Top 86 Parasites That Quotes

#1. Wrong like they all caught some exotic disease and died, and the station is now infected with deadly parasites that kill you with bloody hemorrhaging out the eyeballs?
Or wrong like they don't want to encourage visitors?

Ann Aguirre

Parasites That Quotes #730538
#2. No view of men except as sacrificial animals and profiteers-on-sacrifice, as victims and parasites - that it permits no concept of a benevolent co-existence

Ayn Rand

Parasites That Quotes #848317
#3. Politics. From the Latin poly, meaning many, and tics, meaning blood-sucking parasites. That may be incorrect, but it's not wrong.

Garon Whited

Parasites That Quotes #1112885
#4. A self made man is a rarity and hated by the parasites that floated to fame thought their parents, relatives and contacts.

Al Goldstein

Parasites That Quotes #1451008
#5. Cultures are mental parasites that emerge accidentally, and thereafter take advantage of all people infected by them.

Yuval Noah Harari

Parasites That Quotes #1514845
#6. But intolerant,narrow minds with no imagination are like parasites that transform the host,change form,and continue to thrive. They're a lost cause, and I don't want anyone like that coming in here.

Haruki Murakami

Parasites That Quotes #681995
#7. That parasite: the past.

Natalie Clifford Barney

Parasites That Quotes #1000940
#8. Live loath'd and long,
Most smiling, smooth, detested parasites,
Courteous destroyers, affable wolves, meek bears,
You fools of fortune, trencher friends, time flies
Cap and knee slaves, vapors, and minute jacks.

William Shakespeare

Parasites That Quotes #721640
#9. Experts say that children are not born criminals, nor pampered parasites. They are made that way by the environment in which they live.

J. Edgar Hoover

Parasites That Quotes #992678
#10. Why do ants alone have parasites whose intoxicating moistures they drink and for whom they will sacrifice even their young? Because as they are the most highly socialized of insects, so their lives are the most intolerable.

Cyril Connolly

Parasites That Quotes #957869
#11. Believe me, when you're dealing with infectious alien mind parasites, I always find primitive is best. Then, calmly, almost as if it were a recognised form of verbal punctuation, she took aim with the needler and gutted a rat which had dared to stray into the corridor.

Alastair Reynolds

Parasites That Quotes #917010
#12. I could actually do a lot more if I didn't have things go wrong. So, what I am trying to do now is stay light on the parasites. If you are not drained by anyone you can do way more.

Ronnie Apteker

Parasites That Quotes #905501
#13. There is no talent so ardently supported, nor generously rewarded, as the ability to convince parasites they are victims.

Thomas Sowell

Parasites That Quotes #875562
#14. All of them, you see, misfits, all good for nothing, cowards, baboons, meek wolves, parasites, every man jack of them, people afraid to face their own responsibilities, fight their own fight, ready to go anywhere, as Tolstoy well perceived -

Malcolm Lowry

Parasites That Quotes #873959
#15. Lankester's mistake didn't stem simply from a loathing for all parasites;


Parasites That Quotes #868954
#16. Repetita iuvant. Italy, a land of great saints, poets, sailors, artists, statesmen, businessmen, lawyers, intellectuals, professors, journalists, whores, gangsters, religious parasites and dickheads.

William C. Brown

Parasites That Quotes #867672
#17. Cosmo was halfway through a particularly nasty dream involving two Parasites, Ziplock, and a hair dryer,

Eoin Colfer

Parasites That Quotes #826225
#18. Diseases do not discriminate, parasites know no bigotry, wild fires hold no opinion on what or who they incinerate, and a river will just as soon swallow up a fawn as it will drag down and drown the lioness chasing it.

John Zande

Parasites That Quotes #822801
#19. He is a young man with a future of power and opportunity and we are young women destined to be either wives and mothers at the very best, or spinster parasites at the worst.

Philippa Gregory

Parasites That Quotes #794739
#20. Hope is a flatterer, but the most upright of all parasites; for she frequents the poor man's hut, as well as the palace of his superior.

William Shenstone

Parasites That Quotes #787125
#21. To be sure, the Road of Excess leads to the Palace of Wisdom, even when it takes you through the Valley of the Nest of Spiders. Just watch out for parasites.

Samuel R. Delany

Parasites That Quotes #786625
#22. The copyright industry has managed to kill civil liberties for their own children, ushering in a dystopian surveillance machine, merely to avoid taking responsibility for their own business failures. I lack words to quantify my contempt for these utter parasites.

Rick Falkvinge

Parasites That Quotes #785793
#23. I am a parasite off beauty.

Peter Beard

Parasites That Quotes #774210
#24. To please men and to kill parasites are the only uses tobacco-its ultimate effects are the same in both cases.

John Harvey Kellogg

Parasites That Quotes #746721
#25. Societies need self sacrificing ignorant crowd;
Religions need fearful followers;
Systems need obedient slaves;
Corporate world needs compulsive consumers,

Saurabh Sharma

Parasites That Quotes #734004
#26. Resentments and grudges are two of the main culprits that perpetuate cycles of self-abuse and victimhood. Stowed away inside you like parasites, they deplete you of your God-given life force and separate you from your inherent worth, your joy, and the love in your heart.

Debbie Ford

Parasites That Quotes #1870202
#27. Unemployed and dependent - is not as parasite.

Jason Read

Parasites That Quotes #1132441
#28. Men who reject the responsibility of thought and reason can only exist as parasites on the thinking of others.

Ayn Rand

Parasites That Quotes #1867895
#29. As to the strangest claim in the novel: that only 10 percent of the cells in our body are human (and the rest are bacteria and parasites). This is true! There is a wonderful book exploring this topic that is as horrific as it is humorous, Human Wildlife by Dr. Robert Buckman.

James Rollins

Parasites That Quotes #1529073
#30. To say that poverty explains terror is to slander those caught in poverty who choose to lead worthy lives. [Terrorists] are not the oppressed, but they are the parasites of the oppressed.

Sean Wilentz

Parasites That Quotes #1473869
#31. It's humbling to think that all animals, including human beings, are parasites of the plant world.

Isaac Asimov

Parasites That Quotes #1286686
#32. When you make machines that are capable of obeying instructions slavishly, and among those instructions are 'duplicate me' instructions, then of course the system is wide open to exploitation by parasites.

Richard Dawkins

Parasites That Quotes #1266445
#33. No compassion will be tolerated for the Jews. We deny the Pope's statement that there is but one human race. The Jews are parasites.

Robert Ley

Parasites That Quotes #1223837
#34. Remember that physical beauty is evolution's way of assuring us that the other person doesn't have too many intestinal parasites.

Ben Bernanke

Parasites That Quotes #1193854
#35. When what one does, reps, or 'spits', repetitively, is foul or beastly - one summons spiritual undertakers to dine on fleshly parasites. In various forms, nature's law purges all that becomes wasteful. Change your game, or the game will change you.

T.F. Hodge

Parasites That Quotes #1186368
#36. Councils lacking direction are breeding grounds for parasites.

Grant McLachlan

Parasites That Quotes #1136585
#37. All the wise world is little else, in nature, But parasites or subparasites.

Ben Jonson

Parasites That Quotes #1011070
#38. A lawyer is either a social engineer or he is a parasite on society.

Charles Hamilton Houston

Parasites That Quotes #1129192
#39. I'm necessarily parasitic in a way. I have done well as a parasite. But I'm still a parasite.

Malcolm Gladwell

Parasites That Quotes #1110235
#40. Animals in the wild lead lives of compulsion and necessity within an unforgiving social hierarchy in an environment where the supply of fear is high and the supply of food is low and where territory must constantly be defended and parasites forever endured.

Yann Martel

Parasites That Quotes #1066603
#41. The literary publishers were the Lords of Culture, the master parasites sitting on top of this swarming dunghill.

Jonathan Galassi

Parasites That Quotes #1046876
#42. Stay away from lazy parasites, who perch on you just to satisfy their needs, they do not come to alleviate your burdens, hence, their mission is to distract, detract and extract, and make you live in abject poverty.

Michael Bassey

Parasites That Quotes #1038969
#43. The animals had filled the tidy new freight cars with the lingering smell of their sweat and waste, parasites infesting the cracks between the hoof-dented boards, the feeling of imminent slaughter staying with the train forever. Soon

Ian Kharitonov

Parasites That Quotes #1034290
#44. Inevitably, malaria parasites developed resistance to commonly used drugs, and mosquito vectors became insecticide-resistant.

Anthony Fauci

Parasites That Quotes #1031746
#45. To learn more about parasites, check out Parasite Rex, by Carl Zimmer. There are many, many books on the subject, but his is one of the most accessible jumping-on points you're likely to find. Welcome to the war.

Mira Grant

Parasites That Quotes #1019525
#46. But if they're so successful, why haven't parasites taken over the world? The answer is simple: they have. We just haven't noticed. That's because successful parasites don't kill us; they become part of us, making us perform all the work to keep them alive and help them reproduce.

Daniel Suarez

Parasites That Quotes #1014323
#47. We are seeds as well as parasites to the earth. We can either give or take, depending on our perception of growth.

Zephyr McIntyre

Parasites That Quotes #289945
#48. Some see the glass half full, some see it half empty, and some see it crawling with toxic alien parasites who want to devour your pancreas.

James Alan Gardner

Parasites That Quotes #460996
#49. Man is the only animal which esteems itself rich in proportion to the number and voracity of its parasites.

George Bernard Shaw

Parasites That Quotes #460613
#50. The belief is growing on me that the disease is communicated by the bite of the mosquito ... She always injects a small quantity of fluid with her bite - what if the parasites get into the system in this manner.

Ronald Ross

Parasites That Quotes #453274
#51. Hatred is a parasite that devours all. One doesn't build upon hatred, but upon love.

Henri Matisse

Parasites That Quotes #437481
#52. Speculation is a parasite feeding upon values, creating none.

Andrew Carnegie

Parasites That Quotes #421444
#53. We must put an end to both economic freeloading and economic exploitation in America. There must be no place for parasites who draw their sustenance from society without giving anything in return.

George Lincoln Rockwell

Parasites That Quotes #358863
#54. It seems the most logical thing in the world to believe that the natural resources of the Earth, upon which the race depends for food, clothing and shelter, should be owned collectively by the race instead of being the private property of a few social parasites.

Ralph Chaplin

Parasites That Quotes #309867
#55. The biggest problems were to do with ... well, to get that successful when you're so young, it attracts hangers-on, parasites, people who want to feed off you.

Mike Oldfield

Parasites That Quotes #305399
#56. An artist strives to frame his ideals in an image; to challenge his audience and to make his vision immortal. But the parasites say 'no, your art must serve the cause ... your ideals endanger the people!'

Andrew Ryan

Parasites That Quotes #294023
#57. I have a real low tolerance for parasites, and you're so close to the limit that I'm already reaching for the flea powder.

Linda Howard

Parasites That Quotes #465190
#58. We all begin life as parasites within the mother, and writers begin their existence imitatively, within the body of letters.

John Updike

Parasites That Quotes #266437
#59. I'm not the one going for a biology degree. I'm just a philosophy major who eats people.

Scott Westerfeld

Parasites That Quotes #194402
#60. Things which matter cost money, and we've got to spend the money if we do not want to have generations of parasites rather than generations of productive citizens.

Barbara Jordan

Parasites That Quotes #147287
#61. And tourism is an ugly business, it's not fit work for human beings. It's hosting parasites.

Kim Stanley Robinson

Parasites That Quotes #127465
#62. There's a huge swath of humanity that has developed verbal abilities to extract resources from guilt-ridden people.
They used to be priests, and now they're leftists.

Stefan Molyneux

Parasites That Quotes #124232
#63. Every man has inside himself a parasitic being who is acting not at all to his advantage.

William S. Burroughs

Parasites That Quotes #118093
#64. 'American Idol' is sometimes lumped with reality shows and it has that element - folks-next-door battling it out in a contest. But instead of fighting leeches, bugs, parasites and each other, as on CBS's 'Survivor' and other shows that imitate it, the 'American Idol' contestants, of course, sing.

Tom Shales

Parasites That Quotes #105560
#65. People who make a living off other people's fortunes or misfortunes are parasites.

Frank Sinatra

Parasites That Quotes #104543
#66. Alternatively, anyone who favors Intelligent Design in lieu of evolution might pause to wonder why God devoted so much of His intelligence to designing malarial parasites.

David Quammen

Parasites That Quotes #70269
#67. Every club has three types: fans, parasites and people who work their bollocks off, even ladies.

Ken Bates

Parasites That Quotes #597918
#68. There are people who are avaricious parasites. There are psychotic geniuses in control of this planet, and to them human beings are only a commodity to be bought and sold and traded.

Alex Jones

Parasites That Quotes #700210
#69. Bacteria and parasites cannot cause disease processes unless they find their own peculiar morbid soil in which to grow and multiply.

Henry Lindlahr

Parasites That Quotes #687528
#70. Amebic dysentery is endemic throughout the world, affecting 17.6% of the population. In the US, it affects 13.6% ... No one..really knows the extent of the parasites and the diseases they cause.

Ruth Winter

Parasites That Quotes #674057
#71. But demons come from other worlds. They're interdimensional parasites. They come to a world and use it up. They can't build, just destroy - they can't make, only use. They drain a place to ashes and when it's dead, they move on to the next one.

Cassandra Clare

Parasites That Quotes #673146
#72. (This town) doesn't look like anything; it isn't anything. Its five tin-roofed huts cling to the skinny tracks of the Uganda Railway like parasites on a vine.

Beryl Markham

Parasites That Quotes #672000
#73. Moon couldn't think of anything reassuring to say. They were trapped inside a leviathan, standing in a tunnel gnawed out by giant parasites. Going blank with terror was a perfectly rational way to react, especially for a groundling.

Martha Wells

Parasites That Quotes #666227
#74. Perfect replication is the enemy of any robust system ... Lacking a central nervous system - much less a brain - the parasite is a simple system designed to compromise a very specific target host. The more uniform the host, the more effective the infestation.

Daniel Suarez

Parasites That Quotes #650654
#75. People were like parasites burrowed into the smog.

Chen Quifan

Parasites That Quotes #647460
#76. There are more than 200,000 people in Maputo who are nothing more than parasites.

Samora Machel

Parasites That Quotes #625363
#77. The damn vermin are so numerous that I am afraid to sneeze, for fear the damned lice would regard it as gong for dinner, and eat me up - Robert Cobb Kennedy

Tobin T. Buhk

Parasites That Quotes #706546
#78. People who dismiss the unemployed and dependent as 'parasites' fail to understand economics and parasitism. A successful parasite is one that is not recognized by its host, one that can make its host work for it without appearing as a burden. Such is the ruling class in a capitalist society.

Jason Read

Parasites That Quotes #587855
#79. The greater part of critics are parasites, who, if nothing had been written, would find nothing to write.

J.B. Priestley

Parasites That Quotes #578475
#80. Some people are only "believers" because they want God to give them things; a thrill, money, spiritual gifts etc. but they never think twice about what THEY can give to God. They are Christian parasites, always wanting more, rather than Christian servants, who are always willing to give.

Lisa Bedrick

Parasites That Quotes #571333
#81. Her belly ruptures full of parasites,
Her eyes sink back in her skull
Her butchered wrists, dangle
From the edge of the bathtub
Her children cuddle against her Desperate for love she cannot give

Wrath James White

Parasites That Quotes #545059
#82. What the police in their ignorance have not figured out is that they have lost all credibility since World War II. They are sort of parasites on the fringe of society and do no particular good for anyone except possibly themselves.

Gore Vidal

Parasites That Quotes #536129
#83. I'll bet you a six-pack of Coors that pretty soon, people will be discovering Cretaceous parasites inside Cretaceous bones. The possibility of looking into epidemiology and pathology is pretty cool.

Robert T. Bakker

Parasites That Quotes #517395
#84. Achievers must not be penalized or parasites rewarded if we aspire to a healthy, productive, and ethical society.

William E. Simon

Parasites That Quotes #487131
#85. We humans are the greatest of earth's parasites.

Martin H. Fischer

Parasites That Quotes #479891
#86. The activities of these parasites and degenerates gave rise to Cubism, Fauvism, Futurism, Pointillism, Constructivism, Orphism, Surrealism, Dada, and also Impossibleism, Supersurrealism, Dynamic Double-Dog Realism, Ishkabibbleism, and Mama, which is like Dada only nicer.

Daniel Pinkwater

Parasites That Quotes #465837

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