Top 61 Quotes About Personalized

#1. By the year 2020 or 2030, all this will finally culminate in personalized DNA codes. Gilbert claims, You'll be able to go to a drugstore and get your own DNA sequence on a CD, which you can then analyze at home on your Macintosh.

Michio Kaku

Quotes About Personalized #1534226
#2. The point is that instead of a monolithic brick of printed content - delivered more or less unchanged to all subscribers - social media offers news that is personalized and nimble.

Ryan Holmes

Quotes About Personalized #984666
#3. To save money on gifts, give someone their favorite candy in a beautiful, customized vessel with a personalized tag. It's sweet and always appreciated.

Dylan Lauren

Quotes About Personalized #986866
#4. There is a cookie trail of all my interests lodged in some digital sphere which will one day consolidate the collected data of six billion souls and vomit out - I don't know - personalized infomercials for deodorant and car wax.

J. Lincoln Fenn

Quotes About Personalized #1004822
#5. The fundamentalists may have created a personalized Jesus we don't even recognize, but the liberals' Jesus, too, is an individualized Jesus who serves the empire - a Jesus painfully divorced from his ministry of justice.

Allan Boesak

Quotes About Personalized #1093862
#6. College rankings, though, are very different. The rankings simply don't measure what people think they measure: the educational experience for an individual student. Doing that requires a personalized look at a college through the eyes of a potential student.

Sally P. Springer

Quotes About Personalized #1157238
#7. All around the world, there are many great schools, wonderful teachers, and inspiring leaders who are working creatively to provide students with the kinds of personalized, compassionate, and community-oriented education they need.

Ken Robinson

Quotes About Personalized #1209742
#8. I try to satisfy the desires that people have to have their books personalized. That's a value, or feature, of bibliophilia that may vanish. How do you get your e-book signed? The idea of people standing in line to get my signature in their book, it's hard to turn them away.

Chris Van Allsburg

Quotes About Personalized #1250979
#9. Yahoo! is committed to building the richest set of premium and personalized content experiences for our users.

Ross Levinsohn

Quotes About Personalized #1341564
#10. As the knowledge around personalized medicine continues to grow, consumers should expect their healthcare providers to begin to incorporate genetic information into their treatments and preventative care.

Anne Wojcicki

Quotes About Personalized #1392709
#11. Adversity is an effective, thorough and highly personalized teacher.

Ralph Marston

Quotes About Personalized #1439411
#12. It may well be that an analysis of figures would reveal a law - the duration of a marriage is inversely proportional to the cost of the wedding. Or, to put it another way, any union celebrated with personalized toasting flutes is doomed.

Michael Foley

Quotes About Personalized #1444499
#13. For me, I can only do that from my own experience with people I've known and things that I've lived and experienced. That's what good pop music is all about, pop music that does reach out to people. It's very personalized and very real, honest and sincere.

Jon Secada

Quotes About Personalized #1473612
#14. If all issues are personalized, we lose our capacity to entertain ideas, to generalize from our own or someone else's experiences, to think abstractly. We substitute sentimentality for thought.

Wendy Kaminer

Quotes About Personalized #1494543
#15. Buying a book is not enough ... You must absorb the knowledge it contains. Your personalized knowledge is not what's on your shelf, but how much you put into yourself!

Israelmore Ayivor

Quotes About Personalized #1523607
#16. The best V-Day gift I've ever received was a personalized photo collage.

Candice Swanepoel

Quotes About Personalized #53979
#17. The iPad is creating a new format for reading content. One of the things that's happening as a result is the world of personalized news aggregators, which is a category that's been around for quite some time, is getting new life.

Mike McCue

Quotes About Personalized #1584732
#18. I find personalized search convenient - I read stories on my Facebook feed, my Twitter feed, daily email services, and my iPhone's Flipboard app, and would love to be able to focus my searches on just those particular services.

Marvin Ammori

Quotes About Personalized #1611433
#19. To reboot your association for success, you must shift your beliefs to realize how vitally important key investments in technology can be as an ongoing and personalized communication tool with your members.

Holly Duckworth

Quotes About Personalized #1618990
#20. During adolescence imagination is boundless. The urge toward self-perfection is at its peak. And with all their self- absorption and personalized dreams of glory, youth are in pursuit of something larger than personal passions, some values or ideals to which they might attach their imaginations.

Louise J. Kaplan

Quotes About Personalized #1633831
#21. Personalized medicine is an art that advocates for the patient, not the pocket or convenience of the medical system.

Melissa Cady

Quotes About Personalized #1636299
#22. When we get people to log in, they end up using Quora a lot more, and we can provide a lot better experience for them. We can show them a personalized news feed; we can send them digest emails and do all this ranking to find some stuff they want to read.

Adam D'Angelo

Quotes About Personalized #1639074
#23. I have no doubt that in the future, wearable devices like Fitbit will know my blood pressure, hydration levels and blood sugar levels as well. All of this data has the potential to transform modern medicine and create a whole new era of personalized care.

Michael Dell

Quotes About Personalized #1651355
#24. Most people spend their entire life imprisoned within the confines of their own thoughts. They never go beyond a narrow, mind-made, personalized sense of self that is conditioned by the past.

Eckhart Tolle

Quotes About Personalized #1670515
#25. Ruth whacked the seat beside her on the sofa, in what could only be interpreted as an invitation. It was like receiving a personalized Molotov cocktail. Gamache

Louise Penny

Quotes About Personalized #1681639
#26. Great education defies structure because it is always (always!) individualized, personalized, interactive, nimble, responsive and inspired.

Oliver DeMille

Quotes About Personalized #1764624
#27. Satan might not be a personalized agent, but I do believe there are moral forces that transcend individuals, forces that have a real causal effect on moral decision-making.

Richard Beck

Quotes About Personalized #1827603
#28. Personalized beauty is about each woman being able to create her own makeup routine that complements her coloring and style.

Bobbi Brown

Quotes About Personalized #1850161
#29. Your Promised Land is the place where God's personalized promises over your life become a living reality rather than a theological theory.

Beth Moore

Quotes About Personalized #1864755
#30. great read! Get personalized book picks and up-to-date news about this author. Sign

Nora Roberts

Quotes About Personalized #1874305
#31. I'm a big believer in what's called personalized medicine, which refers to customizing your health care to your specific needs based on your physiology, genetics, value system and unique conditions.

David Agus

Quotes About Personalized #913654
#32. One of our key strategies has been to restructure traditional high schools into small learning communities with personalized attention and a range of options.

Thomas Menino

Quotes About Personalized #4296
#33. In a time where the world is becoming personalized, when the mobile phone, the burger, everything has its own personal identity, how should we perceive ourselves and how should we perceive others?

Al-Mayassa Bint Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani

Quotes About Personalized #82573
#34. Personalized news aggregators are geared around connecting you to news sources; we're about connecting you to your friends. To people you're inspired by. To people that you're following on Facebook and Twitter.

Mike McCue

Quotes About Personalized #86636
#35. They downloaded another customer query, and Mae scrolled through the boilerplates, found the appropriate answer, personalized it, and sent it back.

Dave Eggers

Quotes About Personalized #130305
#36. Public libraries are our great teachers and storytellers, and are a vital adjunct to our schools. In this day of standardized and homogenized education, a library offers individual and personalized learning opportunities second to none.

Julie Andrews

Quotes About Personalized #153451
#37. Do you connect to your customers by asking questions and genuinely listening to the answers? And if so, do you take the extra step to connect those customers to expertly personalized solutions? Do you take time to drastically adjust your message to meet each individual customer's needs?

Darren Hardy

Quotes About Personalized #156468
#38. Your own exploration therefore has to be personalized; you're doing it for yourself, increasing your own store of particular knowledge, walking your own eccentric version of the city.

Geoff Nicholson

Quotes About Personalized #208289
#39. Personalized stationary is one of the small but truly necessary luxuries of life.

Ted Bundy

Quotes About Personalized #256321
#40. The more personalized television gets, the less passive the experience will become.

Anne Sweeney

Quotes About Personalized #280267
#41. If there is such a thing as 'a Cukor style,' I guess it arises out of two principal factors: my own personalized perception of the world and my ability to deal professionally with actors. As far as perception is concerned, I always try to imagine settings through the best possible eyes.

George Cukor

Quotes About Personalized #281586
#42. It's good to keep in mind that prominence is always a mix of hard work, eloquence in your practice, good timing and fortuitous social relations. Everything can't be personalized.

Barbara Kruger

Quotes About Personalized #422167
#43. In a personalized world, important but complex or unpleasant issues are less likely to come to our attention at all.

Eli Pariser

Quotes About Personalized #443220
#44. Cultural creatives take a stand for a more spiritualized, personalized, and integrated culture.

Barbara Marx Hubbard

Quotes About Personalized #444104
#45. Imagine a world of nine billion people with clean water, nutritious food, affordable housing, personalized education, top-tier medical care, and nonpolluting, ubiquitous energy. Building this better world is humanity's grandest challenge,

Peter Diamandis

Quotes About Personalized #446056
#46. Standardized personalization=universal right to meaningful learning. Personalized standardization=flexible access to mandated learning.

Andy Hargreaves

Quotes About Personalized #479668
#47. Personalized filters play to the most compulsive parts of you, creating "compulsive media" to get you to click things more.

Eli Pariser

Quotes About Personalized #508028
#48. Quality products and personalized attention secures retail customers.

Rajen Jani

Quotes About Personalized #518322
#49. Sex is the expression of intimacy, touching and personalized care that takes friendship another step further. There is a trinity of sex, spirituality and friendship which all need to be present.

Phil 'Philosofree' Cheney

Quotes About Personalized #524845
#50. How one deals with the death of a loved one is a highly personalized affair. Some people weep for days; others take a hike in the woods or count rosary beads.

Douglas Brinkley

Quotes About Personalized #526424
#51. Making personalized medicine a reality will require a strong partnership between 23andMe and the physician and medical communities.

Anne Wojcicki

Quotes About Personalized #561562
#52. The biggest lie," he said, "is, The Internet is about you." We like to think of ourselves as people who have choice and taste and personalized content. But the Internet isn't about us. It's about the companies that dominate the data flows of the Internet." Now

Jon Ronson

Quotes About Personalized #697562
#53. My sense is that we're ready for another industrial revolution in this country. The great minds and innovators of Silicon Valley would come through China and say, The pipeline is full of ideas - there's personalized medicine, biotechnology, new forms to power ourselves, clean energy, etc., etc.

Jon Huntsman Jr.

Quotes About Personalized #704848
#54. What's next on your reading list? Discover your next great read! Get personalized book picks and up-to-date news about this author. Sign up now.

Andy Weir

Quotes About Personalized #765131
#55. As a costume designer, it's important to give each person his or her own personalized look.

Eric Daman

Quotes About Personalized #812326
#56. So I'm writing more highly personalized and intellectual music, and I think that's good. It might take longer to find me, but I think that niche is perhaps underserved, so I'm going to serve that.

Paula Cole

Quotes About Personalized #849085
#57. I get really excited about specific therapies, personalized therapies. Like, let's say, taking a piece of someone's tumor and testing a bunch of treatments in a lab and being able to come up with the right therapy for that specific patient.

Mary Roach

Quotes About Personalized #849520
#58. On social media, like on Instagram and stuff that I post, and the way that I view myself, and portray myself on there, that's definitely a much more personalized take. I'm not collaborating with people to make that, it's my own social media platform in which I'm - it's not a character, it's just me.

Chloe Grace Moretz

Quotes About Personalized #861444
#59. Looking at health through a gender lens is the first step to a more helpful and personalized approach to healing.

Jed Diamond

Quotes About Personalized #912102
#60. Medicine will be personalized and preventive: Your genome might predict that you have an 80 percent chance of breast cancer by the time you are 50, but if you take a preventive drug starting when you are 40, the chance will drop to 2 percent.

Leroy Hood

Quotes About Personalized #931446
#61. Putt-A-Round Anytime, Anywhere.

Anne Stone

Quotes About Personalized #443434

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