Top 88 Quotes About Our Greatest Fear

#1. If our greatest fear is to sink away alone and unremembered, the brutality that time will inflict upon each of us will always run stronger than any river's murky waves.

Miguel Syjuco

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #416892
#2. Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter.

Francis Chan

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #809535
#3. Sometimes, we have to face our greatest fear to realize it wasn't really a fear after all - just a small hole we needed to step around.

Kelly Elliott

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #889123
#4. Verily,' said Gandalf, now in a loud voice, keen and clear, 'that way lies our hope, where sits our greatest fear. Doom hangs still on a thread. Yet hope there is still, if we can but stand unconquered for a little while.

J.R.R. Tolkien

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #1005579
#5. Our greatest fear is fear of success. When we are succeeding - that is, when we have begun to overcome our self-doubt and self-sabotage, when we are advancing in our craft and evolving to a higher level - that's when panic strikes.

Steven Pressfield

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #1334733
#6. Our greatest fear as individuals and as a church should not be failure but of succeeding at things that don't really matter.

Francis Chan

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #1714633
#7. For many of us homemakers our greatest fear is in being found incompetent, insufficient, and ineffective. We prefer to look like we've got it all together. We give lip service to the idea that nobody's perfect, but we would rather die trying to prove that we're the exception to the rule.

Gloria Furman

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #61654
#8. The conservative has little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of passions. These are the wreckers of outworn empires.

Freeman Dyson

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #334107
#9. I think that, in Israel, the greatest fear that people have, and I have it, too, is fear of genocide.

Etgar Keret

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #449422
#10. My greatest desire is that the hope that has overcome fear in my country will help vanquish it around the world.

Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #334183
#11. Sometimes the greatest fear and pain come from a sense of meaninglessness in life. Meaning is a choice, not a search, remember? A sense of meaninglessness is really, therefore, a call to let in higher awareness and truth.

Robert Holden

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #338231
#12. Now, in their love, which was stronger, there were the seeds of hatred and fear and confusion growing at the same time: for love can exist with hatred, each preying on the other, and this is what gives it its greatest fury.

T.H. White

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #359263
#13. Not being welcome is your greatest fear. It connects with your birth fear, your fear of not being welcome in this life, and your death fear, your fear of not being welcome in the life after this. It is the deep-seated fear that it would have been better if you had not lived.

Henri J.M. Nouwen

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #384387
#14. My greatest fear in life isn't dying. It's being the source of someone else's suffering.

V.E Schwab

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #397285
#15. TO fear God, is one of the first and greatest Duties of his rational Creatures.

Charles Inglis

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #416920
#16. The two greatest fear busters are knowledge and action

Denis Waitley

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #424413
#17. I was brought up by two extremely intelligent people who gave me the greatest gift that man can give anyone, and that is freedom from fear.

Katharine Hepburn

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #295111
#18. Alan Rickman had to drop into a blue screen stretched over a bag. It might have been 30 feet, which is plenty scary. You'd break your back, especially if you were untrained, but this is the thing about it: What you see on his face when he lets go is real fear. It's one of the greatest shots ever.

Brian Abrams

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #333596
#19. A wise man once told me, Life's greatest fear is having knowledge of something, and dying before having the opportunity to share it." -Charles Blair

Charles Blair

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #327510
#20. I can recall, as a young adult, running through the rain forest at the Forest Reserve, at times feeling a sense of fear when I felt I was in danger. In danger of confronting an ugly snake or a coral snake, which represented the greatest fear of someone in a rural area when you traverse the forest.

Anthony Carmona

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #322977
#21. Zora Neale Hurston said fear is the greatest emotion and I said, 'No my dear sister.' Fear will make us move to save our own skins. Love also makes us save ourselves, but it will make us move to save others as well.

Sonia Sanchez

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #322464
#22. Fear of death has been the greatest ally of tyranny past and present.

Sidney Hook

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #315411
#23. Fear is the greatest false prophet you will ever meet.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #312301
#24. I dislike helplessness in other people and in myself, and this is by far my greatest fear of illness.

John Steinbeck

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #308436
#25. Failure is like flu. It can happen to anyone. Just as it is difficult to find a person who hasn't had the flu, it is difficult to find someone who has not been stuck by failure at some time.

Anup Kochhar

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #307510
#26. Rod Serling once observed, The greatest fear of all is fear of the unknown, which you can't share with others.

Guillermo Del Toro

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #305563
#27. We climbed slowly toward the greatest of our terrors of that time, we went to expose ourselves to fear and interrogate it.

Elena Ferrante

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #1870720
#28. The greatest threat to our world and its peace comes from those who want war, who prepare for it, and who, by holding out vague promises of future peace or by instilling fear of foreign aggression, try to make us accomplices to their plans.

Hermann Hesse

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #907805
#29. Embrace all emotions: sadness, happiness, sorrow, hate, love, prejudice, fear; they are weapons against our greatest enemy: indifference.

Dave Matthes

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #1845525
#30. Our greatest good, and what we least can spare,
Is hope: the last of all our evils, fear.

John Armstrong

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #1772787
#31. Whether our fear is absolutely realistic or out of proportion in our minds, our greatest refuge is Jesus Christ.

Luci Swindoll

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #1681089
#32. Our greatest battles lie deep within our own psyches as we face fear, insecurity, and self-doubt. These internal adversaries pose a far greater threat to our lives and our well-being than the external difficulties of daily life. Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. Plato

Dan Millman

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #1670276
#33. The greatest accomplishment of past mankind is that we
no longer have to live in continual fear of wild animals, of
barbarians, of gods and of our own dreams.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #1596870
#34. My fear is a fear of being obsolete. This is a world that changes very fast, and one of the main human desires is to belong to, to be part of something. It's probably one of our greatest needs next to oxygen.

Paul Polman

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #1508150
#35. Our fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure.

Nelson Mandela

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #1159589
#36. The greatest hindrance to Satan's destructive efforts is our standing strong in the knowledge and fear of the Lord.

Billy Graham

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #1153805
#37. So often, fear keeps us from being able to say yes to love - perhaps our greatest challenge as human beings.

Sharon Salzberg

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #927416
#38. How much education may reconcile young people to pain and sufference, the examples of Sparta do sufficiently shew; and they who have once brought themselves not to think bodily pain the greatest of evils, or that which they ought to stand most in fear of, have made no small advance toward virtue.

John Locke

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #455111
#39. I believe that at this point in history, the greatest danger to our freedom and way of life comes from the reasonable fear of omniscient State powers kept in check by nothing more than policy documents.

Edward Snowden

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #880961
#40. Our brightest dreams and our greatest fears are just over the horizon.

Kent Nerburn

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #877946
#41. The pathway to your greatest potential is straight through your greatest fears!

Craig Groeschel

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #658488
#42. My greatest fear is feeling like a professional novelist. Somebody who creates characters, who sits down and has pieces of paper taped to the wall - what's going to happen in this scene, or this act. What I like is for it to be a much more scary, sloppy reflection of who I am.

Jonathan Safran Foer

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #490376
#43. Fear is the culprit that robs us of our greatest lives. And although it's mostly made up or a learned behavior from our past, almost everybody I've ever met in my life struggles with fear.

Debbie Ford

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #486462
#44. To value one another is our greatest safety, and to indulge in fear and contempt is our gravest error.

Marilynne Robinson

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #484360
#45. Misunderstanding arising from ignorance breeds fear, and fear remains the greatest enemy of peace.

Lester B. Pearson

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #480367
#46. Fear is your greatest obstacle - so question your fear. If it does not serve your greatest life then do not make it your master.

Joy Page

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #472889
#47. One of the greatest faults of the women of the present time is a silly fear of things, and one object of the education of girls should be to give them knowledge of what things are really dangerous.

Ellen Swallow Richards

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #470399
#48. I found that being online has opened a window for me to look into other people's lives ... The greatest fear that I have is losing touch.

Queen Rania Of Jordan

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #81137
#49. The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.

Sven-Goran Eriksson

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #146712
#50. My greatest fear is failure.

Chris Zylka

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #140362
#51. Death is not the greatest tragedy in life. The greatest tragedy is what dies inside us while we live. We need not fear death. We need fear only that we may exist without having sensed something of the possibilities that lie within human existence.

Norman Cousins

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #139658
#52. Bravery may be observed when a person tramples one fear whilst in secret flight from a greater terror. And those whose greatest terror is being thought a coward are always brave. I, on the other hand, am a coward.

Mark Lawrence

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #139580
#53. The greatest antidote to insecurity & sense of fear is compassion. It brings one back to the basis of one's inner strength.

Dalai Lama

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #129558
#54. She wanted to be remembered for doing something great. And her greatest fear was of being completely forgotten.

Katlyn Charlesworth

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #124354
#55. In our instinctive attachments, our fear of change, and our wish for certainty and permanence, we may undercut the impermanence which is our greatest strength, our most fundamental identity. Without impermanence, there is no process. The nature of life is change. All hope is based on process.

Rachel Naomi Remen

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #123233
#56. Fear and self-doubt have always been the greatest enemies of human potential.

Brian Tracy

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #109587
#57. You have enough courage to face even your greatest fear.

Chris Prentiss

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #91204
#58. The choice to avoid risk is the choice to avoid living, and to avoid living is one of the greatest risk of all.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #86212
#59. Love alone is the only reasonable activity or pursuit of humankind ... Fo r Love not only annihilates our fear of meaninglessness but empowers us to seek the happiness of others. And this indeed is our greatest happiness.

Leo Tolstoy

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #157806
#60. I saw Jonathan after he faced the fear demon, you know. It showed itself to him as you. That told me all I needed to know. The greatest fear in Jonathan's life is the love he feels for his sister.

Cassandra Clare

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #70094
#61. ...this would be my greatest fear: imagination giving up before the body does. I guess I'm not alone in this. Humans are a strange breed in the way our fear of getting old seems to be even greater than our fear of dying.

Fredrik Backman

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #56720
#62. Solitude is an unmarked place beyond the borders of the map, a place where most fear to tread. It's no surprise, then, that this is where the greatest secrets and most valuable treasures are hidden.

Cristen Rodgers

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #55521
#63. My greatest fear is the Iranians acquire a nuclear weapon and give it to a terrorist organization. And there is a real threat of them doing that.

John McCain

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #54518
#64. You can't be wishy-washy. That's the most boring thing in the world, to be a middle-of-the-road wet noodle. That's my greatest fear, to be like, "Oh, whatever." That's just not who I am.

Chris Black

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #49301
#65. The greatest help you can give me is to banish fear from your hearts.

Mahatma Gandhi

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #48195
#66. Fear and self-doubt are the greatest killers of personal genius.

Ziad K. Abdelnour

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #39379
#67. Our purpose in this project is to begin to turn that fear of cancer, actually America's greatest fear, into a future, not only free of fear, but full of hope.

Andrew Von Eschenbach

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #13846
#68. it's being branded a failure that causes the most pain; when 'failure' changes from being a verb to becoming a noun.

Anup Kochhar

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #11145
#69. The greatest experience open to man then is the recovery of the commonplace. Coffee in the morning and whiskeys in the evening again without fear. Books to read without that shadow falling across the page.

Peter De Vries

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #210179
#70. Life isn't supposed to be easy. Ever. But with the hardest challenges go the greatest rewards. And every incredible moment of my life came only after I did something that made my gut clench with fear.

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #271385
#71. The greatest impact of the Darwinian revolution...was that it completed the liberation from superstition and fear that began in the physical sciences a few centuries before. Man, too, is a natural phenomenon. [in "The evolutionary concept of man", 1972, p. 35.]

George Gaylord Simpson

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #264105
#72. My greatest fear has always been to make a mistake.'
'Perhaps your greatest fear is your greatest mistake.

Nora Roberts

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #263918
#73. It's all very romantic," Gabriel said, and then frowned. "Or it would be, if my brother could get a word out without sounding like a choking frog. I fear he will not go down in history as one of the world's greatest wooers of women.

Cassandra Clare

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #247799
#74. You have control over doing your respective duty, but no control or claim over the result. Fear of failure, from being emotionally attached to the fruit of work, is the greatest impediment to success because it robs efficiency by constantly disturbing the equanimity of mind.

Ramananda Prasad

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #242563
#75. We must not be timid from a fear of committing faults: the greatest fault of all is to deprive oneself of experience.

Luc De Clapiers

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #240915
#76. To call Clive Barker a 'horror novelist' would be like calling the Beatles a 'garage band' ... He is the great imaginer of our time. He knows not only our greatest fears, but also what delights us, what turns us on, and what is truly holy in the world. Haunting, bizarre, beautiful.

Quentin Tarantino

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #218298
#77. The greatest weakness of all is the great fear of appearing weak.

Jacques Benigne Bossuel

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #217426
#78. My greatest fear is saying I" I love you", even if its true. Im scare to say it because it sounds so final, like a goodbye. But im not saying goodbye, not ever. Maybe you could just try to stay longer, for me, because I don't know if I can be me without you.

Julie Cross

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #215378
#79. My greatest fear in the state of Maine: newspapers. I'm not a fan of newspapers.

Paul LePage

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #277573
#80. The greatest fear in the world is the opinion of others, and the moment you are unafraid of the crowd, you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom.


Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #205816
#81. It is my opinion that the greatest absence in the church today is the fear of God.

R.T. Kendall

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #203266
#82. Fear is the greatest enemy; the father of all suffering, and love is the only cure for humanity's great afflictions

Bryant McGill

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #203200
#83. There is a moment when a man thinks he's going to die when he's terrified," Drizzt replied. "Then there is a moment when a man is sure he's going to die when he's outraged. That moment, upon the Luskar right now, is the time of greatest courage and the time when enemies should quiver in fear.

R.A. Salvatore

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #188324
#84. Because a man's greatest fear is not being a man, something that never occurs to a woman (not being a woman, that is).

Paulo Coelho

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #181308
#85. The greatest of all infidelities is the fear that the truth will be bad.

Herbert Spencer

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #173890
#86. What's my greatest fear? I don't know; I have lots of fears. Regret, I don't want to have any regrets; that makes me scared.

Richard Coyle

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #166363
#87. Fear is the greatest enemy of humanity, it paralyses tons and tons of people around the globe.

Euginia Herlihy

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #163751
#88. The terrorists are fighting freedom with all their cunning and cruelty because freedom is their greatest fear - and they should be afraid, because freedom is on the march.

George W. Bush

Quotes About Our Greatest Fear #163377

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