Top 71 Quotes About Notre
#1. The University of Notre Dame does not redshirt, and I endorse that policy completely. I am very much in favor of redshirting, but not at Notre Dame. But there's no doubt about it. It puts us at a huge disadvantage.
Lou Holtz
#2. I've followed Notre Dame football since 1946, when I listened on the radio and Johnny Lujack tackled Doc Blanchard in the open field to preserve a 0-0 tie.
Lou Holtz
#3. Gene Simmons after three months in the Gobi Desert? The Hunchback of Notre Dame following corrective surgery? An escaped Muppet? The drummer from Ratt?
Greg Sestero
#4. Whether you like it or not, you're a national figure after five games at Notre Dame.
Ara Parseghian
#5. I'm going to be the next head coach at Notre Dame.
Dan Devine
#6. I truly believe the things Notre Dame stands for.
Lou Holtz
#7. Why was I not made of stone like thee?
Quasimodo[to a gargoyle on the ramparts of Notre Dame as Esmeralda rides off with Gringoire].
Victor Hugo
#8. I have no desire at all to become the winningest coach at Notre Dame. The record belongs to Knute Rockne or some other coach in the future.
Lou Holtz
#9. I noticed the drama majors on campus when I was at Notre Dame. They just seemed to be freer spirits than the rest of us. There was joy in their work; they were the only ones studying something whose work made them happy. I envied that.
Catherine Hicks
#10. There is no academic virtue in playing mediocre football and no academic vice in winning a game that by all odds one should lose ... There has been a surrender at Notre Dame, but it is a surrender to excellence on all fronts, and in this we hope to rise above ourselves with the help of God.
Theodore Hesburgh
#11. The morning we left South Bend, every student and professor was out of bed long before breakfast and marched downtown accompanying the team to the railroad station. It was the first time I'd seen anything like this mass hysteria generated on the Notre Dame campus over a football game.
Knute Rockne
#12. You talk about her as if she is the Notre Dame Cathedral!" "She is. And the Statue of Liberty and Abbey Road and the best burrito of your life. Didn't you know?
Barbara Kingsolver
#13. God has a plan for everybody's life, so there was obviously a reason why He wanted me to go to Notre Dame. Everything happens for a reason.
Justin Tuck
#14. Growing up under the heavy hand of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, it was drummed into me that attending weekly mass was not an option. It was a must to avoid eternal damnation, which was not a prospect filled with many positives. Hell fire was perpetual, and no parole would be offered.
Bill O'Reilly
#15. I teach in the Divinity School at Duke University, a very secular university. But before Duke, I taught fourteen years at the University of Notre Dame.
Stanley Hauerwas
#16. When I left the University of Notre Dame, I honestly felt I would never coach again.
Lou Holtz
#17. While passing through an obscure nook of Notre Dame cathedral, Victor Hugo noticed the Greek work for fate carved in the stone. He imagined a tormented soul driven to engrave this word. From this seed sprang his monumental novel "The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Alexander Steele
#18. Notre Dame is the one school that has a national recruiting base, from Florida to Texas to California.
Lou Holtz
#19. Sure, I'd love to beat Notre Dame, don't get me wrong. But nothing matters more than beating that cow college on the other side of the state!
Bear Bryant
#20. I've kicked at Notre Dame the past four years, I've been in frigid cold weather, snow. I've kicked at Yankee Stadium in December, so whatever is thrown at me I'm able to do.
Kyle Brindza
#21. My first walk illegally at 20 years old was between the towers of Notre Dame.
Philippe Petit
#22. Though it may be hard to believe today, the Eiffel Tower was initially met with derision by many Frenchmen, some of whom compared it to the Tower of Babel and complained that the "useless and monstrous" structure would obscure treasures such as Notre Dame.
Charles River Editors
#23. From the ages of five to twelve, I attended the Saint Laurence O'Toole elementary school in Lawrence, a city next to Methuen, and was taught by sisters of the Catholic order of Notre Dame de Namour. I enjoyed all my subjects there. I do not remember ever learning any science, except for mathematics.
Elias James Corey
#24. I feel comfortable singing in the great cathedrals of the world because I spent so much time as a child singing in church. And it isn't very different. Of course, nothing looks quite like Notre Dame de Paris.
Jessye Norman
#25. Paris, viewed from the towers of Notre Dame in the cool dawn of a summer morning, is a delectable and a magnificent sight; and the Paris of that period must have been eminently so.
Victor Hugo
#26. I'm an old man, and all my life I've said that Notre Dame should remain independent because it's a national school.
Lou Holtz
#27. Closed. Plenty of time to see it later, remember? He leads me into the courtyard, and I take the opportunity to admire his backside. Callipygian. There is something better than Notre-Dame.
Stephanie Perkins
#28. At home I have a copy of the April 21, 1986, issue of 'Sports Illustrated.' I'm on the cover with the blurb, 'Can Lou Do It?' I'd just arrived at Notre Dame, and with spring football underway, I was the focal point of that week's coverage.
Lou Holtz
#29. Like a couple of peasants huddled together in the Cathedral of Notre Dame, Jack and Eliza performed their role in the Mass and then departed, leaving no sign that they'd ever been there, save perhaps for an evanescent ripple in the coursing tide of quicksilver.
Neal Stephenson
#30. I took a Russian class at Notre Dame. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would fly someday in a Russian spacecraft with two cosmonauts, speaking only Russian.
Kevin A. Ford
#31. There is that in the Notre Dame fan which makes him intolerable to others, namely, his unassailable confidence that in a well-ordered universe Notre Dame is meant to win all of its games.
Ralph McInerny
#32. Something big, ... is about to happen at Notre Dame.
John Grant
#33. The Sisters of Notre Dame at St. Aloysius Grade School influenced my life tremendously. This was due to the fact that they encouraged you always to make sure that God is the focus of your life, and they didn't allow you to do anything except to the very best of your ability.
Lou Holtz
#34. Quand les cimes de notre ciel se rejoindront Ma maison aura un toit.
(When the peaks of our sky come together My house will have a roof.)
Paul Eluard
#35. I don't know what my appeal is. I can see I've got blue eyes and don't look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame but I can't understand the fuss.
Rutger Hauer
#36. Ron Powlus will win the Heisman two times and be the greatest quarterback in the history of Notre Dame.
Beano Cook
#37. In 1984, I gave a speech at Notre Dame titled 'Religious Belief and Public Morality.' I said that Catholic legislators will live by the laws of the church because we want to stay in the club.
Mario Cuomo
#38. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida, is the most respected, and probably the largest, commercial flight-training school in the nation, I was informed. It's the Notre Dame of the air.
Frank W. Abagnale
#39. I went to Notre Dame. I don't know if that has any relevance, but maybe we all had a little too much philosophy and theology.
William Mapother
#40. I started putting a wire up in secret and performing without permission. Notre Dame, the Sydney Harbor Bridge, the World Trade Center. And I developed a certitude, a faith that convinced me that I will get safely to the other side. If not, I will never do that first step.
Philippe Petit
#41. Wery weeny wight, plead for Morandmor! Notre Dame de la Ville, mercy of thy balmheartzyheat!
James Joyce
#42. In 1953 there were two ways for an Irish Catholic boy to impress his parents: become a priest or attend Notre Dame.
Phil Donahue
#43. The irony is that for poor people like us, an education at Notre Dame is both cheaper and finer. We
J.D. Vance
#44. On the 24th of February, 1810, the look-out at Notre-Dame de la Garde signalled the three-master, the Pharaon from Smyrna, Trieste, and Naples.
Alexandre Dumas
#45. An atheist is a man who watches a Notre Dame - Southern Methodist University game and doesn't care who wins.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
#46. I met my wife on Spring break when I was in college. I was at the University of Notre Dame. She was at the University of New Hampshire. I bumped into her in Florida and told her the next day that I was going to marry her and 20 or something years later here we are.
Nicholas Sparks
#47. My first project was 'Hunchback of Notre Dame'. I co-produced that.
Roy Conli
#48. If you look at the history of Notre Dame, if you hire a coach who's been successful at another college program, they're going to be ultra successful at Notre Dame because the talent will always be there.
Lou Holtz
#49. You don't go to Notre Dame to learn something; you go to Notre Dame to be somebody.
Lou Holtz
#50. Those who know Notre Dame, no explanation's necessary. Those who don't, no explanation will suffice.
Lou Holtz
#51. I do not believe there is an atheist in the world who would bulldoze Mecca-or Chartres, York Minster or Notre Dame, the Shwe Dagon, the temples of Kyoto or, of course, the Buddhas of Bamiyan.
Richard Dawkins
#52. I've been coming to Notre Dame since 1957. This place, this campus, is the closest thing there is to perfection.
John Grant
#53. seemed constant, even as to old opinions. Shelly now held a master's degree from Notre
Joseph Wambaugh
#54. I haven't seen the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Louvre. I haven't seen anything. I don't really care.
Tyra Banks
#55. I've always been a huge fan of Charles Lawton's performance in 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame,' so somewhere along the line, I've always wanted to play that character.
Andy Serkis
#56. Quand notre coeur a fait une fois sa vendange, Vivre est un mal. Once our heart has been harvested once, Life becomes miserable.
Charles Baudelaire
#57. You have to be equal at both - great at football and great at dedicating yourself to the academics at Notre Dame. It's hard. There are no rooty-toot classes for athletes in South Bend.
Justin Tuck
#58. I was still rooting for Notre Dame.It's like there's the cultural Catholic experience.
Jim Gaffigan
#59. To a gargoyle on the ramparts of Notre Dame as Esmeralda rides off with Gringoire Quasimodo says. Why was I not made of stone like thee?
Victor Hugo
#60. The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, who said to his tailor Irving, Forget the slacks - please work on the blazer! Never got a dinner!
Red Buttons
#61. A few years ago I met an old professor at the University of Notre Dame. Looking back on his long life of teaching, he said with a funny wrinkle in his eyes: I have always been complaining that my work was constantly interrupted, until I slowly discovered that my interruptions were my work.
Henri Nouwen
#62. He was high up now, gazing across to where Montmartre itself gazed out over the city. He was swept along in the wind, admiring the twin steeples of Notre-Dame as he passed, along with the dogged, devilish gargoyles of St. Jacques.
Toby Barlow
#63. As we got closer to Notre Dame, I said, "Would you be embarrassed if I rounded my shoulders, dragged my left leg, and shouted, 'Sanctuary!
Harlan Coben
#64. When a man does wrong, he should do all the wrong he can; it is madness to stop half-way in crime!
Victor Hugo
#65. But alas, if I have not maintained my victory, it is God's fault for not making man and the devil of equal strength.
Victor Hugo
#66. I bear the dungeon within me; within me is winter, ice, and despair; I have darkness in my soul.
Victor Hugo
#67. If she had not been a gypsy, and if he had not been a priest
Victor Hugo
#68. A fall from such a height is rarely straight downwards.
Victor Hugo
#69. Communism existed once, during two 45 minute half-times, when Honved, from Budapest, won over England by 6-3. The English played individually, and the Hungarians, collectively.
Jean-Luc Godard
#70. A mother who loses her child can no longer believe in God
Victor Hugo
#71. One drop of wine is enough to redden a whole glass of water.
Victor Hugo
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