Top 100 Quotes About Married Life
#1. The debris of her married life was enough to sever the tie between reality and dreams, the fine line between desire and temptation. Where did she draw the line? When did she admit defeat and surrender?
Callie Hunter
#2. You know marriage is like hunger. You yearn for it till you don't get the food. Once the stomach is full, you don't want more on your plate. But then hunger can subside only temporarily. It keeps coming back and that's how exactly a happy married life keeps going on, with all ups and downs.
Shikha Kaul
#3. Researchers warn us against walking out on married life without a dang good reason.
Ariel Gore
#4. I am not convinced that either the position, rewards or achievements have been worth the cost. My personal and married life and child raising have surely suffered from the professional attainments I have achieved.
Joanne Simpson
#5. It is, after all, envy rather than jealousy that causes most of the trouble in married life.
Anthony Powell
#6. A great proportion of the wretchedness which has embittered married life, has originated in a negligence of trifles.
Thomas Sprat
#7. Married life requires shared mystery even when all the facts are known.
Richard Ford
#9. For my children, they spent 15 to 20 years of their life in baseball. And Ruth and I spent so many years of our married life that that was our life. We knew nothing else.
Nolan Ryan
#10. Married life can seem as if it's only five days long. The first day you meet, the second day you marry, the third day your raise your children, the fourth day you meet your grandchildren, and the fifth day you die first or bury your spouse to go home alone for the first time in many years.
Mark Driscoll
#11. The baggage in your individual life will weigh down your married life. Do something about it.
Ted Lowe
#12. Married life is an existence with bars around it.
Al Goldstein
#13. There was altogether too much candor in married life; it was an indelicate modern idea, and frequently led to upsets in a household, if not divorce ...
Muriel Spark
#14. With twice his wits, she had to see things through his eyes
one of the tragedies of married life.
Virginia Woolf
#15. Because marriage is meant to reflect the great sacrificial and sanctifying love Christ has for his church, it makes sense to connect your married life to a local Christian congregation.
Matt Chandler
#16. Married life had taught him the futility of arguing with a female in a dark-brown mood.
Isaac Asimov
#17. He thinks I'm a good cook, and will eat anything I set before him. He is regular in his habits and not once through our married life have I been left at home heel-tapping waiting for my 'hubby' to come home. We
Susan Williams
#18. Bluestocking, Nancy. Married life has quite changed something
Kate Atkinson
#19. We spent our whole married life in the ultra-competitive world of professional football, Lauren and I had always tried to view it through God's eyes. As much fun as it was to be winning, we tried not to get caught up in it. We knew that our family life and our faith walk were more important.
Tony Dungy
#20. You don't seem to realise, that in married life three is company and two is none.
Oscar Wilde
#21. Nevertheless, he had offered her a home under his own roof, which Lavinia accepted with the alacrity of a woman who had spent the ten years of her married life in the town of Poughkeepsie.
Henry James
#22. The bitterest satires and noblest eulogies on married life have come from poets.
Edwin Percy Whipple
#23. It is a fundamental axiom of married life that you must lie to a woman. She likes it!
Agatha Christie
#24. Those kisses ... repaired and soothed and knit together the weave of married life.
Eloisa James
#25. I must say, Graystone, you are surviving married life very nicely." Peter helped himself to claret from the decanter that had been set out in the library.
"Thank you, Sheldrake. I flatter myself that not every man could survive being married to Augusta.
Amanda Quick
#26. After they stopped torturing him they locked him in the jail cell again and pretended they would forget him ... Then, eventually, and unexpectedly, release. Into ignominy, oblivion, married life.
Salman Rushdie
#28. It's most dangerous nowadays for a husband to pay any attention to his wife in public. It always makes people think that he beats her when they are alone. The world has grown so suspicious of anything that looks like a happy married life.
Oscar Wilde
#29. To feel admiration for a man all through one's married life would, I think, be excessively tedious.
Agatha Christie
#30. If asked to list my ten favorite American fiction writers, Gail Godwin would be among them. In this, her latest ... she evokes in a short book the long married life of two artists. Evenings at Five is a strong tale of love-after-death.
Ned Rorem
#31. Married life had taught Toran the futility of arguing with a female in dark-brown mood. He shrugged, and left her.
Isaac Asimov
#32. Why my wife owned a shotgun, I had no idea. Or ski masks. Neither of us had ever skied. But she didn't explain and I didn't ask. Married life is weird, I felt.
Haruki Murakami
#33. The problem in public life is learning to overcome terror; the problem in married life is learning to overcome boredom.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#34. The best part of married life is the fights. The rest is merely so-so.
Thornton Wilder
#35. Jail is a good experience but it has its drawbacks ... all the disadvantages of married life with none of its compensations ...
Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
#36. The days were sunny, the nights were star-studded. Indeed married life was strawberries for breakfast and loving all the time.
Marabel Morgan
#37. She felt drawing further from her and further from her an Archduke,
(she did not mind that)
a fortune,
(she did not mind that)
the safety and circumstance of married life,
(she did not mind that)
but life she heard going from her, and a lover.
Virginia Woolf
#38. Married life teaches one invaluable lesson: to think of things far enough ahead not to say them.
Jefferson Machamer
#39. It's been my experience that the first few days of married life women are blind because they want to be and after that because they have to be.
Mary Roberts Rinehart
#40. In Breaking Clean, Judy Blunt looks back on her childhood and early married life in the 1950s and '60s on cattle ranches in northeastern Montana, and explores what it meant to be female in that place and time.
Nancy Pearl
#41. If the married life possess love and virtue, these will be both its duty and reward
#42. If they are unsuccessful in married life, who suffers more the bitter consequences of poverty than the wife? But if successful, she has not a dollar to call her own.
Ernestine Rose
#43. Love, trust, sincerity and sex key element of happy married life.
Minesh Shakya
#44. Christian marriage is that sacrament which builds up the community of the Church and of society. Marriage has been inscribed in creation's design by God, and, by his grace, countless Christian men and women have lived married life fully.
Pope Francis
#45. He wants to lie down like a couple? That's fine - this can be his first experience with the wifely cold shoulder. Welcome to married life, Raahosh.
Ruby Dixon
#46. ...half the pleasures of life [are] derived from the little struggles and small privations that one had to endure at the beginning of one's married life. Such struggles [are] generally occasioned by want of means, and often helped to make loving couples stand together all the firmer.
George Grossmith
#47. Married life, if lived with the proper love and understanding, helps awaken the feminine within a man, and the masculine within a woman.
Mata Amritanandamayi
#48. I was disappointed in Niagara - most people must be disappointed in Niagara. Every American bride is taken there, and the sight of the stupendous waterfall must be one of the earliest, if not the keenest, disappointments in American married life.
Oscar Wilde
#49. Married life is a simpler life. Who I spend my time with is established in advance.
Bill Gates
#50. As a man, I've learned that there is nothing easier in married life than pleasing your wife with your cooking.
Robert Breault
#51. If Miss Beresford had not been in such a hurry to marry a poor country clergyman, there was no knowing what she might not have become. But Dixon was too loyal to desert her in her affliction and downfall (alias her married life).
Elizabeth Gaskell
#53. I was afraid of marriage. I had the impression married life would take up all my time. I saw myself drowning in visits and parties. No freedom.
Naguib Mahfouz
#54. Really, this horrid House of Commons quite ruins our husbands for us. I think the Lower House by far the greatest blow to a happy married life that there has been since that terrible thing called the Higher Education of Women was invented.
Oscar Wilde
#55. married life is merely a habit, a bad habit.
Oscar Wilde
#56. I tell my friends married life is boring, but that's just a fun thing to say to make single people feel better.
Sarah Jessica Parker
#57. Even if you choose someone who is not necessarily the love of your life, married life will be better than what you have now, with just your father and yourself. It is not good to sleep alone night after night.
J.M. Coetzee
#58. Inventors don't have time for married life.
Nikola Tesla
#59. The boredom of married life inevitable destroys love, when love has preceded marriage.
#60. Of course married life is merely a habit, a bad habit. But then one regrets the loss even of one's worse habits.
Oscar Wilde
#61. You aren't intending to spend your married life quarreling, I hope?" Claude said, frowning as his brother passed a hand nervously through his hair and turned to the door. "I intend to be happy," Lord Francis said. "I shall see to it that I quarrel with Soph every day of our lives, Claude.
Mary Balogh
#62. Niagara ... is the first disappointment in the married life of many Americans who spend their honeymoon there.
Oscar Wilde
#63. There was a lot to be said for the discipline of married life. It forced one to learn the art of compromise, and to remedy the flaws in one's nature.
John Connolly
#64. Only as far as a man is happily married to himself is he fit for married life and family life in general.
#65. I found that married life gave me the necessary freedom to follow an ambition which had been with me since childhood; and so I started to write in earnest.
Jean Plaidy
#66. The world has grown suspicious of anything that looks like a happily married life.
Oscar Wilde
#67. The squabbles of philandering Zeus and shrewish Hera are the Greeks' comment on married life.
Mason Cooley
#68. American married life is the doormat to the whorehouse.
John Steinbeck
#69. For me, it took five years to understand what professionalism meant. But I'm more settled now. I'm married, life changes, and I've been lucky in managing my injuries.
Brian O'Driscoll
#70. Fairness is a concept that holds only in limited situations. Yet we want the concept to extend to everything, in and out of phase. From snails to hardware stores to married life. Maybe no one finds it, or even misses it, but fairness is like love. What is given has nothing to do with what we seek.
Haruki Murakami
#71. There's no healthy life possible without some sensual feeling between the husband and wife, but there's nothing in the world more awful than married life when it's the only common ground.
Dorothy Canfield Fisher
#72. Underneath the quarrels,the misunderstandings, the apparent hostility of everyday life, a real and true affection can exist. Married life, I mused, as I went to bed,
was a curious thing.
Agatha Christie
#73. Get a peek at what married life is like for Layken and Will in This Girl, the third book
Colleen Hoover
#74. She had never been able to stand her husband, though not for one minute in their married life had she permitted this to make her unhappy. Only people who are fond of somebody can ever be unhappy, she had told her daughter before her wedding.
Anna Seghers
#75. Not listening is probably the commonest unkindness of married life, and one that creates - more devastatingly than an eternity of forgotten birthdays and misguided Christmas gifts - an atmosphere of not loving and not caring.
Judith Viorst
#76. In married life three is company and two none.
Oscar Wilde
#77. The happiness of married life depends upon making small sacrifices with readiness and cheerfulness.
John Selden
#79. To this husband of hers she made the last concession of married life, which is more complete, more irrevocable, than the first - she listened to him. She told herself that the years had brought her tolerance - actually they had slain what measure she had ever possessed of moral courage. She
F Scott Fitzgerald
#80. The problem is a lot of people don't think. The general bloke just goes through life, gets a job, gets married and all that, and that's it.
Paul Simonon
#82. Most couples get married because it's time, not because they're in love. They might have money issues, parental pressure, or they're simply tired of being alone - so they pick Mr. Good Enough and tie the knot.
H.M. Ward
#83. My plan was to never get married. I was going to be an art monster instead. Women almost never become art monsters because art monsters only concern themselves with art, never mundane things. Nabokov didn't even fold his own umbrella. Vera licked his stamps for him.
Jenny Offill
#84. You're talking to someone who has been married to various people for the last 40 years of her life. Dating is not really something familiar. I've never really been a dater.
Stockard Channing
#85. The best part of being married is, everything we face in life, we face as a team. I don't do a thing - professionally or personally - without discussing it with my wife.
Michael Chiklis
#86. I don't think you're happier if you're thin or beautiful or rich or married. You have to make your own happiness. My heroines do not become beautiful elegant swans, they become confident ducks and get on with life.
Maeve Binchy
#87. Before we got married, I had tremendous ambition. Once we got married and I started having children, then I just thought that that was my real life. Steve was definitely more ambitious than I.
Eydie Gorme
#88. I reached a point in my life where I didn't really like who I was.I was married to an amazing woman. I had children, and yet there was frustration.
Jim Gaffigan
#89. Since I've turned 50, I've had the best roles of my life, and I've got married. Everyone said that wasn't possible because there are no men, but I've done it. I think it's just going to get better.
Lesley Nicol
#90. I'm not in this just to change the law. It's about changing society. I want gay kids to grow up believing that they can get married, that they can join the Scouts, that they can choose the life they want to live.
Evan Wolfson
#91. I would never have ever dreamed that I would get married again and then all of a sudden you meet somebody. That's the thing about life. It can be so unexpected.
Gordon Lightfoot
#92. We had common interests in the beauty of the French language. We both had a tremendous love of jazz. We shared dreams of getting married and having a family, living in the country, leading an idyllic life.
David Amram
#93. Getting married is the most fun you can have in life. Being married sucks
Kid Rock
#94. Her enthusiasm infected me. She was light, life, energy. Everything. What wouldn't I do for her, when she gave me so much? I would have married her in an instant. So I did.
C.D. Reiss
#95. If I had married someone wealthy when I was young, I would have sunk like a stone. Being skint makes life quite clear. You've got to take that job.
Anna Chancellor
#96. When I first got married to my husband, he had boxes full of photos of my two stepsons, ages 5 and 8 at the time, and I put them together in some little albums and wrote notes about how happy I was that they were a part of my life.
Nancy O'Dell
#97. I know there's more to life than making lots of money and being successful and even getting married and having a family.
Madonna Ciccone
#98. I grew up at 'All My Children;' I got married, had a daughter and made life-long friends there!
Eva LaRue
#99. The key to life is your attitude. Whether you're single or married or have kids or don't have kids, it's how you look at your life, what you make of it. It's about making the best of your life wherever you are in life.
Candace Bushnell
#100. It's been very hard, after being mostly a mom, to develop an adult life of my own. And not being married anymore, I have to come up with challenges.
Danielle Steel
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