Top 100 Maxwell Maltz Quotes

#1. The biggest secret of self-esteem is this: Begin to appreciate other people more; show respect for any human being merely because he is a child of God and therefore a thing of value.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #12371
#2. You will act like the sort of person you conceive yourself to be.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #18819
#3. It takes 21 days to develop a habit.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #32861
#4. The "Success-type" personality is composed of: S-ense of direction U - nderstanding C-ourage C-harity E-steem S-elf-Confidence S-elf-Acceptance.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #71346
#5. You are embarking on the greatest adventure of your life - to improve your self-image, to create more meaning in your life and in the lives of others. This is your responsibility.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #76868
#6. Unthaw and become more natural.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #113249
#7. To change a habit, make a conscious decision, then act out the new behavior.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #115937
#8. If you wait until circumstances justify your thinking pleasant thoughts, you are likely to wait forever.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #128163
#9. You may live in an imperfect world but the frontiers are not closed and the doors are not all shut.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #166783
#10. The greatest miracle you can hope for is self-acceptance.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #191306
#11. Your most important sale in life is to sell yourself to yourself.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #199938
#12. Happiness is the art of relaxation.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #206267
#13. No man is hurt but by himself," said Diogenes.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #212922
#14. If you intend to insist on justice in order to live a successful and happy life, you will not do so in this lifetime, on this planet.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #240596
#15. When you see a thing clearly in your mind, your creative "success mechanism" within you takes over and does the job much better than you could do it by conscious effort or "willpower.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #275557
#16. Worry is one of the most destructive scourges of mankind.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #275595
#17. When you're not goal-striving, not looking forward, you're not really living.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #294787
#18. We, whoever we are, must have a daily goal in our lives, no matter how small or great, to make that day mean something.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #321481
#19. Functionally, a man is somewhat like a bicycle. A bicycle maintains its poise and equilibrium only so long as it's moving forward towards something.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #323122
#20. Close scrutiny will show that most "crisis situations" are opportunities to either advance, or stay where you are.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #328472
#21. Develop an enthusiasm for life, create a need for more life, and you will receive more life.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #347360
#22. If you make friends with yourself you will never be alone.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #356414
#23. Your present negative beliefs were formed by thought PLUS feelings. Generate enough emotion, or deep feeling and your new thoughts and ideas will cancel them out.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #358320
#24. Realizing that our actions, feelings and behaviour are the result of our own images and beliefs gives us the level that psychology has always needed for changing personality.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #359139
#25. Successful people are able to rise above crises by relaxing no matter what the external situation. Their belief in themselves, the strength of their self-image is impenetrable armor, which protects them against shattering events.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #363698
#26. Faith, courage, optimism, looking forward, bring us new life and more life. Futility, frustration, living in the past are not only characteristic of 'old age'; they contribute to it.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #402360
#27. Nothing can work me damage except myself," said St. Bernard.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #408612
#28. Do your worrying before you place your bet, not after the wheel stops turning.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #415034
#29. Accept yourself as you are. Otherwise you will never see opportunity. You will not feel free to move toward it; you will feel you are not deserving.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #437509
#30. A healthy strong ego, with plenty of self-esteem, does not feel itself threatened by every innocent remark.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #473155
#31. Experimental and clinical psychologists have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the human nervous system cannot tell the difference between an "actual" experience and an experience imagined vividly and in detail.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #537427
#32. The minute that we change our minds, and stop giving power to the past, the past with its mistakes loses power over us.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #542578
#33. You can always find the sun within yourself if you will only search.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #556627
#34. Do not say to yourself, 'I am going to act this way tomorrow.' Just say to yourself - 'I am going to imagine myself acting this way NOW - for 30 minutes - today.'

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #559126
#35. Knowledge Gives You Power.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #565678
#36. Happiness is native to the human mind and its physical machine. We think better, perform better, feel better, and are healthier when we are happy.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #572812
#37. Our self image, strongly held, essentially determines what we become.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #580950
#38. The most delightful surprise in life is to suddenly recognize your own worth.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #582924
#39. Our self-image and our habits tend to go together. Change one and you will automatically change the othe

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #609797
#40. The un-happiest of mortals is that man who insists upon reliving the past, over and over in imagination - continually criticizing himself for past mistakes - continually condemning himself for past sins.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #642826
#41. To really 'live,' that is to find life reasonably satisfying, you must have an adequate and realistic self-image that you can life with. You must find yourself acceptable to 'you.'

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #648792
#42. One of the reasons it has seemed so difficult for a person to change his habits, his personality, or his way of life, has been that heretofore nearly all efforts at change have been directed to the circumference of the self, so to speak, rather than to the center.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #652422
#43. I may be a mistake maker, but I'm also a mistake breaker.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #658073
#44. We simply must get it through our heads that holding a low opinion of ourselves is not a virtue, but a vice.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #690494
#45. Plan all you want for the future. Prepare for it. But don't worry about how you will react tomorrow, or even five minutes from now. Your creative mechanism will react appropriately in the 'now' if you pay attention to what is happening now.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #718241
#46. We age not by years but by events and our emotional reactions to them.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #719255
#47. Happiness isn't something that happens to you. It is what you yourself do and determine upon.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #743825
#48. Loneliness is caused by an alienation from life. It is a loneliness from your real self.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #776124
#49. When you believe you can ... you can!

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #812009
#50. It is the job of conscious rational thought to decide what you want, select the goals you wish to achieve-and concentrate upon these rather than upon what you do not want. To spend time and effort concentrating upon what you do not want is not rational.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #816772
#51. The greatest cause of ulcers is mountain-climbing over molehills.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #817820
#52. Emptiness is a symptom that you are not living creatively. You either have no goal that is important enough to you, or you are not using your talents and efforts in a striving toward an important goal.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #822009
#53. We are injured and hurt emotionally, Not so much by other people or what they say and don't say, But by our own attitude and our own response.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #845879
#54. Begin to imagine what the desirable outcome would be like. Go over these mental pictures and delineate details and refinements. Play them over and over to yourself.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #853002
#55. Fully 95 percent of our behavior, feeling, and response is habitual.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #859337
#56. The lucky of successful person has learned a simple secret. Call up, capture, evoke the feeling of success. When you feel successful and confident, you will act successfully.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #889778
#57. Take the trouble to stop and think of the other person's feelings, his viewpoints, his desires and needs. Think more of what the other fellow wants, and how he must feel.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #903199
#58. Conscious effort inhibits and 'jams' the automatic creative mechanism.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #916083
#59. You make mistakes, mistakes don't make you

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #959056
#60. Another cause of confusion, and the resulting feelings of nervousness, hurry, and anxiety, is the absurd habit of trying to do many things at one time.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #961001
#61. Adopt the motto - It doesn't matter who's right, but what's right.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #974870
#62. Man maintains his balance, poise, and sense of security only as he is moving forward.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #976231
#63. When we consciously and deliberately develop new and better habits, our self image tends to outgrow the old habits and grow into the new pattern.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1009889
#64. Happiness is simply a state of mind in which our thinking is pleasant a good share of the time.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1067801
#65. Within you right now is the power to do things you never dreamed possible. This power becomes available to you just as you can change your beliefs.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1074152
#66. Mental pictures offer us an opportunity to practice new traits and attitudes, which otherwise we could not do. This is possible because again - your nervous system cannot tell the difference between an actual experience and one that is vividly imagined.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1078170
#67. It is an old psychological axiom that constant exposure to the object of fear immunizes against the fear.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1101487
#68. One's capacity for friendship, which can be developed, is basic to one's capacity for happiness.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1182952
#69. We are built to conquer environment, solve problems, achieve goals, and we find no real satisfaction or happiness in life without obstacles to conquer and goals to achieve.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1189042
#70. Beauty Is More Than Skin Deep

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1189463
#71. An idea accepted as true from any source can be every bit as powerful as hypnosis.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1200802
#72. True success and true happiness not only go together but each other enhances the other.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1203576
#73. If you can remember, worry, or tie your shoe, you can succeed with Psycho-Cybernetics!

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1226308
#74. Every day you must try to make yourself grow. This you can do.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1229618
#75. Self-esteem is as necessary to the spirit as food is to the body.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1235554
#76. The greatest mistake a man can make is to be afraid of making one.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1276860
#77. We must have courage to bet on our ideas, to take the calculated risk, and to act. Everyday living requires courage if life is to be effective and bring happiness.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1301541
#78. Self-discipline is the golden key; without it, you cannot be happy.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1329482
#79. See yourself reacting to threats, not by running away or evading them, but by meeting them, dealing with them, grappling with them in an aggressive intelligent manner.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1363886
#80. Your nervous system can't tell real failure from imagined failure.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1384451
#81. Self-improvement is the name of the game, and your primary objective is to strengthen yourself, not to destroy an opponent.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1404067
#82. Admit your mistakes but don't cry over them. Correct them and go forward.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1435459
#83. Study the situation thoroughly, go over in your imagination the various courses of action possible to you and the consequences which can and may follow from each course. Pick out the course which gives the most promise and go ahead.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1446066
#84. Failure feelings - fear, anxiety, lack of self-confidence - do not spring from some heavenly oracle. They are not written in the stars. They are not holy gospel. Nor are they intimations of a set and decided fate which means that failure is decreed and decided. They originate from your own mind.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1467269
#85. Self-image sets the boundaries of individual accomplishment.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1475372
#86. In an interview in 1992, Leary stated, "It is a genetic imperative to explore the brain. Because it's there. If you're carrying around in your head 100 billion mainframe computers, you just have to get in there and learn how to operate them.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1485317
#87. People who say that life is not worthwhile are really saying that they themselves have no personal goals which are worthwhile. Get yourself a goal worth working for. Better still, get yourself a project. Always have something ahead of you to look forward to ... to work for and hope for.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1486467
#88. You are not your mistakes. Just because you have done something stupid does not make you stupid.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1513238
#89. Of all the traps and pitfalls in life, self-disesteem is the deadliest, and the hardest to overcome: for it is a pit designed and dug by our own hands, summed up in the phrase, 'It's no use - I can't do it.'

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1515866
#90. Life is a series of problems.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1544049
#91. Our present state of self-confidence and poise is the result of what we have "experienced" rather than what we have learned intellectually.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1566007
#92. This is where you will win the battle - in the playhouse of your mind.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1586996
#93. Forgiveness is a scalpel that removes emotional scars.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1593233
#94. Why not imagine yourself successful?

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1643304
#95. Science has now confirmed what philosophers, mystics, and other intuitive people have long declared: every human being has been literally "engineered for success" by his Creator. Every human being has access to a power greater than himself.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1667256
#96. Times will change for the better when you change.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1761668
#97. Change your mental imagery, and the feelings will take care of themselves.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1799579
#98. As soon as the error has been recognized and corrections made, it's equally important that the error be forgotten and the successful attempt remembered and dwelt upon.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1818290
#99. The 'self-image' is the key to human personality and human behavior. Change the self image and you change the personality and the behavior.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1847835
#100. Do not tolerate for a minute the idea that you are prohibited from any achievement by the absence of in-born talent or ability. This is a lie of the grandest order, an excuse of the saddest kind.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz Quotes #1874980

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