Top 36 Quotes About The Collective Unconscious
#1. The collective unconscious contains the whole spiritual heritage of mankind's evolution born anew in the brain structure of every individual.
Carl Jung
#2. Some people talk about children wanting to be born as though somewhere out there in the collective unconscious there's a spirit, or a thought or an idea that wants to be born. And I sometimes feel that way about stories ... that they're there and they want to be told.
Ann-Marie MacDonald
#3. so long as culture is "in balance," the individuals contained in it normally stand in an adequate relationship to the collective unconscious, even if this is only a relationship to the archetypal projections of the cultural canon and to its highest values.
Erich Neumann
#4. To die is to go into the Collective Unconscious, to lose oneself in order to be transformed into form, pure form.
Hermann Hesse
#5. Moreover, the subjective interpretation which sees the myth as a transpersonal psychic event is, in view of the myth's origins in the collective unconscious, much fairer than an attempt to interpret it objectively,
Erich Neumann
#6. Jung even asserted that he would have no objection to regarding the psyche as a quality of matter and matter as a concrete aspect of the psyche, provided that the psyche was understood to be the collective unconscious.
Marie-Louise Von Franz
#7. For me, synchronicity is a way of confirming the rightness of action. It is only in its absence that I realize I'm out of kilter with, for want of a better term, the collective unconscious.
Nick Bantock
#8. Ancient eschatological texts are actually maps of the inner territories of the psyche that seem to transcend race and culture and originate in the collective unconscious.
Stanislav Grof
#9. In fact, the whole of mythology could be taken as a sort of projection of the collective unconscious
Carl Jung
#10. The purpose of ritual is to wake up the old mind in us, to put it to work. The old ones inside us, the collective unconscious, the many lives, the divine eternal parts, the senses and parts of the brain that have been ignored.
Zsuzsanna Budapest
#11. For me Esoteric Hitlerism is being possessed by the archetypes of the collective unconscious which the Greeks used to call gods.
Miguel Serrano
#12. I think everyone's pretty much the same underneath. The collective unconscious is a real thing. There's only a few emotions, and we all have them. There's, like, seven emotions. So personal is universal. Everyone experiences confusion, joy and pain, just in different forms.
Juliana Hatfield
#13. The Internet has usurped the collective unconscious and access to cosmic consciousness has become difficult and almost primitive.
Marc Maron
#14. You have many years ahead of you to create the dreams that we can't even imagine dreaming. You have done more for the collective unconscious of this planet than you will ever know.
Steven Spielberg
#15. The starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection, in which are reflected the mythologems, i.e., the archetypes. In this vision astrology and alchemy, the two classical functionaries of the psychology of the collective unconscious, join hands.
C. G. Jung
#16. I'm just trying to make a smudge on the collective unconscious.
David Letterman
#17. Antarctica has this mythic weight. It resides in the collective unconscious of so many people, and it makes this huge impact, just like outer space. It's like going to the moon.
Jon Krakauer
#18. The collective unconscious consists of the sum of the instincts and their correlates, the archetypes. Just as everybody possesses instincts, so he also possesses a stock of archetypal images.
Carl Jung
#19. Numbers, furthermore as archetypal structural constants of the collective unconscious, possess a dynamic, active aspect which is especially important to keep in mind. It is not what we can do with numbers but what they do to our consciousness that is essential.
Marie-Louise Von Franz
#20. I think with movies I am really connecting to the Joseph Campbell idea of the collective unconscious.
Will Smith
#21. Behind the world's most difficult problems are people - groups of people who don't get along together. You can blame crime, war, drugs, greed, poverty, capitalism or the collective unconscious. The bottom line is that people cause our problems.
Zaid Hassan
#22. The spiritual atrophying of contemporary culture may be due in large measure to its loss of sensitivity to processes in the collective unconscious.
Terence McKenna
#23. Cliches work by appealing to the collective unconscious. They are the Pachbel's Canon in D of writing, something familiar the talented can riff off to create a distinct work.
Thomm Quackenbush
#24. The world of gods and spirits is truly 'nothing but' the collective unconscious inside me.
Carl Jung
#25. America certainly has made extraordinary progress. The collective unconscious of the nation has certainly shifted as a result of the civil rights movement and the developments in the '70s and '80s. We have witnessed a great expansion of the black middle class.
Michael Eric Dyson
#26. I like to use the term alchemy, which is the soul of the world, or those of Jung's collective unconscious. You connect with a space where everything is.
Paulo Coelho
#27. Seed mantras are the seeding suggestions to awaken the deep collective unconscious.
Amit Ray
#28. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but my experience belongs to me, not the collective bloody unconscious.
Ian McEwan
#29. The only thing that interests me in music is to be able to reach into the, let's call it, 'collective unconscious' of what is noblest in the human spirit, the way you find in the music of Mozart and Beethoven and Verdi that wonderful quality that not a note can be changed.
Gian Carlo Menotti
#30. The collective human unconscious can't stand it, the thought of stuff going on forever, so has decided (collectively, unconsciously) to bring the planet to an end. Eco-apocalypse isn't accident, it's deep species strategy.
Glen Duncan
#31. The man of today, who resembles more or less the collective ideal, has made his heart into a den of murderers, as can easily be proved by the analysis of his unconscious, even though he himself is not in the least disturbed by it.
Carl Jung
#32. I'm just trying to rid the world of all these fevered egos that are tainting our collective unconscious ...
Bill Hicks
#33. Language is an anonymous, collective and unconscious art; the result of the creativity of thousands of generations.
Edward Sapir
#34. Here's what the right-wing has in, there's no shortage of the natural resources of ignorance, apathy, hate, fear. As long as those things are in the collective conscious and unconscious, the Republicans will have some votes.
Janeane Garofalo
#35. The poetry of a people comes from the deep recesses of the unconscious, the irrational and the collective body of our ancestral memories.
Margaret Walker
#36. If only a world-wide consciousness could arise that all division and fission are due to the splitting of opposites in the psyche, then we should know where to begin.
C. G. Jung
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