Top 100 Quotes About Learning
#1. By discovering how our minds work, we can improve our learning power and unlock our true potential.
Robert Winston
#2. [God] does not bind the ancient folk to outward doctrine as if they were learning their ABC's.
John Calvin
#3. For me, the essence of a medicine man's life is to be humble, to have great patience, to be close to the Earth, to live as simply as possible, and to never stop learning.
Archie Fire Lame Deer
#4. Until you do the inner work of learning how to see with "your eyes and your heart open," as Kabat-Zinn puts it, deep problems will persist.
Peter M. Senge
#6. Always just remember that you can never know all; you're always going to be learning; there's always going to be something new. I don't think you'll ever have it all figured out.
Iain De Caestecker
#7. I remember when I first encountered anthropocentrism. I was in primary school and, in preparation for our confirmation, the class was learning about the afterlife.
John Burnside
#8. We must develop a compelling vision of later life: one that does not assume a trajectory of decline after fifty, but one that recognizes it as a time of change, growth and new learning, a time when our courage gives us hope.
Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot
#9. In the universities, we teach you what we decide you need to know. And the employers find out when they hire people that students didn't learn what we needed them to learn. Online learning offerings, like the University of Phoenix, have relationships with employers and teach what you need to know.
Clayton M Christensen
#10. Even though I was theatrically trained, learning to develop a character was an awesome experience.
Corin Nemec
#11. As Cook says, "Success is not delivering a feature; success is learning how to solve the customer's problem."4
Eric Ries
#12. Particularly for English people, Shakespeare is always at the forefront of both drama and the English language. He's always been there. I can't remember starting school and not learning about him.
Jamie Campbell Bower
#13. Educational success should be measured by how strong your desire is to keep learning.
Alfie Kohn
#14. The soul inside me is the last foreign language I'm learning,
Yehuda Amichai
#15. Learning the art of painting is not an easy task. It takes a great deal of intelligence, keen analysis, study and practice.
Edgar Alwin Payne
#16. All learning begins when our comfortable ideas turn out to be inadequate.
John Dewey
#17. I come from a visual background. I used to work in the camera department at Warner Bros. when I was a teenager. I grew up dusting lenses and learning about photography.
Colin Hanks
#18. Neither living nor learning was good without order.
Temple Grandin
#19. Disneyland is often called a magic kingdom because it combines fantasy and history, adventure and learning, together with every variety of recreation and fun designed to appeal to everyone.
Walt Disney
#20. It is not knowing, but the love of learning, that characterizes the scientific man.
Charles Sanders Peirce
#21. Neural implants could accomplish things no external interface could: Virtual and augmented reality with all five senses; augmentation of human memory, attention, and learning speed; even multi-sense telepathy - sharing what we see, hear, touch, and even perhaps what we think and feel with others.
Ramez Naam
#22. The whole point of all these conversations is to leave your mind empty, not full. If you go away with learning, you have missed the opportunity
#23. Literacy unlocks the door to learning throughout life, is essential to development and health, and opens the way for democratic participation and active citizenship.
Kofi Annan
#24. Poverty must not be a bar to learning and learning must offer an escape from poverty.
Lyndon B. Johnson
#25. Every city, every town, hides beneath a certain amount of glamour that- either intentionally or not- can misdirect the eye or hide something worth finding. Learning to see through those glamours is part of the process of calling any place home.
Kate Milford
#26. If you want to be a screenwriter, take an acting class to get a sense of what you're asking actors to do. Learning other skills will help you communicate with people and respect what they do.
Tina Fey
#27. Neither money pays, nor name pays, nor fame, nor learning; it is CHARACTER that cleave through adamantine walls of difference.
Swami Vivekananda
#28. It's when you're not looking for anything that something winds up coming along. It's about learning how to be just with yourself and that you don't need to be in a relationship. You don't need anyone to fulfill you.
Hayden Panettiere
#29. All relationships are a learning experience, even ones you continue to be in. If you don't see them as that, then that's a problem.
John Krasinski
#30. If you want to live a top shelf life then you need to stand on the books you have read. Never stop learning, never stop growing.
Jim Rohn
#31. You can apply yourself voluntarily to reading and learning, but you cannot really apply yourself to thinking: thinking have to be kindled, as a fire is by a draught, and kept going by some kind of interest in its object, which may be an objective interest or merely a subjective one.
Arthur Schopenhauer
#32. Learning how to edit movies was a real breakthrough.
Peter Jackson
#33. As I found, if you complete your work more efficiently, your reward is more billable work, not more leisure time. However, once you're comfortable with the facts of a case, you simply lack the incentive to resolve the case, since you'll just have to start the arduous task of learning a new case.
WIlliam R. Keates
#34. I see a movie as a way of learning about the world, about myself, and learning about my relationship with people and art.
Ang Lee
#35. My own view, for what it's worth, is that sexuality is lovely, there cannot be too much of it, it is self-limiting if it is satisfactory, and satisfaction diminishes tension and clears the mind for attention and learning.
Paul Goodman
#36. You like this darkness. You like learning me by feel." Feeling very bold indeed, she nuzzled at him until she found his mouth with her own. "I like it too.
Grace Burrowes
#37. I now realize that education is a last wild effort on the part of the authorities to prevent an overdose of leisure from driving the world mad. Learning is no longer an improver; it is merely the most expensive time-filler the world has ever known.
Quentin Crisp
#38. I am learning that a man can live profoundly without masses of things.
Richard E. Byrd
#39. Waiting to be 'better' is the wrong approach. It's learning to live with it.
Marian Keyes
#40. As students cross the threshold from outside to insider, they also cross the threshold from superficial learning motivated by grades to deep learning motivated by engagement with questions. Their transformation entails an awakening
even, perhaps, a falling in love.
John C. Bean
#41. Yes, transformation is often more about unlearning than learning, which is why the religious traditions call it "conversion" or "repentance.
Richard Rohr
#42. We all have things we regret, things we wish we could change, but we can't dwell on them. That's part of being a vampire now - learning to move on.
Julie Kagawa
#43. If you should put a knife into a French girl's learning it would explode and blow away like an omelette soufflee ...
M. E. W. Sherwood
#44. Learning to slow down and pay attention: A book for kids about ADD.
Ellen B. Braaten
#45. Being not perfect is not about making mistakes and saying I'm sorry, but! its about learning from it and then being perfect for not making the same mistake again.
Saleem Durrani
#46. My father wasn't allowing me control and the financial freedom that I was asking for. I was 17, about to be 18 within a year, so I started asking more questions because I felt that I needed to start learning about those things.
Dominique Moceanu
#47. Enflamed with the study of learning and the admiration of virtue; stirred up with high hopes of living to be brave men and worthy patriots, dear to God, and famous to all ages.
John Milton
#48. In Zen you are learning how to make new realities, to build things inside your mind.
Frederick Lenz
#49. In the world of letters, learning and knowledge are one, and books are the source of both; whereas in science, as in life, learning and knowledge are distinct, and the study of things, and not of books, is the source of the latter.
Thomas Huxley
#50. Why don't we learn about the mental health which affects every minute of our lives? ... Where is the school for learning [about] positive mental health?
Maddy Malhotra
#51. A Christian way of thinking is not just thinking Christian thoughts, singing Christian songs, reading Christian books, going to Christian schools; it is learning to think about the whole spectrum of life from the perspective of a mind that has been trained in truth.
Alistair Begg
#52. You can always keep learning with acting, because the school is life and yourself and your friends and your relationships. I'm fascinated by it! It's infinito!
Penelope Cruz
#53. When you are not aware that you are bringing old learning to your current relationships, you will want to lie about where it is coming from.
Cortney S. Warren
#54. The only mistake we can make is not learning from our mistake.
Kathleen Griffin
#55. Not everyone is born to run a $4 billion company. There is no magic formula. I've learned, and I've grown by learning. That's why I've enjoyed being in business so much: It's stretched me.
John Mackey
#56. He was a habit in my thoughts, not any more welcome than a rash, but I'd find myself thinking of him before I even realized what I was doing. Banishing him from my thoughts was like learning to breathe in a new way. it was a conscious effort.
Mary E. Pearson
#57. the desire and hunger for education is the key to real learning.
Jim Stovall
#58. Learning a [skateboard] trick is kind of like a puzzle; you have to keep trying, and trying, and trying, and adapting and changing, and adapting and changing, and finally it works.
Rob Dyrdek
#59. Acquire knowledge before you become leaders and pride prevents you from learning and you live in ignorance.
#60. Continuing to hate someone was much easier than learning to like them for who they were, rather than who they used to be. I
Starla Huchton
#61. You are either in a state of perfection or a state of learning. Reading is one of the best ways to learn about our lives and purpose!
#62. In any of the arts, you never stop learning.
Claire Bloom
#63. I clung on to time, and consequently to learning, the only human activity that makes time our ally.
Cesar Aira
#64. Self-discovery is the process of learning about who you are as an individual, independent from your friends, family, employer, or nation.
Scott Berkun
#65. Sometimes the hardest part isn't letting go but rather learning to start over.
Nicole Sobon
#66. Seemingly unrelated [things] that are in fact really related, that's the stuff I like to talk about. Like dancing, language learning, swimming, three-pointers ...
Tim Ferriss
#67. If you can keep learning, you can still do your thing, and keep singing or whatever, and still do innovative things.
Michael Angelo Batio
#68. I think you need to understand games to write them. There's a learning curve, just like there's a learning curve in anything. It's not precisely the same as film or television, but you're using the same muscles.
Bruce Feirstein
#69. Nobody likes to fail but failure is an essential part of life and of learning. If your uniform isn't dirty, you haven't been in the game.
Ben Bernanke
#70. That's how things were out here in the wild, she was learning. Dangerous or beautiful. Or both.
Scott Westerfeld
#71. Whate'er I read to her. I'll plead for you
As for my patron, stand you so assured,
As firmly as yourself were in still place -
Yea, and perhaps with more successful words
Than you, unless you were a scholar, sir.
O this learning, what a thing it is!
William Shakespeare
#72. True meaning in life comes through understanding your own nature and learning to accept all aspects of yourself.
Kristine Carlson
#73. Inward spiritual practices such as meditation, breathing techniques and self-analysis generate insights and enhance abilities, but none are so useful as learning to live harmoniously in a committed relationship, being a skillful parent, or juggling the demands of daily life.
Dan Millman
#74. I love learning. I tend to stop doing things once I get good at them, and to try something else I'm not as good at, leaving a bunch of fans going, "But he was really good at that. Why isn't he still doing it?"
Neil Gaiman
#75. When you cook, you never stop learning.
That's the fascination of it all.
James Beard
#76. I had a familiar, nervous sensation, one that goes all the way back to elementary school. It's the simultaneous realization that I may have talked my way into another fistfight, and that I had not spent any time learning to fight since the last one.
David Wong
#77. When people ask me about what I learned from martial arts, I don't talk about favorite punches or kicks, or about fights won or lost. I talk about learning self-discipline, about ethics and manners and benevolence and fairness.
Jonathan Maberry
#78. I love libraries. Everybody there is serious and focused even if they are not absorbing or learning anything better
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
#79. My policy is to learn from the past, focus on the present, and dream about the future. I'm a firm believer in learning from adversity. Often the worst of times can turn to your advantage - my life is a study of that.
Donald Trump
#80. It is the evil mind that gets first hold on all of us. Learning virtue means unlearning vice. We
#81. Being empowered with the knowledge that you are the creator of your own reality, is the best way to accelerate healing and learning.
David Wolfe
#82. When did creating a flawless facade become a more vital goal than learning to love the person who lives inside your skin?
Ellen Hopkins
#83. We're still getting better as a team. We're still learning how to play basketball as a team and how to win tough games.
Carmelo Anthony
#84. Animals can learn, but it is not by learning that they become dogs, cats, or horses. Only man has to learn to become what he is supposed to be.
Eric Hoffer
#85. The process of learning requires not only hearing and applying but also forgetting and then remembering again.
John Gray
#86. The only 'good' learning is that which is in advance of development.
Lev S. Vygotsky
#87. To learn without thinking is labour in vain, to think without learning is desolation.
#89. Homeschooling allows you the freedom to step off the highway of learning and take a more scenic route along a dirt road.
Tamara L. Chilver
#90. The major problem of life is learning how to handle the costly interruptions. The door that slams shut, the plan that got sidetracked, the marriage that failed. Or that lovely poem that didn't get written because someone knocked on the door.
Martin Luther King Jr.
#91. I think that if you keep your eyes and your ears open and you are receptive to learning, there are skills you can get from any job at all.
Cat Deeley
#92. Advertising is like learning - a little is a dangerous thing.
P.T. Barnum
#93. Don't limit a child to your own learning, for she was born in another time.
Rabindranath Tagore
#94. Libraries allow children to ask questions about the world and find the answers. And the wonderful thing is that once a child learns to use a library, the doors to learning are always open.
Laura Bush
#95. In both cooperative learning and project work, the teacher encourages children to talk to one another. This helps them pay attention to each other's efforts and ideas. Children take to these kinds of exchanges very readily, but the teacher really needs to encourage this interaction.
Lilian Katz
#96. What I'm trying to say is that it will be okay between you and Nate. Because you both want that. Because you both want that more than anything. It sounds simple, but I'm learning that the problems start when you want different things
Laura Dave
#97. It's tough when you started out as young as I did to look back and see how far I've come. I try to be easy on myself and go 'Look man, you were younger, you were learning; you learn, you grow.' But I'm not my best judge. I always feel like my best work is still ahead of me.
Matt Dillon
#98. Since I was young, I have always known this: Life damages us, every one. We can't escape that damage. But now, I am also learning this: We can be mended. We mend each other
Veronica Roth
#99. Learning is stronger when it matters, when the abstract is made concrete and personal.
Peter C. Brown
#100. We often learn most about ourselves by learning about other people,
Gretchen Rubin
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