Top 18 Plant More Trees Quotes

#1. It's Earth day I wonder if we can plant more trees than people for a change?

Stanley Victor Paskavich

Plant More Trees Quotes #1203152
#2. Those who plant trees plant hope.

Lucy Larcom

Plant More Trees Quotes #875785
#3. When we plant trees, we plant the seeds of peace and seeds of hope.

Wangari Maathai

Plant More Trees Quotes #1713449
#4. And there were carved hearts in the trunks of trees with the initials of couples who felt there was no more romantic thing they could do to celebrate their love than scar the local plant life

Kevin Hearne

Plant More Trees Quotes #1712115
#5. It is a simple matter to plant trees in straight lines, but informal groupings will test the sensitivities of the most experienced planter and the smaller the groups the more difficult they are to place.

Graham Stuart Thomas

Plant More Trees Quotes #1576518
#6. To plant trees is to give body and life to one's dreams of a better world.

Russell Page

Plant More Trees Quotes #1445596
#7. plant trees that other men will sit under.

Benjamin Graham

Plant More Trees Quotes #1424136
#8. Hence it is that old men do plant young trees, the fruit whereof another age shall take.

Sir John Davies

Plant More Trees Quotes #1324936
#9. Plant the seeds of Love in your hearts. Let them grow into trees of Service and shower the sweet fruit of Ananda. Share the Ananda with all. That is the proper way to celebrate the Birthday

Sathya Sai Baba

Plant More Trees Quotes #1292146
#10. It is pointless for a woodcutter to shed tears for the trees he'd chopped all his life. He can't bring them back but he can plant new ones and in doing so he would have compensated and redeemed himself of his wrongdoings.

Chirag Tulsiani

Plant More Trees Quotes #1053331
#11. I have the opportunity, once more to right some wrongs, to pray for peace, to plant some trees, and sing more joyful songs.

William Arthur Ward

Plant More Trees Quotes #828399
#12. Our moral faculties must be placed highest, else they can no more flourish than could a plant growing under the shade and drip of trees.

Henry Ward Beecher

Plant More Trees Quotes #787011
#13. Anybody can dig a hole and plant a tree. But make sure it survives. You have to nurture it, you have to water it, you have to keep at it until it becomes rooted so it can take care or itself. There are so many enemies of trees.

Wangari Maathai

Plant More Trees Quotes #672811
#14. You need to get out of your comfort zone, return to the Midwest, see some family, and, as cheesy as it sounds, work the land - plant some trees, maybe take up watercolor.


Plant More Trees Quotes #366246
#15. You can drive an SUV, but there's a balance. If you do that, maybe use energy-efficient light bulbs at home or just be conscious of switching off lights. If you can afford to drive an SUV, maybe you can afford to make a donation to a wind farm or plant some trees. It's all about balance.

Orlando Bloom

Plant More Trees Quotes #352703
#16. Plant trees. They give us two of the most crucial elements for our survival: oxygen and books.

A. Whitney Brown

Plant More Trees Quotes #304507
#17. We never plant trees in other people's yard and hope them to grow. We plant them in ours, water them and take care of them. We should do the same with our lives. Never lay it on others.

Saru Singhal

Plant More Trees Quotes #222952
#18. Life conspires to plant us in the funniest of gardens where the trees need an especial form of tending

Sarah Hall

Plant More Trees Quotes #118685

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