Top 34 Quotes About Drinking And Drugs

#1. It wasn't some Puritan thing. Straight-edge was asking adherents to take control of their lives, not to be blind consumers, and not to be tricked into thinking that drinking and drugs were cool since in fact they were the tools of a previous generation

Kim Gordon

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #1495551
#2. Avoid using cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs as alternatives to being an interesting person.

Marilyn Vos Savant

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #1502822
#3. Have fun tonight...And take care in all the usual ways, boys. Say no to drugs, and drinking and driving. Yes to seat belts and condoms.
--Granny Rikker to Johnny & Mike

Sarina Bowen

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #1126442
#4. I've quit drugs and drinking and been into healthy stuff like yoga.

Princess Superstar

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #1162562
#5. Drugs and alcohol were ruling my life. I made a lot of bad decisions while I was drinking alcohol. The first thing I stopped was cigarettes and tobacco.

Ozzy Osbourne

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #1277768
#6. I kinda like messing with perception a little bit. Kind of what drugs do sometimes, and drinking. I mean, you know, you mess with your mind a little bit to see life from different angles. Within reason, if you can handle it.

Julian Casablancas

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #1282162
#7. war historian Paul Fussell suggests that in World War II heavy drinking was the answer to fear, boredom and the terrible damage to the sense of identity experienced by so many combatants. Drunkenness, he writes, did for the men of this war what drugs did for the next generation in Vietnam.

Liz Byrski

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #1341897
#8. I've been doing a lot of drugs in the last few weeks and drinking less, and I feel much better.

Doug Stanhope

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #1391094
#9. Gin and drugs, dear lady, gin and drugs.

T. S. Eliot

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #1474501
#10. I want to get to a point in my career where I can be a role model. A good one. I want to say, 'I got here without drugs, and I got here without drinking or smoking. If I can do it, you can do it. I have no doubt.' I really want kids to have a chance in life.

Chad Michael Murray

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #1071564
#11. I wasn't taking drugs or drinking. I was working and working and working. But I wasn't writing anything.

Patti Smith

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #1529658
#12. I don't think people should do anything to be popular. But maybe within reason they can step out of their comfort zones and do things to be more 'accessible'. Like taking drugs or drinking heavily to be cool.

Lindsay Lohan

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #1541829
#13. I think I would have drank myself to death, literally, if I didn't just stop, once and for all when I did. I am not ever going to preach to anyone about drugs or drinking. But, for me, when they were around, I had no self control.

Philip Seymour Hoffman

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #1586293
#14. College is the best thing that can ever happen to you, my father used to say, and he was right, for it was there that I discovered drugs, drinking, and smoking..

David Sedaris

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #1587588
#15. Drinking and other forms of body-wrecking pleasures are signs of weakness rather than manliness. It takes a better man to live a clean life - free from the stimulants, depressants, and drugs - than to be artificially [stimulated].

Billy Graham

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #1595941
#16. By crying on my bed, drinking quite a lot and feeling tempted by drugs. Well, just not reading it to be perfectly honest with you. I know it's a bit of a copout.

Jo Brand

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #1615963
#17. Tantrics seek oneness with the universe
through eating meat, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, dancing,
and ritual sexual intercourse.

Marvin Harris

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #1653084
#18. Champagne and Benzedrine! Never again.

Ian Fleming

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #1878849
#19. For a permanent solution to easing tension and soothe the rough waters of the world that cause people to go to drugs, drinking, gambling, pornography, overeating, or anything that will give them some temporary relief, you can't beat the support and encouragement of a friend.

Jonathan Anthony Burkett

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #1015777
#20. If I have a near-beer, I'm near beer. And if I'm near beer, I'm close to tequila. And if I'm close to tequila, I'm adjacent to cocaine.

Craig Ferguson

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #875330
#21. Safe drinking water isn't just something to worry about on your tropical vacation. U.S. tap water is ridden with arsenic, lead, and pharmaceutical drugs. In short: Get a filter.

Sara Gilbert

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #833328
#22. How many of us readers say this quote and mean it. "If I knew what I know now life would be different" ...

Robert Reed

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #631799
#23. Intoxication, like sexual euphoria, is the privilege of the human animal.

Roman Payne

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #630436
#24. I guess we all had that work ethic. None of us were rock stars, so if you had time in a studio, it was a big, big deal: you're not going to sit around taking drugs and drinking and waste it, you'll do something.

David Toop

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #618496
#25. All you young Aussies just want to fuck and get fucked up, no?

S.A. Tawks

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #610522
#26. Drugs and drinking affect every family I know, country and city, middle-class and poor.

Bonnie Jo Campbell

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #564869
#27. I quit drugs before I quit drinking because drugs were taking their toll on me. I was sick of the headaches and the puking and the shitting blood. I figured I'd stop everything but alcohol, but then I overcompensated with drinking. Now I'm totally clean because I don't choose to do either.

Lars Frederiksen

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #564144
#28. Staying out all night and sleeping most of the day is quite a drain on the wallet.

S.A. Tawks

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #494983
#29. My dad drank pretty heavily, and he never missed a day of work in his life. So I never looked at drinking as a serious problem, but drugs to me are a serious problem. I think it's a generational thing. I think older people don't feel as uncomfortable around drinkers as they do around dopers.

Alex Trebek

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #484797
#30. There's a romance to danger. There's a romance to drinking, to drugs, to petty crime and to heartbreak and loneliness. All of those things can be used to make the STORY of our lives better.

Joey Comeau

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #324125
#31. I guess the drinking and the drugs are interesting to me because the way we use them and our society uses them, we kind of manufacture highs and lows.

Craig Finn

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #228008
#32. It's hard to believe that you did so many drugs for so long. That's what I find really hard. And didn't really consider it. It was eating and drinking and taking drugs and having sex. It was just part of life.

Mick Jagger

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #206090
#33. It was an arranged marriage, put together by drugs and alcohol.

Tom Papa

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #154958
#34. Experimenting with drugs, drinking, doing this just enough to be accepted as one of the crowd, but I hated drugs, and I hated the taste of alcohol!

Gloria Gaynor

Quotes About Drinking And Drugs #78290

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