Top 100 Productivity Work Quotes

#1. Time given out through jobs can be channeled into something productive

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #1286631
#2. In terms of productivity - that is, how much a worker produces in an hour - there's little difference between the U.S., France, and Germany. But since more people work in America, and since they work so many more hours, Americans create more wealth.

James Surowiecki

Productivity Work Quotes #1476879
#3. Productivity has to be defined as benefit divided by cost. The benefit is observed dollar savings and revenue from the work performed, and cost is the total cost, including replacement of any workers used up by the effort.

Tom DeMarco

Productivity Work Quotes #1472521
#4. Empathic, emotionally intelligent work environments have a good track record of increasing creativity, improving problem solving and raising productivity.

Daniel Goleman

Productivity Work Quotes #1462543
#5. Time used to do irrelevancies can be channeled into something productive instead

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #1449951
#6. Now, so there will be no misunderstanding, it's not my intention to do away with government. It is rather to make it work - work with us, not over us; to stand by our side, not ride on our back. Government can and must provide opportunity, not smother it; foster productivity, not stifle it.

Ronald Reagan

Productivity Work Quotes #1439018
#7. The years after 50 can be a time of great productivity, meaningful work, pleasure, creativity, and innovation. It's a huge opportunity.

Jane Pauley

Productivity Work Quotes #1434199
#8. The most effective way to improve productivity is to eliminate work.

William E. Conway Jr.

Productivity Work Quotes #1418655
#9. When ministers in this government talk about investing in education and skills, about making the planning system work; about employment law reform and delivering transport and power generation and broadband communication infrastructure, we are talking about raising Britain's productivity.

Philip Hammond

Productivity Work Quotes #1412727
#10. In an industrial society which confuses work and productivity, the necessity of producing has always been an enemy of the desire to create.

Raoul Vaneigem

Productivity Work Quotes #1363515
#11. Your race against life must yield effort for you to be productive

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #1353822
#12. Be fearless in releasing the productivity of your time

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #1322729
#13. Delete, delegate, de-spec, and defer.

Shu Hattori

Productivity Work Quotes #1299562
#14. To convert a day is to produce a product

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #1495183
#15. In the '30s, the Keynesian stuff worked at least in the sense that you could print money without inflation because there was all this productivity growth happening. That's not going to work today.

Peter Thiel

Productivity Work Quotes #1280041
#16. Your goal in life should be to produce concrete product

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #1274335
#17. Work hard, have fun and make history.

Jeff Bezos

Productivity Work Quotes #1260156
#18. But I was too restless to watch long; I'm too Occidental for a long vigil. I could work at a problem for years, but to wait inactive for twenty-four hours
that's another matter.


Productivity Work Quotes #1249177
#19. Creativity isn't about wild talent as much as it's about productivity. To find new ideas that work, you need to try a lot that don't. It's a pure numbers game.

Robert I. Sutton

Productivity Work Quotes #1190631
#20. Every time a woman leaves the workforce because she can't find or afford childcare, or she can't work out a flexible arrangement with her boss, or she has no paid maternity leave, her family's income falls down a notch. Simultaneously, national productivity numbers decline.

Madeleine M. Kunin

Productivity Work Quotes #1174234
#21. Product must be intentional

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #1158835
#22. A life without product is a wasted life

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #1110672
#23. If you commit to giving more time than you have to spend, you will constantly be running from time debt collectors.

Elizabeth Grace Saunders

Productivity Work Quotes #1102782
#24. Steinbeck's commitment to discipline isn't mere moral vanity or fetishism of productivity - his is an earnest yearning to create the greatest work of his life,


Productivity Work Quotes #1077024
#25. Productivity is the essence of life

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #1064497
#26. When you invest in life, you are being fruitful and productive

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #1695582
#27. To be productive, effective and to live a life of understanding and wisdom is not to waste time

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #1850275
#28. You get more reach and influence when you are being productive

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #1830546
#29. Studies show that a trusting workplace increases employees' level of happiness, work effort, productivity, and engagement. It also provides an environment that encourages open communication and promotes people to share their ideas.

Arthur Miller

Productivity Work Quotes #1818803
#30. Employees who report receiving recognition and praise within the last seven days show increased productivity, get higher scores from customers, and have better safety records. They're just more engaged at work.

Tom Rath

Productivity Work Quotes #1784386
#31. Influence could get me inside the door, but my productivity and the quality of my work were the real tests.

Ben Carson

Productivity Work Quotes #1772762
#32. I am well known by my friends to be a workaholic - to their often justifiable annoyance. I am therefore keenly aware that such behavior is at best slightly pathological, and certainly in no sense makes one a better person.

David Graeber

Productivity Work Quotes #1764841
#33. Give yourself a deadline. Amazingly, many people work better under pressure. They are quickly moved to action when they know that they have a clock to beat!

Kevin J. Donaldson

Productivity Work Quotes #1763296
#34. Wherever we look, the work of the chemist has raised the level of our civilization and has increased the productive capacity of our nation.

Calvin Coolidge

Productivity Work Quotes #1748953
#35. Resist the short term temptation of procrastination; the immediate pleasure and relief that it brings does not fair in comparison to the long lasting damage it does to your dreams and goals.

Noel DeJesus

Productivity Work Quotes #1745939
#36. Touch paper only once.

Robert Allen

Productivity Work Quotes #1736749
#37. Keeping the mind happy makes work effortless. This is the skill for productivity!

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Productivity Work Quotes #1702787
#38. Programmers work in bursts of productivity. Then, they let the brain rest and get back into it. A lot about the office world is not a great fit for me.

Marco Arment

Productivity Work Quotes #1696341
#39. Productivity depends on many factors, including our workforce's knowledge and skills and the quantity and quality of the capital, technology, and infrastructure that they have to work with.

Janet Yellen

Productivity Work Quotes #1011189
#40. Your daily actions should be productive

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #1695103
#41. Efficiency, which is doing things right, is irrelevant until you work on the right things.

Peter Drucker

Productivity Work Quotes #1687416
#42. Good well-being promotes good productivity.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Productivity Work Quotes #1649689
#43. We know where most of the creativity, the innovation, the stuff that drives productivity lies - in the minds of those closest to the work.

Jack Welch

Productivity Work Quotes #1639093
#44. Yes. However, remember - productivity is more than just the quantity of work done. It is also the quality.

Kenneth H. Blanchard

Productivity Work Quotes #1632642
#45. BLACKBERRY. Also know as "Crackberry" for it's addictive qualities. It is the modern girl's weapon. It allow her to bid on ebay while walking down the street, map out her shopping route for maximum productivity, and sneak out of work and still get her messages as she peruses the sales racks ...

Nina Garcia

Productivity Work Quotes #1625284
#46. Always work and take productive actions

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #1623760
#47. The cloud-powered smartphone and tablet, as productivity tools, are transforming the world around us along with the implied changes in how we work to be mobile and more social.

Steven Sinofsky

Productivity Work Quotes #1589327
#48. You will boost your productivity with active exercise.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Productivity Work Quotes #1580522
#49. The productivity of work is not the responsibility of the worker but of the manager.

Peter Drucker

Productivity Work Quotes #1516469
#50. A pensive personality and ambivalent attitude towards power and money can cause other people to take a high production or creative person for granted.

Kilroy J. Oldster

Productivity Work Quotes #1502410
#51. America's growth historically has been fueled mostly by investment, education, productivity, innovation and immigration. The one thing that doesn't seem to have anything to do with America's growth rate is a brutal work schedule.

Fareed Zakaria

Productivity Work Quotes #184100
#52. In both children and adults, there can be a hard-to-deny link between a robust sense of hope and either work productivity or academic achievement.

Jeffrey Kluger

Productivity Work Quotes #362035
#53. To be fruitful and productive is to invest in time

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #322112
#54. Open-plan offices have been found to reduce productivity and impair memory. They're associated with high staff turnover. They make people sick, hostile, unmotivated, and insecure.

Susan Cain

Productivity Work Quotes #314998
#55. You need to live a productive life

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #313474
#56. Time Progression: Wasting >>Spending >> Managing >> Investing

Elizabeth Grace Saunders

Productivity Work Quotes #258765
#57. Leaders can create a high productivity level by providing the appropriate organizational structure and job design, and by acknowledging and appreciating hard work.

A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Productivity Work Quotes #256359
#58. Effectiveness in life is a measure of how many products you are able to produce in life

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #237458
#59. Profitability comes from loyalty, productivity, and having a character base from which to work.

Zig Ziglar

Productivity Work Quotes #234867
#60. The most important contribution management needs to make in the 21st century is ... to increase the productivity of knowledge work and the knowledge worker

Peter Drucker

Productivity Work Quotes #226831
#61. Joblessness gives you control over the product of your life

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #224824
#62. Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work in hand. The Sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus

Alexander Graham Bell

Productivity Work Quotes #204246
#63. The best way to assess yourself is to base the assessment on the product you produce daily

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #193892
#64. It may be that you will be happiest in the rat race; perhaps, like me, you are basically a rat.

Richard Koch

Productivity Work Quotes #375660
#65. Your productivity will double with increase physical activity.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Productivity Work Quotes #157944
#66. Making a difference in your work is not about productivity; it's about people. When you focus on others and connect with them, you can work together to accomplish great things.

John C. Maxwell

Productivity Work Quotes #156730
#67. Physical activity promotes high productivity.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Productivity Work Quotes #150522
#68. Time Progression: Wasting Spending Managing Investing

Elizabeth Grace Saunders

Productivity Work Quotes #144453
#69. 1.9% had agricultural jobs, more than a 20-fold improvement in productivity per person. So if all people wanted was to be fed, the average person needs to work

Daniel Berleant

Productivity Work Quotes #117834
#70. The productivity of a work group seems to depend on how the group members see their own goals in relation to the goals of the organization.

Ken Blanchard

Productivity Work Quotes #113783
#71. Problems can usually be solved with simple, mundane solutions. That means there's no glamorous work. You don't get to show off your amazing skills. You just build something that gets the job done and then move on. This approach may not earn you oohs and aahs, but it lets you get on with it.

Jason Fried

Productivity Work Quotes #104026
#72. It [money] doesn't have anything have anything to do with the magnificence of a person. It doesn't. What matters is what you make. Whether it's a cake for bingo night or a costume for a saint or a wall of water
whatever you pour into this life is what makes you rich.

Adriana Trigiani

Productivity Work Quotes #93750
#73. The only way to make life fruitful is by being productive

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #73666
#74. Always evaluate and determine the product of your life

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #66240
#75. Productivity and efficiency can be achieved only step by step with sustained hard work, relentless attention to details and insistence on the highest standards of quality and performance.

J.R.D. Tata

Productivity Work Quotes #48940
#76. Your daily product determines how far you go

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #601864
#77. Measure your life by the product and value you produce daily

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #1008836
#78. Work is a process, and any process needs to be controlled. To make work productive, therefore, requires building the appropriate controls into the process of work.

Peter F. Drucker

Productivity Work Quotes #923887
#79. The U.S. has done a great job improving productivity. We're making a lot more steel in Dearborn with fewer people. The unions have accepted much better work rules.

Alexei Mordashov

Productivity Work Quotes #893303
#80. The productivity now at universities is terrible. Tenure is a terrible idea. It keeps them around forever and they don't have to work hard.

Jack Welch

Productivity Work Quotes #787503
#81. Life should be measured with product

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #747336
#82. Saying that programmers should just accomplish twice as much doesn't work. They can gain skills and effectiveness, but they cannot get more done on demand. More time at the desk does not equal increased productivity for creative work.

Kent Beck

Productivity Work Quotes #691737
#83. The only way to live a life without regret is to make sure each unit of time that passes is being converted into product

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #691669
#84. Life's product should be made intentionally and consciously

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #671664
#85. Even though worker capacity and motivation are destroyed when leaders choose power over productivity, it appears that bosses would rather be in control than have the organization work well.

Margaret J. Wheatley

Productivity Work Quotes #643904
#86. You need to pursue purpose and time to be productive

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #628197
#87. The greater productivity of work under the division of labor is a unifying influence. It leads men to regard each other as comrades in a joint struggle for welfare, rather than as competitors in a struggle for existence. It makes friends out of enemies, peace out of war, society out of individuals.

Ludwig Von Mises

Productivity Work Quotes #616588
#88. Soetsu Yanagi, in the "Unknown Craftsman", writes, "Man is most free when his tools are proportionate to his needs." For example, for optimal productivity, a carpenter needs woodworking tools and an environment conducive to his work, not a steam shovel or army tank.

Jeff Davidson

Productivity Work Quotes #615645
#89. Assigning work projects based on an employee's strengths may be critical to your group's productivity. You may discover you had a Michael Jordan on your team but couldn't see it because you were only asking him to play baseball.

John Medina

Productivity Work Quotes #37043
#90. To get an effective product, you need to find your calling

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #593245
#91. The important thing about outsourcing or global sourcing is that it becomes a very powerful tool to leverage talent, improve productivity and reduce work cycles.

Azim Premji

Productivity Work Quotes #558491
#92. We were created to be productive

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #555265
#93. Enough work to do, and strength enough to do the work.

Rudyard Kipling

Productivity Work Quotes #552081
#94. A work-only zone does wonders for your productivity. So, I prefer working at the office now. I spend 8 focused hours there, then I go home to be present with my family.

Derek Sivers

Productivity Work Quotes #541743
#95. At work, conversation increases productivity. And yet people go into work, put on their headphones. In one interview, somebody called it - they become pilots in their own cockpits.

Judy Woodruff

Productivity Work Quotes #508479
#96. In practice, downsizing is too often about cutting your work force while keeping your business the same, and doing so not by investments in productivity-enhancing technology, but by making people pull 80-hour weeks and bringing in temps to fill the gap.

James Surowiecki

Productivity Work Quotes #507719
#97. Sabbath, in the first instance, is not about worship. It is about work stoppage. It is about withdrawal from the anxiety system of Pharaoh, the refusal to let one's life be defined by production and consumption and the endless pursuit of private well-being.

Walter Brueggemann

Productivity Work Quotes #493686
#98. You should train disciples and followers to work and perform better than you did

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #483352
#99. A life without concrete product is a meaningless one

Sunday Adelaja

Productivity Work Quotes #476884
#100. Pulling seven people away from their work for an hour is worth seven hours of lost productivity.

Jason Fried

Productivity Work Quotes #463438

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