Top 100 Quotes About A Victim
#1. Of all the parts of your body, be most vigilant over your index finger, for it is blame-thirsty. A pointed finger is a victim's logo.
Joseph Brodsky
#2. Part of knowing how to think is knowing how the laws of nature shape the world around us. Without that knowledge, without that capacity to think, you can easily become a victim of people who seek to take advantage of you.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson
#3. The homosexual is a scapegoat who evokes no sympathy. Hence, he can only be a victim, never a martyr.
Thomas Szasz
#4. I was still interested in the youth rebellion but never-the-less I stopped being a victim. Stopped trying to attack the establishment realizing that it takes too much of your energy.
Vivienne Westwood
#5. Where I had felt a victim, I had become a determiner by recognizing I had choices. When considering a purchase, I stopped saying, "I can't afford it," and started saying, "That's not where I want to spend that amount of money.
Oriah Mountain Dreamer
#6. I don't advocate senseless violence of any human being. I'm the one who's been beat down. But I will not be a victim again.
Tupac Shakur
#7. In recent decades, Europe has retreated to the conduct of soft power. But besieged as it is on almost all frontiers by upheavals and migration, Europe, including Britain, can avoid turning into a victim of circumstance only by assuming a more active role.
Henry Kissinger
#10. Justice being served or not, being a victim carries a life sentence.
John D. Moore
#12. A lot of negative stuff has happened to me - that's why I'm tough - but I don't want people to be like, 'Oh, poor Becky,' because I'm not a victim.
Rebecca Ferguson
#13. Don't be a victim of circumstances. Choose victory by gracious endurance.
Lailah Gifty Akita
#14. A victim soul is a pious individual chosen to absorb the pain and suffering of others.
Laura Wiess
#15. And so will the world end, I think, a victim of love rather than hate. For love's ever been the more destructive weapon, sure.
Stephen King
#16. If you don't want to be a victim, don't act like one.
Ally Carter
#17. To those who are incapable of presenting the historic truth in an honest way, I want to say that Poland was not a perpetrator but a victim of World War Two.
Ewa Kopacz
#18. People play the victim forever," she continued. "But who are they kidding? They are only robbing themselves. Life doesn't owe you anything. Neither does anyone else. Only you owe yourself. So the best way to make the most out of life is to appreciate the gift of it, and choose not to be a victim.
Bronnie Ware
#19. It is the tragedy of a distinguished mind and a generous nature that have gone unappreciated in a conventional, unimaginative world. A victim of men's incomprehension of women, a symptom of women's mistrust of men.
Francis Wyndham
#21. Every human being was a victim of something, whether it was desire, addiction, ignorance, or faith.
Lee Thomas
#22. Every kind of perfection is purchased at a high price on earth, where everything is perhaps purchased too dear; one is an expert in one's department at the price of being also a victim of one's department.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#23. All I meant to say is that a rake's humor has its basis in cruelty. He needs a victim, for he cannot imagine ever laughing at himself. You, your grace, are rather clever with the self-deprecating remark.
Julia Quinn
#24. Wouldn't it be easier keep your victim faceless?"
I shuddered. "Not a victim."
"What else do you call one hemmed in by fate?"
"Human," I said, bitterness creeping into my voice.
"What about guilt, then? Why open yourself to pain?"
"Guilt is what makes you accountable.
Roshani Chokshi
#26. If you believe you are an effect of the world around you - that your happiness is dependent on this thing or that person - then you are always going to be a victim of circumstance to one degree or another.
Lee L Jampolsky
#27. Assume that every problem in your life is a lesson to make you stronger. Then you never feel like a victim.
Andrew Matthews
#28. Most people are basically a victim of the circumstances of their life. They have things like 9/11, they have terrorism threats, they have new war threats, they have economy problems, and they think, 'What can I do? I'm basically a victim.'
Stephen Covey
#29. After age twenty-five, you're not a victim anymore - you're a volunteer.
Chip Kidd
#30. That's the thing about being a victim; you start to think it'll happen to you on a regular basis. It's living with the reality of your own vulnerability, and it sucks.
Dennis Lehane
#32. You are never a victim, unless you think you are
Elsa Mendoza
#33. At 26 I felt myself a victim rather than a victor in the realm of pictures.
Gloria Swanson
#34. Dyadic completion," Paul would've told Claire. "The human brain tends to assume that, if there's a victim, there has to be a villain.
Karin Slaughter
#35. You get to the point where you decide that you don't want to be a victim anymore and that you're not going to live your life like that.
Kayla Harrison
#36. Don't be a VICTIM of negative self talk - remember YOU are listening.
Bob Proctor
#37. It is not uncommon for someone to be a self-saboteur and compound that by also having a victim mentality. It is as though they are holding their own breath and then blaming others for their inability to breathe. If they can break free from this cycle, everything in their life changes for the better.
Steve Maraboli
#38. The big diffrence between a warrior and a victim is that the victim represses and the warrior refrains.
Miguel Ruiz
#39. I don't consider myself a fashion victim. I consider fashion a victim of me.
Paul Merton
#40. Coming to terms with incest is not easy. Learning to be a survivor, not a victim, gives new meaning to life
Lynette Gould
#41. Where neither go wrong, the naive only see the world as a victim of bad doctrine; the cynic only sees good doctrine as a victim of the world.
Criss Jami
#42. I am not a victim. No matter what I have been through, I'm still here. I have a history of victory.
Steve Maraboli
#43. When you make a Blu-ray, its not the same as the print process was. You have little or no control over any print that was ever made. You are a victim of the 35mm printing process.
William Friedkin
#44. Many a trace, and many a germ of this infantile disease, to which without a doubt, I also am a victim, has been chased away by your brochure, or will yet be eradicated by it.
Herman Gorter
#45. After a victim is made to participate in an act of evil, the people in charge put a lot of energy into convincing the child or adult that he or she is evil and a perpetrator rather than a victim.p324
Alison Miller
#46. Embrace the fear, use it, but don't become a victim of it.
Brandy Nacole
#47. Taking responsibility means not blaming yourself. Anything that takes away your power or your pleasure makes you a victim. Don't make yourself a victim of yourself!
Susan Jeffers
#48. If that's true and the rate stays like that for another 40 years, there's a good probability that somebody who is active in the credit economy for that period of time might be a victim. But that's not a given.
Keith Anderson
#49. My mother always taught me to be strong and to never be a victim. Never make excuses. Never expect anyone else to provide for me things I know I can provide for myself.
Beyonce Knowles
#50. You cannot be successful and continue to be a victim.
Maxine Waters
#51. In the act of watching the television news, audiences cross the globe, one moment viewing a scene in a wide aerial shot, the next moment seeing an emotional close up of a victim's face. By extending the physical senses to impossible dimensions, media provide audiences a near metaphysical adventure.
James Houran
#52. I wasn't willing to be a victim. I only wanted to survive, and I only wanted to get through.
Charisma Carpenter
#53. I'm the result of upbringing, class, race, gender, social prejudices, and economics. So I'm a victim again. A result.
James Hillman
#54. You cannot continue to victimize someone else just because you yourself were a victim once - there has to be a limit
Edward W. Said
#55. When you complain, you make yourself a victim. When you speak out, you are in power.
Eckhart Tolle
#56. She wasn't a victim of fate, she was running her own risks, pushing beyond her own limits, experiencing things which, one day, in the silence of her heart, in the tedium of old age, she would remember almost with nostalgia - however absurd that might seem.
Paulo Coelho
#57. Envy of prosperity, confirmers of scourge, desperate of hope. They have a victim in every certain way, a mediator to every heart, and a tear in every complaint.
Ali Ibn Abi Talib
#58. Forgiveness has nothing to do with absolving a criminal of his crime. It has everything to do with relieving oneself of the burden of being a victim
letting go of the pain and transforming oneself from victim to survivor.
C.R. Strahan
#59. Feel oddly barren. My sickness is when words draw in their horns and the physical world refuses to be ordered, recreated, arranged and selected. I am a victim of it then, not a master.
Sylvia Plath
#60. Once trapped in the belief that you are a victim, you surrender your birthright to compete for the prizes of life.
James Cook
#61. In writing the autobiography, I can really chuckle when I look at the songs. I was acting out the part. I saw myself as a victim.
Boy George
#62. You become a victim of your own success. It's what happens in TV when Fox has a big hit with the X-Files. And they start chasing and the rest of their shows suffer. Because the experimentation that made the X-Files a show is all of the sudden lost.
Scott Aukerman
#63. If you actively do something, it will stop making you feel like a victim and you'll start feeling like part of the solution, which is just a huge benefit to your body and your psyche.
Ted Danson
#64. This is the culture of the micro-aggression, where people literally seek out opportunities to be offended....Victim status is so desirable that it's constantly faked or exaggerated, and claims that one is not a victim are met with indignation.
David French
#65. Even in that difficult hour when he knew death was imminent, he never indulged in self-pity. He knew intuitively that a person is only a victim if he accepts himself as one.
James C. Dobson
#66. Through her, the Ramayan reminds us that even a victim can be a winner if he or she refuses to surrender to the circumstance.
Devdutt Pattanaik
#67. Your thoughts will make you a victor or a victim.
Rob Liano
#68. science teacher. "The police had me in custody, an innocent man, a victim of circumstances, and because they had no evidence at
James Patterson
#69. You told me you weren't a victim ... Don't let that attack hold you back from living.
Lisa Kessler
#70. In the eyes of high morality, to be a victim is always more honourable than to be a killer!
Mehmet Murat Ildan
#71. In the process of my evolution, I became a victim of domestic war, an emotional casualty for a major portion of my life, entwined, entrapped and emotionally involved, until I learned how to become free.
Sara Niles
Torn From the Inside Out
Sara Niles
#72. Choosing to be God-like does not mean you choose to be a martyr. And it certainly does not mean you choose to be a victim.
Neale Donald Walsch
#73. When so-called child's play turns hostile, and a child becomes a victim, it is time to act. Victims of cyberbullying do not choose to participate. Rather than build character, bullying can cause children to become anxious, fearful, unhappy, and even cause them to be physically sick.
Linda Sanchez
#74. Don't become a victim of yourself. Forget about the thief waiting in the alley; what about the thief in your mind?
Jim Rohn
#75. I once fed a dog-fight operator to the dogs he had abused for so long, and do you want to know something? It felt so good. It was justice, girl. The fucking law never gave a shit about a victim, but justice is all heart.
Cedric Nye
#77. No one else sees you as the villain here, but you gotta stop being a victim babe.
Jordan Silver
#79. I would like to be judged on the validity of my arguments, not as a victim.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
#80. Growing a pair is a state of mind, an attitude, and a way of thinking. It's about giving up being a victim and taking control of your life at every level. It is the willingness to do the right thing even when everyone else is doing the wrong thing.
Larry Winget
#81. We are driven by the results of the Big Bang, billions of years ago, which eventually produced life, which eventually produced human beings, and so on. But me? I'm an accident - a result - and therefore a victim.
James Hillman
#82. 'Ashes To Ashes' is a victim of its own success. We started lots of trends. I like to think we had something to do with bringing back the high waist. It's so much more flattering.
Keeley Hawes
#84. The intellectual and constant retelling of a victim story becomes a broken record, deepening the groove of helplessness in the nervous system.
Deborah Sandella
#85. Stop bitching about everybody else and what they've done to you and start cleaning up your own shit yourself.
The only person who can make you a victim is you.
Max Patrick
#86. Don't take a job because your mother wants you to. Don't be a victim. You own your decision.
Jack Welch
#87. When I was in Sri Lanka with the [Tamil] Tigers, there were editorials in the paper saying that soldiers really had to stop raping Tamil women at checkpoints because they were just creating more operatives. The [Tigers] were cognizant of this and exploited it: Don't be a victim, join the movement.
Mia Bloom
#89. I just let the work speak for itself. An actor is not afraid to take risks; to put on different hats; to be a good guy, a bad guy, a victim, an abuser. There are all kinds of people in the world, and playing them is what acting is all about.
Kevin Bacon
#90. If you want to be known for whom you are as a person, then your responsibility it to make your qualities more visible. I believe if you don't you are becoming a victim.
Marla Runyan
#91. There are some great positive quotes out there that I can't quite share as I wonder how a victim in a war torn country could be expected to see from their perspective?
Jay Woodman
#92. You'd know all about the process - the tests, the interviews with the police, the counselors, the lawyers. It's horrible, that reliving of it, and I was angry to be viewed as a victim.
Nora Roberts
#93. You're only a victim once. The next time you're an accomplice.
Naomi Judd
Linda Alfiori
#96. By not coming forward, you make yourself a victim forever.
Kelly McGillis
#97. There are times in a man's life when he says things he will never be able take back. It's true words can have a physical impact on somebody. A person can concuss with their words. Words can snap as fast as a trap in the woods and leave a victim to writhe for weeks.
Donald Miller
#98. Sure, I've been a victim, but in retrospect, most of it has been of my own making. I allowed it to happen.
Wayne Newton
#99. When I look at people talking about intersectionality, what I see is the human being magnifying a biological attribute, and then putting them aside, putting them in a corner as victims of oppression....I most certainly don't see myself as a victim.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
#100. Every human being wants to be seen, really seen, by another human being, not as a statistic in some sociological study, not as a casualty of poverty, not as a victim of a corrupt social structure. We can start by seeing both what is and what can be.
Nancy Rue
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