Top 100 Quotes About Teaching And Learning
#1. at the city level, support for community control didn't have much to do with teaching and learning. It was about money, political alliances, and power.
Dana Goldstein
#2. Effective Peer Coaches emphasize inquiry over advocacy. Too much advocacy can produce learned helplessness. Inquiry builds capacity to improve teaching and learning by helping teachers to be more effective at designing and implementing learning activities that meet the needs of their students.
Lester Joseph Foltos
#3. I am a teacher at heart. My goal is to inspire and energize audiences with ideas and possibilities that will challenge them to expand their perceptions of teaching and learning and dare to consider our professional future with optimism and excitement.
David Warlick
#4. Students quickly receive the message that they can only be smart when they are not who they are. This, in many ways, is classroom colonialism; and it can only be addressed through a very different approach to teaching and learning.
Christopher Emdin
#5. It would be wonderful if people could grow together in groups, teaching and learning communities where they empower, evoke, explore the enormous capacities of the human condition.
Jean Houston
#6. A significant contribution to science pedagogy and to the scholarship of teaching and learning ... [W]ill be of interest to researchers in the area of science education and to college and university faculty members who seek to improve their teaching.
David W. Oxtoby
#7. It is no secret that the fruits of language study are in no sort of relation to the labour spent on teaching and learning them.
Edward Sapir
#8. Having replaced instinct with language, society, and culture, we are the only species that depends on teaching and learning. We aren't human without them. In them is true power. But are they the occupations of the rich and mighty?
Ursula K. Le Guin
#9. The ancient Jewish people gave the world the vision of eternal peace, of universal disarmament, of abolishing the teaching and learning of war.
Menachem Begin
#10. Experiences in order to be educative must lead out into an expanding world of subject matter, a subject matter of facts or information and of ideas. This condition is satisfied only as the educator views teaching and learning as a continuous process of reconstruction of experience.
John Dewey
#11. So, what does it mean for teaching and learning programming when the solution to every beginner problem is available on the Internet?
Cay S. Horstmann
#12. We disagree with the assertion that great teachers can be replaced by online alternatives. The futuristic claim that technology will triumph over teachers ignores all the social and relational dimensions of teaching and learning.
Andy Hargreaves
#13. Intuition means exactly what it sounds like, in-tuition! An inner tutor or teaching and learning mechanism that takes us forward daily. It is a resource that, where recognized, has infinite potential.
Sylvia Clare
#14. new strategies in teaching and learning English language
Wilga Rivers
#15. There are all sorts of ways a leader can foster interactive teaching and learning if he starts thinking, Where do I socially architect myself?
Noel Tichy
#16. optimal literacy teaching and learning can only be achieved when skillful, knowledgeable, and dedicated teachers are given the freedom and latitude to use their professional judgment to make instructional decisions that enable students to achieve their full literacy potential.
Linda B. Gambrell
#17. My daddy wanted me to be a farmer; feel the smoothness of Alabama clay and become one of the first blacks in my town to own land. But, I was worried about my history being caked with that southern clay, and I subscribed to a different kind of teaching and learning in my bones and in my spirit.
John Henrik Clarke
#18. There are probably other things in the world that the sheep can't teach me, thought the boy as he regarded the old merchant. All they ever do, really, is look for food and water. And maybe it wasn't that they were teaching me, but that I was learning from them.
Paulo Coelho
#19. I don't think it matters what school you go to, but I think it's important for parents to be involved. And to know that when school stops, learning continues, and to continue teaching at home.
Erykah Badu
#20. In the Western tradition, we have focused on teaching as a skill and forgotten what Socrates knew: teaching is a gift, learning is a skill.
Peter Drucker
#21. Genuine wisdom has two major conditions: you cannot teach it, and you cannot make someone learn it.
Raheel Farooq
#22. Learning and teaching are not symmetrical. They are not the flip sides of the same coin, in spite of the fact that almost all papers and conversations on education assume they are. The working assumption
Sugata Mitra
#23. All teaching and all intellectual learning come about from already existing knowledge.
#24. Your Master Teacher knows all you need to learn, the perfect timing for your learning it, and the ideal way of teaching it to you. You don't create a Master Teacher
that's already been done. You discover your Master Teacher.
Peter McWilliams
#25. Our attitude towards ourselves should be 'to be satiable in learning' and towards others 'to be tireless in teaching.
Mao Zedong
#26. In all the works on pedagogy that ever I read - and they have been many, big, and heavy - I don't remember that any one has advocated a system of teaching by practical jokes, mostly cruel. That, however, describes the method of our great teacher, Experience.
Charles Sanders Peirce
#27. In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.
Phil Collins
#28. Whoever teaches learns in the act of teaching, and whoever learns teaches in the act of learning.
Paulo Freire
#29. For me, study is a divine and daily imperative, and I study a page of Talmud daily so that I am not only teaching. My teaching is constantly being fed by my learning.
Erica Brown
#30. The fact that they were there as students presumed they did not know what was good or bad. That was his job as instructor ... to tell them what was good or bad. The whole idea of individual creativity and expression in the classroom was really basically opposed to the whole idea of the University.
Robert M. Pirsig
#31. We know at lot more now than the 'last time around the 1960s and 1970s - about how to work for smart schools ... ' 'The smart school finds it's foundation in a rich and evolving set of principles about human thinking and learning.'
David Perkins
#32. It's essential to keep moving, learning and evolving for as long as you're here and this world keeps spinning
Rasheed Ogunlaru
#33. Let the main object ... to seek and to find a method of instruction, by which teachers may teach less, but learners learn more.
John Amos Comenius
#34. There is no way to help a learner to be disciplined, active, and thoroughly engaged unless he perceives a problem to be a problem or whatever is to-be-learned as worth learning, and unless he plays an active role in determining the process of solution.
Neil Postman
#35. Arrogance, pedantry, and dogmatism ... the occupational diseases of those who spend their lives directing the intellects of the young.
Henry Seidel Canby
#36. Once we get our corporate culture the way we want it, we have to hire people who fit. Otherwise, the wheels fall off the wagon and we quickly find ourselves back where we started.
Quint Studer
#37. Every parent's deepest wish is that their children are self sufficient, happy, and able to live a full life.
Peter Block
#38. More often than not, you will never be judged by your intentions because the world can't read minds and very few will know the heart of a person they have not given time to know personally.
Shannon L. Alder
#39. Culturally speaking, I was raised in a Jewish household. In addition to the religious side of it, I was taught respect for books and learning and the higher professions like medicine and law and teaching.
Woody Allen
#40. We must humble ourselves before [others] so we may learn from what others have lived. It is only when we have added their expertise to our own that we can truly excel towards our most ambitious goals and reach our fullest potential.
A.J. Darkholme
#41. School curriculum, learning activities--all educational pursuits--should be characterized by and should lead to a sense and experience of wholeness. (p25)
Donovan L. Graham
#42. A teacher who loves learning earns the right and the ability to help others learn.
Ruth Beechick
#43. A person teaching and a person learning,' he said, 'should have the same end in view: the improvement of the latter.
#44. I would rather my descendants have greater abilities and a greater knowledge of the love of Christ than I do, much like standing on one's shoulders in order to get a clearer view of the valley.
Criss Jami
#45. That which anyone has been long learning unwillingly, he unlearns with proportional eagerness and haste.
William Hazlitt
#46. Life is constantly teaching us that we are mirrors of one another and that no one is an island!
Auliq Ice
#47. Benevolence alone will not make a teacher, nor will learning alone do it. The gift of teaching is a peculiar talent, and implies a need and a craving in the teacher himself.
John Jay Chapman
#48. That which we are, we shall teach, not voluntarily, but involuntarily. Thoughts come into our minds by avenues which we never left open, and thoughts go out of our minds through avenues which we never voluntarily opened.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
#49. The professor argues against measuring effectiveness in the shallow short-term in the "fierce humanities," for teaching that seeks not merely learning, but unlearning, that seeks to unsettle knowledge and assumptions in ways more fundamental than any exam can or should test.
Cary Nelson
#50. One of my signature strengths is the love of learning, and by teaching, I have built it into the fabric of my life. I try to do some of it every day.
Martin Seligman
#51. As if with the nut and flower, the nut has become less than the flower ... both those teaching and those learning are concerned with colouring and showing off their technique, trying to hasten the bloom of the flower.
Miyamoto Musashi
#52. The art of teaching is clarity and the art of learning is to listen.
Vandana Shiva
#53. Teaching is mostly listening, and learning is mostly telling.
Deborah Meier
#54. In teaching the young you have to satisfy the schoolchild in yourself and enter the region where all meanings start. That is where, in any case, the philosopher has perpetually to start.
William Barrett
#55. There is a difference between judgment and feedback. Your critics use you as a mirror for their own hidden darkness. Your teachers hold up a mirror to yours.
Vironika Tugaleva
#56. The only thing that mattered was what you were to do in life, and it wasn't about money. It was about teaching, or learning.
Maya Lin
#57. Sometimes, the only way to learn something really well is to revert to the state of mind of a novice and reawaken to the raw observations that you have accumulated instead of relying on the conclusions you have reached from the exogenous premises absorbed through teaching and bookish learning.
Erik Naggum
#58. Each day should be devoted to miracles. The purpose of time is to enable you to
learn how to use time constructively.
It is thus a teaching device and a means to an end.
Time will cease when it is no longer useful in facilitating learning.
Kenneth Wapnick
#59. Stay firmly in your path and dare; be wild two hours a day!
Paul Gauguin
#60. Ineffective substitute teaching is a problem that means thousands of hours of lost learning for America's students. It cannot be dismissed with a sigh and 'Just wait for the teacher to come back on Monday.'
Adora Svitak
#61. The minute we stop learning, we begin death, the process of dying. We learn from each other with every action we perform. We are teaching goodness or evil every time we step out of the house and into the street.
Leo Buscaglia
#62. Do not become so absorbed with trivial things that you miss learning the doctrine and teachings of the Lord.
Richard G. Scott
#63. Learning to read is probably the most difficult and revolutionary thing that happens to the human brain and if you don't believe that, watch an illiterate adult try to do it.
John Steinbeck
#64. The business of education is not to make the young perfect in any one of the sciences, but so to open and dispose their minds as may best make them - capable of any, when they shall apply themselves to it.
John Locke
#65. Most learning is not the result of instruction. It is rather the result of unhampered participation in a meaningful setting. Most people learn best by being "with it," yet school makes them identify their personal, cognitive growth with elaborate planning and manipulation.
Ivan Illich
#66. I am the person I want to be. I got to teach and had some of the greatest times in my life learning that I had some teaching skills and doing some incredible things teaching 200 hours of computers a year to fifth graders, making them experts at certain things.
Steve Wozniak
#67. Oprah was not somebody who was telling us what to do, she wasn't really teaching us like so many people we see today. With Oprah, she was learning and we were learning with her. And I think that's really was the seed that was planted for all of us to just hang in there with her.
Bonnie Hunt
#68. Do not train children to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds.
#69. Give up learning, and put an end to your troubles.
#70. My discourse leads to the truth; the mind is great and guided by this teaching is able to arrive at some understanding. When the mind has understood all things and found them to be in harmony with what has been expounded by the teachings, it is faithful and comes to rest in that beautiful faith.
Hermes Trismegistus
#71. Attentive listening to others is important regardless of their stations and positions. Wise people consider the deep meaning and true values of all suggestions. Learning and teaching are exchanged joyfully through deep listening and mutual appreciation.
Chungliang Al Huang
#72. In an undergraduate business environment, the best learning experience is the interaction students have with each other. They need to learn from each other as much as from professors and lectures and other teaching tools.
Gerry Schwartz
#73. I believe that teaching is a creative art in which evidence based knowledge is applied toward meeting the learning goals of learners. I believe that effective teaching is often the spark that ignites the imagination, possibility, and promise for learners, including the teacher.
Barbara Paterson
#74. If you're comfortable, I'm not teaching and you're not learning.
Brene Brown
#75. But there is one thing most companies struggle to standardize, and ironically, it's the most important part of our efforts to gain and sustain results. It is leadership.
Quint Studer
#76. Absolute ideals and absolute grace: after learning that dual message from Russian novelists, I returned to Jesus and found that it suffuses his teaching throughout the Gospels and especially in the Sermon on the Mount.
Philip Yancey
#77. The danger of lectures is that they create the illusion of teaching for teachers, and the illusion of learning for learners.
Albert Camus
#78. What we want ... is for students to get more interested in things, more involved in them, more engaged in wanting to know; to have projects that they can get excited about and work on over long periods of time, to be stimulated to find things out on their own.
Howard Gardner
#79. The sole justification of teaching, of the school itself, is that the student comes out of it able to do something he could not do before. I say do and not know, because knowledge that doesn't lead to doing something new or doing something better is not knowledge at all.
Jacques Barzun
#80. Teaching is not telling and learning is not having been told.
Madeline Hunter
#81. It was true; books had saved me in my home remodeling projects, but they fell short in teaching me how to trust my instincts, and how to stop thinking with my educated brain and more with my kneecaps and butt cheeks.
Dee Williams
#82. If a plethora of learning with a paucity of teaching is an approach to heaven and a plethora of teaching with a paucity of learning an approach to hell, the devil is hard at work in our educational systems.
Dee Hock
#83. There are two types of teachers. The ones who teach you to use the text to find answers, and the ones who teach you to use the text to find another whole world of answers.
#84. Man ultimately decides for himself! And in the end, education must be education towards the ability to decide
Viktor E. Frankl
#85. Teachers have three loves: love of learning, love of learners, and the love of bringing the first two loves together.
Scott Hayden
#86. We are all afraid. That's the thing that unites all truly successful people: fear, fear of failing, fear of criticism, fear of letting down the team in some way. That why they try so hard, that's why they pay attention to detail and try to get every possible duck in a row. It's fear
Peggy Noonan
#87. Learning power comprises both literacy and numeracy, and is ultimately more fundamental than either of them.
Guy Claxton
#88. The best teaching is often both an intellectual creation and a performing art.
Ken Bain
#89. This is the sense in which I am obliged to be a listener. To listen to the student's doubts, fears, and incompetencies that are part of the learning process. It is in listening to the student that I learn to speak with him or her.
Paulo Freire
#90. I enjoy being a student and learning. I don't think you should ever stop being a student. That's where the most creative ideas come from. Teaching is a blessing as well because I get to share what I've learned and my passion for creative movement with people.
Derek Hough
#91. The act of learning itself is no longer seen as simply a matter of information transfer, but rather as a process of dynamic participation, in which students cultivate new ways of thinking and doing, through active discovery and discussion, experimentation and reflection.
Susan C. Aldridge
#92. It is no accident that Sufis find that they can connect most constructively with people who are well integrated into the world, as well as having higher aims, and that those who adopt a sensible attitude towards society and life as generally known can usually absorb Sufi teachings very well indeed
Idries Shah
#93. Be radical about grace and relentless about truth and resolute about holiness ...
Ann Voskamp
#94. There should be no element of slavery in learning. Enforced exercise does no harm to the body, but enforced learning will not stay in the mind. So avoid compulsion, and let your children's lessons take the form of play.
#95. Prejudice is learned. What will you teach others through your actions and words?
DaShanne Stokes
#96. Learning means change and change is usually difficult.
Herman L Glaess
#97. A good teacher does not teach all that he knows. He teaches all that the learners need to know at the time, and all that the learners can accountably learn in the time given.
Jane Vella
#98. Stand aside for a while and leave room for learning, observe carefully what children do, and then, if you have understood well, perhaps teaching will be different from before.
Loris Malaguzzi
#99. The ability to take misfortune and make something good come of it is a rare gift. Those who possess it are ..said to have resilience or courage.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
#100. The best thing that I can teach you is to be compassionate and kind to all.
Debasish Mridha
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