Top 100 Quotes About Covenant
#1. A Covenant not to defend myself from force, by force, is always void. For ... no man can transfer or lay down his Right to save himself from Death.
Thomas Hobbes
#2. 9 Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;
#3. 16When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember e the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.
#4. The deepest depth of vulgarism is that of setting up money as the ark of the covenant.
Thomas Carlyle
#5. you cannot "save" a church without focusing on the important things that make it a church - scriptural authority, biblical leadership, teaching and preaching, ordinances, covenant community, and mission.
Ed Stetzer
#7. Yea, and ye need not any longer hiss, nor spurn, nor make game of the Jews, nor any of the remnant of the house of Israel; for behold, the Lord remembereth his covenant unto them, and he will do unto them according to that which he hath sworn.
The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints
#8. God's covenant of grace in Scripture is one of those things that are too big to be easily seen, particularly when one's mind is programmed to look at something smaller.
J.I. Packer
#9. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper is the renewal of the covenant: "this is my blood of the new testament" (or covenant), so that the sacrament itself re-establishes the law, this time with a new elect group
#10. While sin is sometimes thought of today as the breaking of a rule, these metaphors emphasize that it is the breaking of a relationship, an act of treachery against the Lord, the faithful covenant king and father and husband.
Keith L. Johnson
#11. As for me, this is my covenant with them," says the LORD. "My Spirit, who is on you, will not depart from you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will always be on your lips, on the lips of your children and on the lips of their descendants - from this time on and forever," says the LORD.
Mark Batterson
#12. Even under the conditions of covenant obedience, suffering happens because we live in a fallen world.
#13. We have a blood bought covenant with God that says we are His and He is ours. We are loved, and have a right to call to Him, call on Him and have His presence in our lives through worship, bible study and prayer - p. 14
Wanda L. Scott
#14. Settle this in your heart: Whether I am up or down, the Lord Jesus is the same. Whether I sing or sigh, the promise is true and the Promiser is faithful. Whether I stand on the summit or am hidden in the vale the covenant stands fast and everlasting love abides.
Charles Spurgeon
#15. To have a man be able to touch her and bring her to the edge of release in a matter of seconds was a skill rarely found. "As rare as the Arc of the Covenant," Sophie mumbled to herself.
Donna Grant
#16. Behold, I send My messenger, And he will prepare the way before Me. And the Lord, whom you seek, Will suddenly come to His temple, Even the Messenger of the covenant, In whom you delight. Behold, He is coming," Says the LORD of hosts." (Malachi 3:1)
Val Waldeck
#17. The moment we came into covenant relationship with God, His goodness was permanently pointed in our direction. God's favor is toward us, not away from us.
Kynan Bridges
#18. Everyone has a covenant and a purpose which is special, and if you do not fulfill it, - there is no one else who will.
Glenda Green
#19. It is in the very nature of conjugal love to be definitive. The lasting union expressed by the marriage vows is more than a formality or a traditional formula; it is rooted in the natural inclinations of the human person. For believers, it is also a covenant before God that calls for fidelity.
Pope Francis
#20. There is, of course, only one chosen nation. But Abraham Lincoln would call America 'an almost chosen nation' because he believed that America had a providential role to play in history, inspired by the example of God's ancient covenant people.
Meir Soloveichik
#21. Seeing he despised the oath by breaking the covenant, when, lo, he had given his hand, and hath done all these things, he shall not escape.
#22. Bright pledge of peace and sunshine! the sure tie Of thy Lord's hand, the object of His eye! When I behold thee, though my light be dim, Distinct, and low, I can in thine see Him Who looks upon thee from His glorious throne, And minds the covenant between all and One.
Henry Vaughan
#23. The church isn't a circle of friends, but the family of God. The covenant of grace connects generations, rooting them in that worshiping community with the "cloud of witnesses" in heaven as well as here and now (Heb 12:1).
Michael S. Horton
#24. No work nor deed of ours whatsoever, no not faith itself, can be the condition of the covenant of grace properly so called; but only Christ's fulfilling all righteousness.
Thomas Boston
#25. The ancient covenant is in pieces; man knows at last that he is alone in the universe's unfeeling immensity, out of which he emerged only by chance. His destiny is nowhere spelled out, nor is his duty. The kingdom above or the darkness below: it is for him to choose.
Jacques Monod
#26. For the LORD your God is a merciful God; he will not abandon or destroy you or forget the covenant with your forefathers, which he confirmed to them by oath.
Philip Yancey
#27. We are daughters of our Heavenly Father. We are covenant-making women of all ages walking the path of mortality back to His presence. Keeping covenants protects us, prepares us, and empowers us.
Rosemary M. Wixom
#28. The Mother had bound every Supernatural with a set of guidelines that over time had become known as the covenant. It was essentially a promise not to abuse the gift of magic she had given them.
L.B. Gilbert
#29. We tend to have a wrong view of law and to think of it as something that is opposed to grace. But it is not. Law is only opposed to grace in the sense that there was once a covenant of law, and we are now under the covenant of grace.
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
#30. God Most High has said, "Is the reward of virtue aught save virtue?" ... Know, O man, that the covenant of servanthood is incumbent upon you, and that the covenant of Lordship is incumbent upon His magnanimity, as He Most High has said, " ... and fulfill your covenant, I shall fulfill My covenant."
Ibn Ata Allah
#31. God doesn't want us to have rigid rituals with Him. In the new covenant, He is more interested in having a relationship with us.
Joseph Prince
#32. To every people the land is given on condition. Perceived or not, there is a Covenant, beyond the constitution, beyond sovereign guarantee, beyond the nation's sweetest dreams of itself.
Leonard Cohen
#33. The distance between God and the creature is so great, that although reasonable creatures do owe obedience to him as their creator, yet they could never have attained the reward of life but by some voluntary condescension on God's part, which he hath been pleased to express by way of covenant.
#34. All the other covenants show God's love and transmit God's love, but it is only in the marital covenant that the love is so real and powerful that it communicates life.
Kimberly Hahn
#35. As the gospels present it to us, the mission of Jesus of Nazareth is about the way in which the community of God's people - historically, the Jewish people who had first received the law and the covenant - is being re-created in relation to Jesus himself.
Rowan Williams
#36. Marriage has a unique place because it speaks of an absolute faithfulness, a covenant between radically different persons, male and female; and so it echoes the absolute covenant of God with his chosen, a covenant between radically different partners.
Rowan Williams
#37. A Covenant not to defend my selfe from force, by force, is always voyd.
Thomas Hobbes
#38. This [health care reform] cannot pass. What we have to do today is make a covenant, to slit our wrists, be blood brothers on this thing. This will not pass.
Michele Bachmann
#39. Marriage. The roots are deep. The covenant is solid. The love is sweet. Life is hard. And God is good.
John Piper
#40. He regards it as the highest insult for the wicked to boast of His covenant while profaning His sacred Name by their whole lives.
John Calvin
#41. No person can be his own saviour ... An individual must come before God in penitence, confess his sin and obtain pardon from a merciful God who repudiates sin but shows covenant love to the sinner.
R.K. Harrison
#42. How pleasant to float along the stream of providence! There is no more blessed way of living than a life of dependence upon a covenant keeping God.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
#43. SADNESSES OF THE COVENANT: Sadness of God's love; Sadness of God's back [sic]; Favourite-child sadness; Sadness of b[ein]g sad in front of one's God; Sadness of the opposite of belief [sic]; What if? Sadness; Sadness of God alone in heaven; Sadness of a God who would need people to pray to Him ...
Jonathan Safran Foer
#44. Typology is the study of how OT historical persons, events, institutions, and settings function to foreshadow, anticipate, prefigure, and predict the greater realities in the new covenant age. The
Stephen J. Wellum
#45. Truly, God's plan of redemption is about more than me and you and our neighbor down the street. It's about men and women from every tribe, tongue, and nation on earth becoming a part of His covenant community.
Matt Chandler
#46. When God made His covenant with Abraham, He promised that He would "make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky." Jesus is the needle who sews the children of God who are not direct descendants of Abraham into that nighttime sky.
Lauren F. Winner
#47. I rolled my eyes. He made me sound like a cunning criminal about to bring down the entire covenant.
Jenny Trout
#48. The land's fruitfulness is the "natural" consequence of covenant faithfulness enacted on both sides, Israel's and God's. A productive land is a gift something like a child to a healthy marriage; in each case, thriving results from and witnesses to long-sustained faithfulness between two partners.
Ellen F. Davis
#49. That MAC gun can put a round clean through a Covenant Capital Ship.
Avery Johnson
#50. All commandments that I give must be obeyed unless they are revoked by me or by my authority and how can I revoke an everlasting covenant for I the Lord am everlasting and my everlasting covenants cannot be abrogated nor done away with but stand forever.
John Taylor
#51. You don't really need to make a vow to stick with someone in the best of times. The inclination to run doesn't exist then. It's the low times the covenant is made for.
Matt Chandler
#52. a mammy's boy who never married and who keeps a shotgun in case of trespassers, but loves his trees, loves his woodland, and honors a covenant set down by his great-uncle, which was that no tree should ever be wantonly cut down.
Edna O'Brien
#53. And now one of the greatest and most fundamental principles of the Cause of God is to shun and avoid entirely the Covenant-breakers, for they will utterly destroy the Cause of God, exterminate His Law and render of no account all efforts exerted in the past.
Abdu'l- Baha
#54. Lord can restore a covenant with Israel and yet continue
Jack Miles
#55. Blessed is the covenant of love, the covenant of mercy, useless light behind the terror, deathless song in the house of night.
Leonard Cohen
#56. A group is as healthy as its 'social contract' is clear; a congregation as faithful as its covenant is mutually understood; a pastor as effective as the pastor's and people's commitment to trust and integrity is honored, guarded, and fulfilled.
David Augsburger
#57. The promises of the Old Covenant were preceded by an "if" that made them conditional on man's obedience, while the promises of the New Covenant were marked by a divine monergism:
Pascal Denault
#58. I'll take it. I'll take his words like a daring covenant, not knowing yet what's to come: there is no growth without change, no change without surrender, no surrender without wound - no abundance without breaking. Wounds are what break open the soul to plant the seeds of a deeper growth.
Ann Voskamp
#59. And so Adam, in that his speech to Eve, uttered his faith in the promise made to her of her seed, and so in that respect Adam himself came in under her covenant.
Thomas Goodwin
#60. The work of man is to respond to the Covenant by obeying the commandments of the Torah, those commandments that can be obeyed here and now.
David Novak
#61. Is he not a God that showeth mercy and keepeth covenant? Of all sins, it seems to me that the sin of unbelief is the most dishonouring to God.
Elijah Parish Lovejoy
#62. Covenant of thy servant: thou hast profaned
#63. The children of believing parents, at least their next and immediate seed, even of us Gentiles now under the gospel, are included by God within the covenant of grace.
Thomas Goodwin
#64. If you don't regard your word as a sacred covenant, then there is nothing in you I can honor ...
John Geddes
#65. The long-term goal of Christians in politics should be to gain exclusive control over the franchise. Those who refuse to submit publicly to the eternal sanctions of God by submitting to His Church's public marks of the covenant-baptism and holy communion-must be denied citizenship.
Gary North
#66. Peace proposals unaccompanied by a sworn covenant indicate a plot.
Sun Tzu
#67. Democracy, the practice of self-government, is a covenant among free men to respect the rights and liberties of their fellows.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
#68. There was not one way of salvation in Israel and another way in the new covenant (Christian) community. Justification is by faith now; justification was by faith back then. The meritorious ground of salvation in the Old Testament was the merit of Christ, not the merit of bulls and goats.
R.C. Sproul
#69. The new covenant is purchased by the blood of Christ, effected by the Spirit of Christ, and appropriated by faith in Christ.
John Piper
#70. Covenant did not reply at once. He trembled also, and hand to clench himself before he could say without a tremor, "Why? Why do you trust me?"
The Hirebrand's eyes gleamed as if he were on the verge of tears, but he was smiling as he said, "You are a man who knows the value of beauty."
Stephen R. Donaldson
#71. The social pact, far from destroying natural equality, substitutes, on the contrary, a moral and lawful equality for whatever physical inequality that nature may have imposed on mankind; so that however unequal in strength and intelligence, men become equal by covenant and by right.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
#72. Essential to receiving divine forgiveness are personal, individual recognition and acceptance of our Father's mercy, made available to us by the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ and a renewed covenant to obey the principles of the gospel.
Ronald E. Poelman
#73. A covenant differs from a contract almost as much as marriage differs from prostitution.
Scott Hahn
#74. sex has a price tag. What price will you write on the tag? Is it something cheap, that can be given away with no commitment and short-term fulfilment. Or is it a precious, intimate gift, to be shared with one person under the covenant of marriage?
Sarah Coleman
#75. Oh! it is not my remembering God, it is God's remembering me which is the ground of my safety; it is not my laying hold of His covenant, but His covenant's laying hold on me.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
#76. I believe a visible church to be a congregation of those who make a credible profession of their faith in Christ, and obedience to him, joined by the bond of the covenant.
Roger Sherman
#77. When you choose whether to make or keep a covenant with God, you choose whether you will leave an inheritance of hope to those who might follow your example.
Henry B. Eyring
#78. Freedom is not free! The Almighty offers these gifts contingent upon our willingness to turn to Him as a nation. It is a covenant relationship. That covenant is in force today, and the rules still apply.
Timothy Ballard
#79. The Psalter forms the great epic poem of the creator and covenant God who will at the last visit and redeem his people and, with them, his whole creation.
N. T. Wright
#80. During the tribulation there will be a national turning of Israel to the Lord; they will walk in righteousness ... God established an everlasting covenant with Israel and it will be of everlasting duration.
Paul P. Enns
#81. God's faithful love for us will remain forever and His covenant of blessings will never be broken.
Euginia Herlihy
#82. This is our great covenant:
To dwell together in peace,
To seek the truth in love,
And to help one another.
James Vila Blake
#83. for we are by baptism brought into covenant, that we may be taught to observe all things whatsoever Christ has commanded us,
Matthew Henry
#84. For all that Christ did is thine. That perfect righteousness which Jesus wrought out, when through His stainless life He kept the law and made it honourable, is thine, and is imputed to thee. Christ is in the covenant.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
#85. Personal integrity implies such trustworthiness and incorruptibility that we are incapable of being false to a trust or covenant.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
#86. Social Security is a covenant that should not be broken.
Emanuel Cleaver
#87. Write the story that you were always afraid to tell. I swear to you that there is magic in it, and if you show yourself naked for me, I'll be naked for you. It will be our covenant
Dorothy Allison
#88. The inclusiveness of the invitation to be reconciled to God through Christ's work of Atonement- acknowledgement of who He is (God) and what He has done (Redemption)- aligns itself perfectly with the paradigm shift intrinsic to the New Covenant".
~R. Alan Woods [2012]
R. Alan Woods
#89. They thought that I did conceive there was a difference between them and Mr. Cotton ... I might say they might preach a covenant of works as did the apostles, but to preach a covenant of works and to be under a covenant of works is another business.
Anne Hutchinson
#90. Scripture is a never-failing treasury filled with boundless stores of grace. It is the bank of heaven; you may draw from it as much as you please, without let or hindrance. Come in faith and you are welcome to all covenant blessings.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
#91. Just as Israel became the first fruits of the world by entering into covenant with God, Jesus incarnated into the most genuine fruition of his essential character.
James Mikolajczyk
#92. In the Old Testament, God dealt with His people as a nation ... Their relationship was completely external. But in the New Covenant, the presence of God moved out of the temple and into our hearts.
John Chisum
#93. The consistency of the Old Testament warnings for the covenant community formed a natural bridge to the New Testament warnings.
Scot McKnight
#94. Covenant. And We said to them: Enter the door making obeisance.
#95. The Ark of the Covenant is a Golden Rectangle because its rectangular shape is in the proportions of the Golden Ratio.
Donald Frazer
#96. Wherever the Lord makes a provision, we are quite sure that there was a need for it. No superfluities clutter the covenant of grace.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
#97. Really, then, our problem is not weakness, but independence! And in covenant, you die to independent living.
Kay Arthur
#98. The cold snows and the piercing winds all remind thee that He keeps His covenant with day and night, and tend to assure thee that He will also keep that glorious covenant which He has made with thee in the person of Christ Jesus.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
#99. There is no exception to this rule: "All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant." They say there is no rule without an exception, but there is an exception to that rule.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
#100. Half the Sentinels and all the Guards moved back, forming the ohshit line.
Armentrout, Jennifer L. (2013-10-31). Sentinel (The Covenant Series Book 5) (p. 45). Spencer Hill Press. Kindle Edition.
Jennifer L. Armentrout