Top 100 Quotes About My Existence
#1. If a man starts a campaign on my behalf without consulting me, he's just toying with my existence. Think how much better off you'd be to have your existence ignored. At least your reputation wouldn't suffer!
Soseki Natsume
#2. This morning I looked at the books on my shelves and thought that they have no knowledge of my existence. They come to life because I open them and turn their pages, and yet they don't know that I am their reader.
Alberto Manguel
#3. Sometimes, I marvel at the wonder
of how graceful words seem to appear
pen to paper; in others' hands
And I think to myself-
oh, how obsolete my existence is,
to be unable to do the same.
Joy Chua
#4. If I wait for someone else to validate my existence, it will mean that I'm shortchanging myself.
Zanele Muholi
#5. Every moment of my existence is dedicated to the winning of Swaraj by means of truth and nonviolence.
Mahatma Gandhi
#6. You are the beauty I've been seeking all my life. My existence was dark, grim, full of struggle, until you. You are the light that pushes the darkness away. When I'm with you, I can see my way, and I can breathe again.
Jennifer Ashley
#7. His kiss has become my anchor to this earth, the very reason for my existence.
Mia Sheridan
#8. you have blown a large breach in the walls of my existence.
Julian Barnes
#9. My existence is colorless when I'm not imagining you. You haunt me, Annabelle.
April Brookshire
#10. No matter what there always seems to be something clouding my existence, nothing is ever clear.
Emilyann Girdner
#11. My existence was as unstable as a stream, changing in every way; but the moth was like a piece of stone, changing not at all.
Arthur Golden
#12. I would know of myself through the witnessing and naming of others. As Jesus in the Gospels is only seen and spoken of and recorded by others. I would know my existence and the value of that existence through others' eyes, which I believed I could trust as I could not trust my own.
Joyce Carol Oates
#13. When one illusion vanishes, another shall appear, and, still leading me forward towards an horizon that retreats as I advance, the happy prospect of futurity shall vanish only with my existence.
Maria Edgeworth
#14. There are so many moments to remember and sometimes I think that maybe we're not really people at all. Maybe moments are what we are ... Sometimes I just survive. But sometimes I stand on the rooftop of my existence, arms stretched out, begging for more.
Markus Zusak
#15. Most annoying circumstances have brought you into the presence of a man who has broken all the ties of humanity. You have come to trouble my existence.
Jules Verne
#16. If a day goes by without my doing something related to photography, it's as though I've neglected something essential to my existence, as though I had forgotten to wake up.
Robert Mapplethorpe
#17. I'm not a man so I do not have a heart that loves as a human does. I'm an immortal god that dwells with supreme power because I hold the keys to Death. But you are my existence. I am yours.
Abbi Glines
#18. I've been approached by major labels every single year of my existence as an artist. Since 1996.
#19. I am afraid much of my existence is going to be more or less alone, and I might as well go into training for it. It comes on me at night mostly, in little waves of panic, that constrict something in my stomach. But don't you think it is good to fight these things?
Elaine Steinbeck
#20. I am the epitome of a walking contradiction for various reasons, only one of which being that I feel my existence is of heaven and hell.
Kim Elizabeth
#21. I have a calling in my soul, if you like, to try to make my life in some way worthwhile. What is the value of my existence?
Annie Lennox
#22. I try to find meaning anywhere I can. It's the only way I know how to validate my existence.
Tiffanie DeBartolo
#23. I feel the flatline of my existence disrupting, forming heartbeat hills and valleys
Isaac Marion
#24. I have church on Sunday." "Of course you do." "You're welcome to come along." "Thanks, but I'm allergic to incense." "That's a shame." "It's the bane of my existence." - Beth and Jake
Alexandra Adornetto
#25. The mere dates of my existence do not interest me, except in one connection. When the Great War started I was too old to be acceptable as a volunteer; when conscription followed I was too old to be conscripted.
Laurence Housman
#26. I just want out. Out of my existence. I find myself wishing that a lot lately. Not to be dead. Or kill myself. Or any of that kind of stupid shit. It's more I can't help think what if I hadn't been born in the first place ...
Gayle Forman
#27. This white hot pain, naturally, is basically nothing but a precise measure of the forces which hold this body together. It is a precise measure of the force which has made my existence possible. Death and life are actually MONSTROUS things.
Lars Gustafsson
#28. It's not my responsibility to be beautiful. I'm not alive for that purpose. My existence is not about how desirable you find me.
Warsan Shire
#29. I avoided my own friends and acquaintances, yet the loneliness of my existence was insupportable.
Agatha Christie
#30. Before, time held no meaning with him. Now it's everything. Every second of my existence feels like it will be the last.
Kitty Thomas
#31. Because looking at you is like falling into a black hole - stupid, confusing, and probably
detrimental to my existence.
Kimberly Spencer
#32. He didn't need to touch me. His attention alone, recognizing my existence, send a flurry of sparks through my body.
Rebecca Donovan
#33. I know that I have lived because I have felt, and, feeling giving me the knowledge of my existence, I know likewise that I shall exist no more when I shall have ceased to feel.
Giacomo Casanova
#34. You turned my existence into a life.
C.D. Reiss
#35. Where do I begin and end in space? I have relations to the sun and air which are just as vital parts of my existence as my heart.
Alan Watts
#36. I am living on the razor's edge between success and failure, adulation and humiliation - between justifying my existence and revealing my unworthiness to be alive.
Scott Stossel
#37. Letters are the real curse of my existence. I hate to write them: I have to. If I don't, there they are - the great guilty gates barring my way.
Katherine Mansfield
#38. She is not philosophy, I am not an ethical question. I will not risk my existence to satisfy your curiosity.
Heidi Heilig
#39. By my existence I am nothing more than an empty place, an outline,that is reserved within being in general. Given with it, though, is the duty to fill in this empty place. That is my life.
Georg Simmel
#40. I want to dive into his being, experience him with all 5 senses, drown in the waves of wonder enveloping my existence.
Tahereh Mafi
#41. No.. You have won
You can never lose
I won't let you lose
You are destined to win
You are destined to live in prosperity
..and to tell you.. You have won my existence!!
#44. This very heart which is mine will forever remain indefinable to me. Between the certainty I have of my existence and the content I try to give to that assurance, the gap will never be filled. Forever I shall be a stranger to myself.
Albert Camus
#46. I've got things I have to do in fiction to sort of register my existence, before I kick the bucket, but it will never be my living and I know it. Plus it never moved fast enough for me and lacked cut and thrust. I need to be in the real show.
William Monahan
#47. I'm sorry my existence is not very noble or sublime.
Keanu Reeves
#48. You are so inconvenient to my existence. That I can't even stand to look at you. I look at myself in the mirror. And you stare back. You are me and I am you. This inconvenient existence. One living, the other dying. You consume my existence. And I let you. 'Cause I love you.
Abria Mattina
#49. You are ... Well, not exactly the love of my life, because I expect to love you for much longer than that. The love of my existence. -Bella
Stephenie Meyer
#50. I could go on, but I've decided for now that three examples will suffice. Three examples if nothing else, will give you the ashen taste in your mouth that defined my existence during that year.
Markus Zusak
#51. Without a beginning I am pouring the whole of my existence into the building of endings, while the cross and the resurrection declare that God is incessantly building beginnings from the collapse of endings.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
#52. For a long time - always, in fact - I have known that life here on earth is not what I needed and that I wasn't able to deal with it; for this reason and for this reason alone, I have acquired a touch of spiritual pride, so that my existence seems to me the degradation and the erosion of a psalm.
Emil Cioran
#53. Never judge a woman by her attitude...listen to her story, get to know her heart & experience her fears...Not everything is what it seems...~E.Williams
I Will Never have to Solidify my existence....If you know my name my Existence is Profound....E~Williams
#54. The one thing that will be the bane of my existence with my kid will probably be the way he or she is most like me in some ways.
Matthew McConaughey
#55. Playing a fashion designer could be the bane of my existence because I am married to a fashion designer.
Lori Loughlin
#56. Like a tenacious ivy, your presence clings onto the drab wall of my existence.
Cling harder onto me love, like a blood sucking bed-bug who is never satiated.
Malak El Halabi
#57. I know everything should be photographed. It helps me make sense of my existence.
David Bailey
#59. I call
to the spirits of other lands to make fecund my existence
Frank O'Hara
#60. In case I forget to tell you, this was the best night of my existence.
Ashlan Thomas
#61. My existence from day to day has become a matter of averting my eyes, of cringing. Death is the only truth left. Death is what I cannot bear to think. At every moment when I am thinking of something else, I am not thinking death, am not thinking the truth.
J.M. Coetzee
#64. TVXQ is everything in my life. I want to live for TVXQ and die for TVXQ; it's the precious reason for my existence. If I hadn't become apart of TVXQ, I can't imagine what I would be like now. Without TVXQ, I wouldn't be like myself, who I am today.
#65. Why Lila glaring at you, hombre? " asked Rico. "Though I wouldn't mind a hot piece of culo like that acknowledging my existence." Rico puckered his lips, sending a mock kiss in Lila's direction. I laughed when she flipped her golden hair over her shoulder and stared at the dry-erase board.
Katie McGarry
#66. I don't really write journals and stuff and then adapt them to music, it's completely within the form of the song. My great obsession and basically the bane of my existence is caring probably too much about every word, but it's too late to change my career path.
Emily Haines
#68. In April 1981, at my request, my mother went to a detective agency. She hired them to follow me, to report my daily activities, and to provide photographic evidence of my existence.
Sophie Calle
#69. My existence was beginning to cause me serious concern. Was I a mere figment of the imagination?
Jean-Paul Sartre
#70. Your lack of questioning and curiosity has been the bane of my existence.
#71. But I was also free, invisible, as if the only evidence of my existence were in the tasks I performed, the services I rendered to others. When I stopped work, I disappeared.
Rosemary Poole-Carter
#72. My own [story] is the simplest ... it hardly amounts to more than a convincing proof of my existence - and yet I find it the hardest to begin.
Julian Barnes
#73. Do you know what punishments I've endured for my crimes, my sins? None. I am proof of the absurdity of men's most treasured abstractions. A just universe wouldn't tolerate my existence.
Brent Weeks
#74. There is something so innocent about blank pages
That I can't lie to them about my existence
Yarro Rai
#75. My life has far exceeded my expectations not because of my own personal efforts or mindset but because of my friends who have enriched my existence
John Paul Warren
#76. Beautiful women are the torment of my existence.
Markus Zusak
#77. Every time I change wives I should burn the last one. That way I'd be rid of them. They wouldn't be around to complicate my existence. Maybe, that would bring back my youth, too. You kill the woman and you wipe out the past she represents.
Pablo Picasso
#78. I am waiting for a sign that will indicate to me what meaning I must give to my life, but right now my existence is satisfactory.
Lucy Lawless
#79. In short: I felt my existence was tainted, in some subtle but essential way.
Donna Tartt
#80. To say that my existence is entirely inconsequential is to utterly ignore the amazing reality that life is a masterful story penned by a brilliant God who wrote me into the story in such a way that my absence would literally diminish the whole of the story.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
#82. I think of all that happened since finding her. Barely a blink in my existence, but everything has changed ... We love the ones we hate.
And I hate her with all my heart
Jessica Shirvington
#83. I am but one more drop in the great sea of matter, defined, with the ability to realize my existence.
Sylvia Plath
#84. Purpose declares that the trajectory of my existence and the course of human history were intentionally set to collide at this precise moment in time because what I have to offer human history is desperately needed at this precise time.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
#85. Denial is an essential part of my existence. Without it, I am nothing.
Jason Krumbine
#86. I feel I understand Existence, or at least a minute part Of my existence, only through my art,
Vladimir Nabokov
#87. I am serving the purpose for which I was designed, therefore I am satisfied with my existence.
Kevin J. Anderson
#88. He was, I told myself, a unique experience in my existence; I never think definitely of him as man or boy, as older or younger, taller or shorter than I am, but always of him as a mind in tune with mine, in which many of the notes are quite different from mine but are all in the same key.
Vera Brittain
#89. When I look for my existence I do not look for it in myself.
Antonio Porchia
#90. Robot RHR14- "I have been with this human family through all their joys and tragedies, and if there was a tragedy in my existence, it was creating me in the first place. For they dared to give me the concept of Love and Compassion yet withheld my abilty to cry.
Jay B. Cox
#92. I, at the age of 17 or 18 as a medical student, suddenly came up against a problem: 'What am I? What is the meaning of my existence as I experience it?'
John Eccles
#93. I didn't want to be the best at anything; I just wanted to blend in. And that was kind of my existence throughout my family experiences at home of just kind of blending in in the background through my other siblings, which was easy to do.
Misty Copeland
#94. Kenny is stabbing at my heart with her being-molding herself over my existence
Addison Moore
#95. I think of my body as a tool to do the stuff I need to do, but not the be all end all of my existence.
Lena Dunham
#96. Writing felt like it justified, barely, my existence -- this extremity of obscurity I had chosen.
William Finnegan
#97. A picture of my existence ... would show a useless wooden stake covered in snow ... stuck loosely at a slant in the ground in a ploughed field on the edge of a vast open plain on a dark winter night.
Franz Kafka
#98. It is only in the mountains that I can fully appreciate my existence as a man in America, and my own native land
Martin Delany
#99. T]here is no other purpose of my existence except to know, love and get closer to God. This is the one and only reason why I was created. And this is the most essential realization, as it defines everything else I do or believe. It defines all things around me, and everything I experience in life.
Yasmin Mogahed
#100. You're the love of my life, and the bane of my existence." Sera stopped midstride and wrinkled her brow.
"What's bane?" Jack opened his mouth. Mary Jane cut him off. "It's a piece of candy," she said. "Yeah," said Jack, "a little sour and tough to swallow.
Randall Kenneth Drake
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