Top 17 Mousetraps Quotes

#1. Being a Berlin cop in 1942 was a little like putting down mousetraps in a cage full of tigers.

Philip Kerr

Mousetraps Quotes #404316
#2. I'm usually pretty lame when it comes to physical activity, but I'm like a Jedi on the badminton court. It's as if my body was built specifically for it - tall and lanky, with wrists like mousetraps.

Matthew Gray Gubler

Mousetraps Quotes #462194
#3. Let the cats rule the world; first thing they will do is to increase the number of mousetraps! Let the rats rule the world; first thing they will do is to increase the number of dogs!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Mousetraps Quotes #876245
#4. But cemeteries are like mousetraps for memories, catching grief by the tail before it knows what's what.

Jennifer E. Smith

Mousetraps Quotes #1147898
#5. I saw this thing years ago, where somebody filled a gymnasium with ping-pong balls and mousetraps. And then somebody threw just one more ping-pong ball in there, and literally, in five seconds, the room was popping. And then it was dead. And that's how it was with 'Dallas.' Just ... 'boom!'

Patrick Duffy

Mousetraps Quotes #1704356
#6. Breakthrough Advertising is not about building better mousetraps. It is, however, about building larger mice - and then building a terrifying fear of them in your customers.

Eugene Schwartz

Mousetraps Quotes #133379
#7. Now, product placement, whichever way you look at it, whether you like it or you think it's disgusting, or whatever, it's what it is.

Daniel Craig

Mousetraps Quotes #1717513
#8. Look you dead in the face
Now tell me how good does it taste

Rick Ross

Mousetraps Quotes #1462524
#9. You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man's initiative and independence.

William J.H. Boetcker

Mousetraps Quotes #1309834
#10. I'm a Midwesterner! Not being able to have a cheeseburger once in a while would be torture!

Jessica Capshaw

Mousetraps Quotes #1156328
#11. I was a wise-a** college student of twenty at the time and a precocious musician, with somewhat of that screw-you-I'm-a-jazz-player attitude.

Gene Hull

Mousetraps Quotes #904630
#12. It is sometimes wise to forget who we are.

Publilius Syrus

Mousetraps Quotes #893244
#13. I began to sense that I would be a stranger in society for the rest of my life, and the desire was born in me to lead my life outside this society.

Hermann Hesse

Mousetraps Quotes #857819
#14. Like a constant assurance Bailey carried with her, God remained. All things might change. Love could come and go and friendships could fade. But God stayed. It was the truth that kept her company on the loneliest nights.

Karen Kingsbury

Mousetraps Quotes #781499
#15. Behold! I am weary of my wisdom, like the bee that has gathered too much honey; I need hands outstretched to take it from me. I wish to spread it and bestow it, until the wise have once more become joyous in their folly, and the poor happy in their riches.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Mousetraps Quotes #517250
#16. Tremble, ye tyrants, for ye can not die.

Jacques Delille

Mousetraps Quotes #458681
#17. I love words because you can only live one life, but in a novel, you can live a thousand: you contain multitudes.

Richard Flanagan

Mousetraps Quotes #371496

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