Top 100 Quotes About Career Day

#1. I think back on that day when 16-year-old me scribbled on some silly piece of paper for some long-forgotten high school career-day project that my dream job was 'romance novelist.'

Sarah MacLean

Quotes About Career Day #79779
#2. You know, I remember Career Day in high school. I remember plumbers and lawyers ... I don't remember a booth where you could sign up to learn how to shoot chickens out of a cannon at the windshield of an airplane, 'cause there would have been a line at my school to do that!

Jeff Foxworthy

Quotes About Career Day #1359361
#3. On Career Day in high school, you don't walk around looking for the cartoon guy.

Gary Larson

Quotes About Career Day #1426468
#4. I've met plenty of embarrassing parents, but Kronos, the evil Titan Lord who wanted to destroy Western Civilization? Not the kind of dad you invited to
school for Career Day.

Rick Riordan

Quotes About Career Day #1506187
#5. I still go through stages of wanting to try other trades. When I was young I thought I'd be a magician. And then a cartoonist. Or a professional roller-skater. But there wasn't much support for those on career day.

Jason Mraz

Quotes About Career Day #1597194
#6. I was creating commitment devices of my own long before I knew what they were. So when I was a starving post-doc at Columbia University, I was deep in a publish-or-perish phase of my career. I had to write five pages a day towards papers, or I would have to give up five dollars.

Daniel Goldstein

Quotes About Career Day #4356
#7. When I was younger, I thought maybe one day I'd be involved in sport in terms of career.

Jamie Dornan

Quotes About Career Day #38884
#8. I struggled to stay on the pace there in the back half. But, at the end of the day I wanted to win this race. The Millrose is a prestigious event and it's definitely something I wanted to do in my career.

Kim Conley

Quotes About Career Day #54899
#9. I'd have to say Steven Gerrard has been the biggest influence in my career so far. I watched him when I was younger and then to go and play and train with him every day is massive for me, and still is now.

Jordan Henderson

Quotes About Career Day #54983
#10. Most professional women I know - myself included - long since gave up looking for a rulebook or a roadmap; we make it up as we go along. Every day presents a new choice, a new challenge, which makes long-term career planning seem like an especially abstract exercise.

Nancy Gibbs

Quotes About Career Day #59167
#11. My parents inspire me every day. They are both incredible people that I love and look up to every day. Industry wise, I love what Justin Timberlake has done with his career. He's truly an idol to me, not only as a performer, but as a person as well.

Max Schneider

Quotes About Career Day #60521
#12. To this day I get mail from women who say, I went to law school because of your song. But I would hate to think out of the wide spectrum of things I have done in my career, that's all I would be remembered for.

Helen Reddy

Quotes About Career Day #66721
#13. Food ... love ... mother ... career ... Live every day to the fullest. Partake of the four basic guilt groups.

Cathy Guisewite

Quotes About Career Day #73751
#14. If you're going to write a book that might, in its very best accidental career, sell 30,000 copies, you've got to have a day job.

Padgett Powell

Quotes About Career Day #85240
#15. Talking to the animals? Is that really how you want to start your day?"
"Manny was helping me get my life back on track. We're discussing life goals and career choices."
Maya held up her hands. "Not before coffee, I beg you.

Susan Mallery

Quotes About Career Day #97019
#16. Cat, I'll let you in on a little secret. We don't all love our jobs every day. And doing something you have passion for doesn't make the work part of it any easier ... It just makes you less likely to quit.

Kate Jacobs

Quotes About Career Day #107089
#17. I have a great team. A lot of my focus every day is with my television and film career, directing and producing, and I guess you can say that my moonlighting gig is Tropfest. Obviously, when I am not working I am in the Tropfest office full-time.

John Polson

Quotes About Career Day #115754
#18. Thinking about work as a day job has made a big difference in the way I approach what I do. It also helped me not to confuse who I am with what I do.

Bob Goff

Quotes About Career Day #133276
#19. My career with the Navy and NASA gave me an incredible chance to showcase public service to which I am dedicated, and what we can accomplish on the big challenges of our day.

Scott Kelly

Quotes About Career Day #140302
#20. In my career, there have been roles I haven't taken because someone involved with the project gave me a bad vibe. I don't care how much money is on the table: No job is worth feeling uneasy every day.

Gabrielle Union

Quotes About Career Day #140514
#21. I learned not to go in the sun early on in my career. A tan lasts for a week or two before it fades, and the sun is so damaging - it's not worth it. I put sunscreen on my kids every day before school and before they play outside. They know the routine.

Heidi Klum

Quotes About Career Day #158775
#22. When I look at my career, the bulk of it has been television, and I love working in television. But there's a speed at which you do it. You're doing seven to ten pages a day on a series, and it's hard to feel like you're doing the detail-oriented work that I like to do.

Sarah Paulson

Quotes About Career Day #195535
#23. The first day you're a leader is the beginning of the end of your political career.

Jenny Shipley

Quotes About Career Day #219061
#24. The streets of New York and some wards of its venerable institutions were packed with people who, despite being entirely forsaken, had episodes of glory that made the career of Alexander the Great seem like a day in the life of a file clerk.

Mark Helprin

Quotes About Career Day #235847
#25. To win a major championship - I think, at the end of the day, that's what a golfer's career is based upon.

Adam Derek Scott

Quotes About Career Day #240783
#26. In this day and age, you can write anywhere in the world. You can really live anywhere and have the same career.

Chevy Stevens

Quotes About Career Day #245401
#27. You should just enjoy it, but as soon as you decide that it is going to be your career, no matter whether you want to be a doctor or an architect or anything else, you need to work 5 hours a day.

Guy Forget

Quotes About Career Day #265997
#28. I'd have to say losing the title to Ali in '74 was the lowest moment in sports for me. It was the most devastating thing in my boxing career, and it still hurts to this day.

George Foreman

Quotes About Career Day #276956
#29. That's the main reason I gave up my career after John was born and I was pregnant with Andrew. I could not handle going away day after day. The thought of going away before they got up and coming back after they were in bed was intolerable.

Louise Fletcher

Quotes About Career Day #277466
#30. I determine to render more and better service, each day, than I am being paid to render. Those that reach the top are the ones who are not content with doing only what is required of them.

Og Mandino

Quotes About Career Day #292792
#31. After all, I was choosing to walk in the front door of Morgan Stanley every day. I didn't have to. I could make a different choice. I had to stop throwing away my power by focusing on what was wrong and focus on ways, to use a baseball term, "to knock the cover off the ball.

Carla Harris

Quotes About Career Day #296340
#32. I've been sober now for a couple of years and I'm taking my sobriety very seriously - one day at a time and I am moving forward in my career.

Daniel Baldwin

Quotes About Career Day #312744
#33. I wake up every day and think about what I am to other people. What I am to the people I employ, who depend on me to wake up and do my job that day and keep this career going? I think about what I am to the kids who listen to my music and all the other people involved in this project.


Quotes About Career Day #315239
#34. For sure, 2010 was the best year I've ever had. It couldn't have gone any better for me. Even if I just won the Olympic gold medal, that would have made it the best year of my career and the best day of my life, period. Winning the World Cup races and the overall title just topped it off.

Lindsey Vonn

Quotes About Career Day #327036
#35. Teaching well draws from the same well that writing draws from: the reserves of compassion and ability to listen and concentrate on another. So I have to have fine line between teaching and writing. I try not to ever think of career. I just try to go to the dream world every day.

Andre Dubus

Quotes About Career Day #350251
#36. My career's consisted of all of those things that you hope would one day lead to being a series regular, and then your dreams grow from there. My career has been very steady, and I've been blessed in that I've been given everything that I can handle, at the right time.

Kimberly Quinn

Quotes About Career Day #359877
#37. All through my career I've written 1,000 words a day - even if I've got a hangover. You've got to discipline yourself if you're professional. There's no other way.

J.G. Ballard

Quotes About Career Day #363852
#38. The mission for the day is to encourage students to think beyond traditional career opportunities, prepare for future careers and entrance into the workplace.

Allen Tate

Quotes About Career Day #377604
#39. To this day, I don't know what shapes a Hollywood career.

Dorothy McGuire

Quotes About Career Day #382101
#40. I was at the pinnacle of my career one day and the next day I was put out to pasture. I felt like a race horse with a broken leg.

Jack Klugman

Quotes About Career Day #394421
#41. I've been very, very lucky in my career, in my life - from day one. When aspiring directors say, 'What's your advice?' first I say, 'Be born the son of a famous director. It's invaluable.'

Jason Reitman

Quotes About Career Day #397922
#42. I don't know if it was a defining moment. I knew it as soon as I could comprehend the possibility of having a career. I knew very young I wanted to be a movie star. As much as I grew into love of the craft. As soon as I could speak I was auditioning and going to classes every day. It was my life.

Columbus Short

Quotes About Career Day #404598
#43. Nobody on this planet had a range of passing like Paul Scholes. Training every day was a pleasure just watching him. Unbelievable career.

Michael Owen

Quotes About Career Day #417980
#44. If you're chained to a computer all day, you're not using up much energy, even if you drag yourself to the gym a couple of days a week. And to make matters worse for me, I've had a secondary career right along with my romance writing - cookbook author, under my real name, Ruth Glick.

Ruth Glick

Quotes About Career Day #425912
#45. I think the defining moment in my career is the day that I moved to Nashville - September 1, 2001. That's the biggest step to getting here is making that move. Anything that happens, the wonderful opportunities that happen to you, can't happen until you make that move.

Luke Bryan

Quotes About Career Day #430857
#46. I have a career I love more than I can tell you, and I have it because I work incredibly hard pretty much every single day.

Kate Reardon

Quotes About Career Day #431208
#47. It's a privilege to have the career I have, to love every day and be following my passion, the stories that interest me, to remote locations and people. So nothing stops me from that - but yes, it seems redundant in documentary-filmmaker circles today to say the biggest struggle was financing.

Pietra Brettkelly

Quotes About Career Day #453761
#48. One day when a linesman starts to laugh I swear I will hit the guy over the head with my racket. I think it will be the end of my career, but I will be happy.

Ilie Nastase

Quotes About Career Day #460336
#49. Every day is the beginning of your career.

Pat McGrath

Quotes About Career Day #471952
#50. The influence of Steven Spielberg to my career is unquantifiable. Every day on the set with him is a master class in filmmaking.

Caroline Goodall

Quotes About Career Day #476670
#51. My agent said to me five years ago, 'Hugh, I can see one day you ... if I had to plan a goal for you, it's for you to have the kind of career that Sinatra had.'

Hugh Jackman

Quotes About Career Day #510318
#52. Choose a career you love and you will never have to go to work.

Denis Waitley

Quotes About Career Day #512580
#53. Back in the day, when I started, you were still allowed to make mistakes. You got to make your mistakes in public, in a way. I think the world was a more forgiving place when I started my career, in the sense that we got time and space to develop as a writer.

Val McDermid

Quotes About Career Day #528175
#54. My advice for achieving success is to make a career choice that reflects your passion. Then work your craft a little bit each day-even if someone's not paying you to do It. Try to balance your social life with your educational (or professional) life, and have patience.

Giancarlo Esposito

Quotes About Career Day #544387
#55. I think the team will think this was an O.K. year. Some guys had career years, but the reality is that we didn't get it done at the end of the day.

Mike Young

Quotes About Career Day #557015
#56. Throughout my early career, I would write from five to ten in the morning every day before going to my office, a habit that has stayed with me since.

Warren Adler

Quotes About Career Day #575474
#57. When you pick a career like acting, it's challenging, but it's a lesson every time you put yourself out there. I wouldn't change it for the world - I love what I learn every single day.

Lisa Rinna

Quotes About Career Day #586679
#58. Most people have this perception that you have to be out there running for an hour and a half every day. But you don't have to give up your career and family to run a marathon.

Jeff Galloway

Quotes About Career Day #599936
#59. It definitely puts a strain on family life - I miss them like mad. Being a working mother I've been juggling house and career from day one. I want to hold out for telly for the second half of the year.

Louise Jameson

Quotes About Career Day #608787
#60. In my illustrious career as a university student,
I turned in over 100 papers so that one day,
in the end, I got 1 paper in return.

J.R. Rim

Quotes About Career Day #611172
#61. I feel blessed that I am able to play really dark guys in a business where they usually want you to play the same character over and over. Poor Michael Rapaport will being playing white homeboys till the day he dies. That's not the kind of career I want.

Ron Eldard

Quotes About Career Day #621344
#62. I raise money the old fashioned way, I go out and tell people what I think. And I say to them, "If you hire me, I'm a CEO, and I'll listen to you. But at the end of the day, I'm going to make the decision, something I've done throughout my whole career with, frankly, great success."

Rick Santorum

Quotes About Career Day #623626
#63. Peter Forsberg's skills and determination made him one of the most powerful forwards in the NHL during the best years of his career. Hearing of his retirement is sad news but one day every athlete has to come to this decision. He should be very proud of all he accomplished throughout his career.

Patrick Roy

Quotes About Career Day #634147
#64. As far as my New York influence, one thing I'm proud of in my career is, I rep Brooklyn, New York all day. But people don't look at my music as New York music. People consider my music underground music.

Talib Kweli

Quotes About Career Day #637514
#65. Modeling in Europe at the beginning of my career was pretty hard, with the constant traveling and uncertainty as to where I was going to be from one day to the next.

Molly Sims

Quotes About Career Day #645906
#66. The first day of 'The Town' was one of the most satisfying days of my career.

Ben Affleck

Quotes About Career Day #660944
#67. Someone asked me the other day, 'What's the biggest influence on your filmmaking career?' And they started naming filmmakers. I went 'Naw, it's Jesus actually.'

Tom Shadyac

Quotes About Career Day #677729
#68. About 13-14 years ago, I went back to my alma mater, Fairfax High School, and ran into the music teacher. She invited me to come speak to the kids about the viability of a music career. When I went into the room where I used to play every day in a big orchestra, they had nothing!


Quotes About Career Day #679464
#69. I have dozens of loyal fans! Baker's dozens! ... they come in thirteens.

Felicia Day

Quotes About Career Day #745815
#70. I am a career public servant. Until the aftermath of Benghazi, I loved every day of my job.

Greg Hicks

Quotes About Career Day #750894
#71. The idea of having an indie rock "career" while living in a remote backwater like Seattle was too ridiculous to contemplate. It was simply about having adventures, one day at a time, one song at a time.

Bruce Pavitt

Quotes About Career Day #761937
#72. My path, my life, my career has really been a journey from moving from, in a sense, darkness to light. From pain to joy through the experience of yoga and meditation. It's an ongoing adventure that's unfolding every day.

MC Yogi

Quotes About Career Day #762132
#73. For most of my career I did one comic a day, every day, including weekends and holidays.

Scott Adams

Quotes About Career Day #772381
#74. Blythe Danner is somebody whose career I admire. She's a great actress and does good work, but also has a life of her own. I love my job but, at the end of the day, I want to come home and watch a movie and drink a bottle of wine with my husband.

Anna Faris

Quotes About Career Day #789615
#75. I used to think it would be neat to play my whole career with one team. But as a baseball player you want to come to the ballpark every day knowing you have a chance to win and that the games mean something.

Carlos Beltran

Quotes About Career Day #802877
#76. Joaquin Jackson's frank and colorful account of his long career as a modern-day Texas Ranger thrills like an action novel, yet the stories are true, sometimes funny, sometimes tragic, but always gripping. I could hardly put the book down ... The writing is superb.

Elmer Kelton

Quotes About Career Day #806523
#77. An incredible advertising career is not about creating an incredibly amazing ad, it's about making an incredible amazing ad every single day of your career, it's about getting those adds killed, and resurrecting them over and over again. It's about your season average not that occasional home-run.

Lee Clow

Quotes About Career Day #808263
#78. I had no idea that I was ever getting into music. I did not prepare for a music career, and here I've found, out of pure luck, that I did have, not only a talent and an ear, but a passion for music. And I have it to this day.

Clive Davis

Quotes About Career Day #818170
#79. I haven't accomplished everything that I want to yet in my career, that's why I'm still playing. I just know that I still have something left inside of me to accomplish, and I don't know exactly what that is. Hopefully, I'll know one day soon.

Mary Pierce

Quotes About Career Day #827252
#80. When we graduate from childhood into adulthood, we're thrown into this confusing, Cthulhu-like miasma of life, filled with social and career problems, all with branching choices and no correct answers.

Felicia Day

Quotes About Career Day #830722
#81. When I began my career as a flight attendant, I was a 21-year-old with a B.A. in English and stars in her eyes. I wanted to see every city in the world. I wanted to have adventures that, I hoped, would fuel a writing career some day.

Ann Hood

Quotes About Career Day #845792
#82. The darkest day in a man's career is that wherein he fancies there is some easier way of getting a dollar than by squarely earning it.

Horace Greeley

Quotes About Career Day #865244
#83. I get to wake up every day and create music. And even when it's a tough moment as far as career ups and downs, it's always something you're passionate about, and it's a beautiful way to spend your life.

Nick Jonas

Quotes About Career Day #889659
#84. Yes, winning the gold medal was undoubtedly the biggest day of my career - mostly because I won the way I had prepared to run it. It was a totally satisfying experience.

Frank Shorter

Quotes About Career Day #891592
#85. My mother is massively into sailing, so we always had Musto clothes, and it went on from there, really. I wouldn't say it's a career in fashion. The range is all day-to-day stuff that I'd put on and use myself.

Zara Phillips

Quotes About Career Day #904623
#86. I've been fortunate to meet and work with a lot of really smart people. The thing that strikes me most about them is how they continue to explore and learn every day. I have tried to apply that approach in my modest career as well.

Bill Russell

Quotes About Career Day #912927
#87. Ever day you spend at work is a foundation for your future.

Abhishek Ratna

Quotes About Career Day #924972
#88. When you have a song on the radio your career and your life changes maybe for the better and maybe for the not so good ... depending on how it's going that day.

Loudon Wainwright III

Quotes About Career Day #933109
#89. I don't pay much attention to magazine covers. One day, there'll be slack times in my career. It's unavoidable, because success is temporary. Which is why you have to stay focused on this very taxing job.

Lea Seydoux

Quotes About Career Day #948052
#90. New Year's Eve to Valentine's Day is our peak season, and in many ways, Valentine's Day is our Christmas. Everybody in the world makes the same three New Year's resolutions: health, career and money, and love.

Sam Yagan

Quotes About Career Day #952578
#91. There are a lot of actors who don't like reality stars 'cause they feel these people aren't accomplished. They haven't done this or that, but they are savvy. They have found a way to make it work. I could dissect your career all day long, but I'm focused on my own career.

Niecy Nash

Quotes About Career Day #953960
#92. Some day I would like to write a textbook on how to be a female detective in a man's world. Rule Number One: try not to let your animosity show. Your career as an investigator will be short lived if you cannot hide your feelings when you dislike, distrust, or despise your interviewee.

Frances Brody

Quotes About Career Day #959092
#93. In the day-to-day, farm work is stress relief for me. At the end of the day, I love having this other career - my anti-job - that keeps me in shape and gives me control over a vegetal domain.

Barbara Kingsolver

Quotes About Career Day #960540
#94. I've never thought about the end of my career. I've had this growing motto in my life to live day to day - and when you live day to day, it's hard to talk years.

Troy Polamalu

Quotes About Career Day #965443
#95. Anything invented before your fifteenth birthday is the order of nature. That's how it should be. Anything invented between your th and th birthday is new and exciting, and you might get a career there. Anything invented after that day, however, is against nature and should be prohibited.

Douglas Adams

Quotes About Career Day #976774
#96. chief beauty about the constant supply of time is that you cannot waste it in advance. The next year, the next day, the next hour are lying ready for you, as perfect, as unspoilt, as if you had never wasted or misapplied a single moment in all your career.

Arnold Bennett

Quotes About Career Day #977217
#97. I began my journalistic career on the day Ronald Reagan was sworn in. That's the day I showed up for work at 'The New Republic' magazine.

Charles Krauthammer

Quotes About Career Day #1016594
#98. I love that my career has been documented and I can look back one day and share it with my kids.

Aubrey O'Day

Quotes About Career Day #1021452
#99. I'm at this point in my career where I'm trying to step away from the realm of fine arts, because I think it's a very exclusive, very restrictive place to be. What I want to be able to do is to change the lives of people with the same materials they deal with every day.

Vik Muniz

Quotes About Career Day #1022358
#100. I've been trying to give as much attention and focus to my life as well as my career. It's hard because the career is money, but putting that before day-to-day needs isn't something that can last indefinitely. I'm excited to begin the next chapter of my life with an amazing woman.

Eric Lange

Quotes About Career Day #1023617

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