Top 100 Quotes About Open Your Mind

#1. Don't try to be young. Just open your mind. Stay interested in stuff. There are so many things I won't live long enough to find out about, but I'm still curious about them. You know people who are already saying, 'I'm going to be 30 - oh, what am I going to do?' Well, use that decade! Use them all!

Betty White

Quotes About Open Your Mind #28121
#2. A movie should entertain you in a way that will also open your mind. I think movies are tools to enrich your experience.

Hany Abu-Assad

Quotes About Open Your Mind #31848
#3. Open your eyes
Open your ears
Open your mind
Open your heart
They are your portals to joy

Lisa Cypers Kamen

Quotes About Open Your Mind #61111
#4. Learn to read deeply. It will slowly open your mind's eye, and will be able to see the secret beauty of the universe and understand its deeper essence.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Open Your Mind #61989
#5. I want to show the world that it is possible. It's possible to remember your self. To open your mind. To open your heart. To open your creativity. To live with less, but to live well.

Alejandro Jodorowsky

Quotes About Open Your Mind #79083
#6. If you always find within, you will never feel without.

Open your mind to what you feel is true, or else someone will open your mind for you, to what they want you to know is true.

Arnie M. Gonzalez

Quotes About Open Your Mind #113612
#7. Open your mind before you open your mouth

Subroto Bagchi

Quotes About Open Your Mind #120491
#8. Many people open their mind through different things like music and painting, as well as Parkour. How is not important. What is important is to open your mind because you gain some freedom through it.

David Belle

Quotes About Open Your Mind #148436
#9. open your mind by closing your eyes
see the unseen world within you which lies

From the poem 'The Unseen World

Munia Khan

Quotes About Open Your Mind #163727
#10. Open your mind to what I shall disclose, and hold it fast within you; he who hears, but does not hold what he has heard, learns nothing.

Dante Alighieri

Quotes About Open Your Mind #207553
#11. May the Baby Jesus shut your mouth and open your mind.

Captain Beefheart

Quotes About Open Your Mind #274592
#12. Close your eyes and open your mind. You will now see the beauty with your imagination.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Open Your Mind #337132
#13. Sometimes we miss our blessings in life because they do not arrive the way we think they should. Because our minds are so shallow, so limited, we think our blessings have to come a certain way and sometimes we miss them walking up and down the street. Open your mind: get your blessing.

Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.

Quotes About Open Your Mind #344819
#14. When you open your mind, you let happiness in.

Tanya Masse

Quotes About Open Your Mind #350853
#15. Open your eyes to the beauty around you, open your mind to the wonders of life, open your heart to those who love you, and always be true to yourself.

Maya Angelou

Quotes About Open Your Mind #351721
#16. To feel the love, open your mind and expand your heart.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Open Your Mind #379408
#17. You must open your mind to new inputs, however unrelated they may seem.


Quotes About Open Your Mind #402841
#18. Open your mind up to things that have no connection with the problem you're trying to solve: subscribe to an unusual magazine; spend a morning at an elementary school; go to work two hours early; test drive an exotic car; attend a city council meeting; ... try an Indonesian recipe.

Roger Von Oech

Quotes About Open Your Mind #449408
#19. I come from a land afar and a land up high. My abilities are only eclipsed by my excellent turn of phrase and if you open your mind, they could be your abilities too.

Thomas William Shaw

Quotes About Open Your Mind #459164
#20. You don't always necessarily see eye to eye with the people that you are getting married into you, so you really have to learn to open your mind, open your heart and be super compassionate about other people's points of view, faith and opinions.

Patricia Rae

Quotes About Open Your Mind #477849
#21. One day you'll do something, see something or get an idea that seems to pop up from nowhere. And you'll feel a kind of stirring- like a warm flicker inside your chest. When that happens, whatever you do, don't ignore it. Open your mind and explore the idea. Fan your flame.

Beth Hoffman

Quotes About Open Your Mind #486786
#22. You are free. Close your eyes. Open your mind. Let this music in, and you will see that this is true

John Frusciante

Quotes About Open Your Mind #488755
#23. When you're hurt, you feel stupid because you think you should have seen it coming. But if we knew everything that was going to happen to us we wouldn't get out of bed in the morning. All I'm saying is, open your mind and your heart to the possibilities.


Quotes About Open Your Mind #540561
#24. Having a dog or cat will open your heart. Reading a book will open your mind. Having both a pet & a book...absolute heaven.

Mark Rubinstein

Quotes About Open Your Mind #572798
#25. I believe music is like medicine. Like a good tonic, it can open your mind, strengthen and possibly even cure you. Music can work on many levels, and nothing I know of possesses the healing force that exists within music.

Burning Spear

Quotes About Open Your Mind #591647
#26. Sometimes mistakes are the best thing that can happen, because they might lift you ... out of your complacency, and open your mind up to a whole other area that you wouldn't have gone to intentionally.

Bobby McFerrin

Quotes About Open Your Mind #603812
#27. Books open your mind, broaden your mind, and strengthen you as nothing else can.

William Feather

Quotes About Open Your Mind #629886
#28. If I'm an advocate for anything, it's to move. As far as you can, as much as you can. Across the ocean, or simply across the river. The extent to which you can walk in someone else's shoes or at least eat their food, it's a plus for everybody.
Open your mind, get up off the couch, move.

Anthony Bourdain

Quotes About Open Your Mind #656661
#29. If you open your mind more than you open your mouth, you will open your world more than you open your doubt.

Robert J. Braathe

Quotes About Open Your Mind #667337
#30. Knowledge will help you to gain wisdom; wisdom will open your mind to being kind.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Open Your Mind #672871
#31. Taking a chance on a new author, can open your mind to new experiences.

Jonathan Taylor

Quotes About Open Your Mind #677267
#32. Open your eyes to love
Open your mind for love
Open your heart and love

Eugenie Laverne Mitchell

Quotes About Open Your Mind #696517
#33. Open your heart; open your mind. Let love bloom; let's be kind.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Open Your Mind #696571
#34. It is a gift when someone can challenge you and open your mind to new ideas.

Terri Irwin

Quotes About Open Your Mind #710385
#35. The door is always open for you. You just need to open your mind and walk into the heaven of love.

Amit Ray

Quotes About Open Your Mind #786074
#36. Knowing the question is more important than knowing the answer. It makes you curious, lets you think, and helps you to understand and open your mind.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Open Your Mind #924666
#37. What you believe might be wrong; what you don't believe might be right! Don't be sure of things! Doubt! Investigate! Leave your stupid conceit that your belief is an absolute truth! Open your mind to all the possibilities!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Quotes About Open Your Mind #946417
#38. The statement 'There is nothing more American than an Indian' happens to be a multidimensional paradox. Try and not say too many of those. That might open your mind to ideas that could cause sanity point loss.

Charles Slagle

Quotes About Open Your Mind #947419
#39. Open your mind, this is only a song,
But the way to be happy is to admit you were wrong.

Matt Haig

Quotes About Open Your Mind #968128
#40. The highest privilege of being a writer is being able to say, 'open your mind to me and I'll take you to another world.

Alexei Maxim Russell

Quotes About Open Your Mind #974694
#41. Instead of replying with my usual open-your-mind speech, I send love to my mother. Mom, I love you even though you are a critical, unforgiving horror show. This casserole sucks, but I like the way you roasted the walnuts.

A.S. King

Quotes About Open Your Mind #982881
#42. You have to open your mind. I like the ability to express myself in a deep way. It's the closest music to our humanity - it's like a folk music that rises up out of a culture.

Sonny Terry

Quotes About Open Your Mind #1044717
#43. Open your mind and let the pictures out

William S. Burroughs

Quotes About Open Your Mind #1081447
#44. Open your mind to all possibilities and believe!

Bernie Siegel

Quotes About Open Your Mind #1156441
#45. Open your mind to the reality that you are ALLOWED to live an extraordinary life! Decide right now, as of this very moment, that you are going to choose what you really want from life, and then you're going to figure out how to get it.

Kat Loterzo

Quotes About Open Your Mind #1164713
#46. Open your mind to fill it with everything that is beautiful. Ignore the rest.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Open Your Mind #1165015
#47. A different species a different set of values a world completely unlike your own. There is a feeling you can only get when you meet the unknown and open your mind. - Nakajima (Gin no Saji)

Hiromu Arakawa

Quotes About Open Your Mind #1185826
#48. As soon as you open your mind to doing things differently, the doors of opportunity practically fly off their hinges.

Jay Abraham

Quotes About Open Your Mind #1204422
#49. Life can't give to you if your hands are closed. Open your mind, open your heart, and open your arms.

Louise Hay

Quotes About Open Your Mind #1232400
#50. Dream large, stand tall, and open your mind, for you are the conduit for a story that is yet to be told.

David Powers King

Quotes About Open Your Mind #1253719
#51. Boredom is a symptom of a conditioned and closed mind. If you are bored, you're doing yourself a tremendous disservice. Open your mind, break-free from your conditioned routine, and reignite the flames of excitement and discovery.

Steve Maraboli

Quotes About Open Your Mind #1284428
#52. All you have to do is to open your mind, do not be too hopeless instead stand with your feets and have faith that all things will be alright.

Abigail Lazo

Quotes About Open Your Mind #1333321
#53. I think it's really important for your mental health to think about the big questions, to discuss them and open your mind, in order to prepare you for both life and death.

Freddie Stroma

Quotes About Open Your Mind #1344787
#54. Open your mind a little, don't believe everything you hear, see or read, the world is so caught up in trying to avoid the topics that matter that you'll lose yourself trying to become like it.

Nikki Rowe

Quotes About Open Your Mind #1385574
#55. Open your heart, open your mind.
Let them get in and be very kind.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Open Your Mind #1393387
#56. When you're doing all you can and "what more?" seems an impossible task, try thinking differently, step outside your box, and open your mind to solutions that were there all the time. Solutions you just couldn't see. Act

Roger Connors

Quotes About Open Your Mind #1434058
#57. Opposites blur and become one. If you open your mind, that is.

Conrad Wesselhoeft

Quotes About Open Your Mind #1526587
#58. Open your mind to the infinite possibilities that exist for you. Born through your dreams, crystallised into form by your desires, given impetus by your expectations, then made real through your beliefs.

Steven Redhead

Quotes About Open Your Mind #1526676
#59. The day you open your mind to music, you're halfway to opening your mind to life.

Pete Townshend

Quotes About Open Your Mind #1583845
#60. Open your mind, allow your feelings to be expressed, to be pushed out, and your heart will neither break nor burst, but be a free-flowing channel of the life energy in your soul.

Neale Donald Walsch

Quotes About Open Your Mind #1586930
#61. One thing in life is for certain, the more profoundly baffled you have been in your life, the more open your mind becomes to new ideas.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Quotes About Open Your Mind #1586990
#62. Open your mind my friends, we fear what we do not understand.

Dan Brown

Quotes About Open Your Mind #1722114
#63. Open your mind before your mouth


Quotes About Open Your Mind #1773665
#64. Only your limited vision stops you seeing success ... open your mind and you open your vision.

Stephen Richards

Quotes About Open Your Mind #1792694
#65. If you are bored, you're doing yourself a tremendous disservice. Open your mind, break-free from your conditioned routine, and reignite the flames of excitement and discover.

Steve Maraboli

Quotes About Open Your Mind #1824484
#66. Leaving your ears open to the suggestions of others only closes the mind's eye, thereby creating a type of spiritual glaucoma.

Janeane Garofalo

Quotes About Open Your Mind #37124
#67. Hey, did you
"Read your mind?" Osiris shrugged. "It's like an open book full of blank pages. Wasn't very hard.

Rachel Firasek

Quotes About Open Your Mind #40269
#68. Just close your eyes and keep your mind wide open

Katherine Paterson

Quotes About Open Your Mind #56548
#69. The challenge is, well, there's a huge challenge, which is when you're improvising, you're meant to sort of clear your mind completely, just be open and funny, and paying, you know, paying attention.

Brian Henson

Quotes About Open Your Mind #85398
#70. Syldor was not a land of oppressive rules, roles, and labels. Here, love and power were open to, for, and between all; woman or man, rich or poor. What mattered was the sharpness of your mind, the speed of your blade, and the heat of your touch.

Natalia Marx

Quotes About Open Your Mind #92656
#71. Out of sight is out of mind. The closer your hives are to your residence the better. Beginners need colonies nearby so they can visit them often. Casual visits are important even if you don't open the hives. You can learn much simply by observing the entrance.

Richard E. Bonney

Quotes About Open Your Mind #98255
#72. I am with you always. You just have to find me by opening your inner eyes and closing your egocentric mind.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Open Your Mind #102015
#73. You learn if you mind stay open. And once you can't learn no more, your mind must be closed. Life goes on and you keep growing, you know?

Bobby Womack

Quotes About Open Your Mind #127118
#74. Every time you open up your heart in obedience to God and worship Him with all your heart, all your mind, and all your soul, our beautiful Lord responds with His magnificent presence.

Darlene Zschech

Quotes About Open Your Mind #130543
#75. Open up your Mind Rockin' Minds to the Cold Hard Reality that is my Songs & Dreams.

Gemini Rising Rockin' Machine, The

Quotes About Open Your Mind #138438
#76. Let go of your attachment to being right, and suddenly your mind is more open. You're able to benefit from the unique viewpoints of others, without being crippled by your own judgment.

Ralph Marston

Quotes About Open Your Mind #141162
#77. I now know that God has a plan for each of us. The thing is to find out what it is. How? Through prayer, through keeping your mind open, and trough the circumstances of daily life and the people you meet.

Peggy Noonan

Quotes About Open Your Mind #190877
#78. The secret o' health, happiness and success is deep breathing, buttermilk instead o' beer, your bedroom window open, a penny a week and a mind weel disciplined.

Neil Munro

Quotes About Open Your Mind #205777
#79. The wisdom of other cultures is one of the greatest gifts that a traveler can bring home. It takes no room in your suitcase - only an open mind and an open heart.

Peggy Kopman-Owens

Quotes About Open Your Mind #216259
#80. I think one's musical life should be free and open to new experience in order to keep expanding your mind and horizons.

Jim James

Quotes About Open Your Mind #245653
#81. My constellations are not made from the stars, but from the spaces between the stars. The dark places. The open places, where your mind can travel forever and ever.

T.A. Barron

Quotes About Open Your Mind #249117
#82. Not prejudging things, listening to what's going on, keeping your ears, heart, and mind open.

Haruki Murakami

Quotes About Open Your Mind #251944
#83. Solving mysteries is as much about having an open mind as keeping your eyes open. Isn't it the same in science?

Menna Van Praag

Quotes About Open Your Mind #255540
#84. Travel is the best teacher. The only way to an open mind is by taking a plane out into the open world.

C. JoyBell C.

Quotes About Open Your Mind #270212
#85. you should never underestimate the power of keeping your mind open to new information. If you're always receptive, you could gain just that piece of the puzzle you need, when you're least expecting it.

Bryan Dodge

Quotes About Open Your Mind #280584
#86. What you really want for yourself is always trying to break through, just as a cooling breeze flows through an open window on a hot day. Your part is to open the windows of your mind.

Vernon Howard

Quotes About Open Your Mind #286625
#87. Your passion may be hard to spot, so keep an open mind and keep searching.

Condoleezza Rice

Quotes About Open Your Mind #288547
#88. Your mind has enormous hidden dimensions. Open yourselves completely to whatever reactions and emotions the world evokes from time to time. Accept them all without any reservation or resentment. By assimilating everything and all, your mind grows deeper, stabler and more enriched.

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

Quotes About Open Your Mind #290518
#89. Your mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work unless it's open.

Jordan Maxwell

Quotes About Open Your Mind #293869
#90. Culture is simply the hospitality of the intellect. Your mind is open to new ideas and larger views; when they enter, you know how to receive them, and to entertain, to be entertained, and take what they have to offer without allowing them to dominate you.

Tom Kettle

Quotes About Open Your Mind #310209
#91. Your mind is like a parachute : it's no use unless it's open. -the Spectator, 1883

Samantha Cote

Quotes About Open Your Mind #311927
#92. We are all born with infinite wisdom at our fingertips. All you have to do is approach every disagreement, debate, and alternative view of your core beliefs with the sincere and soul honest desire of being proved partially or completely incorrect

Carl Henegan

Quotes About Open Your Mind #318922
#93. Our eyes are as open as much our minds are.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Open Your Mind #333582
#94. The arts open your heart and mind to possibilities that are limitless. They are pathways that touch upon our brains and emotions and bring sustenance to imagination. Human beings' greatest form of communication, they walk in tandem with science and play, and best describe what it is to be human.

Jacques D'Amboise

Quotes About Open Your Mind #338122
#95. Your skull encloses your brains. But never forget that anytime you open your mouth to talk, you have opened your mind for the entire world to see what is hidden in there!

Israelmore Ayivor

Quotes About Open Your Mind #347735
#96. What I've found is that country doesn't refer to where you grew up as much as where your heart grows down, where it takes root. Country is a state of mind. I believe what ultimately defines being country is simple: a loving heart, a helping hand, an open mind, poor in spirit.

Clay Walker

Quotes About Open Your Mind #383547
#97. Miracles are happening all the time, but if your eyes aren't open and your ears aren't open and your mind's not open and your heart's not open - then even though the miracles are there - you're not!

Marianne Williamson

Quotes About Open Your Mind #392713
#98. My book Abraham and Obama will open up your mind even when your eyes are closed

Jerry Zerg

Quotes About Open Your Mind #396798
#99. Today is the best day to be compassionate and kind.
Extend your hand, open your heart with a sympathetic mind.
Be the symbol of love, kindness, and compassion.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Open Your Mind #400857
#100. Love and compassion benefit both ourselves and others. Through kindness to others, your heart and mind will be peaceful and open.

Dalai Lama

Quotes About Open Your Mind #405889

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