Top 50 On Promotion Quotes

#1. Hammer down product fundamentals first. Make sure you've got something that works before doubling down on promotion and marketing. Create a groundswell of organic support, and only then leverage PR and advertising to spread the word.

Ryan Holmes

On Promotion Quotes #455107
#2. This is a business built on promotion. We've been giving music away to radio stations for 30 years.

Hilary Rosen

On Promotion Quotes #453414
#3. I enjoyed the promotion with K9 on my introduction day.

Lalla Ward

On Promotion Quotes #807874
#4. When we came off the tour for the last album, we started on this one. We've just been chipping away at it. We're not in that much of a hurry, because when we release a Blur album, that's a three year promotion and touring cycle.

Dave Rowntree

On Promotion Quotes #1773572
#5. I travel abroad constantly on book promotion and research, and the Internet is invaluable to me for accessing U.K. news in places such as America, which most of the time hasn't heard of England.

Peter James

On Promotion Quotes #859677
#6. I've taken this year to concentrate fully on the promotion of 'The Lady.' This movie has been so meaningful; until we have premiered in every part of the world and encouraged as many people as possible to shine the spotlight on the Burmese people and Daw Suu, I will not have a next project.

Michelle Yeoh

On Promotion Quotes #886695
#7. When I get all focused on songwriting, I get into all the marketing and promotion that we do to make it happen. Then the right song comes along and blows it all out of the water. The right song will do it for you every time.

Ronnie Dunn

On Promotion Quotes #889477
#8. Things I wonder about the FBI's list of the "Ten Most Wanted" criminals: When they catch a guy and he comes off the list, does number eleven automatically move up? And does he see it as a promotion? Does he call his criminal friends and say, "I made it, Bruno. I'm finally on the list"?

George Carlin

On Promotion Quotes #954159
#9. I've never been good at self-promotion. And my URL is really obscure. And for years and years, there was nothing about me on my website.

David Rees

On Promotion Quotes #964411
#10. Death from this life is just graduation from this grade. It's our release, our graduation, our promotion. School is out! We've finished our schooling in this grade and we pass on to the next grade.

David Berg

On Promotion Quotes #979088
#11. Quite simply, promotions are not just functions of ability, values, or the numbers you hit, but also rest critically on how you are perceived.

Sylvia Ann Hewlett

On Promotion Quotes #1063844
#12. The night went on like this, a mix of serious talk, utter bullshit, self-promotion, and slumber-party giddiness.

Scott Westerfeld

On Promotion Quotes #1064450
#13. It fit pretty nicely into my schedule because we'd pretty much finished the bulk of promotion for Mandatory Fun and were just getting geared up for the World Tour so this was a nice time for me to be working on it.

Al Yankovic

On Promotion Quotes #1071741
#14. The players in the promotion business today are, by and large, not in it for the art anymore. It's all about how many bucks can you make on a concert.

Sid Bernstein

On Promotion Quotes #1107895
#15. We can build influence by self promotion, but God will only promote those who do not promote themselves. That which is built on self-promotion will have to be maintained by human striving. Those who allow God to build the house have taken a yoke that is easy and a burden that is light.

Rick Joyner

On Promotion Quotes #1324451
#16. I love the incredible variety of demands directing makes on you, from the entrepreneur to the hustler to the deal-maker to the writer; to directing actors and the camera and working with music, sound, marketing and promotion. It uses so many sides of your brain.

Tom Hooper

On Promotion Quotes #1377711
#17. Seven pillars make or kill a brand,' says Goenka. 'Packaging, pricing, product, promotion, distribution, advertising, and margins to retailers. We ensure there is equal focus on all these aspects.

Nikhil Inamdar

On Promotion Quotes #1516605
#18. There are already laws prohibiting the promotion of hatred and we are now considering new laws to establish limits on the use of the Internet and other forms of communication in a way that might be harmful to us all.

Allan Rock

On Promotion Quotes #1518927
#19. I wrote a novel about Israelis who live their own lives on the slope of a volcano. Near a volcano one still falls in love, one still gets jealous, one still wants a promotion, one still gossips.

Amos Oz

On Promotion Quotes #1529534
#20. The friendship between officers is tarnished by the need for one or another to be promoted. The kindness of a captain is predicated on the obedience and efficiency of his underlings.

Sara Sheridan

On Promotion Quotes #1554283
#21. Kevyn, I'm promoting you from Tech Sergeant to Munitions Commander. I want you to take responsibility for all Company weapons.
Munitions Commander? Why me?
I don't know. Call it "suspicion of extreme competence" on my part.
-Captain Tagon & Commander Kevyn Andreyasn

Howard Tayler

On Promotion Quotes #1588495
#22. But the manager's bought wisely - the players who've come in have taken us on to a different level and the players who won promotion have also performed at the top level, so long may it continue.

Teddy Sheringham

On Promotion Quotes #1627103
#23. I established the rule that once we hire an employee, his school records are a matter of the past and are no longer used to evaluate his work or decide on his promotion.

Akio Morita

On Promotion Quotes #1639285
#24. What constitutes wise policy . . . will depend on whether the immediate objective of policy is the promotion of political ends, the protection of vested interests, or the satisfaction of consumer needs.

George W. Stocking

On Promotion Quotes #1665241
#25. Romney is right that the Obama vision is too centered on government. But his is too centered on the promotion of business and wealth creation at the expense of everything else.

John Podhoretz

On Promotion Quotes #1671823
#26. The different Ministries have to work more on the promotion of the country, to build Kosovo's public image. Concrete projects must be assembled, in order to activate our businessmen to have more contacts. We have to create a positive image about ourselves.

Ibrahim Rugova

On Promotion Quotes #1723462
#27. A staff increase may produce a temporary improvement, but the promotion process eventually produces its effect on the newcomers and they, too, rise to their levels of incompetence.

Laurence J. Peter

On Promotion Quotes #371837
#28. I am not knocking advances that provide a healthier life and alleviate suffering or unnecessary premature death. I am advocating inclusion of education on end-of-life matters and the promotion of understanding, conversation, and planning.

Lisa J. Shultz

On Promotion Quotes #5781
#29. A lot of movies will deliver on the promotion but when you go see them, everything you laughed at was in the trailer.

Ice Cube

On Promotion Quotes #22292
#30. The demand in India is to have a hit, which becomes a promotion for the movie and makes people come to the theater. You have five songs and different promotions based on those. But when I do Western films, the need for originality is greater. Then I become very conscious about the writing.

A.R. Rahman

On Promotion Quotes #33019
#31. I was really amazed when I started hearing 'Songbird' on the radio. I couldn't believe that the record company promotion department had actually convinced radio music directors to play it -because there wasn't anything like it on the radio at the time.

Kenny G

On Promotion Quotes #47892
#32. Sponsorship involves putting your own political capital at risk, so they are going to help that person to succeed. Women get promoted; they don't get sponsored. Women know they are on their own if they get that promotion.

Beth Brooke

On Promotion Quotes #153591
#33. Advancement and promotion in Mystic Masonry is not dependent on favor; it cannot be given till it has been earned and the candidate has stored in himself the power to rise, any more than a pistol can be fired till it has been loaded.

Max Heindel

On Promotion Quotes #218507
#34. The greatest promotion I ever had on a newspaper was when 'The Washington Post' suddenly promoted me from city-side general assignment reporter to Latin American correspondent and sent me off to Cuba. Fidel Castro had just come to power. It was a very exciting assignment, but also very serious.

Tom Wolfe

On Promotion Quotes #226014
#35. I don't do interviews at all when I'm on tour, so this time, on a day off, I'll do that kind of thing a little bit. I don't do big promotion schedules, not when I'm touring.

Bryan Ferry

On Promotion Quotes #294445
#36. Self Promotion on Goodreads or Amazon forums is a cardinal sin. Everywhere else on the internet, it's just part of life. If you're running for President, that IS life.

Jack Bee

On Promotion Quotes #308597
#37. [On book promotion:] The reward for writing well appears to be not to be able to do it for a long time.

Rosellen Brown

On Promotion Quotes #344146
#38. The Internet plays an ever more significant role in the sedulous promotion of terrorism. We know that in the U.K., groups gather to view the preaching of violent men located many thousands of miles away and that this does have a powerful effect on young minds.

Pauline Neville-Jones

On Promotion Quotes #362706
#39. Every obstacle is a hidden step on the path to promotion.

Sunday Adelaja

On Promotion Quotes #801185
#40. Equally important for the promotion of excellence in the university is an emphasis on shared governance. The faculty needs to be involved directly in the process of running the university and in the setting of priorities.

Henry Rosovsky

On Promotion Quotes #376836
#41. Leaders are not modest, and more importantly, the extensive social science research on narcissism, self-promotion, and similar constructs shows that these qualities and behaviors are useful for getting hired, achieving promotions, keeping one's job, and obtaining a higher salary.

Jeffrey Pfeffer

On Promotion Quotes #408424
#42. We're so very focused on ourselves and on self-promotion. It goes on all day with Facebook and Twitter and Instagram.

Nancy Jo Sales

On Promotion Quotes #430848
#43. Try not to sound like those singer-songwriters that go on and on with ten-minute, barely intelligible stories that everyone endures until the next song starts.

Loren Weisman

On Promotion Quotes #468226
#44. The face that feigns acknowledgment that the better man got the promotion, even though deep down you and they both know that you really are the better man and that the best man is the woman on the second floor.

Paul Beatty

On Promotion Quotes #513281
#45. The more opportunities people have to experience television on different platforms, the more television they consume overall. So there actually has been a benefit, but the ratings have gone down. But we've seen kind of the horizontal benefit of this. And it remains a great, great promotion engine.

Anne Sweeney

On Promotion Quotes #549520
#46. Social media, despite its reputation as the ultimate agent of self-promotion, actually feeds on self-loathing.

Meghan Daum

On Promotion Quotes #618063
#47. God's priorities may be a bit different than ours.
Have you ever thought about that?
Have you ever considered that while you've been working on getting a promotion and moving to a safer neighborhood - God's been working on something else entirely? God's had something else planned?

Cole Ryan

On Promotion Quotes #655807
#48. On Gortician, a promotion was survival. Firings were literal. You were incinerated, and your successor's first job was sweeping your ashes up for Ned's Atomic
Dustbin, Gortician's recycle center.

Jason Z. Christie

On Promotion Quotes #680190
#49. God promotes you based on your heart not based on your head. Your head might be right but if your heart is not right you will mess up the promotion. Men looks at the outward but God looks at the heart. From the heart flows the issues of life.

Patience Johnson

On Promotion Quotes #692773
#50. The class focuses intensely on making people more comfortable with doing a wider range of things - such as networking, self-promotion, building their own personal brand, cleverly acquiring resources, getting known - that they may have been less comfortable with before.

Jeffrey Pfeffer

On Promotion Quotes #746105

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