Top 72 Quotes About Consultants
#1. The whole enterprise of teaching managers is steeped in the ethic of data-driven analytical support. The problem is, the data is only available about the past. So the way we've taught managers to make decisions and consultants to analyze problems condemns them to taking action when it's too late.
Clayton M Christensen
#2. You don't need to spend tens of millions of dollars on political consultants to tell you what you think when you already know what you think.
John Bolton
#3. We did a variant of the intern thing. We hired people as consultants for a specific thing and then if they were good, offered them a job.
Joshua Schachter
#4. Harlem is not a playground for rich bankers and consultants. It's got students of all colors. It's got old people who keep history and tell tall tales.
Marcus Samuelsson
#5. Like ministers of information, consultants condense the message, smooth out the dissonances, unify the rhetoric, and then repeat and amplify it ad nauseam through the client's rank and file.
Matthew Stewart
#6. Beware of lawyers and consultants and people who do not take risks and who do not get their hands dirty.
Felix Rohatyn
#7. Pro Publica distorts the relationship between organizations and their consultants,
Scott Raab
#8. A lot of our Democratic consultants have fallen into the self-defeating prescription that the candidate that runs the most negative ads wins. I have a new theory: Positive is the new negative.
Martin O'Malley
#9. Businesses should absolutely set aside funding in their budgets for security consultants. Unless there is an expert on staff, and there usually is not, it needs to be outsourced.
Kevin Mitnick
#10. We tend to think of the mind of an organization residing in the CEO and the organization's top managers, perhaps with the help of outside consultants that they call in. But that is not really how an organization thinks.
Kevin Kelly
#11. The core of the consulting business is going in and essentially making yourself indispensible by eating the brain of the organization, meaning that the consultants go in and assume key functions in the organization.
Matthew Stewart
#12. McKinsey partners tend to be designers of ditches, not diggers of ditches. When it comes to executing their lofty theories, well, consultants lean toward leaving those messy realities to the companies themselves.
Bethany McLean
#13. After 2012, all of the Washington political consultants and all the mainstream media came to Republicans and said, 'You've got to do better with Hispanics, and the way to do better with Hispanics is to embrace amnesty.' And, look, a lot of Republicans in Washington were scared.
Ted Cruz
#14. Our success as consultants will depend upon the essential rightness of the advice we give and our capacity for convincing those in authority that it is good.
Andrew Thomas
#15. Most books on management are written by management consultants, and they study successful companies after they've succeeded, so they only hear winning stories.
Ben Horowitz
#16. Forget the consultants, the pundits and the pollsters; good policy is good politics.
Jim DeMint
#17. If you need to take a step back from day-to-day operations and plot out the long-term direction of your user experience strategy, consultants can give you a perspective you can't get on your own.
Jesse James Garrett
#18. Social media teams tend to be decentralized - a motley mix of in-house experts, off-site consultants and international partners. The result: Confusion, rogue tweets, and off-message posts are almost inevitable. The worst gaffes live on in social media infamy.
Ryan Holmes
#19. In the ideal scenario, consultants work for a board, and they're helping the board check on certain aspects of management. Their work is made public and transparent.
Matthew Stewart
#20. If consultants followed their own advice, they wouldn't tell anyone.
Grant McLachlan
#21. These names mean nothing to Perowne. But he understands how eminent poets, like senior consultants, live in a watchful, jealous world in which reputations are edgily tended and a man can be brought low by status anxiety. Poets, or at least this poet, are as earthbound as the rest.
Ian McEwan
#22. The tastes of country music fans are not limited to the narrow range defined by consultants and programmers and record company moguls.
Charley Pride
#23. Other science fiction shows had science advisers and consultants," Hanson pointed out.
"It's science fiction, " Weinstein said. "The second part of that phrase matters too."
"But you're making it bad science fiction," Hester said. "And we have to live in it.
John Scalzi
#24. Wartime CEO is too busy fighting the enemy to read management books written by consultants who have never managed a fruit stand. Peacetime
Ben Horowitz
#25. What got repressed-sometimes viciously repressed-by the strategy-concept makers, consultants, and data gatherers was a consciousness of people and their importance in the creation and execution of any strategy.
Walter Kiechel
#26. It is the prerogative of wizards to be grumpy. It is not, however, the prerogative of freelance consultants who are late on their rent, so instead of saying something smart, I told the woman on the phone, Yes, ma'am. How can I help you today?
Jim Butcher
#27. People always say, 'Well, celebrity spokespersons have private consultants'. Well, with Jenny Craig everybody gets a private consultant.
Kirstie Alley
#28. the field of self-styled 'corporate image consultants' or 'leadership consultants' has numerous practitioners with very little psychological expertise".
Pedro De Bruyckere
#29. There were IBM logos designed for the film, and there were IBM design consultants working with Kubrick on the layout of the controls and computer screens.
Douglas Trumbull
#30. We are stymied by regulations, limited choice and the threat of litigation. Neither consultants nor industry itself provide research which takes architecture forward.
Arthur Erickson
#31. I pay two full-time assistants in my studio, plus consultants who are architects, engineers, and landscape architects, as well as lighting designers.
Janet Echelman
#32. I'm not the geek in the family: I'm the organizer. But what I do know is that we have a very terrific team of consultants, former federal cybersecurity experts who are working with us to make sure we have a very safe system.
Donna Brazile
#33. Law Number XXXII: Hiring consultants to conduct studies can be an excellent means of turning problems into gold, your problems into their gold.
Norman Ralph Augustine
#34. Mitt has a ton of consultants, and not one of them thought he needed a credible answer on Bain or taxes?
Mark Steyn
#35. How many consultants does it take to change a lightbulb? I'll have an estimate for you a week from Monday.
Garrison Keillor
#36. In their groundbreaking book, Tribal Leadership, management consultants Dave Logan, John King, and Halee Fischer-Wright lay out the five stages of tribal development, which they formulated after conducting extensive research on small to midsize organizations.
Phil Jackson
#37. I'm not sure that you can say definitively that some roles are better filled by consultants, but I would say that some projects are better handled by consultants.
Jesse James Garrett
#38. One thing I point out is, a lot of people tooting the horn of amateurism, actually, these people were professionals. Some are professors who are employed full time. Others are marketers or business consultants.
Astra Taylor
#39. So much of what passes for public life consists of little more than candidates without ideas, hiring consultants without conviction, to stage campaigns without content. The result, increasingly, is elections without voters.
Gerald R. Ford
#40. I'm not handled. I'm not crafted by slick, high-priced consultants. I'm a real person, a genuine person, a struggling person in Connecticut.
Lee Whitnum
#42. Political consultants are pugilists, masters in the dark art of negativity. Which is why it's surprising to hear Democrats such as Steve McMahon and Republicans like Rich Galen urging their presidential candidates to be more, well, positive.
Ron Fournier
#43. The whole concept of dividing it up into 'value' and 'growth' strikes me as twaddle. It's convenient for a bunch of pension fund consultants to get fees prattling about and a way for one advisor to distinguish himself from another. But, to me, all intelligent investing is value investing.
Charlie Munger
#44. [ ... ] we are on the payrolls of two dozen different companies as consultants, but we do absolutely nothing for our paychecks, just like normal consultants.
Kevin Hearne
#45. In the United States, the more common way to initiate change has been to have consultants come in who "borrow your watch to tell you what time it is
Paul Myerson
#46. Consultants are people who borrow your watch and tell you what time it is, and then walk off with the watch.
Robert Townsend
#47. One of the things that I think you see sometimes in politics is a certain degree of caution. It's usually advised by consultants who don't want to see you march to the end of a limb.
Elizabeth Edwards
#48. Presidential and vice-presidential debates are not about campaign staff or consultants, and it is high time we as a people took control and reminded them and their candidates of that important fact.
Bob Barr
#49. Fund consultants like to require style boxes such as "long-short," "macro," "international equities." At Berkshire our only style box is "smart."
Warren Buffett
#50. Consultants have credibility because they are not dumb enough to work at your company.
Scott Adams
#51. All too many consultants, when asked, 'What is 2 and 2?' respond, 'What do you have in mind?'
Norman Ralph Augustine
#52. What's the job of the candidate in this world? The job of the candidate is to raise the money to hire the consultants to do the focus groups to figure out the 30-second answers to be memorized by the candidate. This is stunningly dangerous.
Newt Gingrich
#53. What do you think consultants do?' 'Tell you things you already know in a language you don't understand.
Keith Dixon
#54. Bush's life is that a fundamentally decent man presided over a moment when politics got meaner and rougher. '88 was the year of the handler, of bringing in political consultants who played very hard and very tough'.
Evan Thomas
#55. I hate to see anybody be unemployed, but if there's a certain segment of society I think it's political consultants and operatives.
Rob Zerban
#56. You know you don't see hospital consultants going on strike, and I don't believe that teachers and head teachers should. It's within their rights, it's a civil right, but I think it is wrong in terms of the reputation of the profession.
Michael Gove
#57. Most business schools are geared toward churning out investment bankers and management consultants.
Vivek Wadhwa
#58. When the vast baby-boom generation exploded into adolescence in the 1960s, marketers exulted. Advertising consultants, always eager to coin a phrase, began happily explaining to corporations the difference between 'teenyboppers' and 'counterculture consumers.'
Charles Duhigg
#59. Philosophically, I am very different from normal politicians, and normal consultants found that very hard to deal with.
Newt Gingrich
#60. Most financiers, corporate lawyers, lobbyists, and management consultants are competing with other financiers, lawyers, lobbyists, and management consultants in zero-sum games that take money out of one set of pockets and put it into another.
Robert Reich
#61. Candidates and their consultants keep making the same mistake. They assume that all independents are bundled neatly together ideologically between Republicans and Democrats.
John Sununu
#63. The Social Security's medical consultants support the interest not of the victims but of the organization.
Simone De Beauvoir
#64. Doubt has also been cast on the value of McKeith's certified membership of the American Association of Nutritional Consultants, especially since Guardian journalist Ben Goldacre managed to buy the same membership online for his dead cat for $60.
Ben Goldacre
#65. Gerald Ford brought to the political arena no demons, no hidden agenda, no hit list or acts of vengeance. He knew who he was, and he didn't require consultants or gurus to change him.
Tom Brokaw
#66. I doubt if there is any single individual within the scientific community who could cope with the full range of [creationist] arguments without the help of an army of consultants in special fields.
David M. Raup
#67. A lot of politicians, not surprisingly, hire consultants to help them with their nonverbals, presence, generally how they come across.
Amy Cuddy
#68. Mom-and-pop businesses have the same issues as the Fortune 500. The difference is that big companies spend millions on consultants to fix them.
Christopher Myers
#69. Results-only work environment (ROWE): The brainchild of two American consultants, a ROWE is a workplace in which employees don't have schedules. They don't have to be in the office at a certain time or any time. They just have to get their work done.
Daniel H. Pink
#70. Nothing is more tiresome than being told what to admire, and having things pointed at with a stick.
-Robert Frobisher
David Mitchell
#71. An erudite is someone who displays less than he knows; a journalist or consultant the opposite.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
#72. A consultant is only as good as their last project.
Jon Taffer
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