Top 73 Quotes About Other Dimensions
#1. I mean, I'm just speaking of my own experiences and my own desires, and it's a kind of a childlike wonder that could really possibly speculate on other dimensions.
Shirley Maclaine
#2. As a person progresses along the path of power, they attract certain forces and beings from other dimensions, who feel the power that you are storing. Sometimes they want some of it; sometimes they want to ruin you. We call these beings entities.
Frederick Lenz
#3. A teacher of knowledge and power gives you experiences in other dimensions. They show you that the universe is much bigger and more fascinating than you had ever imagined. They give you direct and immediate experiences in other realities.
Frederick Lenz
#4. As of now, string theorists have no explanation of why there are three large dimensions as well as time, and the other dimensions are microscopic. Proposals about that have been all over the map.
Edward Witten
#5. Yoga is a science. It is the science of consciousness. Yoga suggests that there is more, other realms, other dimensions, and nirvana - the central nexus where all this comes from.
Frederick Lenz
#6. Eternity manifests itself in endless ways on endless planes of existence that they call lokas, other dimensions ... worlds within worlds.
Frederick Lenz
#7. In order to pass into other dimensions you need to really understand what is out there. A teacher of mysticism is able to explain how to deal with these other worlds and universes.
Frederick Lenz
#8. ... Within the mind, especially the mind under great stress... boundaries of space and time are meaningless, and the... interior self lives by other rules and in other dimensions.
Frederick Busch
#9. Some people travel to other dimensions in their astral bodies when they meditate.
Frederick Lenz
#10. You are a multidimensiona l being because your human body houses your spirit body, and your spirit body is not limited by dimensions of time, space, or form. As you grow spiritually, you become more perceptive of these other dimensions.
James Van Praagh
#11. You've gained some powers by your entrance into other dimensions and you use them to attack others or to make others miserable, then power reverses on you and it pulls you apart because it's not supposed to be used that way.
Frederick Lenz
#12. Zazen's music is composed in other dimensions and it is played by some of my students. I go through the music they have played with my aura and wash out anything impure.
Frederick Lenz
#13. I want to open myself up, I want to experience other dimensions, I don't want to be bound by the rules of this world. Does that make me a freak?
Curtis Sittenfeld
#14. When a person who has had highly evolved past lives is going through a strong past-life transit, that person comes to know things about life, death and other dimensions that most people in our world aren't aware of.
Frederick Lenz
#15. Books are open doors to other dimensions where everything is possible and nothing is forbidden.
Danny Tyran
#16. We are all of our past, present and future lives, as well as the younger and older versions of ourselves. We are also every version, of everyone, in every time, everywhere. Space and time are collective illusions, and we exist in these other dimensions and times for eternity.
Russell Anthony Gibbs
#17. I look into your eyes to find the truth. In other dimensions, I found a portal which connects life, logic and nature. It feels the body with knowledge, inspiration, love, and an engraved library of wisdom.
Katia M. S.
Katia M. S.
#18. Everything is expressed through relationship. Colour can exist only through other colours, dimension through other dimensions, position through other positions that oppose them. That is why I regard relationship as the principal thing.
Piet Mondrian
#19. Is it necessary to believe in the existence of the six realms and the heavens and hells to be a Buddhist? Not necessarily. It is possible to interpret these as, perhaps, referring to other dimensions of existence, parallel universes, or simply states of mind.
Damien Keown
#20. Through the process of reincarnation we have all lived on other planets and in other dimensions and we will continue to do so after our lessons on Earth have been completed. Earth is merely a school - one of many in our long education.
Dolores Cannon
#21. I'm not a sci-fi lover; I wasn't from the start. So perhaps I miss that passion for other worlds, other dimensions, that sort of scope and that magnitude of storytelling; that's not my thing though I meet plenty of people whose thing it definitely is.
Paul McGann
#22. I need words that mean more than they mean, words not just with height and width, but depth and weight and, and other dimensions that I cannot even name.
Lois McMaster Bujold
#23. There are many different forms of life in the universe and human beings are unaware of most of them. Complex beings inhabit other dimensions. They can be very dangerous when encountered, unless, of course, you know how to handle or avoid them.
Frederick Lenz
#24. Seven out of 10 black faces you see on television are athletes. The black athlete carries the image of the black community. He carries the cross, in a way, until blacks make inroads in other dimensions.
Arthur Ashe
#25. Sexy is good as long as it's not the main recipe. It's an ingredient. I would not appear in a leotard in a video if I [did] not have other dimensions.
#26. I think I usually have quite ordinary dreams. Sometimes my dreams take me to other dimensions. I can travel in my mind especially when I'm dreaming I focus my mind on what I want to dream. If I want to fly, I focus on flying.
Uri Geller
#27. In order to more fully understand this reality, we must take into account other dimensions of a broader reality.
John Archibald Wheeler
#28. Because our consciousness doesn't die at death, we carry our mind-set of thoughts and beliefs with us to the other side. As in life, so in death. When we cross over into the other dimensions, we continue to create experiences through our thoughts, the same way we did in life.
James Van Praagh
#29. The lives in this dimension cannot see the lives in other dimensions or the truth of the universe. Thus, these human beings are actually lost in a maze.
Li Hongzhi
#30. My fun as an actor and my task as an actor is to transform myself to become other people. I enjoy becoming characters but I don't enjoy becoming caricatures. The research I do is only necessary in so far as we move into other dimensions.
David Suchet
#31. Maybe we slip in and out of alternate worlds through our minds and our imaginations, picking up scar tissue from other dimensions.
Lang Leav
#32. Each of us lives in multi-dimensions. We can choose where to focus our attention, and wherever that focus goes, a new reality opens up. When I speak of other dimensions, I'm referring to domains of consciousness.
Deepak Chopra
#33. It's for my God, the god of dogs, and snakes and dust mites and albino bears and Siamese twins, the god of stars and starships and other dimensions, the god who loves everyone and makes everything marvelous.
Jeanne DuPrau
#34. Life is three-dimensional, but there are other dimensions we can't see, can only feel, and those are the ones I want to explore.
Katie Kacvinsky
#35. Most people are completely oblivious to eternity. They look at the sky at night and they think that's eternity; it is just the senses having contact in the sense world. There are other dimensions.
Frederick Lenz
#36. If you take a look at the most fantastic schemes that are considered impossible: teleportation, warp drive, parallel universes, other dimensions, artificial intelligence, ray guns, you realize that they can be possible if we advance technology a little bit.
Michio Kaku
#37. Dreams are doorways into other dimensions that you forget how to open once you're awake.
R.M. ArceJaeger
#38. Unlike the experience of nirvana, traveling to other dimensions will not take you beyond suffering, nor will it help you experience the limitless ecstasy of creation.
Frederick Lenz
#39. When you go into the other worlds, when you go into the luminous dimensions, it's very different than here. You really have to have your act wired. You have to be very strong. Your mind has to be in the right shape. Otherwise, when you get out there, what you will see will drive you mad.
Frederick Lenz
#40. WHILE MUSIC alone can unlock people with parkinsonism, and movement or exercise of any kind is also beneficial, an ideal combination of music and movement is provided by dance (and dancing with a partner, or in a social setting, brings to bear other therapeutic dimensions).
Oliver Sacks
#41. Psi technology had come far enough to use coercion, if necessary, as well as the usual inter-dimensional cloaking to avoid detection.
And if she refused to come willingly, rather than force the issue he would do everything in his power to make sure she was stuck there for the rest of her life.
Marcha A. Fox
#42. I can look at a photo and the dimensions of any piece and tell you if it's going to sit well with the four other pieces in your room.
Nate Berkus
#43. One should learn to connect the bridge between the heart and the mind. That's what crowns you with eternity, and makes you the master of your own life rather than a slave of someone else's.
Iva Kenaz
#44. The experiences that you have in astral dimensions are not essentially all that different from the experiences you have here in the physical dimension. They are all transient.
Frederick Lenz
#45. Climate change has taken on political dimensions. That's odd because I don't see people choosing sides over E=Mc2 or other fundamental facts of science.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson
#46. Baseball can have its perfect dimensions, its undeniable drama, but hockey, for all its wrongs, still has the potential to deliver a momentary, flashing magic that is found in no other game we play.
Roy MacGregor
#47. There are many universes, many dimensions. They are endless. Most of them are not particularly relevant for us. They won't help us. They won't make us happier.
Frederick Lenz
#48. Painting transports me into another dimension which, quite literally, refreshes parts of the soul which other activities can't reach.
Prince Charles
#49. There are countless dimensions filled with beings of other orders. Now this may sound peculiar to some people, but it was only several hundred years ago that we invented something called the microscope. Since then worlds whose existence we did not suspect have become commonplace
Frederick Lenz
#50. There are dimensions to me that are not just the thinking person, but the person who is much richer, the person who has other emotional experiences, psychological experiences, these experiences also enrich me.
George Coyne
#51. The members of the Atlantean Mystery School were the earliest human explorers of the frontiers of inner space. Through their meditative journeys and explorations, they discovered many secret astral passageways that led to an infinite variety of other worlds and dimensions.
Frederick Lenz
#52. Beauty is produced by the pleasing appearance and good taste of the whole, and by the dimensions of all the parts being duly proportioned to each other.
#53. Technologies that may be realized in centuries or millennium include: warp drive, traveling faster than the speed of light, parallel universes; are there other parallel dimensions and parallel realities? Time travel that we mentioned and going to the stars.
Michio Kaku
#54. We feel surprise when travellers tell us of the vast dimensions of the Pyramids and other great ruins, but how utterly insignificant are the greatest of these, when compared to these mountains of stone accumulated by the agency of various minute and tender animals!
Charles Darwin
#55. Our universe grants every soul a twin-
a reflection of themselves -the kindred spirit - And no matter where they are or how far away they are from each other- even if they are in different dimensions, they will always find one another. This is destiny; this is love.
Julie Dillon
#56. My children - in many dimensions they're as poorly behaved as many other children, but at least on this dimension I've got my kids brainwashed: You don't use Google, and you don't use an iPod.
Steve Ballmer
#57. Step into the mystery of the mind. There are billions of minds, there are billions of selves. There are billions of worlds and dimensions.
Frederick Lenz
#58. There will be difficult moments in a five-gram trip, but on the other hand certain questions will be solved forever for you, because you will validate the existence of this dimension. You will see what your relationship to it is.
Terence McKenna
#59. Begin to see that life is very, very complex. It is made up of thousands of dimensions of wonder.
Frederick Lenz
#60. So much of creativity is the feeling that you're either getting a gift from some other dimension or some other part of yourself.
John Hodgman
#61. The quality of time actually changes throughout the day and night. Some dimensions are more time-specific, in that they only interact with the physical dimension they touch during specific times of the night or day.
Frederick Lenz
#62. Blue has no dimensions, it is beyond dimensions, whereas the other colours are not ... All colours arouse specific associative ideas, psychologically material or tangible, while blue suggests at most the sea and sky, and they, after all, are in actual, visible nature what is most abstract.
Yves Klein
#63. The more aware individuals are of the themes that are central to their own sense of personal identity, the better they can recognize the dimensions of similarity and difference in other people that will contribute to intimate relationships.
Barbara M. Newman
#64. Beyond this world are countless dimensions. They stretch on forever. You can travel to them and have experiences in them.
Frederick Lenz
#65. On the other hand, we don't understand the theory too completely, and because of this fuzziness of spacetime, the very concept of spacetime and spacetime dimensions isn't precisely defined.
Edward Witten
#66. The spiritual life, in other words, is not achieved by denying one part of life for the sake of another. The spiritual life is achieved only by listening to all of life and learning to respond to each of its dimensions wholly and with integrity.
Joan D. Chittister
#67. If you meditate, you can experience the other worlds, the far-flung eternities and dimensions - and you are not stuck in any one of them.
Frederick Lenz
#68. When I consider a problem, it is now instinctive for me to think about the institutions involved, the authorizing environment, possible coalitions, likely opposition, implementation, legal issues, resource dimensions, communications - and how the problem fits into a stream of other issues.
Robert Zoellick
#69. I'm an observer of life. I like to watch people, and I like to watch cactus. I like to talk to mountains and communicate with my friends in the other spheres and dimensions.
Frederick Lenz
#70. Doubtless we cannot see that other higher Spaceland now, because we have no eye in our stomachs.
Edwin A. Abbott
#71. While the body sleeps our soul or spirit is having many adventures. It may travel to the spirit realm to meet with master teachers and guides to obtain advice or to learn lessons. It also may travel to other parts of our world or even venture outward to other worlds and dimensions.
Dolores Cannon
#72. I don't believe in that - the husband and wife having to be just alike. I think it's better if they kind of offset each other. Like if they have these different dimensions they can bring to each other.
Tim Tharp
#73. When you read Boethius and some of the Renaissance philosophers, they talk a lot about the other spheres. There's a music of the spheres. There's a music that's actually in the universe, they believed, that's out there in different dimensions.
Frederick Lenz
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