Top 100 Quotes About Ordinary Things

#1. The true call of a Christian is not to do extraordinary things, but to do ordinary things in an extraordinary way.

Dean Stanley

Quotes About Ordinary Things #12561
#2. Fiction is people having extraordinary reactions to ordinary things, but in genre fiction, they have ordinary reactions to extraordinary things.

Mary Robinette Kowal

Quotes About Ordinary Things #25733
#3. Take a little time to make ordinary things extraordinary.

Emilie Barnes

Quotes About Ordinary Things #31856
#4. Personally, love is very important for me. There are lots of ordinary things in life, so love should be extraordinary. I hope I achieve that.

Ranbir Kapoor

Quotes About Ordinary Things #58747
#5. She wouldn't disapprove of people who gave up philosophy or literary theory to do ordinary things." "Maybe not," mused Maggie. "If we eat pies, then we should never, not for one moment, look down on the making of them.

Alexander McCall Smith

Quotes About Ordinary Things #64734
#6. I get the ideas from everything. Children sometimes think you have to have special experiences to write, but good writing brings out what's special in ordinary things.

Laurence Yep

Quotes About Ordinary Things #70929
#7. I'm always excited by the unlikely, never by ordinary things.

David Hockney

Quotes About Ordinary Things #71870
#8. Love doesn't mean doing extraordinary or heroic things. It means knowing how to do ordinary things with tenderness.

Jean Vanier

Quotes About Ordinary Things #72485
#9. The secret to life is finding joy in ordinary things. I'm interested in happiness.

Ruth Reichl

Quotes About Ordinary Things #139829
#10. When you're in the middle of a nightmare, something ordinary is the only hope. Anyway, ordinary things are the best. I've always thought so.

Agatha Christie

Quotes About Ordinary Things #141756
#11. You're kind and patient and honorable, and yes, maybe those aren't flashy, magical, extraordinary traits. Maybe being all those things does make you a bit ordinary, but the ordinary things are the important things.

H.L. Burke

Quotes About Ordinary Things #164816
#12. As you grow older you will discover that the most important things that will happen to you will often come as a result of silly things, as you call them
"ordinary things" is a better expression. That is the way the world is.

Chaim Potok

Quotes About Ordinary Things #166466
#13. Happiness is in the quiet, ordinary things. A table, a chair, a book with a paper-knife stuck between the pages. And the petal falling from the rose, and the light flickering as we sit silent.

Virginia Woolf

Quotes About Ordinary Things #202137
#14. There are no short cuts to Heaven, only the ordinary way of ordinary things.

Vincent McNabb

Quotes About Ordinary Things #216971
#15. When all normal rules are suspended, and ordinary things that used to be important suddenly become meaningless.


Quotes About Ordinary Things #222025
#16. I don't think that my films are 'literary'; they are based on the most ordinary things of life.

Eric Rohmer

Quotes About Ordinary Things #223720
#17. Champions don't do extraordinary things. They do ordinary things, but they do them without thinking, too fast for the other team to react. They follow the habits they've learned.

Charles Duhigg

Quotes About Ordinary Things #223847
#18. Well, you can think what you want, so long as you remember - no matter how ordinary things seem between us - I'm still here, still in love with you, and care about you more than any other guy, evil or otherwise, ever will.

Richelle Mead

Quotes About Ordinary Things #236250
#19. I'd love to be approached to do ordinary things more.

Marc Newson

Quotes About Ordinary Things #255518
#20. The most ordinary things, the most common and familiar, if we could see them in their true light, would turn out to be the grandest miracles.

Michel De Montaigne

Quotes About Ordinary Things #258285
#21. I had a very normal, very typical American childhood. My father worked for the government at the Pentagon and my mother was an educator, so we had a very average upbringing, but that's helped me in my writing because I'm writing about ordinary things.

Jeff Kinney

Quotes About Ordinary Things #261393
#22. The company of true friends, the taste of good food, the blossoms in spring, all the ordinary things that make the texture and meaning of life

Alison Croggon

Quotes About Ordinary Things #268677
#23. She was struck by the simple truth that sometimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary, simply by doing them with the right people ...

Nicholas Sparks

Quotes About Ordinary Things #288232
#24. I don't think ordinary things are very interesting, so I try to imagine a world that is less ordinary.

Chris Van Allsburg

Quotes About Ordinary Things #365393
#25. Some people are upset to see you doing ordinary things. Those people, if they were a celebrity, they would have an entourage.

Joni Mitchell

Quotes About Ordinary Things #381185
#26. I usually write about ordinary people and ordinary things, but Paul Farmer is the least ordinary person I've ever met ... He's the leader of a small group of people who hope to cure a sick world, and I hope my book can help in some small way.

Tracy Kidder

Quotes About Ordinary Things #400423
#27. The holy things we need for healing and sustenance are almost always the same as the ordinary things right in front of us.

Nadia Bolz-Weber

Quotes About Ordinary Things #409110
#28. The only difference between an extraordinary life and an ordinary one is the extraordinary pleasures you find in ordinary things.

Veronique Vienne

Quotes About Ordinary Things #417431
#29. It is the photographing of ordinary things, in extraordinary light, that produces extraordinary photographs.

David Young

Quotes About Ordinary Things #418247
#30. The idea is to take the most ordinary things and make them extraordinary, as Gerard Manley Hopkins does in his poems.

Alfonso A. Ossorio

Quotes About Ordinary Things #422861
#31. He said, if you allow yourself to be enchanted by the beauty to be seen in even ordinary things, then all things proved to be extraordinary.

Dean Koontz

Quotes About Ordinary Things #429692
#32. We are not made for the mountains, for sunrises, or for the other beautiful attractions in life - those are simply intended to be moments of inspiration. We are made for the valley and the ordinary things of life and that is where we have to prove our stamina and strength.

Oswald Chambers

Quotes About Ordinary Things #492787
#33. They had an ordinary life, full of ordinary things-if love can ever be called that.

Leigh Bardugo

Quotes About Ordinary Things #498781
#34. Do ordinary things extraordinarily well.

Gregg Harris

Quotes About Ordinary Things #509383
#35. Ordinary things have always seemed numinous to me

Marilynne Robinson

Quotes About Ordinary Things #511136
#36. The three ordinary things that we often don't pay enough attention to, but which I believe are the drivers of all success, are hard work, perseverance, and basic honesty.

Azim Premji

Quotes About Ordinary Things #516319
#37. Through persistence and hard work, we can each unlock the potential God has given us. We have within us not only the capacity to accomplish great things but also the ability to do ordinary things in extraordinary ways.

Lloyd D. Newell

Quotes About Ordinary Things #529882
#38. I happen to go for the simplest, most ordinary things. The extraordinary doesn't interest me. I'm not interested in psychotics. I'm interested in the person you don't expect to have a story. I like Everyman.

John Hughes

Quotes About Ordinary Things #545940
#39. It's obvious that I'm a stranger to her; she doesn't even know what I think about the most ordinary things.

Anne Frank

Quotes About Ordinary Things #576904
#40. At any rate, girls are differently situated. Having no need of deep scientific knowledge, their education is confined more to the ordinary things of the world, the study of the fine arts, and of the manners and dispositions of people.

William John Wills

Quotes About Ordinary Things #582812
#41. I would like to make fun plans with you, but then just do ordinary things; or plan ordinary things but find we have stepped through a wardrobe into a world of ordinary magic.

Waylon H. Lewis

Quotes About Ordinary Things #612089
#42. Those who look for the beauties in the extraordinary things will miss the beauties in the ordinary things!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Quotes About Ordinary Things #622241
#43. Great men and women are not extraordinary people who do extraordinary things. They are ordinary people who do ordinary things with integrity.

Jayce O'Neal

Quotes About Ordinary Things #668556
#44. Only big words for ordinary things on account of the sound.

James Joyce

Quotes About Ordinary Things #678400
#45. I've got to hear the rhythm of the sentences; I want the music of the prose. I want to see ordinary things transformed not by the circumstances in which I see them but by the language with which they're described. That's what I love when I read.

Alice McDermott

Quotes About Ordinary Things #722327
#46. Don't do the things just for the sake of it. Do something extra. It makes ordinary things, extraordinary.

Chandan Sharma

Quotes About Ordinary Things #724256
#47. Joy is found in the simple and ordinary things of life: the smile of a newborn baby, the kiss from a sweet new puppy, and the warm sunshine on a spring day.

Marie Cornelio

Quotes About Ordinary Things #736563
#48. A great man may not do great things but they do ordinary things greatly.

Mahatma Gandhi

Quotes About Ordinary Things #737773
#49. Do not try to do extraordinary things but do ordinary things with intensity.

Emily Carr

Quotes About Ordinary Things #746926
#50. He was in a state of wonder most of the time, the way a young boy is
engaged by the most ordinary things as if they were great miracles.

Josephine Humphreys

Quotes About Ordinary Things #754430
#51. It's just that if you're not disruptive everything seems to be repeated endlessly - not so much the good things but the bland things - the ordinary things - the weaker things get repeated- the stronger things get suppressed and held down and hidden.

Robert Adamson

Quotes About Ordinary Things #768225
#52. They both savored the strange warm glow of being much more ignorant than ordinary people, who were ignorant of only ordinary things.

Terry Pratchett

Quotes About Ordinary Things #795003
#53. You take ordinary things and turn them rainbow bright. It's what makes you so special.

Christi Barth

Quotes About Ordinary Things #818195
#54. If you want to win, do the ordinary things better than anyone else does them day in and day out.

Chuck Noll

Quotes About Ordinary Things #845796
#55. I always feel the desire to look for the extraordinary in ordinary things; to suggest, not to impose, to leave always a slight touch of mystery in my paintings.


Quotes About Ordinary Things #868382
#56. And it occurred to me, with the forcefulness of a thought experienced in 360 degrees, that that's really what history mostly is: masses of people doing ordinary things.

Bill Bryson

Quotes About Ordinary Things #923331
#57. Modern nature-worship is all upside down. Trees and fields ought to be the ordinary things; terraces and temples ought to be extraordinary. I am on the side of the man who lives in the country and wants to go to London.

Gilbert K. Chesterton

Quotes About Ordinary Things #981273
#58. You know when people can get excited over the ordinary things in life, they live

Harry Truman

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1003189
#59. Holiness doesn't mean doing extraordinary things, but doing ordinary things with love and faith.

Pope Francis

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1015109
#60. Hot soup becomes a king after a long walk in a snowy day! Everything carries the potential to be a respected king, even the most ordinary things!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1020833
#61. I think art can take ordinary things and show them to you like it's the first time you've ever seen them. And you realize that even ordinary things aren't really ordinary at all" -Salma

Cynthia Lord

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1035735
#62. The very thought of you and I forget to do the little ordinary things that everyone ought to do ...

Mitch Albom

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1090362
#63. It's the ordinary things that seem important to me.

Alex Colville

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1093553
#64. Successful people do ordinary things with extraordinary consistency, commitment and focus.

Jon Gordon

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1130284
#65. She raised her eyes to his. They had both come from misery, she thought, and survived it. They had been drawn together through violence and tragedy, and had overcome it. They walked different paths and had found a mutual route.
Some things last, she thought. Some ordinary things. Like love.

J.D. Robb

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1140312
#66. (The Tao) is always present and always available ... If you are willing to be lived by it, you will see it everywhere, even in the most ordinary things.


Quotes About Ordinary Things #1146406
#67. Success is doing ordinary things extraordinary well.

Jim Rohn

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1150122
#68. We can never speak about God rationally as we speak about ordinary things, but that does not mean we should give up thinking about God. We must push our minds to the limits of what we could know, descending ever deeper into the darkness of unknowing.

Joy Williams

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1153737
#69. Champions are champions not because they do anything extraordinary but because they do the ordinary things better than anyone else.

Chuck Noll

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1170246
#70. Man is made of ordinary things, and habit is his nurse.

Friedrich Schiller

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1190661
#71. Sometimes the most ordinary things are the ones we learn to miss the most.

Jennifer Chiaverini

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1227738
#72. What do we talk about? Just ordinary things. What happened today, or books we've read, or tomorrow's weather, you know. Don't tell me you're wondering if people jump to their feet and shout stuff like 'It'll rain tomorrow if a polar bear eats the stars tonight!

Haruki Murakami

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1246133
#73. We are not called by God to do extraordinary things, but to do ordinary things with extraordinary love.

Jean Vanier

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1273867
#74. I'm a pretty uncomplicated person. I live a very simple life with my family and I enjoy very ordinary things.

Khaled Hosseini

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1310122
#75. I want to observe the ordinary things of earth - the moon, the stars, the rainbows, even the yellow leaves of the old cherry trees - and receive their messages. To hear them say what every weary traveler, every earnest seeker, longs to hear. Welcome home.

Christie Purifoy

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1326760
#76. Perfect Day:
It was a day filled with the glow of ordinary things & we passed them quietly from hand to hand for a long time & someone said she had picked a perfect day to be born & I think all of us felt the same.

Brian Andreas

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1338116
#77. The test of a man's religious life and character is not what he does in the exceptional moments of life, but what he does in the ordinary times, when there is nothing tremendous or exciting on. The worth of a man is revealed in his attitude to ordinary things when he is not before the footlights.

Oswald Chambers

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1369801
#78. Time cannot do to ordinary things what we timelessly do to one another.

William H Gass

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1370677
#79. It is very often the ordinary things that go unnoticed that end up making a difference. As you embark upon your high school careers, be unnoticed, but be remarkable.

Michele Weber Hurwitz

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1403905
#80. The young artist ... will discover out of ordinary things the meaning of ordinariness. He will not try to make them extraordinary. Only their real meaning will be stated.

Allan Kaprow

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1421207
#81. The little room was full of ordinary things that had already become precious, that I couldn't help but want to have again, to feel like whoever it was I used to be, whether it was my past or someone else's.

Wendy McClure

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1422929
#82. Rejoicing in ordinary things is not sentimental or trite. It actually takes guts. Each time we drop our complaints and allow everyday good fortune to inspire us, we enter the warrior's world.

Pema Chodron

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1437933
#83. Let us come alive to the splendor that is all around us and see the beauty in ordinary things.

Thomas Merton

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1471538
#84. A letter makes ordinary things seem important.

Marilynne Robinson

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1476813
#85. Our Lord Himself, not being detached from things externally. Our Lord was amazingly in and out among ordinary things; His detachment was on the inside towards God. External detachment is often an indication of a secret vital attachment to the things we keep away from externally.

Oswald Chambers

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1496942
#86. Is there anything more beautiful than gold?" - Freya's question.

Plain-thoughted Thor spoke. "A farm at first light
Is more beautiful than gold, or
A ship's sails in the mist.
Many ordinary things are far more beautiful.

George Webbe Dasent

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1542942
#87. Clary, you're an artist, like your mother. That means you see the world in ways that other people don't. It's your gift, to see the beauty and the horror in ordinary things. It doesn't make you crazy - just different. There's nothing wrong with being different.

Cassandra Clare

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1546821
#88. Do not forget that the value and interest of life is not so much to do conspicuous things ... as to do ordinary things with the perception of their enormous value.

Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1564470
#89. so many people going about their lives, millions of them, being ordinary, doing ordinary things that no one notices, that no one sings about, but there they are nevertheless, and they are filled with life. I

Rachel Joyce

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1581721
#90. I think what I tend to do is look at all the very ordinary things that are around the house and imagine bringing them to life.

Mini Grey

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1612997
#91. Even the most ordinary things can be made extraordinary simply by doing it with the right people.

Nicholas Sparks

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1620981
#92. That's the curious thing about love, isn't it? It makes very ordinary things seem special. It makes them seem so much more valuable than they really are.

Alexander McCall Smith

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1627302
#93. The abundance of ordinary things, their convenient arrangement here, seemed for the moment a personal gift to me. As did my ability to notice this, to be grateful for it.

Sue Miller

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1635640
#94. Indeed he seemed to her sometimes made differently from other people, born blind, deaf, and dumb, to the ordinary things, but to the extraordinary things, with an eye like an eagle's.

Virginia Woolf

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1659281
#95. May we all be faithful in doing the day-to-day, ordinary things that prove our worthiness, for they will lead us to and qualify us for great things.

James E. Faust

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1673405
#96. It is inbred in us that we have to do exceptional things for God: but we have not. We have to be exceptional in the ordinary things, to be holy in mean streets, among mean people, and this is not learned in five minutes

Oswald Chambers

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1698291
#97. I just happen to like ordinary things. When I paint them, I don't try to make them extraordinary. I just try to paint them ordinary-ordinary.

Andy Warhol

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1733483
#98. I read a bit of the Icelandic sagas. They're fascinating in that they are completely ordinary. The farmer will go off into the hills and fight a troll, and then go back and do ordinary things. It's an odd mix of fantasy and reality.

Jonathan Stroud

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1758541
#99. It's your gift, to see the beauty and the horror in ordinary things. It doesn't make you crazy, just different.

Cassandra Clare

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1776374
#100. Champions do ordinary things better than everyone else.

Chuck Noll

Quotes About Ordinary Things #1810189

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