Top 36 Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time

#1. I'm taking one thing at a time. With the children and launching my solo career it would drive me to a nervous breakdown if I tried to organise a wedding on top of that.

Natasha Hamilton

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #1205964
#2. That's the most beautiful thing that I like about boxing: you can take a punch. The biggest thing about taking a punch is your ego reacts and there's no better spiritual lesson than trying to not pay attention to your ego's reaction. That's what takes people out of the fight half the time.

David O. Russell

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #81187
#3. One must simply take the days of their lives as they happen. If you spend time worrying over what is to come, which may or may not happen, then you will only be wasting precious days you will wish in the future you could have cherished a bit longer.

R.J. Gonzales

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #55373
#4. You know what I like to do? I love waking up early, making them breakfast, taking them to school, having time in the morning with them. With six kids, it's like a reality show.

Allan Houston

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #62117
#5. This book is about fighting back. The dominant culture -civilization- is killing the planet, and it is long past time for those of us who care about life on earth to begin taking the actions necessary to stop this culture from destroying every living thing.

Derrick Jensen

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #62261
#6. I have always been hers. Although she is taking her time accepting it." "I

Gail Carriger

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #74558
#7. I get insecure about a lot of things. In my line of work, unfortunately, your appearance is important, and I'm always like, 'Am I going to the gym enough this month? Have I been taking care of myself?' I get insecure about things from time to time.

Jesse McCartney

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #75079
#8. And I could find other excuses to get out and sit on the crisp grass and look out over the airy roof of Yorkshire. It was like taking time out of life. Time to get things into perspective and assess my progress.

James Herriot

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #75182
#9. Taking time to show your daughter your love, fills the tapestry of her live with memories she will keep forever and builds a reservoir of undeniable knowledge of the love you feel for her.

Tasha Chen

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #78260
#10. Practical management of your time includes taking responsibility of your choices.

Julie Connor

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #79671
#11. It's funny to think that Anson and I were here, in this same place, together all that time ago, and now here we are again. It makes me feel good, makes me feel that perhaps everything doesn't just disappear, that some things are circling back, taking the long way, but circling back towards me.

Helen Humphreys

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #55237
#12. In our hedonistic age, the Slow movement has a marketing ace up its sleeve: it peddles pleasure. The central tenet of the Slow philosophy is taking the time to do things properly, and thereby enjoy them more.

Carl Honore

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #82586
#13. I have had a hard time settling on one medium and feel like a dilettante at times, taking up one medium and then wanting to learn to work in another. At age 76, I really don't have the time to settle down to one medium when there are so many avenues to explore.

Nancy Johnson

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #93407
#14. The basic thing is that I want to do the best work possible, and I can only do that if I'm relaxed and have a lot of energy. And that can only come from taking time off.

Jason Scott Lee

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #93700
#15. Taking delight in my family, my time in nature, and in the chance to do work that I find endlessly fascinating and rewarding. My smile grows even bigger when I think about how lucky I am to have such delights be part of my everyday life.

Barbara Fredrickson

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #95584
#16. The only thing that would deter me at the moment would be the idea of doing one thing for a very long time. There is no doubt in my mind that television is an incredibly auspicious medium right now. It's where a lot of the serious acting is taking place.

Simon Pegg

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #102380
#17. If I have to win one game, I'd have a hard time taking anybody over Dustin Pedroia as my second baseman.

Mariano Rivera

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #109385
#18. Francis taught me that if we spent less time worrying about how to share our faith with someone on an airplane and more time thinking about how to live radically generous lives, more people would start taking our message seriously.

Ian Morgan Cron

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #112726
#19. It is really intolerable that we can say only one thing at a time; for social behavior displays many features at the same time, and so in taking them up one by one we necessarily do outrage to its rich, dark, organic unity.

George C. Homans

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #1583359
#20. In the editing room, 20 percent of the time you're using stuff from before the actor knew the camera was rolling or you're taking a line from somewhere else and putting it in his mouth.

Campbell Scott

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #32634
#21. When all the time it was that grand tree, taking up half the garden with its roots and not allowing anything else to grow.

Zadie Smith

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #6860
#22. Delivering a project isn't difficult. What's difficult is delivering a project without first taking the time to plan properly

James Leal

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #7689
#23. He closes the door and turns around to face me with his hands behind his back. He studies me intensely, and it makes me squirm. "You know, you're not like I thought you'd be," he says, taking a step forward. "Yet, at the same time

Jessica Sorensen

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #10127
#24. Issa knelt down in front of her, taking her hands in his. Until the end of time, I will love you. You are the moon in my endless night. I have never abandoned this world, even when I desperately wanted to, and I will never leave you, either.

Lisa Kessler

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #10485
#25. Are you saying you gave up getting a human body for me?" He lifted my bandaged hand. Underneath all the game, my knuckles throbbed from punching Jules. Patch kissed each finger, taking his time, keeping his eyes glued to mine.
"What good is a body if I can't have you?

Becca Fitzpatrick

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #12625
#26. The sure path to tomorrow was plotted in a manger and paved on a cross. And although this sturdy byway is mine for the taking, I have incessantly chosen lesser paths. And maybe it is time to realize that Christmas is a promise that I can walk through the world and never get lost in the woods.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #18171
#27. If women's choices - such as taking time off to rear children - make them less productive in the economy, does adolescent boys' behavior in school make them even less so, because they are missing the educational potential of their formative years?

Sendhil Mullainathan

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #28354
#28. I think that we are in a very strange time, when everybody is thinking about what is going to happen, and everybody is kind of cleaning house a little bit. In the fashion world, we are doing something similar. We are taking the fake out and being a little bit more real and simple.

Alber Elbaz

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #30325
#29. If you hear screaming, it's my meltdown. Do me a favor and make sure I stay dressed."
Those hazel eyes took their sweet time taking in every inch of my body. "I make no promises.

Ashlan Thomas

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #53441
#30. She was uncertain about taking his hand in marriage after he'd revealed to her that his deceased father was a big-time hustler, and his twin brother had taken over the family empire. She was scared.

Aleta L. Williams

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #38344
#31. If you have a headache every Monday morning when it is time for you to go to work, perhaps you're driving the wrong car, perhaps you're taking the wrong route, or you may be in the wrong line of work. Obviously, only you can figure out the message.

Christiane Northrup

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #41694
#32. I mean its an obsession, you follow the obsession but at the same time you have so many doubts, you know. Why am I wasting so much money going back to this place, taking more pictures? What's the point of it? No one cares about it. I think I care about it but maybe I am deceiving myself.

Alex Webb

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #46120
#33. Absorbing his words was like taking a drink of hot tea. They burned on the way down, but soothed my insides once they had time to cool off.

Tiffanie DeBartolo

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #46474
#34. When people go through something rough in life, they say, 'I'm taking it one day at a time.' Yes, so is everybody. Because that's how time works.

Hannibal Buress

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #49175
#35. Stewart loves me with a tiger's intensity, his need taking my breath away, his confidence in our relationship strong enough to not be bothered by the presence of another man. He stares into my soul as if he owns it, and shows his love with money, sex, and rare moments of time.

Alessandra Torre

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #50598
#36. You're starting to see new record companies and business models taking shape, but it takes time.

Simon Le Bon

Quotes About Taking One Thing At A Time #51124

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