Top 100 Quotes About Dancer

#1. My mum was a dancer when she was a kid. Then my parents met and eventually had an art gallery; my dad taught himself how to frame pictures, and then he was a curator at an art gallery in the city I'm from. I'm an only child.

Ari Millen

Quotes About Dancer #1196475
#2. A true dancer is not a dancer, it is all possible dancers, including all non-dancers, it is all and nothing at the same time, as well as someone or something, as a result of a conscious choice

Franco Santoro

Quotes About Dancer #1440812
#3. Sons of Ares ARES Terrorist Leader, color unknown DANCER Ares' lieutenant, a Red HARMONY Dancer's lieutenant, a Red MICKEY Carver, a Violet EVEY former slave of Mickey, a Pink

Pierce Brown

Quotes About Dancer #1435425
#4. As a dancer I couldn't outdance Ginger Rogers or Eleanor Powell. As a singer I'm no rival to Doris Day. As an actress I don't take myself seriously ... I'm the girl the truck drivers love.

Betty Grable

Quotes About Dancer #1435080
#5. I already feel a bit annoyed at myself for writing screenplays. It's a bit, I don't know, model-singer-dancer-actress that went to a posh school. There's something too weirdly predictable about it.

Emily Mortimer

Quotes About Dancer #1432172
#6. Because I was a dancer, I started going to auditions for musical theater, which forced me to sing.

Madonna Ciccone

Quotes About Dancer #1431837
#7. As a dancer, I love music that makes me want to move.

Carmen Electra

Quotes About Dancer #1429771
#8. My niece was born with cystic fibrosis 15 years ago, and she's incredibly healthy and an incredible competitive dancer, so I'm going to do some events for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

J. R. Bourne

Quotes About Dancer #1426537
#9. The superhuman power which exhiliration and hypnosis bring to a dancer is shown especially clearly in his almost inconceivable staying powers in a state of high tension. "In the dance even the weakest can do wonders."

Curt Sachs

Quotes About Dancer #1419339
#10. I truly believe the discipline I have honed as a dancer will bring me more opportunities as an actor.

Sofia Boutella

Quotes About Dancer #1418742
#11. Every dancer lives on the threshold of chucking it.

Judith Jamison

Quotes About Dancer #1418024
#12. He said smilingly, "Young man, you're an excellent dancer. Will you be my 'private dancer'?


Quotes About Dancer #1413552
#13. My father moved to Hawaii from Brooklyn and my mother came there as a child from the Philippines. They met at a show where my dad was playing percussion. My mom was a hula dancer.

Bruno Mars

Quotes About Dancer #1405465
#14. I grew up dancing, and my ballet teacher was literally a drill sergeant; she was so strict and so scary. And it made me a better dancer.

Kate Hudson

Quotes About Dancer #1400829
#15. Hey, pretty dancer. Think you could put on a private show for me?

Cora Graham

Quotes About Dancer #1399507
#16. I was a terrible dancer. I dance like an Englishman.

John Cleese

Quotes About Dancer #1396936
#17. Movies and media really can influence us. A few years ago, my daughter wanted to be a dancer; since Obama came into office, she now wants to be a lawyer and get into politics and maybe even be president.


Quotes About Dancer #1396612
#18. I get enough sleep. I take very good care of myself. Growing up as a dancer, you know your body so well, you know what to do to overcome something.

Elizabeth Berkley

Quotes About Dancer #1394590
#19. Well, I'm certainly not Ragnor Fell the exotic dancer.

Cassandra Clare

Quotes About Dancer #1390215
#20. Thinking is the biggest mistake a dancer could make. You have to feel.

Michael Jackson

Quotes About Dancer #1390086
#21. The life of a dancer is tragically short. What is remarkable about the New York City Ballet is that it makes us forget that. Because it keeps the ballet alive.

John Guare

Quotes About Dancer #1389997
#22. There was this long lovely dancer in a little club downtown, love to watch her do her stuff.

Bob Seger

Quotes About Dancer #1389360
#23. There comes a day when people begin to say: "Why doesn't that old duffer retire?" I want to get out while they're still saying Astaire is a hell of a dancer.

Fred Astaire

Quotes About Dancer #1384924
#24. Dancer, Darrow is like a stallion, one of the old stallions of Earth. Beautiful beasts that will run as hard as you push them. They will run. And run. And run. Until they don't. Until their hearts explode.

Pierce Brown

Quotes About Dancer #1384316
#25. Coming near him like a ballet dancer she took a leap towards him, and he, frightened by her vehemence, and fearing that she would crash against him, instinctively became absolutely rigid, and she felt herself embracing a statue.

Anais Nin

Quotes About Dancer #1382618
#26. In those days, male dancers were a rarer breed than women. as they are still today, A good male dancer, one as strong as we were, was very difficult to come by if you couldn't afford to pay them.

Twyla Tharp

Quotes About Dancer #1382163
#27. Good-bye, my dancer, my friend, my One and Only. I love you.

Davida Wills Hurwin

Quotes About Dancer #1378024
#28. DNCE is "dance without the a." It's not a perfect word, and you don't always have to be a perfect dancer to dance. Life is just sometimes not perfect.

Joe Jonas

Quotes About Dancer #1377367
#29. It's not the makeup and it's not the way that you dance and this is like love too where there's only one dancer who will win your contest that night and they are not particularly the best one

Daniel Handler

Quotes About Dancer #1375664
#30. Madonna is a pro. I don't like her and have no respect for her but- I don't think she should be called a musician or a dancer or whatever you know, but I do have, well I do have respect for her ability to completely manipulate the media and have them work for her.

Jon Fishman

Quotes About Dancer #1373549
#31. I used to get so comfortable running the hurdles, I was just like a ballet dancer going out there and going through the routines.

Rod Milburn

Quotes About Dancer #1371888
#32. I always thought that family was the most important thing in life, and no matter what I do, whether being a chef or an actor or a dancer, being a dad is what I do best.

David Burtka

Quotes About Dancer #1368925
#33. I met my wife, Doreen, who was a dancer in the show.

Ernie Wise

Quotes About Dancer #1364567
#34. I listen to all sorts of music, but I'm not musically talented. Everyone expects me to be a good singer or musician, but I really am terrible. I'm a great dancer, though.

Jade Jagger

Quotes About Dancer #1361519
#35. You know, the period of World War I and the Roaring Twenties were really just about the same as today. You worked, and you made a living if you could, and you tired to make the best of things. For an actor or a dancer, it was no different then than today. It was a struggle.

James Cagney

Quotes About Dancer #1360765
#36. For what the horse does under compulsion, as Simon also observes, is done without understanding; and there is no beauty in it either, any more than if one should whip and spur a dancer.


Quotes About Dancer #1360472
#37. I was an okay singer. I was an okay dancer. But acting? Never could do it.

Victoria Beckham

Quotes About Dancer #1360462
#38. The lapis lazuli worry beads, draped over his rear view mirror, swung back and forth like the hips of Scheherazade, Mohammed's favorite belly dancer, who refused, in spite of the war, to leave Baghdad.

Leslie Cockburn

Quotes About Dancer #1352698
#39. It takes ten years, usually, to make a dancer. It takes ten years of handling the instrument, handling the material with which you are dealing, for you to know it completely.

Martha Graham

Quotes About Dancer #1350993
#40. I initially told people I wanted to be a dancer and ultimately a "Rockette." I didn't really know what a musical theatre performer was other than the Shirley Temple type.

Erica Schroeder

Quotes About Dancer #1349250
#41. My mother was a dancer, so I like to use the body as part of the instrument of acting.

Nicolas Cage

Quotes About Dancer #1346011
#42. If a ballet dancer falls over, it's knowing how to get out looking clumsy that counts.

Ritchie Blackmore

Quotes About Dancer #1343556
#43. I'm a fantastic dancer!

Roger Milla

Quotes About Dancer #1342911
#44. They do say, the smaller the feet, the better the dancer.

Bruce Forsyth

Quotes About Dancer #1337893
#45. You're a dancer; don't strain, don't force it. Be one with the hurdle, let it happen, relax while running fast.

Renaldo Nehemiah

Quotes About Dancer #1335768
#46. Artemis is freedom - wild, untrammelled, aloof from all entanglements. She is a huntress, a dancer, the goddess of nature and wildness, a virgin physically and, even more important, a virgin psychologically, inviolable, belonging to no one, defined by no relationship, confined by no bond.

Arianna Huffington

Quotes About Dancer #1335657
#47. Maybe I'd be a storyboard artist. Graphic novel/comic book artist. Backup dancer. Singer. It would be cool to focus on one of these full time. But I like seeing them all intertwine.

Jade Hassoune

Quotes About Dancer #1334060
#48. Each dancer has a different dialect that they speak.

Jon M. Chu

Quotes About Dancer #1331575
#49. Yesterday from my office window I saw a crippled girl negotiating her way across the street, her shoulders squarely braced. At each jerky movement her hair flew back like an annunciatory angel, and I saw she was the only dancer on the street.

Elizabeth Smart

Quotes About Dancer #1320159
#50. I have been very lucky to work in so many new ballets, but that is what a dancer's work is.

Mikhail Baryshnikov

Quotes About Dancer #1317558
#51. Every day I go out and climb, like a dancer who works on his dance. He probably has some goals, some pieces he would like to perform, but his main goal is to work on his dance. This is how he expresses himself. Both he and I are interested in the same thing. It's the dance that counts.

John Bachar

Quotes About Dancer #1315813
#52. It's not that I wanted to be an actor; it's that I didn't want to be a dancer! I was trained in traditional Chinese dance, and after working so hard it seemed unfair to just disappear into a group.

Ziyi Zhang

Quotes About Dancer #1313550
#53. Freedom to a dancer means discipline. That is what technique is for

Martha Graham

Quotes About Dancer #1310698
#54. As a dancer, you really try to stay true to whatever the choreographer/artistic director is giving you. So, now the shoe is on the other foot and I have to trust everyone else - I have to trust the dancer. As I was trusted as a dancer, I trust my dancers.

Judith Jamison

Quotes About Dancer #1309083
#55. It is this mission of the dancer to contribute to the betterment of all mankind.

Ruth St. Denis

Quotes About Dancer #1308868
#56. I was a dancer of no repute. But dance taught me a lot. You walk into a dance studio knowing you have to walk out with a dance. You improvise.

Dan Phillips

Quotes About Dancer #1308588
#57. I was a dancer before I was an actress, so I've always been someone who likes to communicate from my body and movement.

Caity Lotz

Quotes About Dancer #1308298
#58. I wanted to be an Ailey dancer. I would watch Alvin Ailey videos over and over, and I'd picture myself doing that. I was obsessed with it.

Robert Battle

Quotes About Dancer #1301110
#59. When I started music, I think it was responsible for keeping me sane, because training as a dancer really kept me in good spirits amid all the crazy stuff that happened when I first became popular.

Kate Bush

Quotes About Dancer #1298615
#60. I had been working predominantly and steadily as a dancer, so after awhile, you don't have to audition. I was just in that world, and I had certain goals I wanted to reach, but I definitely always wanted to keep going and challenge myself and become an actor.

Kenny Wormald

Quotes About Dancer #1297849
#61. God is the very creative energy of existence - creativity rather than a creator. He is not the poet but the poetry, not the dancer but the dance, not the flower but the fragrance.


Quotes About Dancer #1293658
#62. (reporter interviewing Broadway dancer Tommy Tune
'Do you think that greats like Fred Astaire possessed some kind of magic?'
'No. Magic possesses them'.

Tommy Tune

Quotes About Dancer #1293637
#63. [about Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle during the filming of Windy Riley Goes Hollywood (1931)]: Oh, I thought he was magnificent in films. He was a wonderful dancer... a wonderful ballroom dancer, in his heyday. It was like floating in the arms of a huge donut... really delightful.

Louise Brooks

Quotes About Dancer #1291100
#64. Being a dancer and a singer gave me some advantage with regards to having a stage presence. I always take my timing from the audience because they are half of my act.

Rita Rudner

Quotes About Dancer #1290197
#65. Miss Blanche Heyward, opera dancer, would have made a superlative drill sergeant if she had just been a man.

Mary Balogh

Quotes About Dancer #1289512
#66. I was a dancer first, which made me realize how much I loved performing.

Maddie Hasson

Quotes About Dancer #1288121
#67. 'The Dance Scene' is just a real look at what it takes. You see the award shows. You see the videos and you never realize what goes on behind the scenes. The reality and the preparation. The motivation I have to give each dancer on that set.

Laurieann Gibson

Quotes About Dancer #1287929
#68. Before I got into stand-up, I used to be a hip-hop dancer in a crew, and my name was J. Smoove, and my partner was J. Groove.

J. B. Smoove

Quotes About Dancer #1287616
#69. My wife is the dancer, but I certainly know how to sing.

David Hasselhoff

Quotes About Dancer #1283372
#70. I think what really clicked for me was when I started booking commercials as a dancer ... just being on set and seeing every element of production, it was magic to me.

Bree Turner

Quotes About Dancer #1270689
#71. The cat crossed the street daintily, pointing his feet like a ballet dancer, lifting them high as if his feet were too good for the pavement.

Vera Caspary

Quotes About Dancer #1265455
#72. I think people are people and, if their feelings are truthful, they can connect. It doesn't matter if you're an aging, 50-something wrestler at the end of his career, or an ambitious, 20-something ballet dancer.

Darren Aronofsky

Quotes About Dancer #1265084
#73. Having trained as a dancer growing up, I love any dance related events.

Aslaug Magnusdottir

Quotes About Dancer #1258927
#74. I'm a pretty decent tap dancer. I enjoy all types of dancing, actually.

Chris Evans

Quotes About Dancer #1257881
#75. With girls I get no respect. A belly dancer told me I turned her stomach.

Rodney Dangerfield

Quotes About Dancer #1256304
#76. Diana Vishneva is not only a magnificent dancer but a magnificent actress - no one works harder or understands more.

Robert Gottlieb

Quotes About Dancer #1254632
#77. Dancer, bride, runaway wife, radical filmmaker and pioneer -
Shirley Clarke is one of the great undertold stories of American independent cinema.

Manohla Dargis

Quotes About Dancer #1250060
#78. I was very personable and outgoing and was friends with most everybody in my class but I was a diehard dancer so I was constantly at dance classes and working toward my passion of dance.

Jenna Dewan

Quotes About Dancer #1245686
#79. I don't think of myself as a dancer. I think of myself as a singer-actress who moves really well.

Sutton Foster

Quotes About Dancer #1245684
#80. If I had an extra 20 or 50 years physically, I could have been the dancer of my dreams. But I never became that dancer.

Erik Bruhn

Quotes About Dancer #1244544
#81. The body cannot lie. You cannot be somebody else onstage, no matter how good of an actor or dancer or singer you are. When you open your arms, move your finger, the audience knows who you are, you know.

Mikhail Baryshnikov

Quotes About Dancer #1236704
#82. I would like to tell all dancers to forget themselves and the desire for self display. They must become completely absorbed in the dance. Even in a classical variation there should never be any thought of a dancer doing a variation
he should become identified with it.

Antony Tudor

Quotes About Dancer #1235727
#83. A dancer must listen to his body and pay homage to it. Behind the movement lies this terrible, driving passion, this necessity. I won't settle for anything less.

Martha Graham

Quotes About Dancer #1229329
#84. Kleiber was the perfect dancer - so perfect that you could see the process. After all, dance is a process; it's a series of snapshots. Kleiber knew how to connect people to the flow, so he could stop managing people.

Itay Talgam

Quotes About Dancer #1226696
#85. So you want to be a dancer? I asked. I want to dance better than I already do, he said.

Colum McCann

Quotes About Dancer #1221520
#86. Maybe it's a generational thing, but I never wanted to be the best black dancer in the world. I just wanted to be the best.

Judith Jamison

Quotes About Dancer #1215548
#87. I was a go-go dancer at the Dom on East 10th Street in NYC. This was a glittering ballroom over Stanley's Bar. 1965.

Fanny Howe

Quotes About Dancer #1209596
#88. Growing up as a dancer, the stage is really where I love to be performance wise.

Jacob Artist

Quotes About Dancer #1202033
#89. The philosopher's soul dwells in his head, the poet's soul is in his heart; the singer's soul lingers about his throat, but the soul of the dancer abides in all her body.

Kahlil Gibran

Quotes About Dancer #1201480
#90. Maybe he's an exotic dancer. He must be used to walking around with that monstrosity dangling like that. Stop looking at it.

Monica La Porta

Quotes About Dancer #1200465
#91. I think the new ball is terrible. It's the worst decision some expert, whoever did it, made. It's terrible. It's like touching an exotic dancer and then going and touching a plastic blow-up doll. You know, it feels different.

Shaquille O'Neal

Quotes About Dancer #1200230
#92. My mum and dad teach, and all my brothers and sisters have been in 'Riverdance' and so forth. So I was forced to become a dancer; it's part of my family history.

Sean Maguire

Quotes About Dancer #1199263
#93. I wasn't a dancer learning to play Baby Houseman. I was Baby Houseman learning to play a dancer. I was someone who'd never done any Latin dance. I'd taken jazz classes and ballet growing up in New York, so I had dance in me, and I knew I loved it, but I'd never done a dance audition.

Jennifer Grey

Quotes About Dancer #1009770
#94. Let's not call physical comedy falling down and pratfalls. All humor is physical, no matter how you dish it out. It's timing, like a dancer or an athlete would have.

Chevy Chase

Quotes About Dancer #1012070
#95. Dance was always part of my life because I was a dancer and my mother was a dancer, and I love the theater.

Amy Sherman-Palladino

Quotes About Dancer #1011267
#96. I would imagine that if you could understand Morse code, a tap dancer would drive you crazy.

Mitch Hedberg

Quotes About Dancer #1011217
#97. I was a salsa dancer for the majority of my life, from, like, 7 to 17, and did the World Salsa Congresses. I realized that I wanted to continue obviously to be a performer. But in my household, being an actor and jumping into acting is not really accepted.

Gina Rodriguez

Quotes About Dancer #1010985
#98. Coming from being a dancer, it was a great way for me to transition into being an actress. I get to really be expressive through my physical self, and that was just a comfortable way for me to start experimenting with how to get my character across.

Summer Glau

Quotes About Dancer #1010099
#99. I never wanted to be a dancer. I was too big, I was too slow. I remember not liking it. Later on, when I came to the United States, I realized I had a skill, and when you come to this country, you realize if you have a skill and a determination, you can do anything.

Maksim Chmerkovskiy

Quotes About Dancer #1007013
#100. I hope you were right," he whispered. "I hope there's beauty in my asymmetry."

"You weren't a nuisance," he continued, his words growing louder in the cold, snowy silence. "You were the Northern Dancer, sire of the century, the superest of all racehorses.

David Arnold

Quotes About Dancer #1001399

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