Top 31 Quotes About Soothing The Soul

#1. There is a waterfall in every dream. Cool and crystal clear, it falls gently on the sleeper, cleansing the mind and soothing the soul.

Virginia Alison

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #1398338
#2. Beautiful objects, ideas, even beautiful people all share the power to lift the spirits and motivate creativity while at the same time soothing the soul ...

Thomas Kinkade

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #855731
#3. Motivation is soothing medicine for the soul.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #1817842
#4. Here's to us. Who's like us? Damn few.

Steve Kluger

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #1799671
#5. Nature's voice and Nature's beauty
God's soothing and purifying angels of the soul
speak to me most tenderly and most happily, at such times as these.

Wilkie Collins

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #1799128
#6. a single poem
the thing that can keep me
light on my feet,
when my soul is
heavy with sorrow.

Sanober Khan

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #1785538
#7. A lot of times, some of my best ideas happen when I'm running. That's when I do my best thinking.

Apolo Ohno

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #1765863
#8. Balance is so important. We all have to cut up our clock to find out what works for you. If you're ineffective, you're using bad clock management, and you have to adjust. Using a basketball reference, the team who wins is the team that can make adjustments in real time.

Kim Fields

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #1742607
#9. It is a wonderful morning with the sun shining bright and flowers smiling. There is a sweet breeze kissing my face while a hot cup of coffee warms my heart and awakens my mind. The primordial songs of ocean waves are soothing my soul. I am not on earth; I am in heaven on earth.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #1736084
#10. A daily dose of daydreaming heals the heart, soothes the soul, and strengthens the imagination.

Richelle E. Goodrich

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #1612362
#11. The magic place of soul-soothing dreams, where the silken sheen of polished glass under soft lights made her think of how lovely Heaven was going to be.

Robert McCammon

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #1579272
#12. Revive your soul daily to the dance of soothing music.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #1519313
#13. No tears are wasted. It is deepest soul soothing.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #1489934
#14. But she was her own champion now. And she would not add another name of her beloved dead to her flesh.

Sarah J. Maas

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #1426567
#15. I can honestly say that everything I've ever listened to has influenced me or motivated me in one way, form or fashion.

Brantley Gilbert

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #1370477
#16. Confession may or may not be good for the soul, but it's undoubtedly soothing to the nerves.

Stephen King

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #1337433
#17. There is no refreshment more gratifying to the soul than the sight of Nature in her summer finery, before the heat is at its most intense. She is soothing, but not soporific; intoxicating without inebriation.

M T Anderson

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #1293425
#18. Petting, scratching, and cuddling a dog could be as soothing to the mind and heart as deep meditation and almost as good for the soul as prayer.

Dean Koontz

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #1239669
#19. Soothing the exhaustion
In my soul,
So I can fall back skyward,
Safe in your arms,
And survive to dream again.

Scott Hastie

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #1102490
#20. He'd never seen anything so downright beautiful. A sense of peace fell over him, calming him, pacifying the always-tense nerves inside of him, and soothing his very soul. He wanted to take that moment, to capture it, and keep it forever.

J.M. Darhower

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #1075588
#21. In summer, a soothing warm breeze on a beach is the most soothing music for the soul.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #1001748
#22. Oh, come on," Clary said. "You're a vampire, not Spider-Man.

Cassandra Clare

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #981013
#23. Flattery is no more than what raises in a man's mind an idea of a preference which he has not.

Edmund Burke

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #972639
#24. The eternal being exists for ever if he once exists.

Blaise Pascal

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #971053
#25. So that the monotonous fall of the waves on the beach, which for the most part beat a measured and soothing tattoo to her thoughts seemed consolingly to repeat over and over again ...

Virginia Woolf

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #812727
#26. The new religion without any secrets is philosophy. The old religion, said Aristotle, is necessary only for the uneducated; Confucius, Buddha, Voltaire and Lessing were of the same opinion.

Artur Phleps

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #755487
#27. He understood her affinity to the water, inspiring as it was beautiful, and soothing to the soul. Standing there that morning, he realized he would never be able to look at the ocean again without thinking of her, and somehow he was still comforted by that thought.

D.A. Henneman

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #617950
#28. I'm 28, and for the next six or seven years my goal is to try to fight for the yellow jersey. If I can win it once I would be chuffed to bits.

Chris Froome

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #573661
#29. Hygge has been called everything from "the art of creating intimacy," "coziness of the soul," and "the absence of annoyance," to "taking pleasure from the presence of soothing things," "cozy togetherness," and my personal favorite, "cocoa by candlelight". Hygge

Meik Wiking

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #428813
#30. And when great souls die, after a period peace blooms, slowly and always irregularly. Spaces fill with a kind of soothing electric vibration. Our senses, restored, never to be the same, whisper to us. They existed. They existed. We can be. Be and be better. For they existed.

Maya Angelou

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #425424
#31. Democracy means free television, not good television, but free.

Johnny Carson

Quotes About Soothing The Soul #260996

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