Top 100 Nietzsche's Quotes
#1. Nietzsche's break with Schopenhauer rests on precisely this point; it is a matter of knowing whether the will is unitary or multiple.
Gilles Deleuze
#2. Nietzsche's my favorite. He's just insane.
Mike Tyson
#3. Nietzsche's accomplishment is that he permits us to see corruption from the inside.
Robert Payne
#4. I cannot recognize Christianity in his (Nietzsche's) rants against the church, but I do recognize too much of myself.
John Mark Reynolds
#5. There is thus a certain plausibility to Nietzsche's doctrine, though it is dynamite. He maintains in effect that the gulf separating Plato from the average man is greater than the cleft between the average man and a chimpanzee.
Walter Kaufmann
#6. In Nietzsche's view nihilism is not a Weltanschauung that occurs at some time and place or another; it is rather the basic character of what happens in Occidental history.
Martin Heidegger
#7. Few things in life are certain, and one of them is that you can turn on the television at three in the morning and someone will be singing and dancing on the Indian channel. Proof of Nietzsche's theory of eternal recurrence.
Jessica Zafra
#8. If in Nietzsche's thinking the prior tradition of Western thought is gathered and completed in a decisive respect, then the confrontation with Nietzsche becomes one with all Western thought hitherto.
Martin Heidegger
#9. This place [USA] is exploding with young people who are - they're like Nietzsche's hammer - going to break everything and make something better. The creative energy in this country, and what people are coming up with is very hopeful.
Edward Norton
#10. They are Nietzsche's over-men, these primitive Albanians - something between kings and tigers.
Henry Noel Brailsford
#11. Nietzsche's point is that the world does not present itself as an indifferent array of inert facts. The world tempts and repulses, threatens and charms; certain features impress themselves upon us, others recede into the perphery, unnoticed. Our experience of the world is fundamentally value-laden.
Paul Katsafanas
#12. Be careful who you choose for an enemy because that is who you become most like, Anna tosses Nietzsche's quote up into the air. She serves up words she has heard me say in the past.
Patricia Cornwell
#13. Look at Mann's reading habits, his explicit comments on Nietzsche, and his copy of Birth of Tragedy, and it starts to seem doubtful that this work of Nietzsche's played much role in the gestation of the novella.
Philip Kitcher
#14. Nietzsche's ideas and plans: for example, the idea of giving up the whole wretched academic world to form a secular monastic community.
Karl Jaspers
#15. A curious thought experiment ... Nietzsche's message to us was to live life in such a way that we would be willing to repeat the same life eternally
Irvin D. Yalom
#16. The will to power, the force of desire, appears as an insensitive urge to dominate. But several points in Nietzsche's work speak against such a reading. The "self" includes the desire above all for self-overcoming. It is our own limits we most seek to break.
Karmen MacKendrick
#17. Here was Nietzsche's will to power at work, the pure physical instinct brought on by the desire to survive, to win, to prove myself better, to test myself and not be found wanting.
Peter Gregoire
#18. when Nietzsche's fame had begun to spread rapidly, she climbed on the bandwagon. She acquired the sole rights to all his writings, including even the letters that he had sent to others. She sued those who published material to which she could claim a right.
Walter Kaufmann
#19. One of the principal motifs of Nietzsche's work is that Kant had not carried out a true critique because he was not able to pose the problem of critique in terms of values.
Gilles Deleuze
#20. The primary ambition of Nietzsche's critique of knowledge is ... to demonstrate that 'truths' are fictions masking moral commitments.
John Carroll
#21. Without self-discovery," Hahn wrote, extending an idea of Nietzsche's, "a person may still have self-confidence, but it is a self-confidence built on ignorance and it melts in the face of heavy burdens.
Andrew Solomon
#22. I wore Nietzsche's eyes. Now that I step back to see, I haven't been me.
Paula Cole
#23. The thirst for equality can express itself either as a desire to draw everyone down to one's level, or to raise oneself and everyone else up.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#25. Schopenhauer had been Hitler's philosophical god in the early days. In power it was Nietzsche.
Ernst Hanfstaengl
#26. Lust is only a sweet poison for the weakling, but for those who will with a lion's heart it is the reverently reserved wine of wines.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#27. Hell is only the Cringe Eternal and the Place of our Self's Undoing. When Nietzsche proclaimed "God is Dead!" he forgot to add that Satan is also dead and we are free from all that antique tat.
Grant Morrison
#29. He has achieved what Nietzsche liked to call 'The Great Health' - rare humour, valour, and resilience of spirit: despite being, or because he is, afflicted with Tourette's.
Oliver Sacks
#31. I loved Debussy, Stravinsky, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, anything with romantic melodies, especially the nocturnes. Nietzsche was a hero, especially with 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra.' He gets a bad rap; he's very misunderstood. He's a maker of individuals, and he was a teacher of teachers.
Joni Mitchell
#32. Creating - that is the great salvation from suffering, and life's alleviation. But for the creator to appear, suffering itself is needed, and much transformation.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#33. A good seat on a horse steals away your opponent's courage and your onlooker's heart-what reason is there to attack? Sit like one who has conquered?
Friedrich Nietzsche
#34. Moralities and religions are the principal means by which one can make whatever one wishes out of man, provided one possesses a superfluity of creative forces and can assert one's will over long periods of time in the form of legislation and customs.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#35. What the father has hidden comes out in the son, and often have I found the son to be a father's revealed secret.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#36. When Friedrich Nietzsche mocked Immanuel Kant for having "discovered a moral faculty in man", he inadvertently resolved Kant's dilemma of being unable to identify what exactly constituted his "moral law" for fear of offending against a charge of empiricism from the likes of David Hume.
Joseph B.H. McMillan
#37. When our brain feels too weak to deal with our opponent's objections, our heart answers by casting suspicion on their underlying motives.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#38. You're not very good at being contemplative," Milo said. "You always sound like some bad caricature of a philosopher, like those fortune cookies with 'Confucius say' or the Nietzsche guy from Mystery Men that's always saying 'when you walk on the ground, the ground walks on you.
Amanda Hocking
#39. They say rock is dead. Andy [Warhol] said art is dead. God is dead according to Nietzsche. If everything's dead what's alive? Only technology. We're in the era of technology.
Sean Lennon
#40. When man does not have firm, calm lines on the horizon of his life- mountain and forest lines, as it were- then a man's innermost will becomes agitated, preoccupied, and wistful.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#41. Love: a hybrid emotion made up of various other emotions collaged by some weak individual's mind to try to quell a particular horror that's not been wiped out by more standardized symbols like Christ, etc. Nietzsche, right? Whatever.
Dennis Cooper
#42. Early in the morning, at break of day, in all the freshness and dawn of one's strength, to read a book -I call that vicious!
Friedrich Nietzsche
#44. What really raises one's indignation against suffering is not suffering intrinsically, but the senselessness of suffering
Friedrich Nietzsche
#45. He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster ... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you
Friedrich Nietzsche
#46. Giving style to one's character - a great and rare art! It is exercised by those who see all the strengths and weaknesses of their own natures and then comprehend them in an artistic plan until everything appears as art and reason and even weakness delights the eye.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#48. Man and man's earth are unexhausted and undiscovered. Wake and listen! Verily, the earth shall yet be a source of recovery. Remain faithful to the earth, with the power of your virtue. Let your gift-giving love and your knowledge serve the meaning of the earth.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#49. Many a one cannot loosen his own fetters, but is nevertheless his friend's emancipator.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#50. What makes life 'worth living'? - The awareness that there is something for which one is ready to risk one's life
Friedrich Nietzsche
#51. Precisely the least, the softest, lightest, a lizard's rustling, a breath, a flash, a moment - a little makes the way of the best happiness.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#52. Assuming that rapture is nature's play with man, the Dionysian artist's creative activity is the play with rapture.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#53. The overman ... Who has organized the chaos of his passions, given style to his character, and become creative. Aware of life's terrors, he affirms life without resentment.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#54. Man's task is simple. He should cease letting his existence be a thoughtless accident.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#55. This is Europe's true predicament: together with the fear of man we have also lost the love of man, reverence for man, confidence in man, indeed the will to man. Now the sight of man makes us weary. What is nihilism today if not that?
Friedrich Nietzsche
#57. Sometimes, you have to love beyond yourself! And that's how you learn to love! That's why you had to drink the bitter glass of your love.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#58. beauty's voice speaks gently: it appeals only to the most awakened souls.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#59. I can still stand on life's narrowest footing: but who would I be were I to show you this art. Would you like to see a ropedancer?
Friedrich Nietzsche
#60. So long as men praise you, you can only be sure that you are not yet on your own true path but on someone else's.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#61. It is not to everyone's taste that truth should be pronounced pleasant. But at least let no one believe that error becomes truth when it is pronounced unpleasant.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#62. It is difficult to preach, this morality of mediocrity! It may never admit what it is and what it wants! It must speak about restraint and worth and duty and love of one's neighbor.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#63. It's not the intensity of the man, but the duration of his intensity that makes the man great.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#64. And like a wind shall I one day blow amongst them and with my spirit take away their soul's breath: thus my future wills it.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#65. I go into solitude so as not to drink out of everybody's cistern. When I am among the many I live as the many do, and I do not think I really think. After a time it always seems as if they want to banish my self from myself and rob me of my soul.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#66. Where neither love nor hatred is in the game, a woman's game is mediocre.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#68. When one has finished building one's house, one suddenly realizes that in the process one has learned something that one really needed to know in the worst way - before one began.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#69. Just as bones, tissues, intestines, and blood vessels are enclosed in a skin that makes it possible to bear the sight of a human being, so the agitations and passions of the soul are wrapped up in vanity: it is the soul's skin.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#70. One should hold fast one's heart; for when one letteth it go, how quickly doth one's head run away!
Friedrich Nietzsche
#71. It's a philosophical minefield!
Cabal had a brief mental image of Aristotle walking halfway across an open field before unexpectedly disappearing in a fireball. Descartes and Nietzsche looked on appalled. He pulled himself together.
Jonathan L. Howard
#72. Laughter means: taking a mischievous delight in someone else's uneasiness, but with a good conscience.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#74. It was Christianity which first painted the devil on the worlds walls; It was Christianity which first brought sin into the world. Belief in the cure which it offered has now been shaken to it's deepest roots; but belief in the sickness which it taught and propagated continues to exists.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#75. Learning from one's enemies is the best way to love them, for it puts one into a grateful mood toward them.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#76. God's only excuse is that He doesn't exist, remarked Voltaire after a natural disaster that killed many people. Nietzsche loved this quote and wished he'd coined it!
#77. So, he eagerly drove from Basel to Bayreuth before the festival began to watch the last rehearsals of The Ring Cycle. As he watched, it hit him like Odin's bowel movement: the opera was shit.
Dylan Callens
#78. One pays dearly for any kind of mastery on earth, where perhaps one pays too dearly for everything; one is master of one's trade at the price of also being its victim.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#79. There are people who want to make men's lives more difficult for no other reason than the chance it provides them afterwards to offer their prescription for alleviating life; their Christianity, for instance.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#80. For as long as they praise you, never forget that it is not yet your own path that you walk, but another person's.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#81. Whoever has witnessed another's ideal becomes his inexorable judge and as it were his evil conscience.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#82. In reality, hope is the worst of all evils, because it prolongs man's torments.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#83. Seducing one's neighbor to a good opinion and then afterwards believing devoutly in this neighbor's opinion
who can match women in this clever ploy?
Friedrich Nietzsche
#84. To die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly. Death of one's own free choice, death at the proper time, with a clear head and with joyfulness, consummated in the midst of children and witnesses: so that an actual leave-taking is possible while he who is leaving is still there
Friedrich Nietzsche
#86. Man's maturity: to have regained the seriousness that he had as a child at play.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#87. If one uses one's intellect to become master over the unlimited emotions, it may produce a sorry and diversionary effect upon the intellect.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#88. Whoever deliberately attempts to insure confidentiality with another person is usually in doubt as to whether he inspires that person's confidence in him. One who is sure that he inspires confidence attaches little importance to confidentiality.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#89. Language has been mobilised and sent into battle; it directs the human carnage of conflict with its enunciation of emotion, stimulating souls to abandon peace.
Daniel S. Fletcher
#90. Christianity has a hunter's instinct for finding out all those who by one means or another may be driven to despair -although only a part of mankind is capable of such despair. Christianity lies in wait for such as those and pursues them
Friedrich Nietzsche
#94. You say, it's dark. And in truth, I did place a cloud before your sun. But do you not see how the edges of the cloud are already glowing and turning light.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#95. Remember, our kind protects you Normals from the Pures. We are the rope tied between man and super-beast. A rope forever dangling from the precipice.
I tap Zetania's shoulder and ask, "What's a precipice?"
"A cliff's edge," she whispers.
Precipice. Must be a French word.
Daven Anderson
#96. This world, the eternally imperfect, an eternal contradiction's image and imperfect image - an intoxicating joy to its imperfect creator: - thus did the world once seem to me.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#97. Even if it should happen to be a rhyme not suited for every one's ears. I unlearned long ago to have consideration for long ears.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#98. The enormous expectation having to do with sexual love and the shame involved in this expectation degrades all a woman's perspectives from the start.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#99. If you therefore want to depress and minimise man's capacity for pain, well, you must also depress and minimise his capacity for enjoyment.
Friedrich Nietzsche
#100. The strength of a person's spirit would then be measured by how much 'truth' he could tolerate, or more precisely, to what extent he needs to have it diluted, disguised, sweetened, muted, falsified.
Friedrich Nietzsche
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