Top 82 Quantum Science Quotes

#1. Quantum science suggests the existence of many possible futures for each moment of our lives. Each future lies in a state of rest until it is awakened by choices made in the present.

Gregg Braden

Quantum Science Quotes #1238491
#2. I got into physics through pop science and quantum science and ended up being such a quantum groupie.

Talulah Riley

Quantum Science Quotes #1353361
#3. It was a dogma throughout most of the 20th century that quantum science only applied to subatomic matter, and we now know that not to be true. One of the major discoveries was Quantum Holography.

Edgar Mitchell

Quantum Science Quotes #73072
#4. When you view your world exclusively through the lens of science, your prescription will never be strong enough.

Jay Nichols

Quantum Science Quotes #1523309
#5. Quantum mechanics - the physics of our world - requires that you hold such pedestrian complaints in abeyance.

Brian Greene

Quantum Science Quotes #1013530
#6. ...quantum problems unseat many classical ideas about matter, causality, and change that biologists use, and that disruption in turn entails radical revisions to the ideas about the mechanism in evolution, in ways we don't yet acknowledge.

Ashish Dalela

Quantum Science Quotes #1493594
#7. Nature allows only experimental situations to occur which can be described within the framework of the formalism of quantum mechanics

Werner Heisenberg

Quantum Science Quotes #1454892
#8. Nulla (enim) res tantum ad dicendum proficit, quantum scriptio Nothing so much assists learning as writing down what we wish to remember.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Quantum Science Quotes #1432573
#9. I really want to go into the future 500 years and be a quantum physicist. Not only would I get to see all the incredible inventions I know will be out there, but I'd be able to understand the science behind them!

Caroline Leavitt

Quantum Science Quotes #1387265
#10. If I say [electrons] behave like particles I give the wrong impression; also if I say they behave like waves. They behave in their own inimitable way, which technically could be called a quantum mechanical way. They behave in a way that is like nothing that you have seen before.

Richard P. Feynman

Quantum Science Quotes #1352243
#11. To study the self is to forget the self. Maybe if you sat enough zazen, your sense of being a solid, singular self would dissolve and you could forget about it. What a relief. You could just hang out happily as part of an open-ended quantum array.

Ruth Ozeki

Quantum Science Quotes #1331317
#12. Where misunderstanding dwells, misuse will not be far behind. No theory in the history of science has been more misused and abused by cranks and charlatans - and misunderstood by people struggling in good faith with difficult ideas - than quantum mechanics.

Sean Carroll

Quantum Science Quotes #1301698
#13. If quantum mechanics is how reality structures itself, then the world is far weirder than we think. It is truly a wonderful time to write Science Fiction!

Stavros Halvatzis

Quantum Science Quotes #1219155
#14. When the long awaited solution to the UFO problem comes, I believe that it will prove to be not merely the next small step in the march of science but a mighty and totally unexpected quantum jump.

J. Allen Hynek

Quantum Science Quotes #1192970
#15. I never studied science or physics at school, and yet when I read complex books on quantum physics I understood them perfectly because I wanted to understand them. The study of quantum physics helped me to have a deeper understanding of the Secret, on an energetic level,

Rhonda Byrne

Quantum Science Quotes #1192000
#16. Come on, Rory! It isn't rocket science, it's just quantum physics!
-The Doctor (Matt Smith)

Steven Moffat

Quantum Science Quotes #1183918
#17. Not only is the Universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think.

Werner Heisenberg

Quantum Science Quotes #1177792
#18. At the atomic level, matter does not even exist with certainty; it only exists as a tendency to exist.

Bruce H. Lipton

Quantum Science Quotes #1160711
#19. I like relativity and quantum theories because I don't understand them and they make me feel as if space shifted about like a swan that can't settle, refusing to sit still and be measured; and as if the atom were an impulsive thing always changing its mind.

D.H. Lawrence

Quantum Science Quotes #1139033
#20. Bell's theorem ... proves that quantum theory requires connections that appear to resemble telepathic communication.

Gary Zukav

Quantum Science Quotes #1122537
#21. The quantum is that embarrassing little piece of thread that always hangs from the sweater of space-time. Pull it and the whole thing unravels.

Fred Alan Wolf

Quantum Science Quotes #1043799
#22. I am ceaselessly occupied with the question of the constitution of radiation ... This quantum question is so incredibly important and difficult that everyone should busy himself on it.

Albert Einstein

Quantum Science Quotes #1042341
#23. We lied to ourselves thinking in our minds we knew everything. We were deceived in believing that youthful enthusiasm could replace wizened maturity.

Anna M. Aquino

Quantum Science Quotes #1879415
#24. There can never be two or more equivalent electrons in an atom, for which in a strong field the values of all the quantum numbers n, k1, k2 and m are the same. If an electron is present, for which these quantum numbers (in an external field) have definite values, then this state is 'occupied.'

Wolfgang Pauli

Quantum Science Quotes #1663196
#25. How can one look happy when he is contemplating the anomolous Zeeman effect? (Wolfgang Pauli)

Manjit Kumar

Quantum Science Quotes #1855761
#26. According to inflation, the more than 100 billion galaxies, sparkling throughout space like heavenly diamonds, are nothing but quantum mechanics writ large across the sky. To me, this realization is one of the greatest wonders of the modern scientific age.

Brian Greene

Quantum Science Quotes #1838365
#27. The answer to the ancient question 'Why is there something rather than nothing?' would then be that 'nothing' is unstable.

Frank Wilczek

Quantum Science Quotes #1819341
#28. If you start any large theory, such as quantum mechanics, plate tectonics, evolution, it takes about 40 years for mainstream science to come around. Gaia has been going for only 30 years or so.

James Lovelock

Quantum Science Quotes #1809763
#29. If [quantum theory] is correct, it signifies the end of physics as a science.

Albert Einstein

Quantum Science Quotes #1807062
#30. Peace begins when expectations end.

Sri Chinmoy

Quantum Science Quotes #1763811
#31. The couch and I were what I would describe as frenemies. I loved to hate it. It was too small for my frame. I had tried to tell my wife that fact when we bought it off of Craigslist, but she assured me that it went perfectly with our room decor and it was a good deal.

Anna M. Aquino

Quantum Science Quotes #1757362
#32. My training in science is actually one that is very critical of mechanistic science. I was trained in quantum theory which emerged at the turn of the last century. We are a whole century behind in absorbing the leaps that quantum theory made for the human mind.

Vandana Shiva

Quantum Science Quotes #1749631
#33. In a world described by quantum physics, an insistence on causal closure of the physical world amounts to a quasi-religious faith in the absolute powers of matter, a belief that is no more than a commitment to brute, and outmoded, materialism.

Jeffrey M. Schwartz

Quantum Science Quotes #1749563
#34. There are just some things that are outside of comprehension, even if we can quantify them. At some point, science becomes magic.

Jay Hosking

Quantum Science Quotes #1531943
#35. If you aren't confused by quantum mechanics, you haven't really understood it.

Niels Bohr

Quantum Science Quotes #1605066
#36. The fine structure constant is undoubtedly the most fundamental pure (dimensionless) number in all of physics. It relates the basic constants of electromagnetism (the charge of the electron), relativity (the speed of light), and quantum mechanics (Planck's constant).

David J. Griffiths

Quantum Science Quotes #1599608
#37. Quantum mechanics, that brilliantly successful flagship theory of modern science, is deeply mysterious and hard to understand. Eastern mystics have always been deeply mysterious and hard to understand. Therefore, Eastern mystics must have been talking about quantum theory all along.

Richard Dawkins

Quantum Science Quotes #1594805
#38. If on the quantum level, matter is revealed to be less solid and definable than it appears, then it seems to me that science is coming closer to the Buddhist contemplative insights of emptiness and interdependence.

Dalai Lama XIV

Quantum Science Quotes #1579640
#39. And a new philosophy emerged called quantum physics, which suggest that the individual's function is to inform and be informed. You really exist only when you're in a field sharing and exchanging information. You create the realities you inhabit.

Timothy Leary

Quantum Science Quotes #1569369
#40. We're looking for quantum donuts," said Mike.

Peter Clines

Quantum Science Quotes #1566100
#41. Quantum theory tells us, Mr. Thomas, that every point in the universe is intimately connected to every other point, regardless of apparent distance. In some mysterious way, any point on a planet in a distant galaxy is as close to me as you are.

Dean Koontz

Quantum Science Quotes #1541580
#42. The birth of science as we know it arguably began with Isaac Newton's formulation of the laws of gravitation and motion. It is no exaggeration to say that physics was reborn in the early 20th-century with the twin revolutions of quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity.

Paul Davies

Quantum Science Quotes #1536825
#43. In science fiction, basic doubts featured prominently in the worlds of Philip K. Dick. I knew Phil for 25 years, and he was always getting onto me, a scientist. He was a great fan of quantum uncertainty, epistemology in science, the lot.

Gregory Benford

Quantum Science Quotes #287605
#44. Feynman once said, 'Science is imagination in a straitjacket.' It is ironic that in the case of quantum mechanics, the people without the straitjackets are generally the nuts.

Lawrence M. Krauss

Quantum Science Quotes #481751
#45. I take the view that we all have permission to be a little baffled by quantum information science and algorithmic information theory.

James Gleick

Quantum Science Quotes #474450
#46. They weren't people that liked change. They were the kind of people that would have tied change to a chair with dental floss if they could in order to avoid it. They were the type of people who desired to live in their virtual bubbles and grew to resent anyone that challenged that world.

Anna M. Aquino

Quantum Science Quotes #452793
#47. In the old physics, three times two equals six and two times three equals 6 are reversible propositions. Not in quantum physics. Three times two and two times three are two different matters, distinct and separate propositions.

Paul Auster

Quantum Science Quotes #386579
#48. Fine Structure Constant: Fundamental numerical constant of atomic physics and quantum electrodynamics, defined as the square of the charge of the electron divided by the product of Planck's constant and the speed of light.

Steven Weinberg

Quantum Science Quotes #332246
#49. I have a quantum car. Every time I look at the speedometer I get lost.

Steven Wright

Quantum Science Quotes #315241
#50. Everything I do now
Was once an unremembered dream.
-Spoken by Dr. Perry after return from the chrysalis

Don Murphy

Quantum Science Quotes #308328
#51. By 2100, our destiny is to become like the gods we once worshipped and feared. But our tools will not be magic wands and potions but the science of computers, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and most of all, the quantum theory.

Michio Kaku

Quantum Science Quotes #304897
#52. I looked up at the wall. My bachelor's degree had been in History. Films like Back to the Future and Quantum Leap had been some of my favorite programs. Could time travel really be possible? This seemed too unreal.

Anna M. Aquino

Quantum Science Quotes #287867
#53. [When thinking about the new relativity and quantum theories] I have felt a homesickness for the paths of physical science where there are ore or less discernible handrails to keep us from the worst morasses of foolishness.

Arthur Eddington

Quantum Science Quotes #491560
#54. Trying to capture the physicists' precise mathematical description of the quantum world with our crude words and mental images is like playing Chopin with a boxing glove on one hand and a catcher's mitt on the other.

George Johnson

Quantum Science Quotes #262571
#55. Those who are not shocked when they first come across quantum theory cannot possibly have understood it.

Niels Bohr

Quantum Science Quotes #262373
#56. principle, one can predict everything in the universe solely from physical laws. Thus, the long-standing 'first cause' problem intrinsic in cosmology has been finally dispelled.

Li Zhi Fang

Quantum Science Quotes #220516
#57. A person who wasn't outraged on first hearing about quantum theory didn't understand what had been said.

Niels Bohr

Quantum Science Quotes #178448
#58. A university student attending lectures on general relativity i the morning and others on quantum mechanics in the afternoon might be forgiven for thinking that his professors are fools, or have neglected to communicate with each other for at least a century.

Carlo Rovelli

Quantum Science Quotes #148018
#59. The world of the everyday suddenly seemed nothing but an inverted magic act, lulling its audience into believing in the usual, familiar conceptions of space and time, while the astonishing truth of quantum reality lay carefully guarded by nature's sleights of hand.

Brian Greene

Quantum Science Quotes #68330
#60. You have nothing to do but mention the quantum theory, and people will take your voice for the voice of science, and belive anything.

George Bernard Shaw

Quantum Science Quotes #23887
#61. Quantum mechanics broke the mold of the previous framework, classical mechanics, by establishing that the predictions of science are necessarily probabilistic.

Brian Greene

Quantum Science Quotes #22147
#62. It is often stated that of all the theories proposed in this century, the silliest is quantum theory. In fact, some say that the only thing that quantum theory has going for it is that it is unquestionably correct.

Michio Kaku

Quantum Science Quotes #3007
#63. I find the idea quite intolerable that an electron exposed to radiation should choose of its own free will not only its moment to jump off but its direction. In that case I would rather be a cobbler, or even an employee in a gaming house, than a physicist.

Albert Einstein

Quantum Science Quotes #676246
#64. I read a lot of science books - I love cosmology, quantum theory, particle physics. So my idea of a great read would probably put you directly into a coma.

Augusten Burroughs

Quantum Science Quotes #994770
#65. For bedtime reading, I usually curl up with a good monograph on quantum physics or string theory, my specialty. But since I was a child, I have been fascinated by science fiction. My all-time favorite is 'The Foundation Trilogy,' by Isaac Asimov.

Michio Kaku

Quantum Science Quotes #963388
#66. Without the possibility of error and real indeterminacy implied by the quantum theory, human liberty is meaningless.

Heinz R. Pagels

Quantum Science Quotes #959902
#67. People are put off by the perception of science fiction, and it doesn't help if you've got references to quantum this and quantum that on the first page, and people think, 'This isn't for me,' and chuck it. I'm probably a pretty bad offender, given how far in the future some of my stuff is.

Peter F. Hamilton

Quantum Science Quotes #959681
#68. Einstein said that if quantum mechanics were correct then the world would be crazy. Einstein was right - the world is crazy.

Daniel M. Greenberger

Quantum Science Quotes #910872
#69. [Quantum mechanics] describes nature as absurd from the point of view of common sense. And yet it fully agrees with experiment. So I hope you can accept nature as She is - absurd.

Richard Feynman

Quantum Science Quotes #886692
#70. The Theory of Relativity confers an absolute meaning on a magnitude which in classical theory has only a relative significance: the velocity of light. The velocity of light is to the Theory of Relativity as the elementary quantum of action is to the Quantum Theory: it is its absolute core.

Max Planck

Quantum Science Quotes #873190
#71. If the business of physics is ever finished, the world will be a much less interesting place in which to live . . .

John Gribbin

Quantum Science Quotes #776289
#72. People don't learn science in movies. You don't go to the movies thinking, 'I hope I learn some quantum mechanics this afternoon.' But on the other hand, movies are instrumental and influential in getting young people interested in science.

Seth Shostak

Quantum Science Quotes #727950
#73. I think science and spirituality are one and the same, I don't think they're really different ... quantum physics is validating all kinds of spiritual teachings.

Jennifer Beals

Quantum Science Quotes #994997
#74. Classical physics has been superseded by quantum theory: quantum theory is verified by experiments. Experiments must be described in terms of classical physics.

Carl Friedrich Von Weizsacker

Quantum Science Quotes #641144
#75. I am in short, a witch of the quantumverse.

Philip Palmer

Quantum Science Quotes #629796
#76. Einstein was searching for String Theory. It not only reconciles General Relativity to Quantum Mechanics, but it reconciles Science and the Bible as well.

Roy H. Williams

Quantum Science Quotes #627081
#77. Quantum physics tells us that nothing that is observed is unaffected by the observer. That statement, from science, holds an enormous and powerful insight. It means that everyone sees a different truth because everyone is creating what they see.

Neale Donald Walsch

Quantum Science Quotes #590962
#78. At the heart of quantum mechanics is a rule that sometimes governs politicians or CEOs - as long as no one is watching, anything goes.

Lawrence M. Krauss

Quantum Science Quotes #576631
#79. I just really like ants, and I really like science. I was interested and curious about the quantum world and the physics behind how it all works.

Evangeline Lilly

Quantum Science Quotes #551293
#80. The more success the quantum theory has, the sillier it looks. How nonphysicists would scoff if they were able to follow the odd course of developments!

Albert Einstein

Quantum Science Quotes #514441
#81. A theory of reality must not only explain reality, but also knowledge about that reality because knowing reality is part of reality.

Ashish Dalela

Quantum Science Quotes #497048
#82. Quantum phenomena do not occur in a Hilbert space. They occur in a laboratory.

Asher Peres

Quantum Science Quotes #493089

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