Top 37 Quotes About Collectives

#1. I'm a bit of a lefty. I like the idea of art and music collectives.

Jill Sobule

Quotes About Collectives #160400
#2. Collective Intelligence (CI) is the capacity of human collectives to engage in intellectual cooperation in order to create, innovate, and invent.

Pierre Levy

Quotes About Collectives #76935
#3. Eroding solidarity paradoxically makes a society more susceptible to the construction of substitute collectives and fascisms of all kinds.

Elfriede Jelinek

Quotes About Collectives #1748916
#4. When religious groups in a conflict eliminate the personal element and perceive themselves as representatives of collectives, heir actions tend to become more "radical" and "merciless." (Ch.3, by Jaco Cilliers, p. 48)

David R. Smock

Quotes About Collectives #1266954
#5. I'm haunted sometimes by the thought, what if we lived from that place all the time? What if we went there without tragedy striking first? The very thought of who we would be together, and the kinds of collectives decisions we would make. The kind of world we'd create makes me want to cry sometimes.

Marianne Williamson

Quotes About Collectives #926310
#6. No one can tell men what they must live for. No one can take that right - because there are things in men, in the best of us, which are above all states, above all collectives!

Ayn Rand

Quotes About Collectives #863487
#7. The utilities and facilities of major corporations can be confiscated and given to democratic collectives

Russell Brand

Quotes About Collectives #851804
#8. Only individuals have ends and can act to attain them. There are no such things as ends of or actions by 'groups,' 'collectives,' or 'States,' which do not take place as actions by various specific individuals.

Murray Rothbard

Quotes About Collectives #642215
#9. Collectives can't make money from virtues they make money from weakness. Where there are no weak, they create weak. Cowards hate strong people.

Moxie Will

Quotes About Collectives #590258
#10. I dont work with collectives. I don't consult, i don't co-operate, I don't collaborate.

Ayn Rand

Quotes About Collectives #559438
#11. Bingo!! Once again, privatization
*total* privatization
is the best solution. Get government, and government-sanctioned business collectives, out of the health 'care' picture entirely and, just maybe, I can go back to typing the word 'care' (in relation to 'health') without the quotes.

Edward Britton

Quotes About Collectives #345413
#12. Religion is a collective insanity.

Mikhail Bakunin

Quotes About Collectives #1220286
#13. I prefer consider Stromae as a collective project. Stromae is not me. Or at least it is not only me.


Quotes About Collectives #1750149
#14. I can't predict what songs will do to the collective consciousness.

Jason Mraz

Quotes About Collectives #1244464
#15. What is reality anyway! It's nothing but a collective hunch.

Jane Wagner

Quotes About Collectives #1288628
#16. Boko Haram will soon know the strength of our collective will

Muhammadu Buhari

Quotes About Collectives #1358218
#17. Without deep personal transformation, collective transformation is not possible.

Chris Corrigan

Quotes About Collectives #1465849
#18. Statesmen have to bend to the collective will of their peoples or be broken.

Woodrow Wilson

Quotes About Collectives #1516100
#19. Reality is nothing more than a collective hunch.

Lily Tomlin

Quotes About Collectives #1578527
#20. God is the collective ego of the world


Quotes About Collectives #1596789
#21. Our collective experience has shown that when women have the power to make their own choices, good things happen.

Madeleine Albright

Quotes About Collectives #1617665
#22. We cannot hope for a society in which formal organized religion dies out. But we can stop behaving as if it was worthy of our collective respect.

A. N. Wilson

Quotes About Collectives #1666194
#23. The nation is only as strong as the collective strength of its individuals.

Jeremiah Denton

Quotes About Collectives #1682001
#24. There is no such thing as collective guilt.

Kurt Waldheim

Quotes About Collectives #1693800
#25. Without inner change there can be no outer change. Without collective change, no change matters.

Angel Kyodo Williams

Quotes About Collectives #1076346
#26. I don't think there is much history can say about me. I just want to be remembered as part of that collective.

Nelson Mandela

Quotes About Collectives #1004779
#27. It is in our collective behavior that we are most mysterious.

Lewis Thomas

Quotes About Collectives #826866
#28. Thank you for touching me. Some of the only moments worth living were spent with you. Not you especially, the collective you.

Henry Rollins

Quotes About Collectives #810612
#29. In the collective psyche it is being understood ... that we can cultivate wisdom and compassion.

Tara Brach

Quotes About Collectives #774370
#30. It's very hard not to be a scoundrel nowadays. Everywhere there are pressures that work towards our personal and collective debasement.

Nelson Rodrigues

Quotes About Collectives #682957
#31. Religion is collective insanity.

Mikhail Bakunin

Quotes About Collectives #648584
#32. You have Kurt [Cobain], and he's singing about your experiences. They're our collective experiences.

Brett Morgen

Quotes About Collectives #645010
#33. Can collective intelligence save the planet? It's the only hope we have.

Patrick Joseph McGovern

Quotes About Collectives #551143
#34. All art intuitively apprehends coming changes in the collective unconsciousness.

Carl Jung

Quotes About Collectives #457030
#35. Women are constantly underestimated in our power, our reach, our collective pull.

Julianna Baggott

Quotes About Collectives #354945
#36. To me, inner and outer are so strongly linked that any collective change that happens within human beings, within the human psyche, inevitably will be reflected externally in what happens on the whole planet.

Eckhart Tolle

Quotes About Collectives #257382
#37. The market is not a place, a thing, or a collective entity. It is a process.

Ludwig Von Mises

Quotes About Collectives #39513

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