Top 33 Quotes About Misery Loves Company
#2. They say misery loves company, but so does mediocrity. Don't let the limiting beliefs of OTHERS limit what's possible for YOU.
Hal Elrod
#3. Misery loves company. There's a lot to that.
Harvey Pekar
#4. Misery loves company, and madness calls it forth.
Yann Martel
#5. Misery loves company, but company does not reciprocate.
Addison Mizner
#6. People say misery loves company, but I think it's like that with anger too.
Angie Thomas
#7. Misery loves company. This is a Hollywood soap opera, and I'm not going to be a star in another Bryant soap opera.
Karl Malone
#9. Misery loves company, particularly when she is herself the hostess, and can give generously of her stores to others.
John Kendrick Bangs
#10. Misery loves company, but not enough to enjoy it.
Marty Rubin
#11. Misery loves company, which explains my sudden popularity. - T-SHIRT
Darynda Jones
#12. I wanted to rip her from her gilded cage and force the world onto her just to watch her crumble. Misery loves company, and I was nothing if not lonely.- Kaden
Teresa Mummert
#13. The whole "misery loves company"
thing never applies more than when you're breaking up. The thought that the
other person is doing fine is simply too much to bear.
Emily Giffin
#14. Whoever said misery loves company was full of shite. Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, however ... that guy was onto something.
Stephen King
#15. Misery loves company which is ironic because it rarely throws dinner parties.
Dov Davidoff
#16. If misery loves company, then triumph demands an audience.
Brian Moore
#17. Misery loves company
#18. Misery loves company. If I'm going to be miserable, it's about damn time I had some company.
A.J. Myers
#19. Why does it help to read others' stories? It is not only that misery loves company, because (I learned) misery is too self-absorbed to want much company. Others' experiences did help with my emotional struggle ...
David Sheff
#21. I heard that misery loves company, but I suspected it would get along with pie, too.
Jessica Lawson
#22. Misery loves company, but happy is a better friend.
Ray Torres
#24. Misery loves company, but company often multiplies your misery.
Jon Acuff
#25. The cliche is that misery loves company. Another is that there is fellowship among thieves. But thieves do not seek the consoling presence of the fellowship of police officers. Sinful misery does not love the company of purity.
R.C. Sproul
#26. You are too kind, and I am unused to it. For your own sake, do not stroke my misery. It knows not how to respond, but with a vicious bite.
Anne Fortier
#27. For the miserable find comfort in the philosophy that not on them alone has evil fallen.
#28. That's why Twinkle likes the place so much, Scott thought, looking around at the faded wood veneer tables, and the faded souls drinking at them. Misery was soaked through the place like the old beer soaked through its carpets.
R.D. Ronald
#29. Misery not only loves company, it derives validation from it.
Will Bowen
#30. Misery loves another idiot with a jukebox where his soul should be.
Steve Almond
#32. Move along, pal. I haven't upgraded to misery yet.
Janey Mack
#33. Misery loves good company, so if you are surrounded with drama, gossip and fools you may want to consider that you are presently at risk of becoming one of them.
Bryant McGill
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