Top 33 Quotes About Connecting The Dots

#1. One piece of graffiti doesn't mean much. Forty pieces of graffiti might mean something ... It's all about connecting the dots.

Kim Rossmo

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #216092
#2. Digital is the age of innovation because creativity is about connecting the dots in the wider scope.

Pearl Zhu

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #113340
#3. The most common communication mistakes? Relating too much information, with not enough time devoted to connecting the dots.

John Medina

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #1781428
#4. When I hear [about a housing bubble] I get the sense that people aren't connecting the dots.

James K. Glassman

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #1560773
#5. How do you become a thought leader? It starts with *being* a thought leader and then connecting the dots back to you.

Brian Solis

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #1226207
#6. Connecting the dots. That's what Mom said stargazing is all about. It's the same up there as it is down here, Jackie. You have to look for the things that connect us all. Find the ways our paths cross, our lives intersect, and our hearts collide.

Clare Vanderpool

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #1181733
#7. Quotes are like prompts. A way of searching, connecting the dots.

Masha Tupitsyn

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #1168161
#8. As a graduate student, I wrote a long paper connecting the dots between mathematical models of learning and language development in children. It was published in a major journal.

Steven Pinker

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #1027589
#9. What are you doing?" I say hoarsely as he trails a finger from the beauty mark on my rib cage to the one on my hip, leaving a path of goose bumps in his wake.
"Connecting the dots," he murmurs with a wicked look. "Uh-oh, you made me lose my place. Now I have to start all over again ...

Laura Wiess

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #856017
#10. Resorting to connecting the dots this morning because it was a long night & he needs to do something really simple to get started again.

Brian Andreas

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #720781
#11. People, I am actually fairly smart. Why has this not occurred to anyone? The information is all out there, if you go looking for it, and the classified stuff just comes from analyzing the unclassified stuff and connecting the dots ...

Tom Clancy

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #629855
#12. I was going to be the best failed novelist in Paris. That was certainly not the worst thing in the world that one could be.

Alan Furst

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #1788997
#13. Everything has a reason; but the moment to know the reason would be revealed the day dots are connected.


Quotes About Connecting The Dots #1561741
#14. Jedi are conversationalists and negotiators, bringing people together and solving problems. Jedi listen and feel to what others are saying.

Stephen Richards

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #1552836
#15. Connecting dots is not that rewarding of an experience.

Damon Lindelof

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #1540471
#16. I had a real strong fantasy life as a kid. But then you grow up and think about real jobs.

Michael Keaton

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #1437041
#17. She, if anyone, was on a hell-bound train. I mean, if you're masquerading as a do-gooder, why not go all the way?

Michael Lee West

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #1409996
#18. All right, all right,' he [Leo] says. 'I know it's hilarious that Mrs. Kelly thinks I clogged up her toilet, but we have more important things to focus on.

Wendy Mass

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #1405424
#19. students today are educated collecting dots. Almost none of it spent teaching
them the skills necessary to connect dots. The magic of connecting dots is that once you learn the techniques, the dots can change but you'll still be good at connecting them.

Seth Godin

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #1210518
#20. A lot of people think that persuasion is all about values and aligning values. I largely disagree. I think persuasion generally, and political persuasion more particularly, has much more to do with explaining in new ways and connecting dots in new ways than just invoking emotions and values.

Nick Hanauer

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #1165470
#21. Everyone comes with baggage. Find someone who loves you enough to help you unpack.


Quotes About Connecting The Dots #1074986
#22. That Native American cultures are imperiled is important and not just to Indians. It is important to everyone, or should be. When we lose cultures, we lose American plurality -- the productive and lovely discomfort that true difference brings.

David Treuer

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #1012067
#23. Music, for me, has always been a place where anything is possible
a refuge, a magical world where anyone can go, where all kinds of people can come together, and anything can happen. We are limited only by our imaginations.

Bill Frisell

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #998484
#24. I have bitten down or swallowed a few pellets through the years. My uncle had his appendix removed and there were over 100 lead pellets in it. He might have died of lead poisoning. Now that is eating a lot of game!

Phil Robertson

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #970819
#25. The great lesson to learn of life is the need of giving out from the abundance of one's self in order to be ever abundant within one's self.

Walter Russell

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #667002
#26. Hm ... yes ... a man holds the fate of the world in his two hands, and yet, simply because he is afraid, he just lets things drift
that is a truism ... I wonder what men are most afraid of ...

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #609204
#27. Stop thinking that other people are going to come and save you. You gotta save yourself.

Rae Earl

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #566028
#28. The time will come when the evil forms we have known can no more be organized. Man's culture can spare nothing, wants all material. He is to convert all impediments into instruments, all enemies into power.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #516999
#29. Difference thinking' is more than the ability to connect the dots, though. It's about seeing the truth, recognising the opportunity in that truth and then acting on it. You need to learn how to see the dots and understand the significance of connecting them before you can begin.

Bernadette Jiwa

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #448062
#30. I wouldn't say that 'The Fabric of the Cosmos' is a book on cosmology. Cosmology certainly plays a big part, but the major theme is our ever-evolving understanding of space and time, and what it all means for our sense of reality.

Brian Greene

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #311876
#31. Literally, this is what enthios means - it is the root of enthusiastic - enthusiasmos means having the god/s within, thus becoming god-filled, or one with the god and in a state of participation mystique.

Erin Sullivan

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #271269
#32. Angels love to create synchronicities because each synchronicity produces an illumination point for a soul to connect the dots on life experiences. This insight, in turn, creates an opportunity to expand the heart and grow the soul, which always results in positive change for humanity.

Molly Friedenfeld

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #248380
#33. If you're worried about giving your secrets away, you can share your dots without connecting them.

Austin Kleon

Quotes About Connecting The Dots #173312

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