Top 81 Quotes About Fretting
#1. Leaders thrive when they feel creatively empowered, when they trust the people around them, when their confidence is swelling. Leaders make mistakes when they lose that same confidence, when they're fretting about their power base, when they're reacting instead of acting.
Bill Simmons
#2. The sullen boy sitting before me is not my husband, and the girl he is fretting over isn't me, will never be me.
Lauren DeStefano
#3. I'm not sitting somewhere dwelling on the past. I'm not fretting or obsessing about something in the future.
Jennifer Aniston
#4. It's right he's paying you, as you were hurt on his job, and he can well afford it. Doing so shows his character, just as fretting over it shows yours.
Nora Roberts
#5. I also generally play slide guitar in standard tuning, which enables me to switch back and forth between using the slide and fretting notes and chords conventionally without having to relearn the fretboard, as one must do when playing in an open tuning.
Warren Haynes
#6. Nothing can prepare you for the all-consuming nature of motherhood, and I am very aware of my good fortune, as I spent years fretting about whether I'd ever meet anyone to have a baby with.
Mariella Frostrup
#7. Pick the day. Enjoy it - to the hilt. The day as it comes. People as they come ... The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present, and I don't want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future.
Audrey Hepburn
#8. Many human beings enjoy sexual relations with their own sex; many don't; many respond to both. This plurality is part of our nature and not worth fretting about.
Gore Vidal
#9. We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays.
#10. After all, the past wasn't something that could be changed by fretting. Or by regretting
Suzanne Brockmann
#12. Christ never was in a hurry. There was no rushing forward, no anticipating, no fretting over what might be. Each day's duties were done as each day brought them, and the rest was left with God.
Mary Slessor
#13. Knowing that the time to sleep has come, the Lord sleeps, and does well in sleeping. Often, when we have been fretting and worrying, we should have glorified God far more had we literally gone to sleep.
Charles Spurgeon
#14. If fretting was an Olympic sport, I'd own the gold medal
Lori Hatcher
#15. A lot of my upbringing was about denying or fretting or evading.
Jhumpa Lahiri
#16. The future will be what it will, and fretting about it will only make your fears more likely to come true.
Christopher Paolini
#17. Sometimes we make the process more complicated than we need to. We will never make a journey of a thousand miles by fretting about how long it will take or how hard it will be. We make the journey by taking each day step by step and then repeating it again and again until we reach our destination.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
#18. Rather than fretting about IQ scores, voters should try to determine what candidates read - other than the Bible, which they all say they read - and the kind of people with whom they spend their time.
Jack Germond
#19. Writing is new, relatively speaking. Story telling is ancient. Tell your story first putting aside all other worries. Leave fretting over homonyms, semicolons, and Oxford commas to editors and friends you can be bribe with baking.
Ada Maria Soto
#20. What a grand joke the world was. You spend years fretting and plotting, only to find, in the end, that everything was going to be just fine, with or without you.
Jennifer Bernard
#21. Vamps are really only like ten percent fun at any given time. The other ninety percent is largely fretting. And bloodletting.
Chloe Neill
#22. Malice and hatred are very fretting and vexatious, and apt to make our minds sore and uneasy; but he that can moderate these affections will find ease in his mind.
John Tillotson
#23. Don't be fretting ... about me marrying. Marrying's a trouble and not marrying's a trouble and I sticks to the trouble I knows.
L.M. Montgomery
#24. It may be that Tolstoy and Virginia Woolf were sitting around fretting about their Amazon reviews or their pre-pub whatever, but I kind of doubt it. I don't think that's how the work probably got made.
Garth Risk Hallberg
#25. A gentleman is calm and spacious: the vulgar are always fretting.
#26. If you're gonna fret, fret over something you can change. Then stop fretting and do something about it.
Kimberly Willis Holt
#27. When Buddhists say, "A bodhisattva fears not the result, but only the cause," they mean that we must expend the bulk of our energy planting good roots today, rather than fretting about the plants that are already growing from the roots we planted in the past.
Hsing Yun
#28. You can never be free until you develop the mental strength to stop fretting over things you cannot control.
Robert Ringer
#29. When we see ourselves in a situation which must be endured and gone through, it is best to make up our minds to it, meet it with firmness, and accommodate everything to it in the best way practicable. This lessens the evil; while fretting and fuming only serves to increase your own torments.
Thomas Jefferson
#30. Are you worried? Jesus says there is nothing to worry about. It isn't our kingdom, it's God's. We take our cue from the King, and the King is not fretting over anything. He is in complete control.
Edward T. Welch
#31. Besides, men aren't worth your time anyway, Letti. If we women spent as much time on ourselves as we do fretting over men, we'd be invincible! Work on yourself because at the end of the day, you're the only person you can trust.
S.R. Crawford
#32. Those of us who don't want to worship an invisible being or spend our days fretting about punishment in Hades do want to be able to share what we hold dear with our families and the broader world, and we want to be understood and appreciated for who we are.
Greg Epstein
#33. Tomorrow and tomorrow come creeping in and always will. We're fools trapped in a mechanism of our own unconscious making. Shadows strutting and fretting for one brief hour upon a stage, then heard no more. I'll weep an ocean in my heart, if the world would give me time. But not now.
David Hewson
#34. Oh, Christian, if you are overspread with this fretting leprosy, you carry the man of sin about you, for you set yourself above God and act as if you were wiser than He, and would sassily prescribe to Him what condition is best for you.
Thomas Watson
#35. There did he sit shrivelled in his chimney corner, fretting on account of his weak legs, world weary, will weary, and one day he suffocated through his excessive pity.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#36. The deep root of failure in our lives is to think, 'Oh how useless and powerless I am.' It is essential to think strongly and forcefully, 'I can do it,' without boasting or fretting.
Dalai Lama
#37. With a novel, no matter where I am in it, I'm fretting about it. Every time I write a book, it starts with great forward momentum. Then there seems to be a period where it slows down a bit, and other things intervene. Then I gain momentum.
Douglas Kennedy
#38. Most men call fretting a minor fault, a foible, and not a vice. There is no vice except drunkenness which can so utterly destroy the peace, the happiness of a hoe.
Helen Hunt Jackson
#39. Fretting over how life ends, or anything else for that matter, is a complete waste of time.
Samantha Sotto
#40. Don't waste a minute fretting over the infinite destructive possibilities of The Singularity. Think of all the fun we're going to have along the way! It will all be one glorious adventure, start to finish!
Richard Long
#41. There is nothing so fretting and vexatious, nothing so justly terrible to tyrants, and their tools and abettors, as a free press.
#42. Instead of fretting about getting everything done, why not simply accept that being alive means having things to do? Then drop into full engagement with whatever you're doing, and let the worry go.
Martha Beck
#44. We spend too much time fretting over the way the industry produces programming, and too little worrying about the way the public consumes it.
Michael Medved
#45. Let go of your worries and focus
only on the task at hand. The future will be what it will, and fretting about it will only make your fears more likely to come true .
I know,
Christopher Paolini
#46. Fretting rises from our determination to have our own way. Our Lord never worried and was never anxious, because His purpose was never to accomplish His own plans but to fulfill God's plans. Fretting is wickedness for a child of God.
Oswald Chambers
#47. Worry means tormenting yourself with disturbing thoughts or fretting about things we have zero control over. If you live in the north there is no need to worry about the snow. You will get plenty each year. If you live in California or Texas you needn't worry about rain because we won't receive any.
Jack White
#48. The pitcher has got only a ball. I've got a bat. So the percentage in weapons is in my favor and I let the fellow with the ball do the fretting.
Hank Aaron
#49. I now realise how liberating all-inclusive resorts are. No carrying huge handbags anywhere. No having to worry about purses being pinched. No totting up the price in your head and fretting that you've spent too much.
Jane Green
#50. Mankind is perpetually the victim of a pointless and futile martydom, fretting life away in fruitless worries though failure to realise what limit is set to acquisition and to the growth of genuine pleasure
#51. In a drear-nighted December, Too happy, happy brook, Thy bubblings ne'er remember Apollo's summer look; But with a sweet forgetting, They stay their crystal fretting, Never, never petting About the frozen time.
John Keats
#52. I'm not sitting dwelling about the past or stressing or fretting about something in the future.
Jennifer Aniston
#53. Each would collapse beneath the process. We've just wrongly assumed that it has to happen all at once, and we give up at the thought of it. We are A-to-Z thinkers, fretting about A, obsessing over Z, yet forgetting all about B through Y. We
Ryan Holiday
#54. Fretting springs from a determination to get our own way.
Oswald Chambers
#55. Curb your fretting, tadpole, or the frog of your future will fail to croak.'
Paul Collins
#56. Look at the toxic waste that most people put into the fertile garden of their minds every single day: the worries and anxieties, the fretting about the past, the brooding over the future and those self-created fears that wreak havoc within your inner world.
Robin S. Sharma
#57. So he tortured himself, fretting himself with such questions, and finding a kind of enjoyment in it.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
#58. I sometimes feel ashamed that I am devoting myself to artistic pursuits while so many of our people are suffering and dying for us. It's true that fretting never did any good.
Claude Monet
#60. We generally look around for what is not there fretting over it and thus letting go of what is there.
Amit Abraham
#61. Everyone goes through the ups and downs of living - fretting about the future, worrying about what happened. Music teaches us how to be in the moment.
David Sanborn
#62. If a ship has been sunk, I can't bring it up. If it is going to be sunk, I can't stop it. I can use my time much better working on tomorrow's problem than by fretting about yesterday's. Besides, if I let those things get me, I wouldn't last long.
Ernest King
#63. Full many mischiefs follow cruel wrath;
Abhorred bloodshed and tumultuous strife
Unmanly murder and unthrifty scath,
Bitter despite, with rancor's rusty knife;
And fretting grief the enemy of life;
All these and many evils more, haunt ire.
Edmund Spenser
#64. Spending all this time fretting and fawning over a bloke just wasn't her. If this was what infatuation did to a girl she'd take herself off to a convent in the morning.
Kady Cross
#65. About the only other thing I'd want would be a wider neck. My fingers are so fat that sometimes I deaden the string next to the one I'm fretting.
Terry Kath
#66. Fretting about overpopulation, is a perfect guilt-free - indeed, sanctimonious - way for progressives to be racists.
P. J. O'Rourke
#67. John Wanamaker, founder of the stores that bear his name, once confessed: I learned thirty years ago that it is foolish to scold. I have enough trouble overcoming my own limitations without fretting over the fact that God has not seen fit to distribute evenly the gift of intelligence.
Dale Carnegie
#68. Do any deserve liberty who are not ready to give it to others? Let us calmly go to work, instead of dissipating our energy in unnecessary fretting and fuming.
Swami Vivekananda
#69. I don't think I've ever heard you laugh. Ever. You face life like it's a warrior come to chop your head off, and you're just biding your time fretting until it does. Haven't you ever heard of the power of laughter?
Noelle Crawford
#70. I was already beginning to realize that the only way to conduct oneself in a situation where bombs rained down and bullets whizzed past, was to accept the dangers and all the consequences as calmly as possible. Fretting and sweating about it all was not going to help.
Roald Dahl
#71. I believe that when we overdo our military aggressiveness, it actually weakens our national defense. I mean, we stood up to the Soviets. They had 40,000 nuclear weapons. Now we're fretting day in and day and night about third-world countries that have no army, navy or air force.
Ron Paul
#72. But there is a place where people like me live and love while fretting constantly about their own mortality and the fate of the universe. I know who I am now: I am a New Yorker.
Mara Wilson
#73. We are A-to-Z thinkers, fretting about A, obsessing over Z, yet forgetting all about B through Y.
Ryan Holiday
#74. He must have a burning desire to solve the problem. But after he has defined the problem sees in his imagination the desired end result secured all the information and facts that he can then additional struggling fretting and worrying over it does not help but seems to hinder the solution.
Maxwell Maltz
#75. I'm not fretting over control with you. You can have all of the command you desire as long as we're together. I'll just save my demands for the bedroom.
I flushed. Bones just chuckled and brought my hand to his lips.
Jeaniene Frost
#76. It is wrong to pass one's time in fretting, instead of sleeping on the Heart of Jesus.
Therese De Lisieux
#77. One attraction of Latin is that you can immerse yourself in the poems of Horace and Catullus without fretting over how to say, "Have a nice day."
Peter Brodie
#78. The noble-minded are calm and steady. Little people are forever fussing and fretting.
#79. Earth has waited for them, All the time of their growth Fretting for their decay: Now she has them at last.
Isaac Rosenberg
#80. We were made to be distracted by life, by story.
Donald Miller
#81. Don't get your balls crossed about it.
John Irving
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