Top 58 Quotes About Red Tape
#1. Usually, a country without a strong military would have had its politicians strung up by their entrails long before they managed to create quite this much red tape.
Evan Currie
#2. Little other than a red tape Talking-machine, and unhappy Bag of Parliamentary Eloquence.
Thomas Carlyle
#3. That is why I strongly believe we should working in Congress to make America a better place to run a business by reducing the costly burdens of bureaucracy and red tape.
Michael K. Simpson
#4. The serious questions that are talked out or strangled with red tape are more numerous than those that are killed by silence; the number of people whose ideas are knocked on the head in societies is greater in our day than that of the solitary fighters who go under.
Ellen Key
#5. Asia can learn much from Europe. Trade could be made easier in Asia, and the conditions for doing business could be improved by reducing red tape. In this regard, Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea have done better than the best in Europe.
Sri Mulyani Indrawati
#6. All schoolchildren are hostages to red tape and fiscal insufficiency.
Rosellen Brown
#7. Washington politicians think that government can make better decisions than you and me. But we know better. We know it's smaller, less intrusive government that will lead to real economic prosperity. We know it's business-friendly policies, not more red tape, that will create real growth.
Brad Wenstrup
#8. If I'm dying from anything, it's from indifference and red tape.
Vito Russo
#9. It's about businesses nervous about taking on school leavers because of a mass of red tape. It's about health and safety regulations and green fines.
Nigel Farage
#10. I had no red tape. I didn't even have any clear tape or duct tape or electrical tape.
Nope. I lived a tape-free life and liked it. Unless, you know, I needed to tape something.
Darynda Jones
#11. Red tape will often get in your way. It's one of the reasons I often carry scissors!
Richard Branson
#12. We cannot afford the EPA's continued expansion of red tape that is slowing economic growth and threatening to entangle millions of small businesses.
Fred Upton
#13. Red tape has killed more people than bullets...
Ben Bova
#14. We are determined to improve the economic environment by getting foreign investors in and by cutting red tape.
Igor Luksic
#15. I am designating a new Director of Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers to cut through red tape and ensure that the full resources of our federal government are leveraged to assist the workers, communities, and regions that rely on our auto industry.
Barack Obama
#16. We too often hear about red tape but what they mean is the vital rights of workers.
Frances O'Grady
#17. The regulatory systems in place disincentive innovation. It's intense to fight the red tape.
Travis Kalanick
#18. I will have an administrative system where there is no way to extricate red tape.
James Q. Wilson
#19. We in Congress need to do everything possible to encourage and cultivate small businesses, so that they can expand and create jobs. Far too often, however, U.S. small businesses are impeded by government paperwork and bureaucratic red tape.
Kay Hagan
#20. Conquering the universe one has to solve two problems: gravity and red tape. We could have mastered gravity.
Wernher Von Braun
#21. In order for me to get through all the red tape and just allow people to just get at my talent, I've got to set the record straight. And you can't set half the record straight; when you tell it, you've got to tell it all.
Corey Clark
#22. STEVE: No, we maintain the accounts offshore, just until we get approvals. BILL: To get around approvals? STEVE: To get around approvals until we get approvals. There's a lot of red tape, a lot of bureaucracy. I
Tracy Letts
#23. When they return home from serving our country, our National Guard and Reserve members shouldn't have to be confronted with red tape in order to access the benefits they've earned fighting for our country.
Kirsten Gillibrand
#24. Intrusive government and layer upon layer of regulatory red tape. When
Matt Taibbi
#25. "Thanks," many small businesspeople are saying, "but no thanks. Forget the government credits and loan programs, and just get rid of all the bureaucratic red tape and high taxes which make it hard to build businesses, hire employees and meet our payroll."
Oliver DeMille
#26. The sooner we rein in the red tape factory in Washington, D.C., the sooner small businesses can get back to creating jobs and helping more Americans find an honest day's work.
Geoff Davis
#27. Every step that produces a single job for a currently unemployed European should be taken. Every centimetre of red tape that puts someone out of work must be torn up.
Timothy Garton Ash
#28. Health care comprises nearly 20 percent of our national economy, but outdated bureaucracy and red tape have stifled competition and raised costs. As a result, today more than 45 million are without any health coverage.
John Shadegg
#29. Here in the UK the government has decided to accept the recommendations of the Better Regulation Task Force to measure and make targeted reductions in the administrative costs - the red tape costs - that regulations impose on business.
John Hutton
#30. My job is to support businesses, that means promoting British commerce in the big emerging markets that have been neglected in the past. It means keeping Britain open to inward investors, trade and skilled workers. It means cutting red tape which is suffocating growing companies which create jobs.
Vince Cable
#31. However many people complain about the "red tape," it would be sheer illusion to think ... continuous administrative work can be carried out in any field except by means of officials working in offices ... The choice is only that between bureaucracy and dillettantism.
Max Weber
#32. Developing countries often have hypertrophied bureaucracies, requiring businesses to deal with enormous amounts of red tape.
James Surowiecki
#33. I think 'The Wire' really is relatable. It reflects an ongoing issue across America, about inaccuracies in major cities between rich and the poor and some of the things that go on behind the red tape of council and government bodies.
Idris Elba
#35. The red tape for family members who want to speak to a loved one is a reality, ... The warehousing of prisoners is a reality ... All of this needs to be looked at, not just medical care.
Christopher Bullock
#36. You know that I am living proof that the American Dream is real. Growing up, our congressman cut through government bureaucratic red tape to help my mom buy our first house. That's the kind of congressman I'll be.
Geoff Davis
#37. How little chance the Holy Ghost has nowadays. The churches and missionary societies have so bound Him in red tape that they practically ask Him to sit in a corner while they do the work themselves.
Charles Studd
#38. Unfortunately, we are finding the bureaucratic inefficiencies and red tape have a tendency to slow the efforts of individuals and communities working to rebuild.
Bobby Jindal
#39. Skewered through and through with office-pens, and bound hand and foot with red tape.
Charles Dickens
#40. As policymakers, we need to foster an environment that allows U.S.-based innovators and entrepreneurs to compete and to flourish. Excessive regulations and bureaucratic red tape dramatically increase the cost of doing business and create uncertainty for companies.
Ralph Hall
#41. Forget the state concerns
we think this is bad for churches. Most churches are small and not ready to handle 500 pages of government red tape.
Michael Tanner
#42. It's all papers and forms, the entire Civil Service is like a fortress made of papers, forms and red tape.
Alexander Ostrovsky
#43. The NSA?"
"Yeah, they called and offered to help out. Same software they use for enhancing spy satellite imagery."
Venkat shrugged. "It's amazing how much red tape gets cut when everyone's rooting for one man to survive.
Andy Weir
#44. We've got great potential in our country and the only way we're going to make sure kids are getting the degrees that they need, make sure we're getting through that red tape, is by working together.
Amy Klobuchar
#45. Don't you want this?" The pain in his voice ripped a hole inside her.
"I want you so damn much." Her words choked in her throat. She forced a laugh to keep from crying. "Hell, we can't seem to keep our hands off each other."
"Should we try?"
-Kathy Kulig, Red Tape
Kathy Kulig
#46. All this red tape and form-filling. That's what comes of a bureaucratic state. Can't go where you like and do as you please anymore! Somebody's always asking questions.
Agatha Christie
#47. The First Amendment rejects red tape, cover-up and double-speak.
Roy Barnes
#48. It was damn hard leaving you," he said. "I was afraid that if I didn't, you'd be killed or tortured, or we both would."
-Kathy Kulig, Red Tape
Kathy Kulig
#49. I cannot abide red tape. It never strangles bad ideas, only good ones.
Gillian Anderson
#50. On occasions of this sort it was, I must admit, very pleasurable to be a monarch: to be able to get important things done by smothering stupid opposition with a single authoritative word.
Robert Graves
#51. I preferred measuring deer tracks to tape - that I liked the wild liberty of the Red men better then the tyranny of my brothers.
Sam Houston
#52. This is the second Simply Red song on this tape. One's unforgivable. Two's a war crime. Can I fast-forward?
Nick Hornby
#53. How many twenty-second-century bureaucrats did it take to change a light panel?
We'll have a sub-committee meeting and get back to you with an estimate.
Peter F. Hamilton
#54. The task he has chosen for himself, of wooing my mother with a bright red pickup truck, a Patsy Cline tape, and a string of malapropisms, is ample justification to me for not taking the world too seriously, its relentless heartbreak notwithstanding.
Richard Russo
#55. God is already given you the power to crush down the red & white tape says you can't proceed beyond certain places. He's given you the keys to open all the door were been slammed on your face; now is the time to take your very first step towards your dreams and goals.
Euginia Herlihy
#56. The atmosphere of officialdom would kill anything that breathes the air of human endeavour, would extinguish hope and fear alike in the supremacy of paper and ink.
Joseph Conrad
#57. i do not know why it is, vincent, but there are certain people in positions of power who take pleasure in obstructing others
Douglas Preston, Lincoln Child
#58. Duct tape can't fix stupid," Bas growled. "Maybe not," Red replied, "but it can hold it down and muffled the screams.
T. Hammond