Top 70 Quotes About Drab

#1. Torture will give a dozen pence or more To keep a drab from bawling at his door. The public taste is quite a different thing Torture is positively paid to sing.

Hilaire Belloc

Quotes About Drab #1144942
#2. Leo knew next to nothing about governesses, save for the drab creatures in novels, who tended to fall in love with the lord of the manor, always with bad results.

Lisa Kleypas

Quotes About Drab #1360966
#3. The world gets older, without getting either better or worse and so does literature. But I do think that the drab current phenomenon that passes for literary studies in the university will finally provide its own corrective.

Harold Bloom

Quotes About Drab #1347121
#4. If rape or arson, poison or the knife Has wove no pleasing patterns in the stuff Of this drab canvas we accept as life - It is because we are not bold enough!

Charles Baudelaire

Quotes About Drab #1330925
#5. It was as though the people needed the ugliness of the village, and fed on it. The houses and the stores seemed to have been set up in contemptuous haste to provide shelter for the drab and the unpleasant.

Shirley Jackson

Quotes About Drab #1245033
#6. The terrors of the future will not come from the drab repressions of an encroaching bureaucracy, but from the neon lights of a thousand supermarkets, the sounds of a million automobile accidents and from the public cremation of the dead astronauts as they return to earth.

Christopher Riche Evans

Quotes About Drab #1242822
#7. Past age fifty-five, I experienced the advancement of exquisite fabric choices, paint distinctions that were celestial in scope, yet so many other man-made objects, such as people, became drab, redundant and boring.

Carol A. Elliott

Quotes About Drab #1238538
#8. Drab?" Soldier yelled. "I'll give you drab. Beat her, would you? Beat my wife? I'll feed your head to the vultures, you snotty little hamster with your golden pelt and buttery looks!

Kim Hunter

Quotes About Drab #1168099
#9. Give all your gifts away in service to the world. If you want to paint, don't wait for a grant, paint a wall in your town that looks drab and uninviting. You never know who is going to see that wall. Whatever it is you want to do, give it away in service to your community.

Marianne Williamson

Quotes About Drab #1160061
#10. Although the primitive in art may be both interesting and impressive, as portrayed in American fiction it is conspicuous for dullness alone. Drab persons living drab lives, observed by drab minds and reported in drab writing ...

Ellen Glasgow

Quotes About Drab #1401701
#11. When the modern scholar cites from a classic text, the quotation seems to burn a hole in his own drab page.

George Steiner

Quotes About Drab #1125802
#12. What on earth are you wearing? Did you take orders in a convent since we spoke last? Little Sisters of the Drab and Homely.

Tessa Dare

Quotes About Drab #1112121
#13. Seemed to myself to be dull, boring, inadequate, thick brained, unlit, unresponsive, chill skinned, bloodless, and sparrow drab.

Kay Redfield Jamison

Quotes About Drab #1097228
#14. The height of the mountaintop is measured by the drab drudgery of the valley.

Oswald Chambers

Quotes About Drab #1096828
#15. To be with the same person for the rest of your life just sounds so drab.

Eva Longoria

Quotes About Drab #1070735
#16. You are a drab, she told herself, seduced into infatuation by a soldier's tale. Outremer, bravery, crusade, it is illusory romance. Pull yourself together, woman.

Ariana Franklin

Quotes About Drab #1013181
#17. The writing career is not a romantic one. The writer's life may be colorful, but his work itself is rather drab.

Mary Roberts Rinehart

Quotes About Drab #995362
#18. But I believe I rather like superstitious people. They lend color to life. Wouldn't it be a rather drab world if everybody was wise and sensible ... and good? What would we find to talk about?

L.M. Montgomery

Quotes About Drab #952372
#19. Some of the books that provided the richest fare were hidden under unrevealing names, like a rare soul behind a drab face

Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings

Quotes About Drab #1558834
#20. To hell with exciting. I'd rather be drab as hell and win.

Woody Hayes

Quotes About Drab #1871669
#21. Like a tenacious ivy, your presence clings onto the drab wall of my existence.
Cling harder onto me love, like a blood sucking bed-bug who is never satiated.

Malak El Halabi

Quotes About Drab #1862232
#22. A musical audience is at best uninspiring, at worst definitely drab ... Respectability hangs like a pall over the orchestra and the boxes; a sort of sterile sobriety ill-fitted to the passionate geometry of music.

Marya Mannes

Quotes About Drab #1769122
#23. He seemed to believe that from such humble, inert elements as flour, shortening, and drab little envelopes of yeast, life itself could be produced.

Michael Cunningham

Quotes About Drab #1727826
#24. I believed him because the truth is never hard to recognize. Nothing is ever quite so drab and repetitious and forlorn and ludicrous as truth.

Budd Schulberg

Quotes About Drab #1621244
#25. Christ can be trusted to keep His Word that He will exchange our drab existence for joyous living, abundant life! And while true love, total acceptance, and complete security are rare in our frantic world, the biblical evidence that our desires in these areas will be fulfilled in Christ is abundant.

Josh McDowell

Quotes About Drab #1620126
#26. I allow myself to be understood as a colorful fragment in a drab world.

Errol Flynn

Quotes About Drab #1616280
#27. Rainy, gloomy, drab, sunless day. There are times when hope seems entirely clouded over, when looking for the blessings in your circumstances feels like trying to catch a ray of sunshine from six feet under.

Richelle E. Goodrich

Quotes About Drab #1587272
#28. If Rome, a city of the vulgar living, had been depressing after Greece, London, a city of the drab dead, was fifty times worse.

John Fowles

Quotes About Drab #18444
#29. Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world.

Victor Kraft

Quotes About Drab #1520191
#30. I tend to lean more towards the Westerns of the 40s and 50s as opposed to the 60s and 70s. They get a little too drab for me when you get into the Spaghetti Western era. I love the John Ford movies. I love the music. I love the scope.

Seth MacFarlane

Quotes About Drab #1509657
#31. Dublin was an English city, one of the loveliest. The most Irish thing about it was the shifting drab flow of the poor people

Jan Morris

Quotes About Drab #1509403
#32. Jack assumed they would be heading to the pub there in Century House. It was drab, like the rest of the building, but more important, it was vastly more secure than just venturing out to some alehouse on the street.

Tom Clancy

Quotes About Drab #1484252
#33. I have few illusions: the cause is lost in advance. As for me, I do my part, which is to drag a fairly drab existence to its conclusion.

Rene Magritte

Quotes About Drab #1481260
#34. Footprints in the snow have been unfailing provokers of sentiment ever since snow was first a white wonder in this drab-coloured world of ours.

Kenneth Grahame

Quotes About Drab #1476833
#35. Sometimes I look around my living room, and the most real thing in the room is the television. It's bright and vivid, and the rest of my life looks drab. So I turn the damn thing off. That does it every time. Get my life back.

Michael Crichton

Quotes About Drab #1433996
#36. So what is there to make of the simplistic thing I've come to utter in explanation, which is so drab, so monochromatic, so water on top of ice even though it's the most direct, most distilled path from my heart to my mouth: I feel better without her.

Gabrielle Hamilton

Quotes About Drab #195927
#37. I thought that making movies was drab. I'd lived through that. And I didn't want to use my parents, ever ... They didn't want to push me into this business.

Liza Minnelli

Quotes About Drab #362993
#38. But jest apart
what virtue canst thou trace
In that broad trim that hides thy sober face?
Does that long-skirted drab, that over-nice
And formal clothing, prove a scorn of vice?
Then for thine accent
what in sound can be
So void of grace as dull monotony?

George Crabbe

Quotes About Drab #345090
#39. Pure love is capable of great deeds, and it is not broken by difficulty or adversity. As it remains strong in the midst of great difficulties, so too it perseveres in the toilsome and drab life of each day. It

Maria Faustina Kowalska

Quotes About Drab #329787
#40. If you want a team of smart, creative people to do extraordinary things, don't put them in a drab, ordinary space.

Tom Kelley

Quotes About Drab #304225
#41. Speed focuses the mind. It cuts through the fog of drab everyday living and keeps us on our toes. Speed works. Speed saves lives. Speed is good. And we should have more of it, not less.

Jeremy Clarkson

Quotes About Drab #257873
#42. Liver of blaspheming Jew, Gall of goat and slips of yew Slivered in the moon's eclipse, Nose of Turk and Tartar's lips, (30) Finger of birth-strangled babe Ditch-delivered by a drab, Make the gruel thick and slab. Add thereto a tiger's chaudron, For the ingredients of our cauldron.

William Shakespeare

Quotes About Drab #236650
#43. Magic : when you create something from the materials around you to astound and make the audience say "Wow." Magic happens on mundane days. It happens when you least expect it. It brings a spark to our drab and monotonous days.

Avijeet Das

Quotes About Drab #232524
#44. Everywhere she looked, she saw bright colors: on the drab, gray concrete apartments, on the tin-roofed, open-fronted stores, in the muddy water flowing in the gutters. It was as though a rainbow had melted into her eyes. Rasheed

Khaled Hosseini

Quotes About Drab #196848
#45. Emotions are the color of life; we would be drab creatures indeed without them. But we must control these emotions or they will control us.

John Moulder Wilson

Quotes About Drab #844828
#46. MEN Ah cursed drab, what have you brought this water for? WOMEN What is your fire for then, you smelly corpse? Yourself to burn?


Quotes About Drab #185040
#47. My wardrobe is drab. I could spend six weeks in the same jeans. Most everything I have is blue or black, but certainly not cool.

Colum McCann

Quotes About Drab #179613
#48. You see, I don't belive that libraries should be drab places where people sit in silence, that has been the main reason for our policy of employing wild animals as librarians.

Graham Chapman

Quotes About Drab #179480
#49. A sob caught in my chest. I didn't even know what a gray was, other than a drab color. All I knew was that I was hungry all the time. And I knew, deep down, that it wasn't just for food.

Michelle Rowen

Quotes About Drab #111740
#50. Instead of our drab slogging forth and back to the fishing boats, there's reason to live! We can lift ourselves out of ignorance, we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence and intelligence and skill. We can learn to be free! we can learn to fly!

Richard Bach

Quotes About Drab #100204
#51. It makes a tremendous emotional and practical difference to one whether one accepts the universe in the drab discolored way of stoic resignation to necessity, or with the passionate happiness of Christian saints.

William James

Quotes About Drab #72237
#52. He had tried to shed his pain, to rise from the ashes like a drab phoenix with no hope except the cold peace of indifference. Now that events forced him to open himself to the world again, he was swamped by emotion as a novice surfer was overwhelmed by each cresting wave.

Dean Koontz

Quotes About Drab #10909
#53. The average novel invariably reads like a detective's report. It is drab and tedious because it is never objective.

Soseki Natsume

Quotes About Drab #399195
#54. I have been flooded with color on the inside, drab on the outside.

Anne Truitt

Quotes About Drab #866022
#55. Man lives such a dull and drab life that he wants some sensation. Those who are a little wiser, they read scientific fiction or detective stories. Those who are not so wise, they read spiritual fiction.


Quotes About Drab #756699
#56. his presence lifted her, turning the world from drab to neon. A

Katie Marsh

Quotes About Drab #747950
#57. The United States, democratic and various though it is, is not an easy country for a fiction-writer to enter: the slot between the fantastic and the drab seems too narrow.

John Updike

Quotes About Drab #723149
#58. You select the colors of your thoughts; drab or bright, weak or strong, good or bad. You select the colors of your emotions; discordant or harmonious, harsh or quiet, weak or strong. You select the colors of your acts; cold or warm, fearful or daring, small or big.

Wilferd Peterson

Quotes About Drab #714139
#59. Drab Habitation of Whom? Tabernacle or Tomb - or Dome of Worm - or Porch of Gnome - or some Elf's Catacomb?

Emily Dickinson

Quotes About Drab #691414
#60. Even if your skin is perfect, even if it's glowing and beautiful, electric lights defeat you. They deaden the complexion, make it look drab. They rob you of color ... In the evening, you just can't play the natural kid bit, that fresh-scrubbed look.

Diane Von Furstenberg

Quotes About Drab #654359
#61. In the uproar, the confusion
of accents and inflections
how will you hear me when I open my mouth?
Look for me, one of the drab population
under fissured edifices, fractured
artifices. Make my various
names flock overhead,
I will follow you.

Li-Young Lee

Quotes About Drab #621547
#62. Propelled by nothing more than a drab sense of duty not to die if she didn't have to, Fire turned [...]

Kristin Cashore

Quotes About Drab #592344
#63. Talk about God can become dreary and lackluster if God isn't in you. Church can become a drab thing and the Bible an irksome Book if the Holy Spirit does not illuminate your soul with His indwelling presence.

Billy Graham

Quotes About Drab #584151
#64. If you've been snubbed, or ignored, or frustrated, and your life's pretty drab and empty, I suppose you get a sense of power from stabbing in the dark at people who are happy and enjoying themselves.

Agatha Christie

Quotes About Drab #574952
#65. It is much wiser to let your inner beauty shine through a drab gown than to attempt to conceal it with physical accoutrements.

Marissa Meyer

Quotes About Drab #571281
#66. Another secret we carry is that though drab outside - wreckage to the eye, mirrors a mortification - inside we flame with a wild life that is almost incommunicable.

Florida Scott-Maxwell

Quotes About Drab #552517
#67. Colonel Ridge Zirkander had walked the hall to General Ort's office so many times he suspected his boots were responsible for the threadbare state of the drab gray carpet runner. The two privates standing guard on either side of the door were too well trained to exchange knowing smirks,

Lindsay Buroker

Quotes About Drab #537650
#68. Mirrors have come to mean much more than the original 'looking glass.' They are now a part of the decorative scheme of a modern home. By using them, there are no dark, gloomy corners, no drab caverns for halls. There can be a feeling of freedom, light, air, space.

Dorothy Draper

Quotes About Drab #524843
#69. Acting is hard work. At times, it's very energizing and enervating. It's childish. It's also responsible. It's illuminating, enriching, joyful, drab. It's bizarre, diabolical. It's exciting.

Al Pacino

Quotes About Drab #386762
#70. Great Granny Webster seemed to hate colours. Almost everything she owned was either black or dark brown.

Caroline Blackwood

Quotes About Drab #530869

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