Top 100 Planting's Quotes

#1. My master wishes to see you," said the mounted man.
"When the planting's done," I said.
"Lord Barton is unaccustomed to waiting."
"Then he should rejoice, for he'll learn something new today." I went back to the garden. Soon the servant left.

Orson Scott Card

Planting's Quotes #905711
#2. Lady Bird Johnson did more than plant flowers in public places. She served the country superbly by planting environmental values in the minds of the nation's leaders and citizens.

Stewart Udall

Planting's Quotes #1124743
#3. Courage is standing still even though you want to run. Courage is planting yourself and turning towards the thing that scares you, whether it's your leg or your friends or the guy who could break your heart again. It's opening your eyes and staring that fear down.

A J Betts

Planting's Quotes #1201799
#4. I'm planting a tree to teach me to gather strength from my deepest roots.

Andrea Koehle Jones

Planting's Quotes #1097461
#5. Children have become disengaged from nature and we need to reintroduce them to the pleasure that it brings. If we do that they will care for it. Through the simple act of planting a tree we can open their eyes to nature's beauty.

Judi Dench

Planting's Quotes #1034880
#6. As Paradise (though of God's own Planting) was no longer Paradise than the Man was put into it, to dress it and to keep it, so nor will our Gardens remain long in their perfection unless they are also continually cultivated.

John Evelyn

Planting's Quotes #1019150
#7. I am planting a tree in this bomb crater to remind us that in the midst of death, there is life ... and hope.

Robert S. Graetz

Planting's Quotes #999797
#8. Research gathered over recent years has highlighted the countless benefits to people, wildlife and the environment that come from planting trees and creating new woodland habitat. It's obvious trees are good things.

Clive Anderson

Planting's Quotes #992661
#9. My life at home is super simple. My local bar with my mates, cooking for my mother, making tables, planting vegetables: It's the classic idea of the artistic existence.

Glen Hansard

Planting's Quotes #978202
#10. Planting and growing increasing quantities of trees is the scientific solution to Earth's environmental dilemma.

Richard St. Barbe Baker

Planting's Quotes #907683
#11. You haven't been planting seeds of insurrection, have you, Duchess?"
"Well, it's a change from planting geraniums," she retorted.

Dorothy Gilman

Planting's Quotes #852436
#12. I love helping entrepreneurs. It's something I really have fun doing. It's like planting a little seed and watching it grow. Any time I can help somebody, that's a good thing. It's fun. If I get to make some money at it, it's even better.

Mark Cuban

Planting's Quotes #823915
#13. I want us to be doing things, prolonging life's duties as much as we can. I want death to find me planting my cabbages, neither worrying about it nor the unfinished gardening.

Michel De Montaigne

Planting's Quotes #768384
#14. Effective leaders are good spotters. They are on the lookout for
potential leaders. They have the ability to look beyond other's deficiencies to
see their possibilities.

Gary Rohrmayer

Planting's Quotes #707128
#15. I thought this director gig was just one of those side roads we take at times on the journey to our true purpose. Now I see that in God's economy, nothing is wasted

Gay Idle

Planting's Quotes #648169
#16. The mysteries of germination and flowering and fruiting engaged me from an early age, and the fact that by planting and working an ordinary patch of dirt you could in a few months' time harvest things of taste and value was, for me, nature's most enduring astonishment.

Michael Pollan

Planting's Quotes #630351
#17. It's the little things citizens do. That's what will make the difference. My little thing is planting trees.

Wangari Maathai

Planting's Quotes #626151
#18. God's timing determines the fruit of the harvest.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Planting's Quotes #623075
#19. At night I read and write, and things I have never understood become clear; I reap the harvest of the rest of the year's planting

Annie Dillard

Planting's Quotes #574217
#20. I'm planting a tree to grow with me all the days of my life.

Andrea Koehle Jones

Planting's Quotes #526734
#21. Anyway, they took her body to McBurney's Funeral Home in Motley. They'll be planting her tomorrow.

Peter Hedges

Planting's Quotes #460220
#22. Here's a scary thought: What if God called you to give beyond your comfort level? Would you be afraid? Would you try to explain it away or dismiss it as impractical? And in the process, would you miss out on a harvest opportunity for which God had explicitly prospered you in the first place?

Andy Stanley

Planting's Quotes #439783
#23. Preaching is God's great institution for the planting and maturing of spiritual life. When properly executed, its benefits are untold; when wrongly executed, no evil can exceed its damaging results.

Edward McKendree Bounds

Planting's Quotes #426771
#24. What young men will be, in all probability depends on what they are now, and they seem to forget this. Youth is the planting time of full age, the molding season in the little space of human life, the turning point in the history of man's mind.

J.C. Ryle

Planting's Quotes #397893
#25. The world and it's people are my church".

~R. Alan Woods [1996]

R. Alan Woods

Planting's Quotes #327427
#26. If you're still hanging onto a dead dream of yesterday, laying flowers on its grave by the hour, you cannot be planting the seeds for a new dream to grow today

Joyce Chapman

Planting's Quotes #317754
#27. Any fear associated with giving to God's kingdom is irrational. It's on par with a farmer who, out of fear of losing his seed, refuses to plant his fields.

Andy Stanley

Planting's Quotes #1429812
#28. The modern version of Buridan's ass [a figurative description of a man of indecision] has a Ph.D., but no time to grow up as he is undecided between making a Leonardo da Vinci in the test tube or planting a Coca Cola sign on Mars.

Erwin Chargaff

Planting's Quotes #1769599
#29. We must plant our dreams in real earth. We must dirty our hands. It's the only way. Whether we dream of planting flower gardens or churches, ever dream needs a place in which to take root and grow. Every dream needs a home.

Christie Purifoy

Planting's Quotes #1763323
#30. Weeds don't need planting in well-drained soil; they don't ask for fertilizer or bits of rag to scare away the birds. They come without invitation; and they don't take the hint when you want them to go. Weeds are nobody's guests: More like squatters.

Norman Nicholson

Planting's Quotes #1644230
#31. A lot of people think medicine hunting is all Chris trekking through the jungle. Or, for that matter, the chiefs and (male) elders he works with. The men get the headlines, but it's the women behind the scenes who are doing the planting and harvesting and chopping.

Zoe Helene

Planting's Quotes #1618604
#32. Laura Ingalls Wilder's 'Little House' series is a national treasure, beloved by generations. But what I love most is the peek it provides into the planting, harvesting, hunting, and preparing of the foods that America's settler families ate in the late 1800s.

Isabel Gillies

Planting's Quotes #1614223
#33. There's a general culture in this country to cut all the trees. It makes me so angry because everyone is cutting and no one is planting.

Wangari Maathai

Planting's Quotes #1613313
#34. For the best building and planting ... the architect and gardener must have some knowledge of each other's business, and each must regard with feelings of kindly reverence the unknown domains of the other's higher knowledge.

Gertrude Jekyll

Planting's Quotes #1606418
#35. And, I mean, I think poetry does need to be met to some extent, especially, I guess, 19th century poetry, and for me, it's just been so worth the effort. It's like I'm planting a garden in my head.

Jane Campion

Planting's Quotes #1577567
#36. I think gardens are fantastic, and I'd love to draw and design and stuff like that. I love just planting flowers during the summer. There's something very humble about it, and natural and beautiful.

Ed Westwick

Planting's Quotes #1527497
#37. If you really spend time with movies, it's three years of your life from beginning to end. I started out planting the seed with 'Monster's Ball' about independent cinema and raising money and that whole thing as a producer, and then it becomes easier for me.

Lee Daniels

Planting's Quotes #1524711
#38. Realizing this, I knew that the actual space of a room could be broken down and played with by planting illusions of real light (electric light) at crucial junctures in the room's composition.

Dan Flavin

Planting's Quotes #1509802
#39. Facebook has more than 1 billion members, which by population makes it the third largest country in the world - somewhere between India and the United States. Who's sending missionaries to that country? Who's planting churches there?

Phil Cooke

Planting's Quotes #1462224
#40. Change is the only constant. Learn to surf your life instead of planting your feet.

Amy Poehler

Planting's Quotes #311562
#41. Entrepreneurs are favored in neoliberal contexts because they prize ingenuity, self-invention, adaptation, dispensing with establishment hierarchies, and self-mastery. Church planting can be read as a religious incarnation of late modernity's entrepreneurial disposition.

James S Bielo

Planting's Quotes #1418941
#42. When all is said and done, is there any more wonderful sight, any moment when man's reason is nearer to some sort of contact with the nature of the world than the sowing of seeds, the planting of cuttings, the transplanting of shrubs or the grafting of slips?

Saint Augustine

Planting's Quotes #1407011
#43. Planting a flower's like opening a book, because either way you're starting something. And your garden's your library.

Nora Roberts

Planting's Quotes #1401233
#44. On a certain day, month and year one should observe the ceremony of tree-planting. Thus, one fulfils one's responsibilities, serves one's fellow-beings which not only brings happiness but benefits all.

Dalai Lama

Planting's Quotes #1394199
#45. When you're doing exactly what you want to do, it's not tiring. You've been planting these seeds, and finally, you have a full garden in bloom; you're like, 'Oh, I just want to smell the flowers and play among the flowers all day.' That's what I'm doing. I'm playing among the flowers.

Colman Domingo

Planting's Quotes #1360858
#46. God is alive and faithful to make something beautiful out of us...God won't abandon us...He's going to replenish it all. He's carrying us in his arms, no matter how bruised or broken we feel. He's planting beautiful seed for our journey - seed that's thriving even among the barren months.

Bonnie Gray

Planting's Quotes #1332146
#47. With tractors, you just don't get the feel of tilling that land. So when planting season comes around, I use a hoe. To grow one useful whore, that's the motto of my pimp farm.

M.C. Humphreys

Planting's Quotes #1312409
#48. There is no regret in planting a seed of love in someone's heart.

M.F. Moonzajer

Planting's Quotes #1249496
#49. Pulling weeds and planting seeds. That's the story of life. We are individual lots on which either weeds of selfishness or fruit of the Holy Spirit grows and flourishes.

Dennis Rainey

Planting's Quotes #1238317
#50. You know, we may just be planting seeds for future generations, but that's okay. We can't be deterred from doing things, because we might be laughed at, because somebody might say, "What did you think you'd accomplish by turning your back on the secretary of state," or something like that.

Ray McGovern

Planting's Quotes #1208309
#51. God's truth is literal truth. The illumined mind has more operative cells. In reclaiming the mystical, we take back our whole selves. Formerly barren mental lands spring to new life through the planting of spiritual seeds.

Marianne Williamson

Planting's Quotes #1206576
#52. As I live and breath. The master is returned from parts unknown."
"Hi, Madame," Max said, planting a kiss on the woman's cheek.

Heather Graham

Planting's Quotes #82002
#53. Let go of your old tired habits and plant new habits in fertile soil.

Harley King

Planting's Quotes #161027
#54. We gardeners are healthy, joyous, natural creatures. We are practical, patient, optimistic. We declare our optimism every year, every season, with every act of planting.

Carol Deppe

Planting's Quotes #149551
#55. As our parents planted for us, so will we plant for our children. When Charlie and I began our philanthropic journey, we wanted to focus our resources on planting seeds that would help perpetuate Jewish values and traditions for future generations and also contribute to repairing our world.

Lynn Schusterman

Planting's Quotes #141937
#56. It is plainly evident that, in a country where land was to be had for the asking, fuel for the cutting, corn for the planting and harvesting, and game and fish for the least expenditure of labor, no man would long serve for another, and any system of reliable service indoors or afield must fail.

Alice Morse Earle

Planting's Quotes #138333
#57. Anger has a way of seeping into every other emotion and planting itself in there.

Dane Cook

Planting's Quotes #137561
#58. Everyone ought to plant a tree in their lifetime.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Planting's Quotes #130454
#59. In politics I am growing indifferent - I would like it, if I could now return to my planting and books at home

Ulysses S. Grant

Planting's Quotes #112031
#60. Whether you are cooking, cleaning house, or planting flowers, try to concentrate on the textures, the smells, colors, tastes, sounds, all Zen moments of focused joy.

Jerry Lynch

Planting's Quotes #107727
#61. In fine weather the old gentelman is almost constantly in the garden; and when it is too wet to go into it, he will look out the window at it, by the hour together. He has always something to do there, and you will see him digging, and sweeping, and cutting, and planting, with manifest delight.

Charles Dickens

Planting's Quotes #98560
#62. Schoolchildren and older people like the idea of planting trees. For children, it's interesting that an acorn will grow into an oak, and for older people it's a legacy. And the act of planting a tree is not that difficult.

Clive Anderson

Planting's Quotes #89167
#63. Women are so useless and unimaginative, aren't they? All they ever think of planting in the dirt is the seed of something beautiful or edible. The only missile they can ever think of throwing at anybody is a ball or a bridal bouquet.

Kurt Vonnegut

Planting's Quotes #87815
#64. Work and thou canst escape the reward; whether the work be fine or course, planting corn or writing epics, so only it be honest work, done to thine own approbation, it shall earn a reward to the senses as well as to the thought.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Planting's Quotes #87419
#65. He could see her planting violets on his grave, a solitary figure in a grey cloak. What a ghastly tragedy. A lump came to his throat. He became quite emotional thinking of his own death. He would have to write a poem about this.
from a Difference in Temperament

Daphne Du Maurier

Planting's Quotes #168448
#66. Every church has a marketing plan! The only difference is that some are better than others! When I think of marketing I think of building a relationship with those within reach of your ministry who know nothing about your church or are disconnected from your people.

Gary Rohrmayer

Planting's Quotes #81405
#67. Having a good definition of spiritual leadership is critical to development
of leadership cultural throughout your church. You need to know what you are
shooting for if you are going to hit the target.

Gary Rohrmayer

Planting's Quotes #77129
#68. I love green. Green is the color of nature, trees. I'm a tree freak. I spend a lot of my time planting trees, nurturing them, and studying them. It's one of the colors I couldn't live without.

John Boorman

Planting's Quotes #70353
#69. As far as my planting program goes, I simply broadcast rye and barley seed on separate fields in the fall ... while the rice in those areas is still standing. A few weeks after that I harvest the rice, and then spread its straw back over the fields as mulch.

Masanobu Fukuoka

Planting's Quotes #63364
#70. We've all heard about space and landing on the moon, but somehow it's a very tom-boyish adventure. It's planting the flag on the moon by Neil Armstrong, and it has this very male-hero edge to it.

Lily Koppel

Planting's Quotes #44865
#71. I love planting bulbs. It is making promises with tomorrow, believing in next year and the future.

Jean Hersey

Planting's Quotes #44400
#72. I'm sort of planting Post-It notes all over my psyche. Do not skateboard wasted. Do not buy $10,000 rugs. Be careful what you say to journalists. You don't have to stay up until 7 A.M. - tomorrow is a new day.

Ryan Adams

Planting's Quotes #40931
#73. We like things to manifest right away, and they may not. Many times, we're just planting a seed and we don't know exactly how it is going to come to fruition. It's hard for us to realize that what we see in front of us might not be the end of the story.

Sharon Salzberg

Planting's Quotes #28184
#74. Sometimes we exist long enough to lead the next generation; other times, only to plant a seed and let its resonations of our time here on Earth ripple into new waves.

A.J. Darkholme

Planting's Quotes #21440
#75. This very act of planting a seed in the earth has in it to me something beautiful. I always do it with a joy that is largely mixed with awe.

Celia Thaxter

Planting's Quotes #15313
#76. A man thirty years old, I said to myself, should have his field of life all ploughed, and his planting well done; for after that it is summer time.

Lew Wallace

Planting's Quotes #8384
#77. My feeling was, you plant some seeds. If they grow, great; if they don't, you don't take it personally. Not my problem; I just kept planting. Just like a farmer.

Hank Haney

Planting's Quotes #247777
#78. In a small Polish farm community, during the fall planting season of 1981, events occurred which electrified the world, sending reverberations of magnitude to capitals as diverse as Washington, Peking and especially Moscow.

James A. Michener

Planting's Quotes #306937
#79. What we commonly call man, the eating, drinking, planting, counting man, does not, as we know him, represent himself, but misrepresents himself. Him we do not respect, but the soul, whose organ he is, would he let it appear through his action, would make our knees bend.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Planting's Quotes #297950
#80. Tree planting is always a utopian enterprise, it seems to me, a wager on a future the planter doesn't necessarily expect to witness.

Michael Pollan

Planting's Quotes #295830
#81. Planting native species in our gardens and communities is increasingly important, because indigenous insects, birds and wildlife rely on them. Over thousands, and sometimes millions, of years they have co-evolved to live in local climate and soil conditions.

David Suzuki

Planting's Quotes #294238
#82. The greater speed and success that distinguish the planting of the human race in this country, over all other plantations in history, owe themselves mainly to the new subdivisions of the State into small corporations of land and power.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Planting's Quotes #289533
#83. There's an energy and excitement when you're building a company. You have so much tail wind. You're planting new seeds. But it's also scary, because there's no safety net.

Howard Schultz

Planting's Quotes #285325
#84. I've been consumed day and night and noon, building beds in your tear ducts, planting lilacs and wars in your skull. I live in you now. This is how art erects homes in your body.

Erica Alex

Planting's Quotes #285167
#85. One day is not enough to green our earth. Planting caring and love is also expecting our earth from us. Do it, It will heal not only the land but also your body and mind.

Karthikeyan V

Planting's Quotes #269232
#86. If you plant junk, don't expect to harvest jewels.

Luke Taylor

Planting's Quotes #262616
#87. Only caring individuals can restore the places we inhabit. The 'simple act of planting a tree' not only restores the places we live, but makes us whole and powerful again.

Paul Hawken

Planting's Quotes #259942
#88. She said that the planting of trees, like the education of children, was a gift to the future.

Cassandra Danz

Planting's Quotes #252636
#89. Wherever
we walk
we will make
we protest
we will go planting
Make poems
seed grass
feed a child growing
build a house
Whatever we stand against
We will stand feeding and seeding
I walk
I will make

Muriel Rukeyser

Planting's Quotes #310371
#90. When I imagine God creating each one of us and planting a purpose deep in our hearts, I never imagine that purpose being mediocrity.

Katie Davis

Planting's Quotes #247085
#91. I agree that we should work and prolong the functions of life as far as we can, and hope that Death may find me planting my cabbages, but indifferent to him and still more to the unfinished state of my garden.

Michel De Montaigne

Planting's Quotes #236257
#92. Memorial Day should be a day for putting flowers on graves and planting trees. Also, for destroying the weapons of death that endanger us more than they protect us, that waste our resources and threaten our children and grandchildren.

Howard Zinn

Planting's Quotes #223261
#93. It began with meetings, five months before the Apollo 11 launch. The newly formed Committee on Symbolic Activities for the First Lunar Landing gathered to debate the appropriateness of planting a flag on the moon.

Mary Roach

Planting's Quotes #219936
#94. As the church get older and older it becomes harder to keep evangelism on the front burner because of all the competing issues that keeps pushing it back.

Gary Rohrmayer

Planting's Quotes #209967
#95. We're also talking a lot in the room about planting seeds that can grow over the course of the season, knowing that people might be watching them in bulk. We'd like to bury some Easter eggs and let people find them, later on.

Jenji Kohan

Planting's Quotes #207653
#96. Offers come all the time, but I'm pretty particular. I really have to be wowed by a character I encounter in a script, or a storyline. I really do need to feel inspiration, otherwise I'm just happy planting perennials and making goat cheese.

Vera Farmiga

Planting's Quotes #205347
#97. I rode horseback three miles each way to get to high school, and in bad weather it was a problem sometimes to make my eight o'clock class on time. Like others, I often missed school to help on the farm, especially in the fall, until after harvest, and in the spring, during planting season.

Ezra Taft Benson

Planting's Quotes #189227
#98. Each colony became accustomed to planting new settlements and to claiming new boundaries.

Albert Bushnell Hart

Planting's Quotes #188923
#99. It's clear to me that if we raise children with no moral compass, we are planting the seeds of our own destruction.

Glenn Beck

Planting's Quotes #182621
#100. In the planting of the seeds of most trees, the best gardeners do no more than follow Nature, though they may not know it.

Henry David Thoreau

Planting's Quotes #174401

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