Top 18 Quotes About Fake It Til You Make It

#1. Fake it 'til you make it, bitch.

J.T. Geissinger

Quotes About Fake It Til You Make It #368791
#2. was in a full-on fake-it-'til-you-make-it situation, not exactly what I'd had planned for seven in the morning on a random Tuesday. While wearing penguin pajamas.

Ellis Leigh

Quotes About Fake It Til You Make It #771939
#3. Bucko?" A softening of his features told me he was amused. "Confidence is sexy on you." "Yeah, well." I ducked my head to hide my tingling cheeks. "Fake it 'til you make it.

Hailey Edwards

Quotes About Fake It Til You Make It #1079542
#4. That whole saying of "fake it 'til you make it" actually has a lot of validity. Your jerk of a brain is so used to not having motivation and so used to not deriving pleasure from fun

Robert Duff

Quotes About Fake It Til You Make It #1573632
#5. fake it 'til you make it. If you don't feel good, pretend you do because eventually you will. It hasn't worked yet, but I'm still holding out hope.

Courtney Cole

Quotes About Fake It Til You Make It #1813990
#6. Fake it til you make it. Just make it.

Jesse Petersen

Quotes About Fake It Til You Make It #223856
#7. You must be the person you have never had the courage to be. Gradually, you will discover that you are that person, but until you can see this clearly, you must pretend and invent.

Paulo Coelho

Quotes About Fake It Til You Make It #1754584
#8. Everyone else carries a backpack, but not Josh. He has a cool, beat-up messenger bag, covered with stickers protesting all kinds of things.

Elizabeth Scott

Quotes About Fake It Til You Make It #1507477
#9. Fucking is for bathroom stalls and the back seat of a Toyota

Sage Whistler

Quotes About Fake It Til You Make It #1492329
#10. Reason is the inextinguishable impulse to philosophize with whose destruction reason itself is destroyed.

Karl Jaspers

Quotes About Fake It Til You Make It #1381029
#11. I've been interested in cartooning all my life. I read the comics as a kid, and I did cartoons for high school publications - the newspaper and yearbook and soon. In college, I got interested in political cartooning and did political cartoons.

Bill Watterson

Quotes About Fake It Til You Make It #1312506
#12. Just drive, rock star. Drive fast. Very fast. Because I've got a shopping list ten miles long of the things you're going to be doing to me.

Jae T. Jaggart

Quotes About Fake It Til You Make It #1165732
#13. What simple and
ordinary lives we live,
underneath the shadows
of projection screen

Phil Volatile

Quotes About Fake It Til You Make It #1071632
#14. I'm a winner each and every time I go into the ring.

George Foreman

Quotes About Fake It Til You Make It #955445
#15. It is very fashionable for good-looking ladies to say how hard it is to be beautiful, but that's not true. There are times when itdepresses and bothers me to see just how easy things are made for a beautiful woman.

Catherine Deneuve

Quotes About Fake It Til You Make It #809430
#16. I do a weird thing when I am nervous where I tilt my head back like I am super confident. This is my attempt to fake it until I make it, or at the very least make it easier for someone to slit my throat.

Amy Poehler

Quotes About Fake It Til You Make It #657784
#17. Courtney didn't like babies at the best of times. As far as she was concerned, anything that existed solely to emit drool, vomit, ghastly odors and loud, annoying screams was more trouble than it was worth.

Ted Naifeh

Quotes About Fake It Til You Make It #351834
#18. I keep forgetting were Pono's girls. Maybe we're not suppose to be happy.'
'Then we'll pretend to be,' Rachel said. ' We'll make it a habit, no matter what.'
That's all we can do, Jess thought. Live in readiness for whatever comes.

Kiana Davenport

Quotes About Fake It Til You Make It #344705

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