Top 73 Christiane Northrup Quotes

#1. If you have a headache every Monday morning when it is time for you to go to work, perhaps you're driving the wrong car, perhaps you're taking the wrong route, or you may be in the wrong line of work. Obviously, only you can figure out the message.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #41694
#2. Thoughts are an important part of your inner wisdom and they are very powerful. A thought held long enough and repeated often enough becomes a belief. A belief then becomes your biology.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #49783
#3. becoming an ageless goddess means letting go of the fear that you aren't smart enough, educated enough, or intuitive enough to make the right decisions for yourself.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #59400
#4. I keep my center by [surrounding] myself with like-minded people who I can call and visit with and simply be with.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #80683
#5. My message is "Getting older is inevitable. Aging and deterioration are optional."

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #91536
#6. Be open to the fact that Spirit answers prayers three ways: "Yes!" and "Not now" and "No, because I love you too much.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #152506
#7. Unlived dreams often show up in your body as disease. Go for the Big Wow. Life is short!

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #156665
#8. If we lived in a culture that valued women's autonomy and in which men and women practiced cooperative birth control, the abortion issue would be moot.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #186840
#9. Be joyful and experience pleasurable lives.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #196713
#10. The female body was designed as a source of pleasure, fertility, movement, strength and wellbeing.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #232428
#11. hard-wired to seek love, joy, fulfillment - and health. Though we've too often been talked out of our desires as children,

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #243433
#12. Illness is often a sign that you need to make an adjustment in your life path.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #263080
#13. Love is a universal force, like gravity, that holds the solar system together and pours into our hearts as life-force - and gets expressed to us most beautifully by small children and animals.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #268445
#14. According to Chinese and ancient Ayurvedic medicine, at age 60, women end their householder life and begin to develop their souls. Our fertility stops being about having children and starts being about what we create for ourselves that benefits us and the people around us.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #282399
#15. The Greatest Pregnancy Ever is a treasure. It should be the very first thing a pregnant woman reads - in fact, every woman who intends to have a baby will be thrilled with the empowering message here.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #288415
#16. We are not proponents of long life. We are proponents of joyful life, and when you find yourself in joy, the longevity usually follows. We do not count the success of a life by its length; we count it by its joy. - ABRAHAM

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #351204
#17. You don't need to deteriorate with advancing age.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #365706
#18. In Celtic cultures, the young maiden was seen as the flower; the mother, the fruit; the elder woman, the seed. The seed is the part that contains the knowledge and potential of all the other parts within it.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #400659
#19. Imagine what might happen if women emerged from their labor beds with a renewed sense of the strength and power of their bodies, and of their capacity for ecstasy through giving birth

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #467253
#20. The world is awakening to a powerful truth: Women and girls aren't the problem; they're the solution.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #492596
#21. I want you to know that it is pleasure, not pain, that is your birthright.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #506191
#22. We all have unresolved shame, because it is used as a tool to control behavior.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #550628
#23. To get to forgiveness, we first have to work through the painful experiences that require it.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #562871
#24. The inability to love and accept yourself and your humanity is at the heart of many illnesses. To be loved and accepted, you must start by loving yourself. If you have traits that you consider unlovable, you must love them anyway ... it's a paradox.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #624956
#25. Because connection with others and our "best self" is the most primal need we have, shame feels absolutely awful.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #638587
#26. By becoming mindful of our cultural programming, we can step out of it.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #640328
#27. We are all hungry for genuine connection and caring, and we will not get this unless we find our Soul's tribe.

If we don't find this, we'll kill ourselves, either by finding an addiction to mask the pain or by ignoring what we need to stay healthy.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #684423
#28. Natural birth is full of magnificent, life-changing wisdom.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #694185
#29. When enough women realize that birth is a time of great opportunity to get in touch with their true power, and when they are willing to assume responsibility for this, we will reclaim the power of birth and help move technology where it belongs-in the service of birthing women, not their master.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #717907
#30. Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #718931
#31. A grudge is like a cesspool; forgiveness like a flowing river.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #729055
#32. Your mind is a dangerous neighbourhood and you shouldn't go in there alone at night

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #734567
#33. Loving everything about yourself - even the 'unacceptable' - is an act of personal power. It is the beginning of healing.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #753750
#34. Our inner guidance comes to us through our feelings and body wisdom first
not through intellectual understanding.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #764465
#35. [A]ny ecstatic experience can be healing not just for you but for others. Therapy is good to help you think differently and break patterns of pessimistic thinking or negative self-talk. But we have to be joyful, dance, and bring pleasure into our lives deliberately.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #770748
#36. the hermetic philosophy of the harmony between man and nature contained in the phrase "As above, so below.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #772636
#37. True health is only possible when we understand the unity of our minds, emotions, spirits and physical bodies.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #804579
#38. Your thoughts and beliefs are the single most important indicator of your state of health. That is amazingly good

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #810293
#39. become the physical embodiment of your soul so that you discover the woman you were always meant to be.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #847633
#40. I am tremendously moved anytime anyone gives birth to something from deep within themselves that is pure and authentic.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #879432
#41. We have the ability to become far more powerful and happy and healthy than we ever dreamed possible. At any age.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #890817
#42. When you move toward that which is most fulfilling and life-enhancing, healing follows regardless of what your health is like in that moment.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #977932
#43. The exceptional patient is the person who, despite their diagnosis, takes charge of their health and decides to be responsible to their illness or their condition and not necessarily feel responsible for it. One stance is drenched in blame and the other is full of power.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1026611
#44. with a woman's life expectancy at eighty-four years, it is reasonable to expect that she will not only live thirty to forty years beyond menopause, but be vibrant, sharp, and influential as well. The menopause you will experience is not your mother's (or grandmother's) menopause.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1060862
#45. What would your life be like if your body were your friend and ally?

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1073380
#46. The secret to thriving is the knowledge that we are never simply victims of our bodies. It's very reassuring to know that we all have within us the ability to heal from anything and go on to live joy-filled lives.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1087367
#47. The work I do to let go of my suffering diminishes the suffering of the whole universe. When I have room for my own pain, I have room for the pain of others. Only then can I be transformed into joy. As I heal, the Earth heals.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1118416
#48. Your surroundings, home, personal care, pets, clothing & body are all reflections of how you see and express yourself. Do these reflect your true self?

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1131708
#49. My body and its condition are a barometer that is always trying to tell me which direction to go for my maximum creativity, health and fulfillment. And, because I'm human, I get off track now and again but I can always get back on.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1193289
#50. Another example of how connected we all are, and are meant to be, is the story of the "elephant whisperer," the late Lawrence Anthony. He was a conservationist who saved the lives of countless elephants

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1283922
#51. The more you move toward what makes you feel good, and move away from those things which bring you distress and pain, the healthier you will be.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1366864
#52. the most fundamental and radical of these changes is learning how to love and accept your precious body right now. It is, after all, the temple that houses your soul.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1370740
#53. Nothing in our society-with the exception of violence and fear-has been more effective in keeping women in their place than the degradation of the menstrual cycle.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1383990
#54. Understand that you have the ability to get healthy and stay healthy.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1435430
#55. I believe that we make soul contracts with ourselves and other souls before incarnating into our human bodies.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1517267
#56. Your authentic, true self doesn't lie to you, mislead you, or take you away from your power source.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1524467
#57. If you want to have world peace - peace in your family, peace in your town and peace in your own bedroom - you simply begin with whatever creates peace within yourself. This vibration will go out from you in waves, and these waves have a very positive impact on the world.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1534586
#58. Energy is the prime mover of all we see and know. You change the energy and your body has to respond.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1553688
#59. courage necessary to make radical and life-giving changes in your mind and body that will allow you to flourish on all levels.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1576343
#60. Our desires are the way that the healing life force comes through us and replenishes our bodies.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1629317
#61. Shame cannot exist in conditions of light, sunshine, and humor. So the very moment that you share your most shameful moments - and can learn to laugh about them - then the spell is lifted. And you, too, are free.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1655936
#62. If women experienced the ecstasy of birth, they would have the high that would get them through the hormonal changes of the next week. Your body and your inner wisdom give you that high.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1679148
#63. And, as you know, the present moment is where ALL your power is. A reminder I need regularly. Maybe you too.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1696210
#64. Our own body is the best health system we have-if we know how to listen to it.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1697579
#65. Celebrate every relationship you've ever had. For better or worse, your relationships are your best teachers.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1712162
#66. Your health is not outside of you.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1714800
#67. The world at large is finally waking up to the fact that we can no longer ignore the victims of intimate violence and the link between intimate violence and international violence, including terrorism.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1741650
#68. Age is just a number, and agelessness means not buying into the idea that a number determines everything from your state of health to your attractiveness to your value.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1804606
#69. Science must acknowledge truthfully how much it doesn't know and leave room for mystery, miracles, and the wisdom of nature.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1810840
#70. Nothing happens randomly.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1840964
#71. The body creates health daily. It is inherently self-healing.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1843231
#72. Still, far too often girls are given the message that their bodies, their lives, and their femaleness must be apologized for. Have you noticed how often women apologize?

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1856399
#73. Shame is, hands down, the most uncomfortable feeling. And, because it produces continuous amounts of inflammatory chemicals in the body, it is also a health risk.

Christiane Northrup

Christiane Northrup Quotes #1863770

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