Top 18 Quotes About Paper Clips

#1. I can bend paper clips into the shapes of small animals.

Al Yankovic

Quotes About Paper Clips #602191
#2. She stuffed the goodies into her hidden running belt, jogged out of the park, and went shopping for duct tape, a razor blade, paper clips, and another disposable phone.

Janet Evanovich

Quotes About Paper Clips #736253
#3. He maybe, possibly, said that if he got word of anyone getting in your way, they'd find out whether there was any truth to the rumor about him knowing how to kill a man with paper clips.

Julie James

Quotes About Paper Clips #808158
#4. Like most people with no grasp whatsoever of real economics, Mustrum Ridcully equated "proper financial control" with the counting of paper clips. Even senior wizards had to produce a pencil stub to him before they were allowed a new one out of the locked cupboard below his desk.

Terry Pratchett

Quotes About Paper Clips #923429
#5. At the moment I was mad enough to chew up nails and spit out paper clips.

Jim Butcher

Quotes About Paper Clips #924257
#6. He chuckled, shaking his head. "Man, you hunters. I break a pencil and there's hell to pay."
"I can see how that's deeply unfair, Chip. Especially if that pencil should try to kill you with it teeth and claws, or launch its brood of a thousand deadly paper clips against you.

Scott Westerfeld

Quotes About Paper Clips #1379180
#7. I've no use for talking, would just as soon store paper clips in my mouth.

Jandy Nelson

Quotes About Paper Clips #1650288
#8. She had done her residency at LA County Hospital, where the CT machines were so old she had to mark off the body parts for scanning with paper clips. She thought Baghdad hospitals might be like that.

Leslie Cockburn

Quotes About Paper Clips #505984
#9. One day, I'll quaff the love by her own hands.


Quotes About Paper Clips #1547850
#10. Even a best fountain-pen cannot make a writer be a fount of eloquence, but fountains teach to sob with ecstasy.

Lara Biyuts

Quotes About Paper Clips #1436490
#11. I appear wild on the outside, but I'm a conservative businessman.

Donny Deutsch

Quotes About Paper Clips #1212414
#12. My gut tells me everything I need to know.


Quotes About Paper Clips #812748
#13. We should be working towards a carbon-neutral Britain by 2050. We should be working towards the elimination of petrol-driven motor cars, we should be really radical in what we do - the urgency of the problem is really enormous

Menzies Campbell

Quotes About Paper Clips #796902
#14. If the Democratic policies had been pursued over the last two or three years ... we would not have had the kind of job growth we've had.

Dick Cheney

Quotes About Paper Clips #779912
#15. Most people get to live in a house but a writer has to live in the world.

Faye Hollins-Moore

Quotes About Paper Clips #550052
#16. An author is like an incompetent bricklayer - doesn't use mortar and keeps rearranging the bricks until someone tells him to stop.

Chris Everheart

Quotes About Paper Clips #433741
#17. You have to get a great headline to attract attention in your blog - it's about the lure - not the rod.

Michael Hyatt

Quotes About Paper Clips #201043
#18. feeling - I understand.

K. Bromberg

Quotes About Paper Clips #42908

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