Top 27 Non Religious Christmas Quotes

#1. ...there should be no place in a portfolio for hedge funds. There are lots of reasons, but the main one is simple: Investing in hedge funds is a great way to increase the odds of underperformance.

Peter Mallouk

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #778458
#2. Xmas Trivia: Before it became a major shopping holiday, Christmas is believed to have had a "religious" meaning.

Andy Borowitz

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #1832740
#3. I am always amazed by the novel angles that people come up with for kids' Christmas books. Even if a family is not religious, who could resist, say, "Olive, the Other Reindeer," about Olive the dog who thinks the song refers to her and heads for the North Pole to help Santa out?

Jabari Asim

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #1567058
#4. The Lord is God only of them that turn to Him, accept Him and live according to His Word

Sunday Adelaja

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #1466201
#5. I love Christmas! I'm not religious, but I love the trappings of the season. I love the decorations, and the music, and Santa, and the festive food, and the cinnamon- and vanilla-infused aromas.

Jane Cleland

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #1431611
#6. The true celebration of Christmas is when we ponder afresh the grace of God who became human, entered history through a virgin's womb, and brought redemption to the world.

David Jeremiah

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #1316053
#7. The Christmas spirit is not what you drink.

Jethro Tull

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #1303549
#8. We limit our success when we mistake the limits of our perception for reality.

Bill Crawford

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #1239305
#9. This notion that's peddled by the religious right - that they are oppressed is not true. Sometimes it's a cynical ploy to move their agenda ahead. The classic example being that somehow secularists are trying to eliminate Christmas, which strikes me as some kind of manufactured controversy.

Barack Obama

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #1039883
#10. Religious symbols should be visible in public space, in a dignified and non-provocative manner. Christmas trees here, Jewish menorahs there and, further along, a minaret - these symbols represent human life in all its diversity.

Tariq Ramadan

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #1005067
#11. The Supreme Court has ruled that they cannot have a nativity scene in Washington, D.C. This wasn't for any religious reasons. They couldn't find three wise men and a virgin.

Jay Leno

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #956047
#12. We can see nothing whatever of the soul unless it is visible in the expression of the countenance; one might call the faces at a large assembly of people a history of the human soul written in a kind of Chinese ideograms.

Georg C. Lichtenberg

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #933937
#13. Nothing in fiction is so fantastic as is this truth of the Incarnation.

J.I. Packer

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #880656
#14. Where's Barack Obama when Christmas references are being erased from civic calendars? Is he crying out in defense of religious liberty and our First Amendment? Nope. He's as silent as a church mouse. And animosity toward religion continues to grow.

Chuck Norris

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #795254
#15. Live life carefully but save time for fun.

Cindy Lou Moldovan

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #30112
#16. Christmas is a story that has both religious and pagan origins, and to ignore its power is to ignore the power of myth - those symbols and legends that help us to ground our lives.

Jay Parini

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #644341
#17. If a moment could transform a lifetime, much time remained to weep over its implications.

A.H. Septimius

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #461571
#18. Most Christmas carols have no obvious religious content, or at least that's noticeable to most people. I mean, it is almost by definition, a cultural phenomenon, all these songs, even though they point to this very religious holiday. They're not religious songs in effect anymore.

Howard Dean

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #347351
#19. Speaking from my own religious tradition in this Christmas season, 2,000 years ago a homeless woman gave birth to a homeless child in a manger because the inn was full.

Al Gore

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #347041
#20. Do give books - religious or otherwise - for Christmas. They're never fattening, seldom sinful, and permanently personal.

Lenore Hershey

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #345772
#21. Merry Christmas to all. A Pagan holiday (BC) becomes a Religious holiday (AD). Which then becomes a Shopping holiday (USA).

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #297266
#22. Christmas is joy, religious joy, an inner joy of light and peace.

Pope Francis

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #289156
#23. Songs that aren't even remotely connected to Christmas are now officially canonized Christmas tunes. 'Frosty the Snowman,' 'Jingle Bells' and 'Winter Wonderland' never mention anything religious but are still notches in Christmas' belt of musical dominance.


Non Religious Christmas Quotes #210844
#24. Christmas is a season which almost all Christians observe in one way or another. Some keep it as a religious season. Some keep it as a holiday. But all over the world, wherever there are Christians, in one way or another Christmas is kept.

J.C. Ryle

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #146050
#25. Merry Christmas!

Pope John Paul II

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #136992
#26. I wanted to have more songs with religious backgrounds. The Christmas record has strong, traditional hymns, but it also has a song called 'Christmas in Heaven' about missing someone that you love that's passed on, and wondering what's going on up there on Christmas.

Scotty McCreery

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #76921
#27. Once again, we come to the holiday season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his choice.

Dave Barry

Non Religious Christmas Quotes #61080

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