me?'
Wendy Cope
#83. I think that would be ungrateful if I were upset because I'm seen as attractive or sexy. That's opened so many doors for me in my life.
Sofia Vergara
#84. To this day God is the name by which I designate all things which cross my willful path violently and recklessly, all things which upset my subjective views, plans and intentions and change the course of my life for better or worse.
Carl Jung
#85. I got bigger problems than that life hasn't turned out the way you hoped. You can harp on the past all you please, Dow, like some old woman upset cause her tits used to stay up by themselves, or you can shut your fucking hole and help me get on with things.
Joe Abercrombie
#86. The only influence that can really upset the injustice and iniquity of men is the power that breathes in the Christian tradition, renewing our participation in the Life that is the Light of men.
Thomas Merton
#87. It doesn't upset me to think about dying. What upsets me is the idea of John being alone after his spell passes. The idea of one of us without the other. (p.127)
Michael Zadoorian
#88. I barely took a moment to appreciate nature. Come to think of it, the
only time I did it was when I was so upset I wanted to commit suicide in the
Huang Pu river.
Vann Chow
#89. I try to walk like Christ in my life. If I strike out, I don't curse, or throw my bat or hit things back in the dugout, I try to quietly just put my helmet back. I may be very upset but I try to control myself.
Torii Hunter
#90. The Four Rules of Life:
1. Show Up 2. Pay Attention 3.Tell the Truth 4. Don't be upset at the results.
Bill Vaughan
#91. We are upsetting the atmosphere upon which all life depends. In the late 80s when I began to take climate change seriously, we referred to global warming as a "slowmotion catastrophe" one we expected to kick in perhaps generations later. Instead, the signs of change have accelerated alarmingly.
David Suzuki
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